I Am Having Trouble With Recursively Viewing The Treeview Control

Mar 28, 2005

Reference: http://support.microsoft.com/Default.aspx?kbid=209891

Hi I am trying to create a treeview based on a table that I created. I am trying to create a treeview that fills the treeview recursively but for some reason I am only able to see the parent node and not the children

Here are the specs that I have so far

I have a table called "tblTreeview"
I have tree fields
I also have a form called "frmTreeview"
I named my treeview control "axtreeview"

here is the code that I copied off the link that I referenced at the beginning of this thread.

The only thing that is different is the name of the fields.

'--Beginning Code --
Private Sub Form_Load()
Const strTableQueryName = "tblTreeview"
Dim db As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strTableQueryName, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
AddBranch rst:=rst, strPointerField:="txtRelationship", strIDField:="txtID", strTextField:="txtNode"
End Sub

'================= AddBranch Sub Procedure ======================
' Recursive Procedure to add branches to TreeView Control
' ActiveX Control: TreeView Control
' Name: xTree
' rst: Self-referencing Recordset containing the data
' strPointerField: Name of field pointing to parent's primary key
' strIDField: Name of parent's primary key field
' strTextField: Name of field containing text to be displayed
'================================================= ============
Sub AddBranch(rst As Recordset, strPointerField As String, _
strIDField As String, strTextField As String, _
Optional varReportToID As Variant)
On Error GoTo errAddBranch
Dim nodCurrent As Node, objTree As TreeView
Dim strCriteria As String, strText As String, strKey As String
Dim nodParent As Node, bk As String
Set objTree = Me!axTreeView.Object
If IsMissing(varReportToID) Then ' Root Branch.
strCriteria = strPointerField & " Is Null"
Else ' Search for records pointing to parent.
strCriteria = BuildCriteria(strPointerField, _
rst.Fields(strPointerField).Type, "=" & varReportToID)
Set nodParent = objTree.Nodes("a" & varReportToID)
End If

' Find the first emp to report to the boss node.
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
Do Until rst.NoMatch
' Create a string with LastName.
strText = rst(strTextField)
strKey = "a" & rst(strIDField)
If Not IsMissing(varReportToID) Then 'add new node to the parent
Set nodCurrent = objTree.Nodes.Add(nodParent, tvwChild, strKey, strText)
Else ' Add new node to the root.
Set nodCurrent = objTree.Nodes.Add(, , strKey, strText)
End If
' Save your place in the recordset so we can pass by ref for speed.
bk = rst.Bookmark
' Add employees who report to this node.
AddBranch rst, strPointerField, strIDField, strTextField, rst(strIDField)
rst.Bookmark = bk ' Return to last place and continue search.
rst.FindNext strCriteria ' Find next employee.

Exit Sub

'--------------------------Error Trapping --------------------------
MsgBox "Can't add child: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "AddBranch Error:"
Resume exitAddBranch
End Sub

'--End Code--


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TreeView Control

Oct 18, 2005

I just discovered TreeView Controls after browsing through this site today...in a word, awesome!

I've done alot of searching, and it seems that most of the discussion on TreeView is at a data level.

What I am wondering is if a TreeView can be used as a database navigational pane...ie switchboard, where the nodes are comprised of individual forms and/or reports, that when clicked, opens the associated form/report?

Does anybody have a sample db where this is being done or can somebody give me some tips on doing this?

I have a sample treeview.mdb in 2000, and I can freely create the parent and child nodes. That is the extent of my knowledge. I don't know how to make the nodes "actionable".

I appreciate all the advice!

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Bug: Treeview Loses Check Marks On A Tab Control

Jul 18, 2006

If anyone wants to test this out to verify its a true bug it would be helpful:

Create a tab control.
Place a treeview control (with checkboxes = Yes) on one of the pages.
Populate the treeview.
Check some boxes.
Move to the next page of the tab control.
Return to the page with the treeview.
Viola! The checkboxes you checked previously are all unchecked.
(Not just visually, but property-wise as well).

One step forward, two steps back.

Actually, the work around is to remove the treeview from the tab control and then change the Visible property of the treeview to False if on a different tab page, and True if on the page you want it to display on. But c'mon why can't it work the way you'd expect it to work!


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Control Treeview Is Missing Form ActiveX List?

Jun 21, 2014

I use Access 2010 on Windows 7 64b to create a form with a Treeview control. However, this control is missing from the list of controls activix. How can I add?

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General :: Link Parent / Child Node To A Control On Main Form In Treeview

Oct 7, 2012

I downloaded a sample treeview application I have modified most of its to suit my need, except one thing. I want link parent/child node the main form to the main form through a subform on the CategoryID.

The following is the original code where when a child not is clicked only pops up a "linked" msgbox. I need to modify the part of the code on the Select Case "C" in red:

Sub DisplayForm(i As Integer)
' for this Treeview I do not want a double-click on a parent node
' to open the applicable Category form, but pressing the shift key
' should open the marriage form applicable to the parent node. Shift
' or double-click on a child node should open the applicable
' offence form.

Dim strKey As String
Dim strTag As String
Dim strFilter As String

[Code] ....

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More With The Treeview

Jun 22, 2005

Still fighting to understand a darn thing about treeviews.
What I was hoping to do was create a kind of knowledge base that I could integrate into a larger database I'm using.
I wanted for each entry to have a category, short description and then longer details. Then for the treeview to display each item grouped by category.
So in the treeview, you'd click on Category 1 and it would display every knoweldge base item that is in category 1. Click on any of those nodes and have the subform change to display that knowledge base item.

I have NO idea how to design the treeview to do this. But have laid out the database to do just about everything else.

Any help?

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TreeView Of Directory

Feb 22, 2006

Hi All,

I've been trying to use TreeView control to display my computer's directories and folders just like Windows Explorer does.

Thanks to Popeye for reposting all the Treeview samples (samples posted before the site was hacked). Most or all of these samples, TreeView is used to display data out of tables. Mr. Ghuson posted a great example for browsing directory but it pops up a separate windows for browsing.

Now I'd like to somehow combine the two into one; browsing thru directories and folders using TreeView Control. Yes that I can browse and save all paths and directories to different tables and add them to the TreeView control but I'm trying to stay away from saving data to tables first.

Can this be accomplished? Can Windows Explorer be somehow embeded on an Access form or called? Any ideas, experts out there?

Thanks all in advance.

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Treeview Problem

Apr 25, 2005

Hey everyone,

I have a treeview control which is based on a table.

For some reason it won't fill properly, it doesn't add the nodes under the correct parent. If someone could look at the attached file and help me out I'd appreciate it.


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TreeView Code

Apr 29, 2005

This is the first time I've tried to work with a treeview control and it's very challenging. I've developed the branch building code in the form's module to a point where I'm confused on how to proceed. I've attached the database and a "readme" file to this posting. I hope someone can help me.


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Another TreeView Question

Jun 20, 2005

I need a help/pointer converting this cascading list boxes into treeview control. Please help. All the data I need to construct a treeview is already at category_info table, but unable to show it attrib_cde (parent), Stage (child of parent), and ID (child of Stage). Any help or a quick example is highly appreciated.


Attachment: AC2000 or AC2003

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Treeview SubChild Node.

Jun 24, 2005

Hi there,

I'm venturing into the abyss of treeviews and have read many threads on this subject. I have two questions to ask regarding the attached sample db, if anyone can help me please.

1) How can I adapt the existing code and create subnodes (or sub child nodes). For example, how can I create a sub-node of OPEN FORM2?
2) What is the syntax for an ONCLICK event, i.e. by clicking on OPEN FORM2 I want it to open FORM2?

Thanks in advance,

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Form With TreeView And Subforms

Feb 4, 2005

Hello all.

I'm really new at VB.
But I'm learning. I'm also learning to work around access too.
What I'm trying to do is have a Form with a TreeViewCtl that acts as a menu for other forms.
I'd like to have the TreeViewCtl open those forms in a subform so there is always just one form open at all times.
This way my "clients" don't get lost in the forms. Believe me, they get lost easily...

I already posted a question like this here:
But I'm not sure if this is a VB question (TreeViewCtl) or a Forums question...
A sample of what I'm trying to do is available at the link.
My TreeViewCtl works fine, but the forms open in seperate forms.
Sorry for the dbl-post.

Does anyone have any ideas?
I've been searching google for 2 weeks without any answers.

Thx for your time.

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Treeview Of Files With Filtering

Mar 12, 2006

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a form that is reading filenames from a certain folder on my computer.
The filenames have some prefixes - 'tu' , 'tc' , 'bf' , 'tf' and 'act'.
each filename that is read is being displayed (without it's prefix) in a list and has another attribute (type) that the prefix is inserted into it.

Does someone know how to start this kind of application ?

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TreeView - Legitimate Non-unique Keys

Jan 10, 2006

I have an application that uses a treeview to load a product hierarchy (n-number of levels deep) for an electroinic system based on a querydef that provides the following data:

Parent | Child | ChildName

I am able to load the treeview control using recursive lookups without an issue. Difficulty arises when a Child assy points to more than one Parent (happens in about 20% of the Systems sampled so far). This is a legitimate condition. Example: CircuitCardA (Child) is used in more than one Box (Parent) in an electronic system (Recordset).

I have played with a couple strategies of concatenating the ParentName with the ChildName, but this breaks the referential integrity of the tree.

Can anyone suggest strategies to deal with legitimate non-unique keys in a Treeview?

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Forms :: Treeview For Client Folders?

Aug 8, 2013

Am looking to do a treeview type of search to hyperlink to client file/folders on my network. This way I can hide the main file source location in the network and files can just be accessible via Access program search.

So far I found this link [URL] and the 3rd bottom option seems to be the most promising but I cant seem to figure how to accomplish the hyperlinks.

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Cant Work Out Double Click Event For Treeview 6.0

Dec 11, 2007

HI all

I have managed to populate a treeview with some menu items I required and it looks great but I now need to get it to do something. How do I get a tree view value (selection) to act as a variable in routine. e.g. if my tree look like this.

- Compaint management
I----My compaints

When I "double click" on My Complaints I want it to a open a specific form. One I know how to do one action I should be able to figure the rest out for myself.

Thanks everyone. :-)

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Modules & VBA :: Debug Error For TreeView Variable Definition?

Jun 24, 2015

I am using Windows 8.1 64 bit system. Into attached access file (OfferStudy.accdb) ,trying to load an activeX TreeView control by defining into a form module. First, I created an empty form and activeX Treeview control.When I define tv variable As TreeView as created in application, it is changing as Dim tv As treeView instead of TreeView. After my code is completed,an error message ("user-defined type not defined") is returning as shown in attached (DebugError.png)file.

I suppose that there is some conflict on creating activeX control on my Access 2013 application.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Open Treeview Node To A Specific Folder / Subfolder

Dec 18, 2014

I have a tree-view object that is filled with a specific folder list, when a command button is pressed I would like too expand to a specific node based on a variable/foldername.

How to achieve this? My knowledge of tree-view is limited and I am still learning VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Use Treeview Click Event To Show Pictures In Folders

Dec 10, 2014

I have been looking into populating a tree-view with folders and files, and have found some great examples for doing this, How ever...I cannot seem to work out how to show files/pictures in a form based on the click event of the tree-view.

I have managed to do an onclick event for the files in the tree-view, but I cannot seem to get the onclick event for folders in a tree-view.

Here is an example which I am working on at the moment, but get the error Object variable Or with block variable not set.

Private Sub tvw_Click()
Dim tClient As String
Dim tParent As Scripting.folder
Dim fd As Scripting.folder
Dim fNode As MSComctlLib.Node

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Treeview Feature - Determine Exact String Width (in Pixels)

Dec 12, 2014

I am working with the Access Treeview feature and I'd like to align the different elements in my nodes exactly below each other.

Therefore I need exact distances (if string is longer then XY, cut short, if shorter, extend to XY).

Of course I cannot work with len() and fill with spaces because letters have different widths.

Is there a way to determine the exact width of a string? e.g. in pixels?

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Modules & VBA :: Expanding Treeview Automatically When Node Matches A String Variable From A Table

Jul 14, 2014

I'd like to expand me tree view automatically when a node matches a string variable from a table. In other words, when a node in a tree matches the given name (variable), the tree will expand all the way down to that name. I guess I need to use "For each node" and when the node and variable match, the tree structure will show up.

I have come up with something like this:

For Each nd In Me.tree.Nodes
If nd = level1 Then
Exit For
End If
Next nd

But this only shows the first level of my tree ( btw. I have a 3 level tree). I get lost inside the FOR when I want to make use of another two variables - level2 and level 3

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Viewing All Records

Apr 18, 2006

Hi, can anyone please help me.
I've just set up a form with 2 pages which I can add data into, but for some reason, I can't view all records.
I've tried using the switchboard to add buttons to both add records and view (but they both only add), and i've also set up my own button with the instruction to view all records, but it just won't work.
On the first page the data source is tbl_CompanyInfo, and on the second page, the data source is a subform with the data source tbl_Contacts. The subform will link contacts to the company info via the CompanyID field. I hope that makes sense.
Can anyone please tell me how I can view all of the data via the form.
Thanks very much

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Viewing Only Those Data With Value

Sep 29, 2006

I'm wondering how can I view only those query data with value in certain fields.

For example in a record of students with check marks, view only those students with check marks and leaving those having no check mark out.

I know it has something to do with the criteria but not sure what. I've already search the MS Access Help as well as this forum and have not found anything.

Thanks in advance.

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Subform Viewing

Jul 21, 2006

I am working creating a data entry form. I am using the data entry option in the form properties to do this. However, when I do this, my subforms do not display any information.

Ideally, I would like them to display information when the field linked to the subform is entered on the main form. Is there an option for this ?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Viewing A Directory

Sep 6, 2006

Hello Access gurus
I hope I am in the right place to start this off
I had D/b all set up but i need to have on my form a view of directory(s)

I have button that creates the folder (many thanks to the person whom gave me this )
but what i want to be able to do is preview this witihn my form

so on my form I want a box that will show what i have stored in this folder (which could be word or pdf or xls)
my button will create C: empfiling filenumber & filename ( about 20 chars)
so my form need to be able to preview all files within this folder ( I hope that I have at least half way explained what I am after
Access 2000 - and reasonable expereince (not brillaint at advance VB )

any thoughts regards

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Viewing HTML In A Form

Apr 14, 2006

I've used Access 2003 to create a database which contains a table linked directly to the "Orders" table on my mysql server. This table holds all of the customer orders placed on our website. I next created a form in access to give me a nice justified view of the orders.

My Problem? The field on the mysql server that holds the line item details for each order is a "Memo" field, and all of the text is formatted in html it appears. When viewed on the form, I see the all of the raw code, and not the nicely formatted text. If i highlight a section of the code from the form, and paste it in a Html editor (Frontpage for example), I see the line items nicely formatted as intended.

Is there a way to get this memo field to display the formatted html text instead?

My access skills are pretty limited, so detailed steps would be appreciated.

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