"INSERT/UPDATE" Statement Error

Sep 19, 2004

I try to do an INSERT statement throught my ASP to add records to my Access DB. However I get an error when I execute this. The code in ASP is -

Code: strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_psm (LocID, Week, Month, Year, Rating, Remark, Action, SubmittedDateTime) VALUES ('" &cint(intLocid)& "', '" &cint(sWeek)& "', '" &cint(sMonth)& "', '" &cint(sYear)& "', '" &cint(sRating)& "', '" &sRemark& "', '" &sAction& "', '" &formatdatetime(date,vbshortdate)& "');" objConn.Execute strSQL

I get the error page -

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e14'
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. /PeriodicWorkScheduleRatingSubmit.asp, line 65

I tried doing a response.write onto the ASP (to get the actual SQL), got the query, copy-pasted it and ran it on MS Access - it worked fine there. The query is -

Code: INSERT INTO tbl_psm (LocID, Week, Month, Year, Rating, Remark, Action, SubmittedDateTime) VALUES ('50', '2', '9', '2004', '3', 'asd', 'asdasd', '9/20/2004');

I can't understand if it works in Access, who not work through ASP?? Is there somethings wrong somewhere? I cannot see it..

Please help..

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Insert And Update In Same Sql Statement

Feb 20, 2008

Is it possible to have an insert and update in the same sql statement using MS Access 2002? I could split it into seperate statements but for code purity I would like to have it in one :cool:

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Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement

Feb 1, 2007

What is the syntax error in this Insert Into statement ?

INSERT INTO RawData(RunID,fullName,name,category,type,subType, numberOfLines,virtual,date,namespace) SELECT 257 ,fullName,name,category,type,subType,numberOfLines ,virtual,#1/3/2007#,namespace FROM RawData WHERE namespace ='customer.demo' AND RunID =256

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jan 22, 2014

I am having a problem with below and getting a run-time error 3134

LastOrderNumber = DMax("Order", "Model_types")
NewOrderNumber = CLng(LastOrderNumber + 1)

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Model_types (Order) " _
& "VALUES (" & NewOrderNumber & ")"

The field 'Order' in Model_types is a Long Integer.

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General :: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jul 31, 2012

I'm trying to run the following query

INSERT INTO Enrolled_Students (Last Name, First Name, Address, town/city, county, postcode, phone number, date of birth, age)
SELECT Last Name, First Name, Address, Town/City, County, Postcode, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Age
From Candidate Details
Where IsNumeric (Student ID);

and i'm receiving the error stated above

what im doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error With INSERT Statement And Subform

Mar 13, 2015

I am getting a syntax error on my SQL statement.

On a form I have a sub form containing the field txtGuestID - whose control source is GuestID.

On the main form I have a button that fires the code below.

I am sure I am not referring to the control txtGuestID correctly.

Private Sub cmdInbound_Transport_Click()
Dim iProductID As Integer
Dim sSQL As String
On Error GoTo cmdInbound_Transport_Err

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: INSERT Statement From Form Resulting In Run-time Error

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to create an INSERT statement from a form to put unbound fields in a table. The challenge that I am a getting is that I am getting a

Run-time error '3075' Syntax error in date in query expression '#'

What is really perplexing and perhaps something that may guide in identifying the culprit is that I have an identifcal form that uses the identical code and it works.

Here is the code below:

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL & " INSERT INTO [tblTicket]"

[Code] ....

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Invalid SQL Statement; Expected 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Procedure', 'Select', Or 'Update

Nov 8, 2004

Hi, I was wondering why the following code would give me an invalid SQL statement message:

Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.Open "Manzanero # 450", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic

The error message is:

"Invalid SQL Statement; expected 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Procedure', 'Select', or 'Update"
I'm just trying to open up the table "Manzanero # 450" so that I might add to its contents. I have Microsoft Active X Data Objects 2.6 library included as well. I find it strange since this is basically a line for line copy of a sample I found in a MS Access book. Please help. Thanks! =)


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Error In UPDATE Statement

Aug 24, 2005

Hi everyone,
I keep getting this error whenever i try to run the ASPcode. Can anyone please help me

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

I have two tables data1 and data2 in the same access database (data.mdb)

here is the query

strDBPath = Server.MapPath("data.mdb")
Set cnnSimple = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnSimple.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";"

Set rstSimple = cnnSimple.Execute("SELECT sponser2 FROM data2")

Do While Not rstSimple.EOF
set tamt = cnnsimple.Execute("SELECT SUM(amount1) FROM data1 WHERE sponser1='"&spo&"' ")
Set rstSimple1 = cnnSimple.Execute("UPDATE data2 SET amount2= "&tamt(0)&" WHERE sponser2='"&spo&"' ")

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Sql Update Statement Error

Aug 25, 2006

im trying to update to the database with the following sql statements:

FUNCTION fixQuotes( theString )
fixQuotes = REPLACE( theString, "'", "''" )

sql #1
sqlstring = "update Asset set AssetID='"&fixQuotes( assetid )&"', AssetLabel='"&fixQuotes( assetlabel )&"', WarrantStart='"&fixQuotes( warrantystart )&"', Engrave='"&fixQuotes( engrave )&"', Status='"&fixQuotes( status1 )&"', Make='"&fixQuotes( make )&"', Model='"&fixQuotes( model )&"', AssetCategory='"&fixQuotes( assetcategory )&"' where AssetID='"&assetid&"' "

sql #2
sqlstring = "update Asset set " &_
"AssetID=' " & fixQuotes( assetid ) & "'," &_
"AssetLabel=' " & fixQuotes( assetlabel ) & "'," &_
"WarrantStart=' " & fixQuotes( warrantystart ) & "'," &_
"Engrave=' " & fixQuotes( engrave ) & "'," &_
"Status=' " & fixQuotes( status1 ) & "'," &_
"Make=' " & fixQuotes( make ) & "'," &_
"Model=' " & fixQuotes( model ) & "'," &_
"AssetCategory=' " & fixQuotes( assetcategory ) & "' where " &_
"AssetID=" & AssetID

ive tried both @ different times but they dont work. the adodb connection's open

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Syntax Error In UPDATE Statement..

Jun 27, 2005


Hopefully this is an easy one! but for the life of me i can't see what im doing wrong , help is appreciated.

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/diary_editE.asp, line 272

SQL = "UPDATE diary SET dte =" & Request.Form("dte") & ", " &_
" eTime= '"& ChkStr(Request.Form("tim")) & "', " & _
" eEnd= '"& ChkStr(Request.Form("endt")) & "', " & _
" text_field = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("title")) & "', " & _
" eLocation = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("locat")) & "', " & _
" eContact = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("conta")) & "', " & _
" eSpeak = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("speak")) & "', " & _
" eAudiin = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("audi")) & "', " & _
" eAudiex = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("aude")) & "', " & _
" eVisitors = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("evisit")) & "', " & _
" ePromo = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("prom")) & "', " & _
" details = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("details")) & "', category = " & Request.Form("cat") & _
" WHERE id = " & Request.Form("ID")

my_conn.Execute SQL

If anymore info is required please tell me, but basically i can insert into the database no problems , but when it comes to updating what is in there i recieve the above error

Thanks in advance

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Error 3464 With An UPDATE Query Statement

Jun 1, 2005

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to execute an update query by using the DoCmd.RunSQL. Here is my statement:

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE T_Facturation SET TotalQuantiteDiesel = TotalQuantiteDiesel + " & Me.TxtQuantiteDiesel.Value & ", " & _
"TotalInst = TotalInst + " & Me.TxtInst.Value & ", TotalDemo = TotalDemo + " & Me.TxtDemo.Value & ", " & _
"TotalCoutDiesel = TotalCoutDiesel + " & Me.TxtCoutDiesel.Value & ", TotalLocationHQ = TotalLocationHQ + " & Me.TxtLocationHQ.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTempsHQ = TotalTempsHQ + " & Me.TxtTempHQ.Value & ", TotalLocation = TotalLocation + " & Me.TxtLocation.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransfo = TotalTransfo + " & Me.TxtTransfo.Value & ", TotalAutreDep = TotalAutreDep + " & Me.TxtAutresDep.Value & ", " & _
"TotalCable = TotalCable + " & Me.TxtCable.Value & ", TotalElectricien = TotalElectricien + " & Me.TxtElectricien.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTempExt = TotalTempExt + " & Me.TxtTempsExt.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransportGeneratrice = TotalTransportGeneratrice + " & Me.TxtTransportGeneratrice.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransportTransfo = TotalTransportTransfo + " & Me.TxtTransportTransfo.Value & " WHERE NoAutoInstallation = '" & Me.TxtNoAutoInstallation.Value & "';"

My problem is that when I execute this code, I got the error:
Run-time error '3464': Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

I tried to change my query statement, but I cannot find my error. I'm using Access 2003. I'm really lost.

Can someone help me please!

Thanks a lot

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Queries :: Syntax Error In Update Statement

Nov 27, 2014

I have 2 tables called MakeTable1 and DBO_TBL_Activity

Im trying to update MakeTable1 with the values from TBL_Activity when both activity.StartDate and maketable1.Dates match but also acticity.IDStaff and Maketable1.ID Match

Below is the SQL i have so far


UPDATE [MakeTable1].[Detailsa] SET [dbo_tbl_activity].[details]

WHERE [MakeTable1.Dates)=[dbo_tbl_activity].[StartDate] AND [MakeTable1].[id]=[dbo_tbl_activity].[idstaff]);

The error is :syntax error in update statement

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Modules & VBA :: Update Query End Of Statement Error

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to write an UPDATE line in VBA, but whenever I put the table name I get an "Expected End of Statement" error.This is line currently;


It doesn't matter whether I change the table name to square brackets, quotes or nothing at all, it always gives me the expected end of statement error.

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Queries :: Update Statement With Null Dates - Getting Syntax Error

Jul 5, 2013

My issue is that I am trying to update a date field. When I do the date field may have a date or may be a null. When I try to pass in a NULL date with no quotes, I get a syntax error. When I have single quotes in the statement and a null value is passed in, I get an invalid use of date.

If (Not IsDate(rs.Fields("DENIED_DATE"))) Then
DENIEDDATE1 = "'" & rs.Fields("DENIED_DATE") & "'"
End If

update table1 set table1.denieddate = " & denieddate1 & " 'get Update syntax error with this statement
update table1 set table1.denieddate = '" & denieddate1 & "' 'fails due to invalid use of null

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Modules & VBA :: Update And Amend Records In A Table - Error Trying To Execute SQL Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I'm trying to create a function to update and amend records in a table.

The update part works and updates existing records with new data but I'm getting an error with the insert part.

Run time error 3078
The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'FALSE'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Nothing called 'FALSE' so not sure what that means?


sSQL = "INSERT INTO Pupil_tb (PupilID,Class,PupilName,etc ) " _
= "SELECT PupilImport_tb.PupilID, Class, PupilName, etc FROM PupilImport_tb " _
& "LEFT JOIN Pupil_tb " _
& "ON Pupil_tb.PupilID=PupilImport_tb.PupilID " _
& "WHERE Pupil_tb.PupilID Is Null "

CurrentDb.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

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Queries :: Update Statement For A OUTER JOIN Select Statement

Feb 12, 2014

I have the following Select Statement:

SELECTTenant.ID, Tenant.[First Name], Tenant.[Last Name], Tenant.Address, Tenant.City, Tenant.State, Tenant.Zip, Tenant.[Home Phone], Tenant.[Cell Phone], Tenant.[Work Phone], Tenant.[Rented Unit],
Tenant.[Security Deposit], Tenant.[Move In], Tenant.[Move Out], Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.UnitID, Tenant.PropertyID, Tenant.OwnerID, Owner.Company, Owner.ID AS Expr1, Property.[Property Address],


Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?

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INSERT INTO Statement Help..

Mar 17, 2005

hello all

after many hours of reading access help, for my update command button,
not sure what i did wrong...

when I on the update button, its give me blank space on the table where all my contacts are stored,

I trying to updated existing client contact info, without changing contact name,
I have contact form with drop down menu, where I select clients name and view and clients information,

"'" & Me!TbxComp & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxStreet & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxFloor & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxCityStateZip & "', " & _
"'" & Me!Telephone & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxFax & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxAcctMgr & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxEmail & "')"
here is what my form code looks like,
Private Sub cboContact_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactID As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactID = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " WHERE ContactName = '" _
& Me!cboContact.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactID, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!Telephone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!Email
Me!TbxAcctMgr = rst!Manager
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub
Private Sub Close_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()

'Set Record Source for Forms as Contacts Table
Forms!Contacts.RecordSource = "Contacts"

End Sub

Private Sub Update_Contact_Click()
Dim QrySQL As String

QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [Contacts] " & _
"(ContactName, Company, Street, Floor, CityStateZip, Telephone, Fax, Manager, Email) " & _
"VALUES(" & _
"'" & Me!TbxContactName & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxComp & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxStreet & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxFloor & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxCityStateZip & "', " & _
"'" & Me!Telephone & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxFax & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxAcctMgr & "', " & _
"'" & Me!TbxEmail & "')"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Update Was Completed"

End Sub

please note: i have very little programming skills
Not sure if I explained this correctly..

Thank you
Your help is greatly appreciated


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OVerflow On INSERT Statement

Mar 7, 2006

Hi there,

I am trying to perform an INSERT into a linked Oracle Table, using the following code:

FROM Visits;

Seems simple enough, there are 10,000 records in the visits table, but when i try to run this query i get an error message that simply says 'OverFlow' but no error code. This query worked earlier when i only tried to insert 1,800 records, can anyone tell me if there is a limit to the number of records i can insert. I have linked the oracle tables using ODBC drivers (SQORA32.dll) and this has worked fine against all of the other tables except this one...



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Insert Statement ...order By

Jun 23, 2006

I've created a new table to hold information about female customers and it would be nice if I could glance through it in alphabetical order of their surnames.


In MS Access the resulting table data is NOT sorted by surname, but it works fine when I'm using my trusty SQL Server database. Can this be done in Access?
...and yes, I know I just need to use a query to sort the data, but I'm more interested to find out why it works in SQL Server and not Access.

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Insert Into Sql Statement Not Working.. Help!

Dec 5, 2006

hi guys i have a form that comes from a query with a parent and child table. Main table pk is pricingid and then the foreign key in tblHistory is pricingid.

I am trying to do an append table but i keep getting an error message
Pricing ID is the pk autonumber in tblPricing (parent table)
historyid is the pk in tblHistory and pricingid the fk(child table)
oldprice should be a currency value
the other fields are text.

this is my code:

strSQL = "Insert into tblHistory (DateChanged, Edit_UserName, OldPrice) Values(#" & now() & "#, '" & getusername() &"', " & Me.txtPrice.OldValue & ")

but i get the error message

You cannot or change a record because a related record is required in table tblPricing

any advise... i know i need to select somehow the pricingId from the parenttable, but how do i do that?

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Still Having Trouble With Insert Statement

Jan 19, 2005

this is what I have with all the syntax problems on the insert statement

Private Sub Save_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_Save_Click

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Dim EntryTime As String
Dim lsupervisor As String
Dim sSemester As String

Dim selectRequirementid1 As String
Dim selectRequirementid2 As String
Dim selectRequirementid3 As String
Dim selectRequirementid4 As String
Dim selectRequirementid5 As String
Dim selectRequirementid6 As String
Dim selectRequirementid7 As String
Dim selectRequirementid8 As String
Dim selectRequirementid9 As String
Dim selectRequirementid10 As String
Dim selectRequirementid11 As String
Dim selectRequirementid12 As String

Dim sRequirement1 As String
Dim sRequirement2 As String
Dim sRequirement3 As String
Dim sRequirement4 As String
Dim sRequirement5 As String
Dim sRequirement6 As String
Dim sRequirement7 As String
Dim sRequirement8 As String
Dim sRequirement9 As String
Dim sRequirement10 As String
Dim sRequirement11 As String
Dim sRequirement12 As String

lsupervisor = Me.Supervisor1.Column(0)
sSemester = Me.Semester1.value
EntryTime = Format(Now, "dddd, mmmm d, yyyy, hh:mm:ss AMPM")

sRequirement1 = Me.category1.value & ">" & Me.subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label1.Caption
selectRequirementid1 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement1] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement2 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label2.Caption
selectRequirementid2 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement2] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement3 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label3.Caption
selectRequirementid3 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement3] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement4 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label4.Caption
selectRequirementid4 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement4] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement5 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label5.Caption
selectRequirementid5 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement5] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement6 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label6.Caption
selectRequirementid6 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement6] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement7 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label7.Caption
selectRequirementid7 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement7] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement8 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label8.Caption
selectRequirementid8 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement8] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement9 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label9.Caption
selectRequirementid9 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement9] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement10 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value & ">" & Me!Label10.Caption
selectRequirementid10 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement10] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement11 = category1.value
selectRequirementid11 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement11] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

sRequirement12 = category1.value & ">" & subcategory1.value
selectRequirementid12 = "SELECT Requirements.RequirementID " & _
"FROM Requirements " & _
"WHERE Requirements.RequirementName = '" + [sRequirement12] + "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Area = '" & Me.AArea1.value & "' " & _
"AND Requirements.Level = '" & Me.level1.value & "' "

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Hours ([UniversityID], [LicenseNumber], [SiteName], [RequirementID1], [RequirementID2], [RequirementID3], [RequirementID4], [RequirementID5], [RequirementID6], [RequirementID7], [RequirementID8], [RequirementID9], [RequirementID10], [RequirementID11], [RequirementID12], [Semester], [HoursCompleted1], [HoursCompleted2], [HoursCompleted3], [HoursCompleted4], [HoursCompleted5], [HoursCompleted6], [HoursCompleted7], [HoursCompleted8], [HoursCompleted9], [HoursCompleted10], [HoursCompleted11], [HoursCompleted12], [EntryTime], [Comments]) " & _
" VALUES('" & UniversityID1 & "', '" + [lsupervisor] + "', '" & SiteName1 & "', '" + [selectRequirementid1] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid2] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid3] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid4] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid5] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid6] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid7] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid8] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid9] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid10] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid11] + "', '" + [selectRequirementid12] + "', '" + [sSemester] + "', '" & hours1 & "', '" & hours2 & "', '" & hours3 & "', '" & hours4 & "', '" & hours5 & "', '" & hours6 & "', '" & hours7 & "', '" & hours8 & "', '" & hours9 & "', '" & hours10 & "', '" & categoryhours & "', '" & subcategoryhours & "', '" + [EntryTime] + "', '" & Comments & "'); "

End Sub

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Insert A Timestamp Into A Sql Statement

Jun 16, 2005


Help please

My code looks something like this and it work fine by producing an email and inserting into an access database

My problem is I also want to insert a timestamp into the column that already exists in the database and I just can't get the syntax right

SQL= "INSERT INTO Employees "
SQL= mySQL & "(FirstName,LastName,Address,City,Region,PostalCode ) "
SQL= SQL & "VALUES ('" & Request.Form("FirstName") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("LastName") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Address") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("City") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Region") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("PostalCode") & "')"

I appreciate I might have to do

SQL= "INSERT INTO Employees "
SQL= mySQL & "(FirstName,LastName,Address,City,Region,PostalCode ,timestamp) "
SQL= SQL & "VALUES ('" & Request.Form("FirstName") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("LastName") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Address") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("City") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Region") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("PostalCode") & "')"

but I cannot for the life of me workout the SQL line needed

Help would be much appreciated

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Having Problems With Insert Into Statement

Mar 19, 2008

Hi everyone,

I'm kind of new to web development but not so much programming. I went to school for 2 years for C and C++ programming, as well as some database stuff... anyways , I'm having some trouble doing a simple INSERT INTO statement...

What I'd like to do is to insert a new row using two session variables, first of all I'm not entirely sure if this works? but I've tried a bunch of different things but I just cant seem to get it to work...

Here is my insert statement:

sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO Events (Participant_Code,Date)
VALUES ('" & code & "','" & date & "')"

Now I've tried both, where I have a variable that has Session("code") and another with Session("date") as well as just using Session("code") where the variable is in the insert.

Here is the whole code, I have a file called database.asp that has function that can be called to open, read, update or close a connection.

call connection("writeyourselffree2.mdb")

sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO Events (Participant_Code,Date)
VALUES ('" & code & "','" & date & "')"

call rsUpdate(sql, conn)

call close(conn)

Heres the error that I have right now:

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

Anyways I appreciate any help you can give me!


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Insert Statement Fail

Apr 26, 2014

If I use this INSERT it works fine :

strSQL = "Insert into tblParkeerbeheer_log select * from parkeerbeheer where [ID] = " & Forms![parkeerbeheer]![fldID].Value & ""
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

But if I want to do the same with multiple records with Pnummer (personell number) as criteria in the WHERE clause :

strSQL = "Insert into tblParkeerbeheer_log select * from parkeerbeheer where [Pnummer] = " & Forms![parkeerbeheer]![Pnummer].Value & ""
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

It asks me to prompt the personell numer, while that number is present within the prompt box

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Insert Into Statement With Tables From 2 Databases

Dec 3, 2005

Dear members,

I have two databases, Source and destination ;

strSrceDB = "C:WSS_DBRehabilitated_Water_Supply_Kulyob.mdb"

StrDestDB = "C:DBWSS_Khatlon.mdb"

I would like to append records to the destination table (Contractor_GIS) when there are no matching records in the source table (Contractor).

My code is as follows:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim strTemp As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim StrDestDB As String
Dim strSrceDB As String
Dim mdb As DAO.Database

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
strSrceDB = "C:WSS_DBRehabilitated_Water_Supply_Kulyob.mdb"
StrDestDB = "C:DBWSS_Khatlon.mdb"

'Make sure it is there
If Dir(StrDestDB) = "" Then
Call MsgBox(StrDestDB & " does not exist", vbOKOnly, "Aborting...")

ElseIf Dir(strSrceDB) = "" Then
Call MsgBox(strSrceDB & " does not exist", vbOKOnly, "Aborting...")

strSQL= "INSERT INTO Contractor_GIS("
strSQL = strSQL & "System_ID,"
strSQL = strSQL & "Contractor_Name)"
strSQL = strSQL & "IN '" & StrDestDB & "' "
strSQL= strSQL & "SELECT Contractor.System_ID,"
strSQL = strSQL & "Contractor.Contractor_Name "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM Contractor IN '" & strSrceDB & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & "Contractor_GIS IN '" & StrDestDB & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & "where Contractor.System_ID <> Contractor_GIS.System_ID;"

Set mdb = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(StrDestDB)
Debug.Print strSQL
Call mdb.Execute(strSQL)
Set mdb = Nothing
MsgBox ("The Geodatabase tables have been successfully appended!")
End If
Exit Sub

strTemp = Err.Description & " [Update_SystemTab]"
Call MsgBox(strTemp, vbCritical, "Contact Help Desk")
End Sub

I get Syntax Error in "Insert into" clause.

Any help on this will be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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