I've Got A Humdinger... Bonus Structure Based Upon Production
Jan 27, 2005
My boss threw a curve at me this morning and I need some guidence. I created a commission tracking db for our industry (automotive). Each technician will have a base commission that they'll get regardless of their production. Should they exceed their production by X, we would like to give them a bonus of 2% of all of their work. Should they exceed their production by X+Y, we'd like to increased the bonus to a total of 4% for their work during this pay period.
I need help with the table stucture, to start. My db currently contains a variety of tables including tblTech. tblTech contains information specific to each tech including their annual PERSONAL income goal (not to be confused with Bonus scale). Depending on a number of factors (ie. how long they've worked here, how much other responsibility, etc.), I'd like to assign a bonus tier to each technicial. ie. Technicial A = Joe. Joe is promoted to manager and therefore needs a greater bonus for the same amount of production. I'd like to assign him to Tier 2 where he makes more then a Tier 1 one employee.
I'm having a hard time getting focused. All suggestions are appreciated.
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Jul 19, 2014
I need to create a production forecast form based on previous sales history.The history is based a sales and grouped by month & year
So on the form, which needs to be a continuous form, I want products to show as rows and months as columns The sales history per month needs to be displayed as well as a field allowing to user to enter the production forecast.
I can write the sales history to a temp table.However I never know how many months history the user is going to want displayed at run time. Could be 3, 7, 12 or 15!
Attached spreadsheet shows what I am trying to achieve. Is this possible and if yes, how would I do it?
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Mar 28, 2015
I've can do this on excel but don't know how in Access. I'm calculating bonuses. My table has salaries, and my query simply multiples each salary amount by a % to get the bonus amount. But I need to calculate adjustments to the bonuses using the sum total of the bonuses my query calculated:
Salary (from table) Bonus (calc'd by query) Adjustment (to be calced)
100,000 1,000 Sum of total bonuses/salary*4%
90,000 900
How do I capture the total of my calculated bonus column to use to calculate the adjustments in my right-most column?
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Jan 5, 2008
New to MS-Access and I'm trying to help our HR with creating a production tracking table.
This is just a small simple table with all 12 months of the year and a total production column for summing up everything that has been produced for the year. But being "very" new to access I have zero clue on how to do this. I would appreciate any Access for this dummy help I can get . Thanks in advance.
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Aug 21, 2013
I have a database which I use for scheduling production. I would like to know if there is a way to "push" the schedule dates. I have multiple products scheduled for production but at times I need to adjust the production dates by pushing all the schedule dates ahead by one day. I don't want to re-enter all the dates to do this adjustments.
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Mar 14, 2007
I keep the production version of my database on a server, and a copy of it for development work on my desktop. Today I've made several changes to the development version, which didn't work. I then opened the production version held on the server in a separate MS Access window to compare the queries/results to see where the problem was and have found that the changes have automatically updated in the production version. Can anyone explain this? They shouldnt be linked at all. The 2 versions both link to a datawarehouse through an ODBC link, but shouldn't be linking to each other (I'm using Access 2003).
Cheers :)
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Jul 24, 2013
old Access database that's been upgraded through to Access 2000 or 2003 (probably 2000), but not beyond. Was rebuilt in Access 2003 format around 2006/2007 (by someone else who no longer works here). Being used now in Access 2007 and 2010. Uses DSN to connect to SQL Server backend. Last week it was SQL Server 2005, moved the back end on Saturday to SQL Server 2012. Changed the DSN when moving to the new server. But I don't think this has to do with the DSN (it's getting data just fine).
There's a data entry form. User enters a Generator ID, event triggers it to look for the details for the generator and load them into a generator subform. After it loads the information into the subform, and before the user does anything else, it throws "This connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context."It triggers post update of the Generator ID:
Private Sub txtGeneratorID_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Handle_err
Me.txtGeneratorID = UCase(Me.txtGeneratorID)
Call FillHandlerSubform(Me.subGeneratorInfo, Me.txtGeneratorID.Value)
If GetGenStat(Me.txtGeneratorID.Value) = "N" Or GetGenStat(Me.txtGeneratorID.Value) = "OB" Then
MsgBox "Warning Generator Status! " & UCase(Me.txtGeneratorID.Value) & vbCrLf & _
"This Generator has a status of N or OB!", vbCritical, "Bad Generator Status!"
Cancel = True
End If
It doesn't throw this error in the development copy of the database, dev copy works just fine. It only throws it from the production version. They are located on the same network, just in different folders. They are pointing to the same database on the same SQL Server using a DSN file located inside the folder where the .mdb file is located (this is a change in the front end, prior to this it was using a DSN on each individual machine, but I changed it to stop that).
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Jul 17, 2015
I currently have a continuous form in my database that has 24 records in it. every record is blank except for a time (I will post a screenshot)
Our employees are instructed to enter various information every hour in this form. coding a button that, when clicked, will create 24 new records in the table that this form is based on, insert times in those 24 records, and then display those 24 records in the form. It would have the illusion that the end user it "resetting" the form at the end of his shift and preparing a clean form for the next person.
In the spreadsheet that we currently use, there is a button that, when pressed, saves the workbook with the date in its file name and then clears all of the end-user's data so that the next shift has a clean spreadsheet to use. I would like to mimic this button as closely as possible in MS Access
I understand that this database design is not exactly ideal in the world of database engineering; however, I was told to make this a perfectly seamless transition from the excel spreadsheet we currently use (there is a folder with 900+ workbooks from over the years. This obviously makes the information useless - we need all of the information in one file - this database)
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Jun 10, 2013
I want to release an Access program to the production environment for users. I remember there being a file extention that can be used so the users cannot access the DB or Code.
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Jan 28, 2013
I have a production application in which i have a table named daily_production with fields as ( prod_id, date, productname, qty ). Now I want a daily production query as
date : xx-xx-xxxx
productname | qty | monthlysum(for thsi product) | daily average |
I want this on a single query so that i can make a report out of this .
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Apr 13, 2013
I need to make a report that shows a work schedule for 10 employees. I need it to print in a monthyly calendar format with horizontal lines to show start and end date and time. I need it to show that there is or is not any overlap for that machine."
It has been a while since I have created a DB and I get some of this okay. So far I think I need three tables. One is the machines. Two is the product schedule (how long it takes to produce X number of products). The last would be work orders and that pretty much covers the data.
I think most of the data can be maniputated by queries and that is even done on the report. The report as we all know is the reason for a database. If it was just about the data it would be simpler to do a spreadsheet. It could get fancy and make a pivot table. That output can be a calendar of sorts.
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Feb 26, 2015
I've been asked to edit a current report that lists our production in week number order. I need to look at way we can 'flag up' orders that are within a 4 week period from the current date.
For example,
10 Orders in total in our database. 5 of which are due the drawings back within 4 weeks from today (26/02/15). I'm looking for a way for the report to show the 5 orders as priority, either by formatting the orders in bold, a different colour or under their own heading/group.
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Dec 7, 2005
I have a database to record documents received on a project. 2 main tables, documents and revisions, each document can have many revisions. I have now been asked to add a section in for actions against each revisions, that is each revision can have many actions. Am having problems understanding how to add this table. The current database has several hundred records already and I do not really want to re-enter. Can someone help.
TableDocument: counter(primarykey,autonumber), DocNumber, DocTitle
TableRevision: counter, revision, DateRec'd
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Oct 27, 2005
Hi all,
I am on my way to building my first relational DB. Is anyone able to look at the attached sample and tell me if I am on the right track?
The DB is being desined to record Repair information carried out on a machine. (TblRepair)
The DB will also eventually record refurbished machines (TblRefurb) and also many other situations like stock control, etc.(yet to be designed). Before I go on I just want to check:
> Is this roughly correct so far?
> If I create a new record in the existing form, why can I not enter both UnitID and EmployeeID? Relationship conflict?
> Should I be building forms on a query? (I think the answer is Yes, just need confirmation).
> Is it because of a problem with the query I cannot enter details correctly? (as per the above question).
Any pointers would be very welcome. PS Sorry its v.old A97!
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Dec 16, 2005
Hi all!
I have created a database with auto-archiving features. I have "working tables" that are populated when the product is moved to the correct process, in this case when it reaches the test department. When the product is moved out of the relevant process, the database runs several queries which archive the relevant data and deletes the records from the working table.
There are two working tables in the test department, one for test failures and one for rework activities. The question at hand is WHEN should I populate the working table for rework activities:
Option 1: Populate the table when the product moves to the relevant process. This will create and delete thousands of records from the working table every day. Using this method will cause my table to bloat to 50,000+ records that are constantly updated, appended, and deleted.
Option 2: Populate the table when (and IF) the product fails a test. This will keep the table to a much smaller size (around 2500 records) but requires the database to run several queries in the middle of the data entry process, significantly slowing my program.
So which is the faster/better process: Filtering a table of 50,000+ records or appending the working table when you need the data?
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Feb 14, 2006
Is there any way to keep track of a database structure in access? For instance, which query relates to which report? Sometimes I create queries that are no longer needed but if there are a lot (which there are!) it can be easy to delete one that's needed.
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Mar 5, 2006
I created a database to track tardies and absences of my employees. I would like to be able to sum the number of absences and tardies for each person per month and graph it.
Per our attendance policy, 6 tardies = 1 absence. I need to take the total number of tardies that month/6 and add to the total absences that month to equal the total attendance for the month.
I need help. Can you please view my database and give me some ideas?
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Nov 6, 2006
Hi everyone
I would appreciate some help redesigning a database structure.
Currently the database has a table holding students personal details. Linked to this table with a one-to-many link is a table holding subject reports.
Also linked to the student table are two other tables holding prior attainment and mentoring details. These table are linked one-to-one.
Personally I believe the two tables linked with one-to-one links should be merged with the students table to become one single table holding student data.
Is this right?
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Mar 22, 2007
I'm trying to find a way to export the structure of a table in my Access database.
I created a new table and I want to put it in the database on my website. However, my site is constantly being used so I have no way of downloading the database, modifying it, and then uploading it again without losing some data.
I do have a database editor on my website that allows me to run queries. So If I can get a query with all of the CREATE TABLE information (all the fields, whether they are Allow Zero Length, etc.) then I can just use that.
I can't seem to find a way in Access 2000 to export the structure of the table.
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Jun 11, 2007
I have 2 tables.
1 tables cointains field_name
2 tables contains data
I want to create a query that I could use the field_name from table 1 (loop thru table1 )to see if the field_name exist in table 2
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Oct 28, 2004
Here’s a little scenario:
An engineer requests that “x” amount of computers are ordered for the company. The estimated costs of the system(s) are determined. The estimated cost of the systems is forwarded to a manager, and the request must be approved by a manager before the order is placed. Once the manager approves the request, the order is placed through the ordering company. After the ordering company approves the order, an order number is assigned and serial number(s) specific to each computer is associated with that order number. At this point it is possible to track the order status via existing programs using the assigned order number and serial numbers. After it is determined through the existing software that the order has been shipped, invoiced, and received by the Receiving department, I need to physically go pick up the systems and submit them into my Central Inventory. From the central inventory, systems will be checked out to employees as needed, checked back in when testing is finished, or transferred internally between employees......
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Nov 15, 2004
Hi everybody,
Please, I really need some help with my normalised tables and relations:
3. ParentContactID
4. CycleNO
5. DisciplineID
7. ExamID
8. Results
I have a feeling this relationship, is still a bit messy?
I also need to keep track of students daily class attendance, at the end of the tern, or year to find out how many students dropt out of a particular class etc. Is this a new table?
thanks in advance.
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Dec 15, 2004
I have been reading up on normalizing table structures. I have this database that I am working on, to work as a hiring database. It should hold information about people applying to the law firm I work at.
I am looking for advice on if this table structure is normalized and sound. I am also looking for specific help on creating good forms.
Thanks for any help that can be given!
ps. I am attaching a zip that has a jpg view of the tables and their relationships, as well as the db with the table structure.
I would love any and all advice. I want a very clear concept for this db before I do anything!
Thanks again!
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Feb 21, 2005
hello all
Consider i have an employee database.
And i want to keep a track and analyze all the training programs every employee has attended from the day he joined ( for both working and resigned employees).
The analysis part is based on division-wise, level-wise, year-wise, location-wise, trainingtype -wise etc..
I have a main employee database with his ID, name, location, age. And i have created seperate tables for his designation, dept, training program, year ,etc...THe reason for this is that the departments, designation , training programs available within the company get updated often. And I have created relationships between them.
When an employee resigns or leaves the company, i have to store the records, but I dont need to update it.
One option is ; whenever a employee leaves the company delete his related record and transfer them to to another table called OUT_Emp.
Just the delete the employee record from the Employee table. And keep the other relationships intact.
Or should i create seperate database and transfer all the tables from the main database, just for the employees who have retired, resigned or suspended. THis database will contain all the tables that the main table has along with the relationship.
I really suck at one liners :D
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Apr 18, 2005
I am designing an application that tracks information on Choir membership and sheet music that we have on file. I am starting with a database of church members. There are four different choirs and choirs share some members. Some members of some of the choirs are also not members of our church so I will have to place non members in the member table. I am new to database design and would like the collective wisdom of this list to tell me of any problems I may encounter before I start doing any detail work.
What is the best way to deal with someone who is a member of more than one choir and may belong to a different section in this other choir (Tenor in one and Bass in another). An individual may also hold different offices in various choirs.
The table structure I have is as follows
MemberId Autonumber (pk)
FirstName, Text
MiddleName, Text
LastName, Text
DateJoined, Date
Phone, Text
Address, Text
City , Text
Zip, Text
BirthDate, Date
Member, Boolean
CHOIR MEMBERSHIP DB (How do I efficiently track someone in > 1 choirs)
MemberId, FK
ChoirId, FK
ChoirOfficeId, Fk
CHOIRS DB (This lists the various choirs in the Church)
ChoirId, pk
ChoirName, Text
DirectorId, FK (Pointing to Member DB, Person may not be member of any Choir)
CatalogId, PK
Type (Single Copy/octavo or book/collection)
PublisherId, FK
VoicingId, FK (From table with possible voicing)
UsageId, FK (Where in the service is it appropriate
Location, Text (Where in the filing system, or off site)
ClassificationId, FK (List of classification/genre in table so can update)
PublisherId, PK
ClassificationId, PK
Classification, Text (Christmas, Easter, general anthem etc)
To be able to track performances and plan services and performances I have the following table.
PERFORMANCE DB (This is to keep track of and plan the regular service)
PerformanceId, PK
Pdate, date (Date of Past/Planned performance. Possibly more than one per day)
ServiceTypeId, FK (From table of types of performances – morning service, evening, etc)
I would also like to be able to prepare mailing labels for the various choirs as well as the general membership from this DB. My primary focus will be on the music. I would like to have an efficient music DB that I may find out what music I do have and when I last performed them, what options for performance (usage and classification)
Would be grateful for your comments, Thanks!!
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Apr 21, 2005
I don’t understand how to structure tables and relationships.
I want to build a form that allows the user to search for a postal service from a group of carriers.
User must be able to input into a form:
Weight in g, Kg or lbs
Insurance level required
Whether signature is required (Yes/No from drop down list)
Collection/drop-off options (tick boxes)
Each service has a different insurance level, some need signature; some services collect, and all have different rates.
I just want to know how to structure the database.
The main part of my question is what would be my main table be and what fields would be contained in it, and what foreign keys would be introduced to pull in info.
Would you have a different table for each service?
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