How To Update Records In Access Using Data In Excel

Apr 15, 2015

I have a query in acess which brings data from different tables. Each month I print this query and I send to a person that will modify the numbers (manually - yes with a pen) and give it back to me. Then I update it manually (in the computer) and print it back to verify.Once I have the final version done, I have to put the updated data into access again. And this is the part I would like to automate (since its not possible to automate the first step because the other person is a retarded on computers and want to use a pen).

So how can I import the data I updated in excel to access? As far as I saw I can only import data into a table, not update using a query. Plus while we are making this manual updates, the data in access is changing. So copy and paste is not an option since the order of the records in the query will be heavily different.

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Can Information In Access Update Records In Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2013

We are developing a work evaluation for all of out employees on the shop floor.

While Access is way easier to update and allow for quicker ways to gather information, our requirements is that we must display a training matrix. While access has great reporting features, it is tough to get it a format with all users listed on top, tasks listed on the LH side and knowledge levels showing what level each user is at for each task.

I am limited by standard practice on how to display it so I was curious to know if information updated in Access can be updated on an Excel spreadsheet as well. I know in Excel you can format one spreadsheet to update another but I can't figure out away to have Access do the same thing.

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Excel Import Link To Access Is Broken - Data Won't Update

Apr 12, 2014

I have a workbook which has links to access to import data. I have to have the information in Excel for a couple reasons:

1.) Many of our customers don't have Access.
2.) The customers use a "discount calculator" to apply their own discounts.

They also use it to then apply their own margin mark ups to be able to then use to quote to their customers. So a static report/pdf for them to look at doesn't work.

I've begun to create links from a number of queries in Access, which work fine. My problem is when I go to update the data. I'm not getting the following error coming up:

The database definitely hasn't moved. And I've run the queries in q, and there aren't any problems there. I've looked this error up and I'm seeing that it could mean that I've got some corruption going on.

Before I hit my main q, I should also note: I'm running all of this on a Citrix network. I should also note that it's a consulting gig. Once I'm done, I won't be available to fix major issues like this.

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General :: Access Data Export Into Excel As Data Linked To Excel

Oct 21, 2012

how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"

Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.

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Import From Excel And Update And Append To Many Records

Mar 2, 2008

Hi there

I have a spreadsheet that I have successfuly imported into Access but now I would like to maintain it, update/append/delete records etc.

The spreadsheet is produced weekly and Intend to import it into my Access database on a weekly basis there are around 20,500 records and 15 Fields. I have kept the Field names in Access the same as the spreadsheet, except that the Access table has an ID field with PK and autonum. There are no other tables involved, it should just be a straight import update append ...but how?

I am looking for the best way to approach carryingout a regular update, is it best to bring the new import into a Temp table? and then carry out the analysis of what has been changed, deleted or added?

Also the queries to do this, how exactly do you get a query to scan through all of these rows and columns.

one last thing is it possible to create a table during the update/append process that will log all of the changes or flag the records using A=Append, D=Deleted U=Updated...

I've tried looking at various forums but mostly all I find is people with similar problems and no definitinve answer.



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General :: Update Access From Excel

Jul 2, 2013

From Excel 2007 to Access 2007 I want to keep my Access database sync with my Excel SpreadSheet. I not to often change Excel but when I do Access will be updated.

Error #: -2147217887
"Field cannot be updated."

My connection string works fine and recordset is up and running!In my Excel file:


For k = 1 To Sheets("2013").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 4
If rs!Index <> k Or rs!total <> Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 5).Value Then
rs!Index = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 1).Value
rs!DatePaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 2).Value
rs!WhatPaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 3).Value


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How To Update Existing Tables Of Data From Exported Excel Files

Aug 7, 2014

Ive tried making command buttons for each of the three tables that when you click on it, it automatically updates the tables, but it doesnt seem to be updating them. Is this the right code for that to happen?

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim strFile As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' Set file directory for files to be imported
strPath = "C:SharesPublicStaff Public FilesBrandon PenlandUS Food Product Prices Newest"
' Tell it to import all Excel files from the file directory
strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xls*")


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Modules & VBA :: Update Access Table Through Excel

Jul 26, 2013

I have an access database that is used to store records of requests for for items. Example, ID, WhoRequested, CustomerName, Date, address, phone, WhatRequested, amt. I take this data and export it to an excel spreadsheet and send to another area for processing.

I then get the sheet back with the orderdate, ordernumber, and shippingnumber. I need to update the original table with this new information. it is not bad when there is only a few, but Ihave had 100 or so lately, and updating each record manually is time consuming.

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Modules & VBA :: StoreProcedure Not Working For Excel To Access Update

Oct 4, 2013

What I'm trying to do here is, update my access table ("Table1") from excel sheet ("Myexcel.xls"). Excel file contains all the information however access table is not updated except "RefNo" field. Condition what I coded here is when once connection is build, "RefNo" in excel matched with "RefNo" of access table , update the other fields in Access table. Which is working fine (doesn't showing any error) but still data is not updated in access table. I don't know why is not updating it....

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim accessCMD As ADODB.Command
Dim accessRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim accessParam As ADODB.Parameter
Dim bFound As Boolean


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General :: Update Excel / Access Table Via Email

Jun 10, 2012

I would like to use the "Collect and update via email" function within MS Access 2010 which sends out and collects emails. I know how to use this function, but what I would like to do is something slightly different. Instead of emailing out a data entry "form" that has the employee/team member enter information for data collection purposes about their project, status, start date, end date, priority, tasks, etc. Instead, I would like send an Excel/Access table with all of the current project information displayed in the email data collection form and then have the employee reply to the email and overtype edits to displayed information and then have those changes automatically entered into my table. For example, one project table can have up to 50 rows and then column headers such as project status, start date, end date, priority, task description, etc.

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Update Access Table With Daily Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 28, 2014

what I have in Access is a table which lists jobs via their HB Number (as well as a ID number access gives them). For each job there is a bunch of details and some Yes/No fields.Each day I will get a dump from another system that will list jobs like this, I then need to "Update" the Access table with any new information from the excel dump. The update would need to:

1. Insert new records (jobs) from Excel dump into Access Table
2. Update any of the records fields (except HB of course as its unique) in the access table from the Excel dump (the Excel dump obviously wont have access ID numbers, but will have the HB)For a real basic example:

Access Table Like So:





the actually data has lots of different fields and many many many more records. But yeah basically need to update the table from an excel dump.I thought it was as simple as doing a Excel Import > Append Table thing in Access, but that just seems to add the new records and ignore the updated fields?

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General :: Update Preformatted Excel Spreadsheet With Access 2010 Query?

Jun 10, 2013

I have an Access crosstab query that I have exported to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have the spreadsheet formatted using conditional formatting and I'd rather not have to reset it every morning. It's a single spreadsheet (the columns/rows will not deviate greatly day to day) and should be very simple, but I'm not getting it for some reason.

So if I have "Test.accdb" and it contains "qryX" as my crosstab and "Sheet1.xls" is my formatted Excel spreadsheet, how do I code for the latest "QryX" to go in and replace the old "QryX" data in "Sheet1.xls" ?

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Data Taken From Access To Excel

Nov 16, 2005

I have a database that works as a sales system. From a table in the database I run a query that calculates the totals for that day.

Date……….Dept 1…..Dep2

What I need is:
1.You click a button
2.It copies the date and finds it in the excel spreadsheet as the sheet will already have a field called date.
3.It will then copy the Dept 1 figure and Dept 2 figure into the spreadsheet where the date matches (in a certain column)

Can this be done?

Kindest Regards


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Data From Excel To Access

Jan 5, 2005

Hi I was wondering if there is a way to import the data stored as a excel file to ms access table. For ex:

I have a spreadsheet that has three columns:

Country city population

Each country would have multiple cities.

My Access table "cities: has a similar structure like this. Is there a procedure I can write to copy the data into the Access table from the spreadsheet without having to do it manually?

Please advise.

Thanks in advance

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Updating Multiple Access Records From Imported Excel Spreadsheet?

Mar 1, 2012

Access Database 2010 is used to capture progress on accounts. We are able to perform remedies on multiple accounts in the field and would like to update the records in Access all at once (by batch) rather than one-by-one.

I would like to export specific records from Access into Excel, make the updates to the records in Excel, then import the changes back into Access. I am looking for the updated Excel spreadsheet to overwrite the existing data in Access for that particular record.

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Exporting Access Data To Excel

Jul 13, 2005

Hi all,

I am using Access 97 & Excel 97 for this problem. I have a Access query which takes the contents of three tables and exports them to Excel. However, the query has now reach 69000+ records and increases by about 1000+ records ever month. So what I need to do is create as many WORKSHEETS within a single Excel WORKBOOK as necessary to accomodate all of my Access data. I have written a piece of code which will create seperate WORKBOOKS for each 65000+ of records but then what I want to do is code the almagamation of these WORKBOOKS into 1.

In short, after the first WORKBOOK is created I use code to make that the active WORKBOOK and then I want to import into that the other WORKSHEETS in the other WORKBOOKS.

I am using the folowing DIM's:

Dim X As New Excel.Application
Dim WkBook As Excel.WorkBook
Dim WkSheet As Integer
Dim ExcelSheet As Excel.Worksheet

ExcelSheet therefore is the current WORKSHEET within the Excel spreadsheet I want to import into.

Any advice on the command to perform a transfer of WORKSHEET data between Excel WORKBOOKS?



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Analyse Access Data With Excel

Feb 23, 2006

Access2000 converts data to Excel2000 in the following way: I have specified a column data type as long integer with no "null" decimal place - whenever I analyse the table with Excel the mentioned column suddenly has 2 decimal places??????????
On the other hand when I convert data WITH 2 decimal places from Access to Excel those are displayed as "zero" (e.g. 9,15 --> 9,00) ?!?!
Thanks for any advise!

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Upload Data From Excel To Access

May 9, 2006

Hi all,

I have an access mdb file and just added a new field to one of the tables.

I also have several spreadsheets with bits of information that I would like to use to update the newly created field for each record.

Not sure what is the best way to approach this. Can I use a query that will look into the spreadsheet and copy the specified cell to the newly created field using an if statement? or

Do I need to get all data into a table and upload as a new table in Access then use query to update the records?

Please keep in mind that I do not wish to append new records, I need to update existing ones.

The above represents my thoughts on how to approach this task, I would appreciate any help.

I must also state that I am totally new to access and would appreciate as much detail as is possible in the response(s).


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Importing Data Into Access From Excel

Feb 21, 2007

I wanted to know if anyone else is having issues with getting external data into access from excell? For some reason this function is not working for me today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Try To Move Data From Excel To Access

Nov 4, 2007


I was wondering if i can get some help here. The aim here is moving data from excel to Access '03.

At the moment, i'm having troubled in finding out a way to open a database and execute SQL - insert the data into the table.

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source= C:MydocumentsmyDB.mdb;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
End With

then, i got stuck in here whereby i need to execute the SQL insert command to insert record to the table.

Appreciates your help greatly

Thank you in advance

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Columnised Data From Excel Into Access ????

Nov 27, 2007

Hi, this is proabbaly an age old problem but it still drives me mad. I have an excel spreadsheet in column format (52 columns of weekly data in 100 rows). I want to get this into a database to anaylse it. However the only way i know how is to manually convert it to a long list (this takes a long time). is there a way through access to convert column data to a list?

Thanks for helping me (if you can)

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Importing Access Data To Excel

Feb 28, 2008


I've had a search through but to no avail.

I'm trying to import data from an Access query into a blank spreadsheet (Data-Import External Data etc), but it's only giving me a list of the tables in the database and not listing any of the queries. I've never had any problem with this before - I've been able to import queries fine - so I hope someone knows what's going on.

Access and Excel 2002 by the way.

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Etting Data From Excel Into Access Please Help

Dec 22, 2005

Whats up everyone I am a fairly new user to access and I am trying to develop a database to hold quarterly data from multiple companies. What is the best approach getting the information off the companies data entry form into the database. The data entry form does change over time so I cannot reference specific cells. Can you use lookup tables in Access? Any help would be great.

Thank you all.


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Using Excel Data To Run Access Query

Aug 4, 2005

In Excel I have a sheet with about 3000 rows. Each row has an id. I need to retrieve a field from an Access database for each id in the Excel file.

I know how to query the Access database from Excel, but I don't know how to set the query to use the id's in the Excel sheet instead of an Access table.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Converting Data From Excel To Access

Jan 8, 2006


I am in the process of converting data from an excel sheet into Access 2000. I know the import procedure, however some of the fields in the Excel sheet have multiple data.

Is there a way to sort out this problem, short of cutting and pasting or re-entering the data? For example one field has the following: Mon, Jan 10,2006, 9AM to 11AM. I want to eliminate this field and create a field each for the day, date, start time and end time.

Thank you

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Pasting Data From Excel To Access

Mar 15, 2005


I'd like an easy way for my users to be able to transfer data from Excel to Access. Basically, I'd like them to manually create a new parent record, and paste into an empty text box new child records. Then, when they clicked finish, I'd grab the info in the text box and put it in the appropriate tables. The trouble is - I have no clue how to do this. If someone could tell me how to get data pasted into a textbox into a table, I could figure the rest out. Any advice?


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