How To Stop A Form From Closing If Some Essential Fields Are Not Populated

Mar 31, 2006

I tried putting the following code in the form unload procedure, but although it does generate the correct message, it doesnt stop the form from closing.

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
If [Starttime] > 0 And [Admin_time] = 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please click on the stop button to stop the clock")
Exit Sub
End If
end sub

If the above condition holds, I want the user to click on the stop button before they close down the form. I'm guessing that the form is already commited to closing before the unload event? :o

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Stop Closing Form

Jul 25, 2007

How can I stop user from closing the form if the mantory fields are not filled up? I try using gotocontrol but it is not working.

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How To Stop A Form From Closing After Validating A Field

Jun 12, 2006

I've got a close button on my form as follows:
Private Sub exitForm_Click()
End Sub

In the beforeupdate event of the form I have have following code to validate the forms fields:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'Place an asterisk (*) in the Tag Property of the text boxes you wish to validate.
'Then in the BeforeUpdate Event of the form, copy/paste the following:

Dim msg As String, Style As Integer, Title As String
Dim nl As String, ctl As Control

nl = vbNewLine & vbNewLine

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
If ctl.Tag = "*" And Trim(ctl & "") = "" Then
msg = "Data Required for '" & ctl.Name & "' field!" & nl & _
"You can't save this record until this data is provided!" & nl & _
"Enter the data and try again . . . "
Style = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
Title = "Required Data..."
MsgBox msg, Style, Title
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub

This validation works fine up to a point. If I try to close the form and a required field is empty, I get a message box asking me to fill in the data. The problem is that when I click ok to the message, it shuts down the form, so I have to re-enter all the data again. My question is how do I prevent the form from closing after clicking ok on the message box?

appreciate your help:)

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Forms :: How To Stop OpenArg Code When Field Is Already Populated

Sep 4, 2013

I have an order form that auto-populates details from the customer table into adderss and contact controls. But I don't want it to auto-populate when the underlying order table already has data in the related fields. Here is the code I use on Load form event...

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Use this version if the ID is a number
Dim x As Variant
Dim strControl As String
Dim lngID As Long
'If parameters exist, use them
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then

[Code] ....

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Access Form Auto Populated Fields With Linked Tables

Nov 29, 2013

I am really new to Access 2010 as I normally use SQL so im sure this is a very basic question. I have a form where I have linked some sql tables to a table in access so the data gets stored in SQL. The form consists of many fields the basic fields are Policy ID, Name, Office, Month, Dept etc. At the moment users have to fill this in using comboboxes and text boxes but I want to change this so when the user puts in the Policy ID all the other fields are populated ie in the office field it would have a sql query of or something that looksup the office from the policy id that is entered:

WHERE [Policy_ID]='what is entered into the Policy ID field' and so on.

Also not sure if this works but as I have now linked the tables to SQL does this mean that when a user fills in the information into the form it will then update the SQL table or is this another issue?

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Default, Populated Fields

Nov 2, 2005

Hey All, I have a main form PID and and Building form I need to have the data from the building table display on the building form, upon adding a new record. Since my PID form and building form are linked to show the same records. PID Form contains- PIN NUM, ADDRESS, PARID. The Building form contains, PIN NUM, DATE, PHONE, OWNER, SIZE, LOCATION... I open my main form filter my results for my reocrds to show up... PIN-20053227, ADDRESS-MAINSTREET, PARID-NEWFIE22. This data is obtained through the PARID table. Now I click on the command button to see my building forms, there are 6 records, here I have the ability to add, modify, delete, save... What i want to do is add a new record, but have some generic fields appear from my table. since my name, PIN, address hasnt changed. So I would like to click add, and have appear from the building table, OWNER, PHONE etc... How might I be able to do this?? Thanks- NOTE: Hey all I double posted this incase you didnt notice this in the FORMS, Form.

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Default, Populated Fields

Nov 2, 2005

Hey All, I have a main form PID and and Building form I need to have the data from the building table display on the building form, upon adding a new record. Since my PID form and building form are linked to show the same records. PID Form contains- PIN NUM, ADDRESS, PARID. The Building form contains, PIN NUM, DATE, PHONE, OWNER, SIZE, LOCATION... I open my main form filter my results for my reocrds to show up... PIN-20053227, ADDRESS-MAINSTREET, PARID-NEWFIE22. This data is obtained through the PARID table. Now I click on the command button to see my building forms, there are 6 records, here I have the ability to add, modify, delete, save... What i want to do is add a new record, but have some generic fields appear from my table. since my name, PIN, address hasnt changed. So I would like to click add, and have appear from the building table, OWNER, PHONE etc... How might I be able to do this?? Thanks

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Reports :: Count Of Populated Fields

Apr 13, 2013

If I have a Report, with three fields (all data-type Text) named 'Jan', 'Feb' and 'Mar', and I want to have a fourth field (Unbound) alongside them, providing a count of the number of fields out of these three fields that are populated.

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Reports :: Summary Of Populated Fields In Each Record

Sep 6, 2014

I have a very simple single-table database with 23 fields. Some of the records have only two or three fields populated. I would like to be able to print a summary of only the populated fields in each record.

It would Ideally look something like:
Record 1 Name
Field 1 Title: Field 1 content - Field 2 Title: Field 2 Content - Field 5 Title: Field 5 content
Field 10 Title: Field 10 Content - Field 11 Title: Field 11 content - Field 12 Title: Field 12 Content
Field 21 Title: Field 21 content - Field 22 Title: Field 22 Content

Record 2 Name
Field 1 Title: Field 1 content - Field 2 Title: Field 2 Content - Field 5 Title: Field 5 content
Field 10 Title: Field 10 Content

Record 3 Name
Field 11 Title: Field 11 content - Field 12 Title: Field 12 Content - Field 21 Title: Field 21 content
Field 22 Title: Field 22 Content

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Tables :: Field Is Populated By The Total Of 5 Other Fields?

Aug 5, 2013

i would like to sum up 5 fields and save (or just show it in the form view is enough really) in a seperate field, i have managed to sum the 5 fields, but it summed up all 5 fields in all records, i'd like to have my form show the sum for the record, not the table.

it would be ideal that it would refresh when one of the 5 fields data changes, i.e from 1000 to 2000. again updating in the form view is what is needed.

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Queries :: Fields Populated For Each Record From The Table

Nov 2, 2014

I have a table with multiple fields and each record in the table may not have data for all fields. I need to write a query that will pull only the fields that are populated for each record from the table.

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Modules & VBA :: DBA Code - Identify If 2 Fields Within A Table Have Been Populated

Sep 25, 2014

trying to identify if 2 fields within a table have been populated i.e.

Check date field and restaurant field, if these fields have been populated do


errStr = errStr & tmpDate & ", "
validStr = validStr & tmpDate & ", "


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General :: Searching Database For Unused IP Addresses From Populated Table / Fields

Feb 18, 2015

I am looking to transfer a number of spreadsheets that I use to track IP Addresses to an Access Database, I have set up the tables and fields, what I would like to do is search for unused IP Addresses from populated table/fields.

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Forms :: Newly Added Values In Combo Box - Streamline Data Entry With Auto-populated Fields

Jun 24, 2014

I have a combo box that pulls account name data from tblAcctInfo. the combo box has an OnChange event which updates a textbox, txtAcctAddr.

when i have a new account that i would like to be listed in the combo box, i use a form, frmAcctAdd, to add a record to tblAcctInfo.

what i would like to do, is:
1) when i type a new value in the combo box that isn't in the list, have that string value pre-populate in the frmAcctAdd.
2) when i have added the new account info into frmAcctAdd and then saved the record, i would like the new value to pre-populate in the combo box, with the txtAcctAddr textbox also updated via the OnChange event (or maybe a different event is more appropriate?).

I have created a long version of this which requires a lot more user interaction (1-user typing in a new value into the combo box, 2-user RE-typing the SAME value into a data entry form, frmAcctAdd, 3-user saving the new record, 4-user re-clicking the combo box and selecting the newly added value) but i am trying to streamline the data entry with auto-populated fields.

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Stop Code Running If Fields Blank

Nov 29, 2006

Ok - really need some help here. I have searched and searched but i think my problem is slightly different to the ones i am finding.

Basically i have a form and i want to force users to fill in one out of 4 tick boxes. If none of them are ticked when they press the close button i want the form to stay open and a message box come up.

I can get the message box part to work but the form still closes down.

The reason for this is that when the form closes it goes to another form that is linked to it by a unique ID number. This works by the following code.

Private Sub BTN_INVIS_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frm closure"

stLinkCriteria = "[issue ID]=" & Me![Issue ID]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_BTN_INVIS_Click

End Sub

What i have tried to do is insert a piece of code into the above to generate the message box so it now looks as follows:

Private Sub BTN_INVIS_Click()

If [Transport_Delivery_issue_] = False And [Process_issue_] = False And [Design_issue_] = False And [Supplier_issue_] = False Then

MsgBox "You must complete the liability box before you can close this issue"

Cancel = True


End If

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frm closure"

stLinkCriteria = "[issue ID]=" & Me![Issue ID]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_BTN_INVIS_Click

End Sub

This code checks the boxes and generates the message box if none are ticked - that works great. However it doesnt stop the second part of the code (the move to the next form) from executing if the boxes arent ticked.

Would really appreciate it if someone could help me - i'm fairly new to coding so the whole database is a bit cobbled together (mostly with help from this forum!).

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Subform Is Populated Based On Form Data?

Mar 22, 2006

** Additional Note: Could I possibly just have a field in my main form that pulls data from another table? Warning: bad with code**

I'm not sure I'm looking at this correctly and have tried to figure it out (For about two weeks now). I really hope someone can help with this.

I have to add a "Multiplier" to my form. I have tried this numerous ways but it's not working properly.

What I need is to have a main form with a subform only displaying the relevant field (that being if this month/year and location match up between both the subform table and the main form that is displayed, then show this value in the subform on the main form). With this multiplier displayed, another field in the main form is then multiplied by this value.

Is this the right way to do this or no? I'm open to basically anything. It's just that the 'multiplier' changes from month to month and rather then have people manually enter in the multiplier to the main form for every day of the month, I'd rather a field be automatically populated and therefore the other field automatically multiplying by this.

Is this possible??

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Forms :: Have A Field In A Form That Is Populated Automatically

May 22, 2015

I have a number of tables in my database, and they're linked in with a form. I'd like to have a field in a form that's populated automatically based on what's inputted in a different field.For example, I've got one table with names and descriptions on widgets (name in column A, description in column B).

Widget 1 This widget is blue
Widget 2 This widget is green
Widget 3 This widget is yellow

When I'm in my form, I want when I select Widget 1 to have the corresponding text (This widget is blue) appear in a field below.

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Exit A Half Populated Form Without Saving Record

Feb 27, 2006

Hi could someone point me in the right direction for this one,

I have a series of linked tabbed Forms. One of the Forms is mostly populated by Combo boxes which all work fine. My problem occurs when you go to add a new record and populate the form with the combo boxes but decide for some reason not to save the record but exit the form using the Close form command button or by using the close button at the top of the Form. Access seems to Save the record anyway. I have placed an Undo Cmd on the form to clear all text boxes which works fine but it does not stop a user from closing or exiting a Form by another means and stop them saving that incomplete record.

I would be grateful for any thoughts on how to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Storing Value In Another Text Box Populated From A Combo Box In A Form

Feb 3, 2014

How does one store the value derived from a combo box to another text box in a form?E.g. Supplier name is a combo box. The combo box has 2 columns, supplier and supplier ID.the supplier name stores the supplier in its own text box.When you select the supplier, the supplierID appears in another text box.I need to store this supplier ID.The control source is =[suppliername].[column](1) When I look up the table, the supplier is captured in the supplier name but the supplierID is not captured in the supplier ID field.

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Forms :: Values Populated From A Subform To A Main Form Not Saving To Table?

Feb 4, 2015

I am having a problem with calculated fields that are populated on the main form from the subform not saving to the table the main form is linked to.

I created a Purchase Order table that has information on what emplyee created the record, reason for order, customer information if its ordered for a customer, creation date, eta date and notes while the Purchase Order details table is for information on the supplier, product item number, product name, quantity and cost. they are linked by the Purchase Order number which is the primary key in the Purchase order table. it all looked good so i made the form with the Purchase Order Detail as the subform, i got the form all working great and how i wanted it but then i decided i wanted the supplier name and the subtotal of the cost in the main form populated or calculated by the values in the subform.

I copied the fields i wanted populated in the main form to the subform footer and added the calculation for the subtotal then added the formula to the source code on those fields in the main form so the values would populate. it all worked great on the form and the values populated as they were supposed to so i saved the record and went to look at the tables and i found that while the values in the calculated fields that I populated from the subform showed up in the form they didnt save to the table while the non calculated fields saved fine. i did some experimenting and found that if i delete the code and put the data source back to the table in the form and just type something in the text box it would save to the table but not if i had the code in and let it populate.

an example of one of the codes i used to populate the data in the main form is:

=[frmNewPurchaseOrderDetails subform2].[Form]![txtsubfrmSupplierID]

did i mess up in the code or did i do something to the relationship between the form and the table?

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Opening New Form And Closing Current Form?

Mar 14, 2013

I am using Access 2010 - Version (32-bit)

I am building a custom Export Wizard to export data to Excel using the Report Wizard for the basic ideas.

All I am trying to do is have a [Back] button on a form to open another form and close the current form.

Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ExportWizardPage2", , , , , , Nz(Me.OpenArgs)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_ExportWizardPage3"
End Sub

The new form is opening but then the current form is not closing. All forms are the same size, shape and positioned centrally although this should not make any difference.

Could this be anything to do with which form has the focus when I open the new form?

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Forms :: How To Use Data On A Form When Running Code Before Closing The Form

Feb 4, 2014

I have a bound form with a few fields. I would like to run a sub after some of these fields are modified, but not others. I would like it to run only once, after user finishes his work on the form.

When using the Unload event - the form on the form is not there anymore (or did I get something wrong?).

Is there a way to trap Data on form just before the form closes?

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Closing A Form Vs. Really Closing A Form

Feb 17, 2005

This is related to some advice I received some time ago <a href="">here<a>

I am runnign some code, it performs some applications, then, if a Count Field is greater than 1, a form opens as a dialog, displaying some information:

Dim A As String
A = "NewForm"
If Me.[Count] > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm A, acNormal, , , , acDialog
End If
If Me.Continue = "No" Then
Exit Sub

End If

The new form opens, and you can either view it, and click continue, which will run the rest of the code, or you can click quit, which updates Me.Continue to "No", and then it exits.

The problem is, when it exits the Sub, it doesn't really stop the code, it just leaves things kind of hanging. When I try to run the code again, I get:

3321 - The database engine could not lock the table 'NewTable' becuase it is already in use by another person or process.

Another symptom - The original form where I click to start running the code, has two date fields. Normally, when this form opens, they are blank, but when I exit the sub, as above, the previous dates I entered are still sitting there.

How can I make the forms really close?

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Closing A Form

Jul 14, 2005

When a form is open you can also see on the task bar that the form is open
If the user right clicks on the form(on the task bar ) they get the following options minimize , maximise , close.

Does any one know how I can stop the user selecting Close please ?

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Closing Of Form

Oct 11, 2006

when i close the form all the fileds in the forms gets saved to the table.
i want it should pop up before closing to save it or not.
i have a button on the form to save the fields in the table.
which has code

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

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Help To Stop Bypassing A Sub Form...

Nov 18, 2005

Hi I've been having this same problem for a while and I've had a bit of help here but none of the suggestions have so far worked.

Basically I need a way to stop people tabing through a sub form without entering data. The sub form has a check box that has to be checked (it can't be set as True as default) the required field doesn't work and for some reason the Enforce Referential Integrity on the join between the main table (tblCustInfo) and this one doesn't work either.

tblCustInfo = the main form
tblAgentData = subform

can anyone please help?

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