Id Like Feedback On My ER-D (LDM) Please Have A Look!

May 4, 2007

Hello, Im creating a database for a charity. Im in work based learning at the minute as part of my degree course. Basically, I have my ER-D which im going to use in a few days to produce the database. Please have a look at this and criticise it!

Here it is: 17333

Well, basically, i want to know if its going to work... (anything ive missed too)

Please help, Ant...

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How Do We Get Feedback From The Printer??

Dec 18, 2007

we ran into quite a serious problem the other day whilst batch printing a large number of reports from Access 2000.

For some unknown reason the print job got interrupted part way through, resulting in a large number of reports not printing at all.

Our database uses an sql fragment to set the field 'isPrinted' to true upon sending reports to the printer. This is primarily to prevent records being printed more than once.

However, if, as above, the print job doesn't successfully complete the db still, as expected, marks the record as such. This provides us with a somewhat flase account of the status of the print job.

My question is this, is there a way in vb that Access can verify the success/failure of a print job?? Are there modules or code examples available that might help us interrogate the printer and perhaps abort on error?

* Standard Disclaimer:

VB Noob! Gentle brow-slapping only please!

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Database Test... Feedback?

Jun 14, 2006

Hey all,
So I'm pretty much done with this database project, but I've got a few minor snags... 3 actually.

1) get error when use delete button and select any option other than "yes"
2) my listbox selection does not load the record in the main subform area as it is supposed to (but I think I just don't know how to set this one up)
3) the frmAdd does not allow user to enter values into the fields for some reason, don't know what's up with that one

If anyone could take a peak, check it out, let me know if there is anything I need to fix, or more importantly, how to get those above things sorted out. It would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance

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Visual Feedback In A Combobox

Sep 13, 2005

I searched everywhere, but I think my ignorance of correct terminology is preventing me from finding the answer I need.

I have a form that holds two cascading list boxes. I want to be able to incorporate another list box that holds a record of which selection that was made, and how many per selection. The idea is to give user a visual feedback of what they selected, and be able to modify the selection.

I tried

Let Me.IDSelection.Value = Me.CategoryID.Value And Me.Specifics.Value

but the box stayed blank.... What am I doing wrong?

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Vote And Feedback On MS Office 2007

Mar 16, 2007

Just wondering what the consensus is on MS Office 2007 package. I find it tasty and is quit different from the past versions. That being said, I am relearning the options and finding many new features that weren’t available in the past.

I am very impressed with it thus far.


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Feedback On Prototype Attendance Database, Please

Jul 13, 2007

I had trouble figuring out how to 1) register a group of people for a class, 2) create a list of dates to meet for a class (which I call sessions), 3) track attendance per sessions. Having looked for templates at Microsoft, I found plenty of Excel templates, but no Access. The closest is Student Registration template, which doesn't track attendance at all. So I figured I'd make a prototype to help me understand how everything works. Since I got so much input from everyone, I figure I'd return the favor and perhap make it a sample database, especially for those who desire a spreadsheet-like data entry while maintaining a properly normalized data structure.But I would prefer that other has tested and given feedbacks on the prototype before I put this in sample database forum (if that's okay with you admins) as this is my first time and I don't want to give others bad template. So anyway, here's the prototype.Note: The database is 100% undocumented, 100% error-handling free, and 100% unsecured. Use it wisely. :)PS: The attachment will reference a extraneous library. If you are getting an error, clear the reference for MS Office 11 Web Components.PSS: I knew I forgot something: There is still unsolved problem of correcting sorting the columns in datasheet view. While the underlying query correctly sorts the recordset, it seems to be ignored entirely in datasheet. If anyone has a solution, I'm all eyes here.

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Please Give Me Feedback On My Table Structure, Will It Work?

May 2, 2007

Hello dear experts!
Will this table structure work? - Please help!
I need to be able to see if certain members have paid subscription, see if stakeholders have paid for their room bookings, etc. Will it work, does it look ok to you?

Im trying to brush up my normalisation skills and logic.

Please click the link below to see my ER-D:


Thanks, Very much, Ant...

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