I Can't Open My Database, And Am Worried Its Died

Jan 23, 2008

Last night whilst working on my database, I made some changes to the layout of the switchboard. Closed the form and then closed access. I tried to reopen the database to see the changes I made. But instead I get the following screen.


Once this has happened Access creates but does not delete the lock file. Simply deleting the lock file does nothing. It also creates a backup of the database which also does not open, and also leaves a lock file.

Anyone know of a tool I can use to check the validity of the database, or be able to drag as much data out of it as possible. I am away from my backups and really need to get this going.

Probably important to know the database has a .mdb extension and the lock file .ldb. and I use Access 2007.

The app works as it happily opens other databases.

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Slightly Worried About File Sizes

Jun 29, 2006

Well, today I had a problem with my main access db. It stopped letting me create MDE files, and my usual trick of decompiling it didn't work. I eventually got it working by importing everything into a blank database and setting the startup form and references again. However when I did this, I noticed a very big difference in file sizes. My old MDB file was 14mb, while the new one was about 5mb.

Just wondering if anybody else has come across anything like this before? Everything seems to be working fine and transferred over corrrectly, but such a huge difference worries me slightly.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Database / Run A Query / Close Database

Aug 22, 2014

i have a database that runs updates from within itself.what i need is, this database to then open a another database run a update query, then close it.

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Open Database

Jun 1, 2005

What is the best place to have opendatabase statement ? Currently I have opendatabase in all of my forms. I dont have any modules in my application. I am new to access programming. Is module really necessary in an application?
If I can put the opendatabase statement in one place, it will be easier for me to change the database name and path, if I have to..I dont know how to do it.

Can anyone help..I hope this one should easy for many of you people.

Thanks very much.

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Database Will Not Open

Feb 21, 2006


I've run across a couple issues with our database. The most immediate issue is that I have been unable to open the database on any networked (or non-networked) computer. Me and a assistant typically enter data into this database from two seperate computers. She works on a wireless networked computer with the file on my computers hard drive. I work directly with the file. My computer is wired to the router. (in case that information helps)

We keep getting errors about "cannot access remote computer" and such, they seem to occur when she's entering data and I have the database open, then close Access. It will often give her the error and not allow her to save the record.

But just today she entered something, I closed my database window, then reopened it and I could not get in. All network computers rebooted, and still cannot get into the file. I can enter the password and then it goes to just a blank area (like when your first open access with no database). Older backup versions of the database still work, so it doesn't seem like an Access error. I also noticed that the little "LockFile"s are not being created (I ever faked one just to try it out and it deleted it after i entered the database password)

I can't repair, or convert or anything, it just asks for the password, I give it...and then nothing.

I'm very lost. Thanks for any help.

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Can I Open Up One Database From Another?

Mar 29, 2006

I have one database and I want the ability to click on a button and open up another database. Can I do that?

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Can't Open Database!!

Apr 8, 2006

I can't open my database...
It was open yesterday and after a power failure computer turned off...
2day I can't open it...
Messege box says something like ---database was open--- not properly closed--- etc. etc. and can't perform auto repair...

I tried to import the objects in other database but can't do that as well...

Is there any way to repair the database???

Thanx and regards,,


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Can't Open Database

Apr 11, 2013

I have problem once each day when I open Access for the first time. I get an error message "Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.". It asks for a file name and insists on compacting (I think) and saving the database. I go through this several times saving it under a diferent name each time until I get the warning "Security warning Some active content has been disabled. Click for details." with a button to disable it.

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Cannot Open Access Database...

Nov 3, 2005

Hello. I haven't seen this before with Access; I've searched the forum and haven't found anything yet...

I have an Access database that was being used by about 9 different people. Everything was going along okay, but one day it became read-only for no reason. Once everyone got out of the DB it said it needed repairing. So with only one person in I ran the repair, but the horror-inducing message "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." appears and when I click "OK" on the message nothing happens whatsoever.

Luckily backups existed, but some data was lost. Is there anyway to run a repair on the database that won't open? Or is it a lost cause?

Thank you! :D

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Access 97 Database Won't Open

Jan 3, 2006

We've got a client that runs two access 97 based databases on their network. up until recently both databases worked

fine on all workstations (all XP Pro).

About 3 weeks ago they called me to report that one of the databases would not load on 3 workstations. It opened

fine on all the others. I checked out the permissions on the database (which is stored centrally on the server) and

everyone had full control.

Within the last week they have added two new xp pro workstations to the domain - neither of which can access the

database in question. they can access the other database no problem - as can all the other workstations.

The occurs as follows:

1. Double click on the icon for the database

2. access 97 loads but does not load the database's interface - instead it opens an empty version of access (with

file menu etc at the top)

3. no specific error messages at all.

4. close access and the standard xp program crash message appears (see screenshots below)

As mentioned above, other workstations can open the database fine.

the only thing that has changed on the network is the installation of some server and workstation based production

software - we have not yet consulted with the company that installed this - we felt that if it was this software

causing the problem then all workstations would be suffering. we wil have to consult with them once we've exhausted

all the possibilities.

Thanks in advance for any advice



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Run Report On Open Database

Feb 13, 2006

Hello all,

Please help with this:

On opening my database, I have a switchboard that opens up.

How do also run a report automatically just after the switchboard screen opens. To make the switchboard open when I click on my database, I went to tools..> startup. But I don't know how to run a report automatically after that.

Thanks for your help!

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Database Won't Open, Placed In A State.

Jun 7, 2006

I am getting the following Error:

"This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft access cannot open it.

"This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft access by using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database command on the tools menu. This has left the database in a partially converted state.

"If you have a copy of the database in its original format, use the convert database command on the tools menu to convert it. If the original database is no longer available, create a new database and import your tables and queries to preserve your data. Your other database objects can't be recovered."

The database is on the server. Nothing was changed. Someone in our IT department says they simply opened it and then closed it. I think that they had their access program set to compact and repair on close.

I have tried to import the tables but am gettting the same errors.

I have the original database but it is an old backup that is missing data.

Can someone HELP

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Database Permissions - Can Not Open

Oct 19, 2006

I have copied a work database onto my flash drive and then onto my laptop to do some work in it.

Now I can not open the database because it has the error message.

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the database etc...

I have copied the Application file, the Data file and the Workgroup information file and the only one I can open is Workgroup information file. I have tried holding the shift key down as well.

Any suggestions as I have heaps of work to do and I have tomorrow away from work to do it.

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Prevent To Open The Database

Jun 5, 2007


I created the database, which shared by multi-user. But, my user have a problem to open it. When user1 open the database, user2 cannot open it, I did not remember the error message, it is said that Admin (computer name) prevent you to open the database. But, if the user1 switch another application program (the database file is still opened), user2 can open the database, then both users can access the same database file.

Why do we have this problem? How can I fix it?

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Access Database Does Not Open

Jul 13, 2007

I have a user who is having trouble opening a database he created. Here is his description.
I am having an issue with Access that has occurred today and once several weeks ago.

First, I build a complex database for Safeway report. It functions correctly, I can access it from excel.

Problem, I go to update or modify the databases, Access gives me the macro message which I override.

The access database window will not open, no error appears, just a blank access screen with tool bars above.
I have tempted to do a compact and repair of the database which did not help.

Microsoft Online help says the issue can be cause by old Anti Virus Software.

The database will permit excel to pull data from it.
Does anybody have an answer.

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Open Database From Form

Jan 7, 2008

Is it possible to open a database from a form in a different database? Not necessary to do so; it would just be handy to do from the form I already have up and looking at rather than having to go open another instance of access and go to that database.

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Database Slow To Open

Jan 17, 2008

I have two databases, one is much larger than the other, but both have the same start up code. The larger database opens quickly, but the smaller database takes forever. I tried compacting and repairing the front end and the back end of the database, but that did not help. Any ideas on how I can speed this up?

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Error: Database Already Open

Dec 3, 2005

i get the error "The database is already opened exclisively by another user" after running the following code. i ran the same code under the same conditions on my home pc and it worked fine.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim dbs As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String

Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "update Emp set Salary = 786+ val(text2)- val(text3) where EmpID = '& val(text1) &'"
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", strSQL)

End Sub

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Open Database From Code

Dec 16, 2004

is there a possibility to open a compleet other database from you database out?

no matter what the location is (i give the location)

thx in advance

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Can't Open Database In Access. Please Help!!

Dec 29, 2004

I've inherited a database and I need to export the data to a new program. I can access the DB through a front-end program, but it doesn’t give an option to export the data. I have a username/password for the program, but I can’t open the DB in access. I can't even get to the point of entering a password. The program is 8 years old and the company has been acquired by another company. I tried contacting the new company and they’ve never heard of the version that I have. I’ve even tried contacting a supervisor.

On opening the db immediately gives the error:

“You do not have the necessary permissions to use the ‘C:.....mdb’ object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you.”

I’ve tried the following with no luck:

1. Create a shortcut to use an alternate mdw file. "C:XXXMSACCESS.EXE" "C:XXXdata.mdb" /WRKGRP "C:XXXSystem.mdw"
2. Holding down the shift key while opening the file
3. Compact and repair
4. Converting it to prior version
5. Creating a new database and importing all objects

Is there a way to "read" the db file to see if there is a valid user name?

I found the following suggestion, but have no idea how to do it:

http://www.vba-programmer.com/Access_Code/List_Groups_Users.txt and this
and try the .mdw files again, using the users(and/or groups) that have permission

If it's still not working?, there might be a way to jerry these

I'm not a programmer so if anyone has any easy solutions (or even better a sample!) I’d greatly appreciate the help!

Thanks in advance!!


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Open External Database?

Oct 3, 2006

I was wondering is there a way to open up another database from within a database? Not to combine but just to open another one up instead of looking for it on a drive....

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General :: Cannot Open Database

Jun 28, 2012

I've been working on a database for the past month and all of a sudden I'm getting an error "the microsoft jet database engine could not find the object 'database'" and when I click ok nothing is showing (i.e. no project window or anything). I normally do backups on something this large but for some reason I didn't on this one. The size of the file is still large but doesn't look like anything is in it.I've tried opening a new one and link and import everything but I get the same error.

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Database Does Not Want To Open MDA File

Jul 28, 2013

after I upgraded to win 7 my database refuses to use an .mda file, to which I refer to (Visual Basic menu, extras). I get the message that I should have installed this .mda file with administrator rights. I am the only user and administrator of my computer, and i cannot install this file (which I bought a long time ago) other than put it either into ....../office12 or into windows/system12 or windows/syswow64.I tried to register it under DOS (with administator rights) with regsvr32.exe but there I got the message that I should check whether this .mda is a 32 or 64 bit version.

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Open Database Through Webpage Or Convert To Web?

Dec 15, 2005

Right, I knew this day would arrive and have somewhat been dreading it but excited by the idea of a new development at the same time.

We have a database within the school on our server that staff would like to be able to access at home through the internet. They will need to be able to view, add and edit data. What is my best way of doing this for someone who has never done this before?

Is it possible just to put a link on a website? or do I have to covert?

Is the MSAcces dataaccess pages something i should look at? Should I use VB.NET? ASP.NET?Frontpage? Everyone seems to have a different take on this from the forum but most of the advice was quite old. So what do you all think out there?

And How can I learn really really fast? Any online tutorials or Books people can suggest would be ever so helpful as well.

Thanks alot in advance for any support you are able to give me with regards my best route of action.

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Access2000 Won't Open As A Multisuer Database

Jul 24, 2006

The Access2000 database is on a server located on our office network. Our office has a mixture of WindowsXP and Windows2000 as the operating system. We are using Novell Netware for the office network. I am wondering if the Novell Network is "confusing" Access???The check box option to open Access2000 as a multiuser database ischecked. Also "No locks" is checked. When the database is opened weget the "LBD" file with "access.lockfile.9". When I look at this file,I see my name and the word "Admin", which seems normal. However, ifanother user attempts to open the database, they can't and they get amessage that another user is using the program.According to Micorsoft, Access must be in a shared directory. Sinceeveryone can read/write/create/delete to the directory it appears "shared".Nevertheless, is it possible that the Novell Network has a conflictwhich prevents Access from being shared? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I took the database home (to my home network) and had limited sharing success. First, the folder that access is in must be fully labeled as shared, read/write privileges by themselves don't seem to allow multiuser access. Second, after closing the database, I would get a "can't find" the database message from windows explorer even though the file was visible.

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Database On Network Drive Won't Open

Oct 24, 2006

I was using the database when there was a network error and I had to close it. When I tried to reopen it I got the error message: Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysAccessObjects'. I logged off the PC and logged back on various others, but keep getting the same message. Can anyone tell me if this is terminal or is there a way around it. I do have a backup, but it's a few days old and a lot of work will need re-entering' so any help would be appreciated!!

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