How To Trap Errors In Access 2000 Forms

Jun 28, 2005

Hi guys . i wonder how i can trap the following errors in access 2000 forms.
I have the database tables in sql server 2000 and front end is made by access 2000
forms. I be happy if some one show me how i can trap these errors and promt aproperte message
to the user when they violate them using forms.Thanks

1)Violation of not null constraint
2)primary key violation
3)Trigger violation
4)and other erros

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Access 2000 Security - Authenticate With Windows 2000 Server Credentials

Oct 24, 2005


I have a database that currently has security in place so that users input their own usernames and passwords to access the database. The users have recently been added to a windows 2000 server and I want to be able to use their windows 2000 server logon credentials to provide them with automatic access to the database. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set this up? It is a rather urgent request if you could get back to me either on this forum or via email

many thanks


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Opening & Closing Excel 2000 Workbooks From Access 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am opening and closing a series of Excel 2000 Workbooks using Access 2000 VBA and want this sequence to be able to complete without any human intervention.

However, there are 2 instances when this stops and waits for a human option to be selected:

1. When the spreadsheet is password protected
2. When the spreadsheet has automatic links I get the message:

"The Workbook you opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbook?"

How can I code it so that in situation 1 it skips this file and in situation 2 it automatically defaults to do not update?

Any help most appreciated.


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Link/Transfer Data From Access 2000 To Excel 2000

Mar 27, 2006

If I have a report in MS Access 2000 generated based on the criteria selected of a project with work order "9999" with the labor costs, materials costs and the Totals of each crew1, crew2,... and I would like to have those expenditures populated in corresponding cel in Excel for each crew, HOW would I do it?

To think it out loud, could I create a button on a form, so when I select the criteria for the work order, and when I click the button, it should refresh/update the Exel file with the new data...?? How do I write VBA code for that...?

Please help...Thank you so much....

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Access 2000 & MSSQL 2000 Multiuser Problems

Aug 20, 2007

Hi everybody,

I have recently been doing a conversion for my boss for a access 2000 database (both front and backend) to a MSSQL backend.

I finished the conversion today (as quite a lot of the code / queries ran slow due to access running the queries locally rather than on the server). And tested it on my and my boss's machine with no problems so he gave the go ahead to update everybody to our new mssql 2000 backend with the modified frontend.

This is when the problems started; We had two different sets of forms for accessing one of our databases systems - the log system, one is the original dynaset based form, and the other is a newer set which uses snapshot views and preforms updates via queries. Nobody uses the old dyanset system apart from my boss and one of the administrative team as they have things on that window which they need to see. About 30 minutes into the release of the new database the system frooze up on my bosses computer and nobody could create a new log (the server was timing out). I assumed this had something to do with the old dynaset's creating locks on the table.

I offlined the database and kicked everybody out of the front end, turned it on again and tied again, this time banning everybody from the dynaset system. Within 10 minutes another computer frooze up, again with a timeout on the insert query. I discovered that after you had added a new log to the database it would timeout on all subquent additions (something it hadn't done during testing) . Further investigatiion showed it was the snapshot list window causing the error, so coded the add log window to close the list before preforming the insert query and then reopen it afterwards. This allowed my machine to make multible additions without flaw. So I released a new client to everybody. 15 minutes later it was timing out again, but this time there you could not even make one new record.

I checked for locks on the table though the server management table and couldn't find any for the Log table. I have restarted the SQL server box and with no avil. So I reverted our backend to the access mdb file and told people to use the old client.

I am at a complete lose to why this is happening, if anybody has had any expericences like this or knows the cause please tell me.

Some information on the database in question.

It was made as an access 2 database all intergrated into one file, then it was seperated into two files (frontend and backend). Upgraded to Access 97, then to 2000 before this final update to MSSQL 2000.

The log system has two main tables. The first is the log title / info table which links (one to many) to a log entry table. This problem only occurs on the main log table and does not appear to be reoccurring anywhere else within the database. The main log table has just under 18,000 rows in it.

Thank you in advance for any help,


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Replication Between SQL Server 2000 And MS Access 2000.

Nov 15, 2006

Is it possible to have the master datebase in SQL Server, the replica in Access format and still can sychronize them?

Thank you in advance.

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Correct Forms Functioning In Access 2000

Sep 28, 2006


I have a problem with making a (simple!) search form work in Access 2000. I wrote the code in (what i believe to be) Access 2000 version, and it runs on my machine that is Access 2002-3. The search form uses VBA code; an if-then logic for 3 fields that are chosen by the user, and discounts fields that are not selected. The code then filters results from a query based on 2 tables and presents these in another form.

This all works fine on my pc, and on others using Access 2002-3, with macro security set at medium (and macros approved to run). However, the search form does not work on pc's running Access 2000. I do not know the security levels for these pc's but please if anyone knows of what may be causing this... please help!!



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Making Access 2000 Forms, Non Editable

Jul 17, 2006

Could anyone out there tell me if it is possible to make the output on an Access form read only.
I want to be able to input information as records, but when it is saved I don't want it be able to be altered.
Mainly I am saving recipes on a form, and I don't want my children to be able to add anything to a record once it has been saved.
Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Composite Index To Prevent Duplicates - Trap Error

May 16, 2015

I have a Composite Index to prevent duplicates I get the error message. How can I trap this?

I resolved it with this PHP Code:

'Trap Error.
Dim DataErr As Integer
Dim Response As Integer
Dim Message As String
If DataErr = 3022 Then 'Duplicate value entered
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If 

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Adding Pictures To Forms And Reports (Access 2000 Vs 2003)

Apr 8, 2006

I have successfully used the recommended way to display images from a folder in a form as posted on the microsoft website.

These instructions were for Access 2000. I noticed that there are seperate instructions for doing this using Access 2003.:

My questions are:
1. If multiple users access this database using different versions of Access (2000 and 2003) will it not work for some?
2. do i have to modify code if i update to 2003?

Thanks for youir feedback!

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Access--Compacting Errors

Aug 11, 2005

Since we have installed the latest Windows critical security updates, upon closing an Access database, the database gets corrupted. Error code is c000020c.

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Common Access Errors

Sep 27, 2006


I did a search on common access errors and other errors that you would want to trap and got the following results:

Cannot update. Database or object is read-only
Operation must use an updateable query
General error Unable to open registry key
Could not find file
Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use
Table 'tblTable' is exclusively locked by user 'Admin' on machine 'MyMachine'
Too few parameters. Expected 1
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal
The search key was not found in any record

If you know any extra errors, can you please add them to this list?


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Access 97 Closing With No Errors

Sep 27, 2007

I have recently done a fresh install of access 97 to our 2003 server. I load up an access app, it brings up a form with a button...I clidk the button, and it closes the app with no errors, and leaves the ldb file in tact. Checking the event viewer, I get this message:

Faulting application msaccess.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x00202878.

It appears to be on the buttons that open forms / reports, but not those that run queries. Any ideas?

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Help With Access Errors And Corrupt Files

Apr 2, 2008

Hello everyone. I will admit I am a novice when it comes to access. But I do have some programming background in Lotus Notes. Now maybe its just me but Access seems to error out ALOT and I keep getting messages like:

-File is not a databse
-A user unexpectedly shut down access
-Some c++ runtime errors

I just dont understand what I am doing wrong. I am saving my work like I would do in anyother program. But at least once a day I have to resort to a backup copy because I keep getting errors like the ones above.

I have created an access 2000 DB and it did the same thing about 2 weeks ago...been doing it at least once a day if not more. I have created new db's and still the same thing. I have even converted it to 2003 and still problems.

For example I created a report and was told I didnt have permission to access the report??....WTF..I am the only user in the db as its in development...I created the db..if I dont have permission WHO does. So I tried to add myself in permissions.....then that when I got the c++ error.

I have been working in Notes DBs for the past 6 years and I have to tell you access doesnt have ANYTHING on notes. I have never had such stupid error out of the blue in any program I have used...I mean just closing the DB is causing an error on some days...

I am so frustrated with this its beyond belief..I have a real hard time turning this crap over to my users when I DONT trust it will be running next week...UGH

Some guidance will be most appreciated as I am about to just drop the project and start from scratch in something else.

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Access Errors And Crashes On New System

Jul 24, 2012

My office computer, along with the phone system, printers etc took a lightening strike last week. The hard drive survived but not the computer. I was able to get the office access db onto a new system but now I get errors when running it. When opened, the main menu appears. Whoopee!Not so fast. When I select an item, I get "the expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following Automation error. The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure]There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro"

Pressing the button a second time does not produce the error and opens the correct form.This form works properly. The second problem is with a second report form that opens properly.This form expects dates and accepts them but when I try to print the report, access closes with no error message.

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Access Is Fun Errors Arent. SEARCH Probs.

Jun 23, 2005

Private Sub quicksearch_AfterUpdate()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[ID number] = " & Str(Me![quicksearch])
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

End Sub

this is the code that im using to help me with a listbox and a search text box that is embedded on my main form. it works ok. The problem is, i was trying to link an already filled out Table with data to this interface.

When i key in information from the form it works, but when i just enter stuff through the table (which was already completed and handed to me) When I click in the listbox on the main form the code window just pops up showing this section of my code. Help./


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Unspecified Errors Galore With Access Database

Feb 28, 2005

I'm not sure if this is an Access problem or an ASP problem or even an IIS problem, but I have to start somewhere, so here I am. Ok, this is the deal. I've got an Access database that I'm using to store login/password info (just a training thing, I'm new to ASP) and I've successfully created a login form and an ASP page that determines if the username/password combo is correct. If the info is legit, it forwards the user to a success page. If the name is good, but the password is bad it tells them so and makes them try to log in again. If the user name doesn't show up in the database it says they must register and forwards them to a registration page. All is fine and dandy in my li'l ASP world. Except for one small problem... When testing my few pages I keep getting an "Unspecified Error" that always points to this line of code:

adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb")

Far as I can tell, what's happening is that every time I access the database, I must wait a small amount of time (seems to be about 30 seconds) before I can do anything with it again, or I get this error.

Let me clarify,
When testing, I would go to the login page, type a correct user/pass combination and then I get forwarded to the success page. Cool. I go back to the login page and try it with a correct username, but an invalid password.... oops, I get this error. If I wait about 30 seconds, I can go back to the login page and try again and everything is fine. The order I test in doesn't matter...

Correct Combo -> invalid password
invalid pass -> non existant user
correct combo -> correct combo

Doesn't matter. Once I access the database via .Open it seems that I can't do it again for a while. Why is this? I use a .Close on my record set and then I set the recordset and connection objects to Nothing *BEFORE* each and every page redirect.

What gives?


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Errors With Access File For Multiple Users?

Jun 20, 2012

I'm having trouble opening up the tools I am developing in Access for multiple users. I split all my databases so the users will only interface with the "Front End" and I just tried saving one as an ACCDE file. I had the ACCDE file open on my machine and asked another person in the office to try opening it (all our files are stored on a network drive, which is already identified as a trusted source).

She got the following error message:

"The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read. The database can be opened only if the VBA project is first deleted. Deleting the VBA project removes all code from modules, forms, and reports. You should back up your database before attempting to open the database and delete the VBA project"

How do I fix this? I don't want to publish several Front End Access files since each person in my office will ask me to customize their file and my supervisor wants everyone working off the same file. I thought the point of Access was that multiple users could open the same file and make data modifications. How do I achieve this while retaining all the fun, creative VBA solutions I have developed?

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Forms :: Form Calculations With Errors

Jun 11, 2013

I am currently working on a form that calculates the sum of counts and charges for various categories. The form sums the number of items in each category, then the sum of the charges. Where I am stuck is trying to break out the "per unit" charge for each category. The calculation works fine (sum of charges/sum of items) when there is a number greater than 0, but if the count or charges are 0, the fields display errors. I attempted to compensate for this by setting the text box value on the form to iif(iserror(sum of charges/sum of items),0,(sum of charges/sum of items), but it still shows the error!. I could probably write nested iif statements to evaluate the values of each sum, but you would think this would be simpler. Here is a sample of the actual ControlSource field on one of the text boxes:

=IIf(IsError([SumOfOracle_Qual_Dev_Charge]/[SumOfBaseline Qualified Developer]),0,[SumOfOracle_Qual_Dev_Charge]/[SumOfBaseline Qualified Developer])

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Join Syntax Errors Translating Oracle SQL To Access SQL

Mar 21, 2008

I've developed a working query to grab some information from my Oracle 9i database using SQL Developer. I have a tool in MS Access 2003 that I'm developing for other users so they can input some options through the GUI and query the same data that I do.

I'm trying to translate the query I developed in Oracle and have it work in Access. I have my ODBC connection set up so that Access can get to the same tables.

Here is my Oracle Query:


The error I'm receiving is: Run-time error '3296'

Join expression not support.

I believe the error has something to do with the "LEFT JOIN CPCF ... " but I can't seem to figure out how to fix it. The query will run in Access if I change that to an "INNER JOIN CPCF ...." but the result set is not what I need it to be. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

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General :: Trapping Errors When No Query Criteria Is Given In MS Access 2007?

Apr 7, 2015

I am writing a small database using MS Access 2007. I have in it a function for running queries and printing reports. Printing works just fine if any one of the multiple query criteria is give.

I also want to trap errors and present a message if the user clicks the "Print" button without a query criteria. At the moment I only get a run-time syntax error message which has a "debug" button for accessing the entire code. I want a message that will say "There was no search criteria".

This is the code for printing:

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Dim varWhere As Variant
varWhere = BuildFilter
' Update the record source
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM q_Vehicles " & varWhere


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Identify Errors Preventing Data From Importing From Access To Excel

May 1, 2014

I have been consistently getting an error almost every month when I try to load some data that has been input into access, then I have it linked to an excel sheet so that whenever I refresh, the access data imports into excel and updates my pivots, charts, etc.

When my data entry ppl enter data, sometime they forget to enter a code, or something, and when they forget to enter that, it creates some kind of error in the query. The query still runs in access, but shows something similar to " #ERROR#" in the field IF I ever do find it in the access query. The issue is that I cant filter to find that error. I literally have to scan and scroll through thousands of lines of data to try and find this error. When I try to refresh the data in excel, the following error message pops up;

"Data could not be retrieved from the database. Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make Sure the external database is available, and then try the operation again."

In past months I can usually find the #ERROR# by scrolling through access and finding it. Some months I have EXTREME trouble finding the error. It can take hours out of my work day. Is there any way to more easily identify which line these errors are in rather than scrolling through thousands of lines of data? Is there a way to still export the data to excel with the errors still in them?

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Locking User Access To Database Objects (MS Access 2000 And 2003)

Apr 15, 2007

I have two database applications and they are:
- the (A) application is for administration use.
- the (B) application is for normal users use.

the idea is that: I made the (A) application for administrators who have full control over the database objects (tables, forms, queries, and so on ...).

the (B) application I have created for normal users who will have only to use forms to insert some data and display data only.

but the two applications has a respective table called "vacation request" table. where I linked them, so the both administrators and users can share the data.

The real question is that: How can I prevent the users from seeing the database objects in their application. I used the database options which have helped me in hidding the database objectives when the users open the application, but unfortunately they managed to access to the database objects by pressing the special keys.

I would like to have an access to the (B) application when I want to make some modifications to the forms and then lock it from users where they only have to use the forms for requesting vacations and view the vacations.

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Subform Referenceing Problem Between Access 2000 And Access 2003

Apr 19, 2005

I am working on a massave aplication that has been running in Access 2000, but recently several of the file sharing users have installed Access 2003 because of the limited availability of Access 2000. All the users are using the same file off the server.

The problem we are having is that when we reference a subform in the "[Forms]![FormName]![SubformName]![FeildName]" Access 2003 does not recognize it and returns an error. I have found that if I will modify it to "[Forms]![FormName]![SubformName].[Form]![FeildName]" it is recognized in both 2000 and 2003.

To try and change every instance of a subform reference will take forever and I am garuteed to overlook something. We reference subforms all over our program, missing any one of them would be a disaster. Before I went to the tedious task of looking through everything I just wanted to throw the situation out there and see if any of you had any great ideas on how to get it fixed efficiently. I would apreciate any ideas.

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Upgrade From Access 2000 To Access 2003 Problem

Jun 6, 2005

I upgraded a 2000 db to 2003 recently. When I ran the function below it gave me an error on the line in green. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Const FIRSTROW = 13

Dim wsp As Workspace, dbv As DAO.Database, tblResolve As DAO.Recordset
Dim tblVchs As DAO.Recordset, tblImpTmp As DAO.Recordset
Dim ObjXLApp As New Excel.Application
Dim FileToOpen As String, WhereCriteria As String, ImportTemp As String, tmpVch As String
Dim TotalDupes As Integer, TotalGood As Integer, TotalRejects As Integer
Dim TotalBlank As Integer, R As Integer, C As Integer
Dim BadSheet As Boolean, ImpFail As Boolean
Dim tmp, tmpType, tmpCtr, tmpRsn

If Forms![Import Block Vouchers]![Import Program] = "0" Then
MsgBox ("You must select a Program to load.")
ObjXLApp.Quit 'Exit from MS Excel
Exit Function
End If

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Access 2003 Buttons Not Working In Access 2000

Sep 14, 2005


I've created a database in access 2003 with the default file format being Access 2000. Everything works fine on my computer and many others, all of whom are running different versions of access (2000, 2002 & 2003).

I have not had any problems with this database until recently and in the last few weeks we have had 2 users, both of them being Access 2000 users who have had the same problem.

The problem they are having is that when they click on any of the switchboard items, the buttons depress an then come back up again when the cursor is moved away, but nothing else happens - no action, no error message - nothing!!! Its the same for all of the buttons on the switchboard.

Does anyone know what is causing this? I have another computer with Access 2000 on it and this works fine, as it does on several other computers runiing Access 2000, I just cannot understand why it is not working on these 2 particular machine.......

Many thanks in anticpation.


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