If No Faults Are Zero-Show A Zero

May 7, 2007

Below is the SQL Code for a Query that I have. It gives me the total of No Faults. My issue is if there are no No Faults I would like to show a zero. Is there anyway to accomplish this?

SELECT WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL.FaultCategory, Count(*) AS [No Fault Totals]
FROM WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL
WHERE (((WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL.BuildID) In ("E010","C809","F001","C810","F187","A910","M173","M174")) And ((WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL.FaultCategory) In ('No Faults')) And ((WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL.TodaysDate) Between Forms!Queries_ReportsFRM!StartDateTxt And Forms!Queries_ReportsFRM!EndDateTxt))
GROUP BY WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL.FaultCategory;

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User Defined Show/No Show Query Results

Jul 5, 2005

I have a parameter query built and am curious if anyone knows of a good way to allow the user to define which fields are displayed in the query results.

i tried looking for other threads discussing this without any luck.. not sure if it was my search terms or what. thanks so much for any help..

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How Do I Show Convert Vertical Entries To Show Horizontally

Jun 7, 2007

Is it possible to convert fields listed down to show across.

IDNo Code Position
AAA B01 1
AAA C01 2
AAA D01 3
AAA E01 4

I want to show it as
IDNo Code Code Code Code
AAA B01 C01 D01 E01

Is this possible using Access 2003?

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Query To Show Show Different Results From Same Group

Jun 11, 2006

I wondered if someone could help.

I have 3 columns of data within a table and from a select query am trying to seperate certain groups.

Table 1

yr period valuehome

2006 0 100
2006 0 10
2006 1 1000
2006 1 800
2006 2 60
2006 2 50
2006 3 40
2006 3 10
2006 3 5
2006 3 70
2006 4 50
2006 4 5

I wish to show both results for period 0 and an accumulative total for periods 1-4

so results would be

year period Total sum

2006 0 110
2006 1-4 2090

Can anyone help?



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Reports :: Show Detail - Using Section Header As Hyperlink To Show / Hide Detail

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:

123 Co.

If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:

Contract 1
Contract 2
123 Co.

Right now, my code looks like this for On_Click:

If Me.Detail.Visible = False Then
Me.Detail.Visible = True
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End If

But it shows and hides detail for ALL customers when I do this. Is there a way to only show/hide for the customer on which I click?

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Show/not Show Control

Mar 14, 2006

how can i control a field to show/not show at the query level?
let's say i have a query (from a table) like this

[regularPrice] [isOnSale] [onSalePrice]

where [isOnSale] is checkbox. if it's checked, [onSalePrice] will show [price]*0.9; if it's not checked, [onSalePrice] show nothing.

i've tried to put "[isOnSale]=Yes" in the Criteria, the query will filter out only those records that's on sale, which i don't want...

please help :confused:

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Show Only Once

Sep 10, 2007

I have two tables, one for categories and one for records. I have sorted out the active records. But I only want to see each category once. Right now I see the category for each active records.

What I am looking for is a list of categories that have active records in them.

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Show What Not Is There

Feb 27, 2008

I have Part Numbers and Events. Each Part Number should have 4 different
Event Numbers.


I would like to have a query that would show me which of these part numbers
that do not have Event 10, 20, 40 or 80 with it and for it to show which
of these four numbers it does not have.

This hard to explain.
Can anyone tell how to do this?

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Show Zero

Sep 2, 2005

I have a query made up of a number of other querries. the query works fine and I am able to get the results to go into a form, (I have been advised that calculations, which is what the results are should not be put into a table, so I havent). The query is set up to show results even if some of the origonal querries produce no results, again it works fine. My problem is that when I show the results in a form I want anything that produced no results to show "0". At the present time it just leaves the textbox blank. I need it show "0" in order that furthur calculations can be carried out! Make sense, I hope so!

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Show Only

Dec 13, 2004

I have a query that displays tow number fields. Feild1 and feild 2.

I only want to show the feilds that dosent match. If feild one has 50 and feild 2 has 60 then it would show. if feild one has 50 and feild two has 50 then it wouldnt show, only the values would show if they dont match

Example much help needed thanks

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Can't Get A Combobox To Show The Value I Want

Apr 23, 2006

i searched for similar combobox features, nut didn't find any that helped.

i have 2 unbound combos that get heir values from different tables

first combo1 gets its values from a query
SELECT [tbl_music].[MID], [tbl_music].[Artist], [tbl_music].[Song], [tbl_music].[CID] FROM tbl_music;

combo2 gets values from
SELECT [tbl_category].[CID], [tbl_category].[Category] FROM tbl_category;

IDs are autonumber and primary
The CID fields in the tables are in a 1..* relationship

Both are constructed with the wizard and the ID columns are hidden.

What i need is:
when selecting something from combo1, the combo 2 should show the right category for that song.

Hope i explained clearly enough.
I tried to use the dlookup function, but i get error 94, invalid use of null.
i'm using the afterupdate event.

I can update a textbox text, but can't do so with the combobox value.

Any ideas what i'm donig wrong :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Show Top 2 By Group

Feb 11, 2006

I'm trying to view the last two valuations for each property so that they can be compared. I can pull out the last valuation for each property and can pull out the top two records but not for each property, just shows me the top 2 of all records.

Any suggestions?

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Show A Date As Day Name

Oct 31, 2006

Hi again, my problem is that on a report I have a row of dates i.e. 10/10/2006, 11/10/2006 etc. However, people would prefer to see Monday, Tuesday etc. Is there a way to show the date as the day name. The date fields are all based on the Date() expression then +1, +2 etc so are always changing.


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Can't Show Immediate Window

Sep 3, 2007

Hi, I have been using Access 2000 for quite a while now. I have been using the Immediate Window to call my code, but for some reason, this window won't display now, no matter what I do - I have repaired the installation and reinstalled it but to no avail

Is there any help out there for me?

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Show Message Box

Mar 8, 2008

Hi there,
i have a field called numbers - i need to throw a messgae box alert if the value within taht field reaches or is 5. I have records so if within any of these records if the number field contains say 5 then it should show john's number has reached 5. So it must read the first field name of that record and teh number field of the record.
I've been trying to use the macro tool - but no luck yet.
An start would be just to show that the number field has reched 5 without showing the first field record i.e. john not shown.
Anyone have any idea how i could do this.

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Show Record

Aug 23, 2005

I have a query which is showing data below:

ComparisonUser DateLogged
iant 22/08/2005 16:15:23
siobhanr 11/08/2005 16:52:44

I only want the query to show the record with the oldest date ie 11/08/2005 16:52:44. I have tried 'First' etc. Can any one help!

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Show Where Count = Zero

Mar 30, 2006

Have developed an Access dB for logging and reporting on support issues. The following query is used to show how many issues are raised in a specified time period.

SELECT ISSUES_BY_SYSTEM_AREA.report_category, Count(*) AS instances

REPORT_CATEGORY can have a number of values e.g.
Technical Support Issues
Configuration Changes
User Admin

I have two questions
(1) How do I get it to report for each category even if the number of intances is zero? For example, if there have been no instances of 'User Admin' this month, I want the results to show as follows
(2) How to show the sum of these as well

For example what I want to be returned is:
Technical Support Issues 5
Configuration Changes 14
User Admin 0
Other 2
Total 21

Currently this is what would be returned:
Technical Support Issues 5
Configuration Changes 14
Other 2

Any Ideas?

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Show Last 5 Records

Apr 26, 2006


I have a table with an autonumber incremental ID field using the format 0000, 0001, 0002 all the way to 1530.
I'm trying to create a query that returns the last 5 records in decending order, so...


any ideas?

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Show Everything BUT The Last 3 Digits

Sep 7, 2006


I am writing a very very simple query to identify postal codes from a list of addresses. The table containing the data has a field called POSTAL_CODE.

I need to exclude the last three digits of this postal code so as to only show the first 2,3,4 digits.

Example would be simple by having a query just showing the first few digits like this Left$([POSTAL_CODE],4) for example, however that will not show correctly for SK6 5LP and M2 4DJ and SK12 8LY.

I have either 2, 3, 4 digits I will need. All that is sure is - I do not want to see the last three digits. Identifying the last three is of course simple, but I cannot exclude them. Tried this

Right$([POSTAL_CODE],3) - and calling the field LAST_THREE

However does not work because these are numbers and letters.

Probably a simple one, can someone please help - perhaps a query that sounds like this : show all but not Right$([POSTAL_CODE],3)


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Show Everything BUT The Last 3 Digits

Sep 7, 2006


I am writing a very very simple query to identify postal codes from a list of addresses. The table containing the data has a field called POSTAL_CODE.

I need to exclude the last three digits of this postal code so as to only show the first 2,3,4 digits.

Example would be simple by having a query just showing the first few digits like this Left$([POSTAL_CODE],4) for example, however that will not show correctly for SK6 5LP and M2 4DJ and SK12 8LY.

I have either 2, 3, 4 digits I will need. All that is sure is - I do not want to see the last three digits. Identifying the last three is of course simple, but I cannot exclude them. Tried this

Right$([POSTAL_CODE],3) - and calling the field LAST_THREE

However does not work because these are numbers and letters.

Probably a simple one, can someone please help - perhaps a query that sounds like this : show all but not Right$([POSTAL_CODE],3)


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Show Only The First 300 Record

Feb 13, 2007

Is there anyway to make a query that will only show the first 300 records from a record of 3000 ?

So right now I only have 1 unique no which is the item no

Help is trully appreciated

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Do Not Show In Report

Mar 20, 2007

I know this might be an easy one, but I need to know how to have a field in my report/query not show data if the field has a value. It is a date field that when I have a date in the field I do not want it to show in my report.

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If Field Is Zero Show 0

Mar 5, 2008

Below is the SQL I have on a query. This query is made up of 4 other queries. If any of the fields = zero how
can I make a zero appear? Right now the field just shows blank if it is equal to zero. I really want the zero to
appear on a form that I have created from the query. Thanks for all help.

SELECT MonthlyEcnReceived.Received, MonthlyEcnImplemented.Implemented, [MonthlyEcnW/Structure].[W/Structure], [MonthlyEcnW/StructureImplemented].Implemented
FROM MonthlyEcnReceived, [MonthlyEcnW/Structure], MonthlyEcnImplemented, [MonthlyEcnW/StructureImplemented];

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Show Message Box

Apr 7, 2008

Is there a way to show a message box if the user leaves the parameter for a query empty or inputs the number in the parameter in an incorrect format?

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Show Month As Apr Instead Of 04

May 1, 2008

Below is the SQL for my query. The results will show month
year in a column that looks like: 03 2008. Is there
anyway for this to show as Mar 2008 instead. This
month is achieved by selecting a date range on a calendar
on the form. If the first date is 3/1/2008 and the last
date is 04/29/2008 then the query will show as:

03 2008
04 2008

I would like for it to show as:
Mar 2008
Apr 2008

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Format([TruckDate],'mm yyyy') AS [Month Year],
Count(*) AS TruckTotals
FROM TruckRegisterTbl
(((TruckRegisterTbl.Company) Is Not Null)
AND ((TruckRegisterTbl.TruckDate) Between [Forms]![VisualInformationForm]![StartDateTxt] And [Forms]![VisualInformationForm]![EndDateTxt]))
Format([TruckDate],'mm yyyy');

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Show The Same On A Report

Feb 25, 2005

On aform I have 3 controls, 2 x check boxes and a combo box. depending on what is selected from the combo box will determine which of the two check boxes are visible.

I want to reflect this on a report. i.e I only want to show the checkbox which has got a true reading. Is it possible to do this without doing it on two seperate reports?

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