If No Record....message

Jan 11, 2007

Friends, as I have not received a response to a previous question, I am again posting my problem trying to bee more clear.

I have developed a search form with a txtbox and a cmdbutton to open a form based on a query.

The cmdbutton opens a form if the record is found. Can anyone help me with VBA to display a No Record Found message?

THis is what I have on the OnClick Event of the button:

If IsNull(Me.txtsearch) Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "myform", acNormal, "myquery", "", , acNormal
DoCmd.Echo True, ""
End If

Note that the query behind the form has following in the criteria in the LName field:
like [forms]![welcome]![txtsearch]

Thank you.

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First And Last Record Message Boxes

Jul 11, 2005

I have been tasked with building an Access MDB Database for absolute beginners and i need to guide them as fool proof as possible through the database

My Question is

I need to write a Macro or VBA and I need to warn the user if they are trying to move to the 1st record or the last record in the database

I would like to give it my own message box stating that is not possible to go further

Is this possible using a Macro or using VBA

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Record Is Deleted Message?

Aug 29, 2006

Hi All,

This is my first post here and I imagine there will be many more as I have only just started out using Access to create a database at work and I am sure that I'm breaking many rules along the way.

Anyway, over the weekend, my boss tried to add some information (to the "Memo" field) in a form that I have created from a table, went to close the form and got a message saying something along the lines of "this record cannot be saved, if you close it, information will be deleted.

Now, in the Memo field, is the text "#Deleted" - when I try to overwrite this and come out of the record, it comes up with the message "record is deleted". If I put information in any other field in the record, there is no problem.

Also, in the table, if I try to sort by the Memo field, it comes up with same message, "record is deleted".

Does anyone know what I've done and how I can solve this?

With thanks in advance.


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Message Box For Saving Record?

Dec 28, 2011

i want to have message box asking "Want to save the record or not" to save the record.

form contain the subform also. i read some thread regarding that issue they suggest i have to use form's beforeupdate property. i used it for the main form but message box is appearing before entering the values in subform. i mean i have to enter some data in subform also.

i am attaching database for ur references. after entering PO nunber PO date and selecting client message box is apearing but it should be come after updating data in subform i.e. details.

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Error Message 'No Current Record'

Jun 7, 2005

Not sure what is happening here...

I keep getting an error message saying 'No Current Record'...especially when trying to create a new form or report using wizard.

I don't have this problem at home..only in work.

Any ideas?


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Record Is Deleted Error Message

Aug 3, 2006

By: Tony Hine (mail@TonyHine.co.UK)
Tel: +44 1635 522233
My profile on ecademy (http://www.ecademy.com/user/tonyhine)

I had a problem importing just one table I kept getting the message “Record is deleted” and no records were imported.

First I thought it may be because there were quite a few columns in the table so I tried importing just one column, however I got the same message “Record is deleted“ .

I considered it could be because the database was originally in a Company office workgroup. I wondered if the “Work group security” was causing the problem. I read up on this and found that importing the objects directly into a new database was one of the recommended ways of circumventing this problem. This was what I was already doing! So what was wrong?

Next idea, I exported all of the records into an excel spreadsheet. This was successful! So I then re-imported the records from the spreadsheet back into a table in the database.

There were a couple of problems, in that all of the text fields were converted to 255 character length. Although annoying I thought I could handle this problem. I proceeded making a few changes to this database, then I noticed that one of the fields that had been imported was originally a “Memo field” it had been converted to a text field with 255 characters. As soon as I noticed, I checked to see if any data had been lost by comparing this field with the original data. I found a significant loss of data so back to the drawing board!

All of the other tables had imported correctly, only this one seemed to be giving problems, I had tackled the size problem it was not a big table by MS Access standards, but I felt it could be the size, In particular the number of fields could be causing this error. But just trying to import one field at a time hadn’t worked?

Then it dawned on me what if I tried to import one record at a time --- that worked! So I wrote the query with a between statement I tried 10, then a 100, then a thousand records it worked fine! However when I tried 5000 records the error re-occurred?

I realized that I probably had some corrupt data in the table, so I set about systematically extracting a limited number of records until I found the area where the corruption was.

This worked but returned “0” records --- Between 11001 And 12000

“Between 12001 And 13000” Got error message “Record is deleted”

I got to 12800 all ok

12900 caused error

Error is in a record between 12800 and 12900

I will continue to whittle it down!

OK to 12819

The corrupt record is: 12820

I had found the corrupt record! Now all I had to do was create two queries one each side of this corrupt record to extract the information.

On inspection of this corrupt record I discovered that the memo field contained the following: “#Deleted “ I am going to attempt to modify the memo field and see if it fixes the corruption of the database.

My attempt at modifying the corrupt record, in particular the memo field containing “#Deleted” caused the error message to re-occur. “Record is deleted”

I have made a copy of the actual record 12820 and pasted it into a spreadsheet to send to the customer so that it can be checked in the existing data on their system.

Fortunately there were no related records in other tables affected.

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Creating A Message Alert On A Record

Feb 13, 2008


I am trying to create an alert function so that when a user open up a form and displays a record, it will also display any alerts that have been created for that record. e.g. missed payments etc.
I have created a table to store the alert data along with the job number to which the alert relates so in essence I can have more that one alert per job record. I amtrying get one of the alerts to display ok using the following code

alerts = DLookup("[Job _Number]", "Alerts", "[Job _Number]='" & Me.Job_Number & "'" And "[Start_Date]" >= Date)

You will see that I am trying to only display alerts that are within the valid date range (I have not yet included [End_Date] as I cannot get the code above to work.

Can anyone help me correct this code please?

The other thing is that because I am using a dlookup, I am assuming it will only display the first alert it finds in the table and that's it? If so, how do it get it to display all 'active' alerts with a matching job number. By active I mean where the Start date is >= Date() and End date is <= Date()

I would really appreciate any help on this..

Thank you all for reading.

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Record Not Updatable Error Message - Help!!

Nov 16, 2005


I have a query in Access which I have always updated no problem until today. I tried to update the usual fields and it says "This recordset is not updatable". Does anyone know why this would have changed and how I can get it back to updatable?

many thanks


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Error Message When Adding New Record

Sep 12, 2005


I get an error message when I add a new record to my database. It occurs when I open my form and use the [arrowright*]-button and when I use the switchboard button to add a new record using a form.

An error message is displayed, but when I dismiss the error (click OK), then everything seems to be normal and the record is added normally with the entered info. It is a bit annoying, though.

Since I have the dutch version, I'll try to translate the message:
"You can not add/append a value to this object

* The object possibly is a control-element in a read-only form
* The object is part of a form that is opened in the design view
* The value is too large for this field"

The error occurs right after I have typed the first character into a field on the form. The form consists of a few subforms. And I don't think any of the by access suggested errors have anything to do with this...

Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance,

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Add Or Change Record Error Message

May 30, 2006

I am getting a "cannot change or add a record because a related record is required in table 'tblOrder'". I have scoured this site so forgive me if there is a post already on this.

My Order table has:


My Order detail table has:

I wasn't sure if by this you could point me in the right direction as to why it is saying this. I am very new to Access so bare with me. Thanks

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Record Is Deleted - Error Message

Mar 10, 2015

We developed a simple database that operates across a network at work (max 15 intermittent users). We split it into a front and backend and made it a .accde file format of which through a desktop short cut we all access. We are recently getting the error message Record is Deleted.

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Change Error Message - You Can't Go To Specified Record

Feb 17, 2014

I have set up a simple switchboard that gives the user a choice of 2 forms. The second from allows the user to navigate through a questionaire for a particualar individual. I have set up some buttons to advance thru the questions and answers. When I reach the end of the dataset, I get the error message "You can't go to the specified record." I also get this message when I am on the first question and try to page backwards. Is there a way to change this error message to something more meaningful to my users - like "End of questionaire" or "Beginning of questionaire"?

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Error Message: The Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Jul 11, 2006

Hello all,

I try to delete a record and i get this error message "The search key was not found in any record". The key of the table is an autonumber but for some reason in these two records i want to delete has value = 0 .

Any suggestion how to delete these two records?

Thank you in advance!

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Chamge Default Diplicate Record Message

Oct 30, 2007

In MS Access 2003 my tables are linked via a SQL Server.
I'd like to change the default long-winded 'ODBC etc etc 'error message when a duplicate PK is added to a table to a more user friendly 'plain english' message.
Can this be done is Access, VBA or even on the SQL server? (which I have acces to).


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Prompting Save Message Before Moving To New Record

Oct 25, 2005

Hi all,

I Have a form bound to a table.

The form will be used by poor experienced users so to avoid problems i would like whenever we move to a new record(or changing the contents of a stored one) a save record message to appear refering to the one we are just leaving.
Generally i would like a solution which will restrict users from entering data by mistake using scroll mouse or ctr+page down.
If i could design it ,i would choose that nothing in the form is saved until a save all button is clicked.This means that the user will enter virtually as much data as he likes but they will be stored in the table only when the button is clicked,but i don't know if this is possible since my form is bound to table.
Thank you all in advance,
black ailouros

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How To Create A Message Box Indicating Record Is Locked?

May 1, 2006

I have done some serious searching and have discovered that many others have posted this question, but I couldn't find any satisfactory answers.

I have a FE/BE Access 2000 database in a multi-user environment. I have my default record locking set to "No Locks" (optimistic), but for unknown reasons, some records still lock. The records are viewed via a form, which is also set to "No Locks." We only have about 20 users, so it is rare that two people actually have the same record open at the same time. It seems to be that whole groups of records lock sometimes, despite the fact that I'm using optimistic record locking. Usually if you wait 15-20 minutes it is unlocked. If someone can explain this I would be overjoyed.

But, I can deal with the record locking. The problem is that users have no idea why they can't update a record and no matter how many times I tell them to wait 15 minutes they still come crying to me every time. So, I want to make a message box pop up when they try to update the record that states something like this: "The record is currently locked. Please try again in 15-20 minutes."

If someone could offer some code options and explain where it needs to go (form load, open, etc.) I would be eternally grateful.

Thank you!

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Custom Error Message On Create New Record

Sep 28, 2004

I have created a command button through the wizard that is basically:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Well, it puts all this code in the event:

Private Sub NewVerification_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_NewVerification_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_NewVerification_Click

End Sub

Well, my PK field is one users enter in manually (please don't ask why). What I need is something that checks to see if the number in that field is a duplicate key, so I can tell users via msgbox "Duplicate Number, try again". Right now, it's not that descriptive, it says "You can't go to the specified record". I guess all i need is an If statment, but I don't know the code that checks to see if [field1]'s value has already been used in my table. Any ideas?

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General :: No Record Found Message In Report

Oct 12, 2012

I have got a No record found for some forms as the code below,

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "* No Registration Found *"
End If
End Sub

When a paramter search is done and no results found it shows up a message saying "No Registration Found" is is possible to bring up the same type of message in a report format?

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Modules & VBA :: Message Box When Editing Existing Record?

Jun 7, 2013

What event would I attach code to, to have a message box pop up warning the user when that he is editing existing records.

I would like the message to appear not as the form loads, or as he tabs to the first control, but right as he makes any changes to the data displayed. Preferably the box should have a "OK" to continue the edit and a "Cancel" to undo it.

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General :: Custom Message For When Record Locking Is Set?

Oct 20, 2014

My database has been set with the 'All records' locking option set to prevent two or more people editing files at once. This is working fine but I wondered if there is a way to make a more personal message appear instead of the default Access one, just to maintain a uniform look.

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Custom Pop-up Message When One Attempts To Add A Duplicate Record?

Dec 27, 2012

I would like to create a custom pop-up Message when one attempts to add a duplicate record.

Currently, I have a default pop-up message when you try to add a duplicate record. I set the field as Indexed= yes(No Duplicates) which generates a default pop-up message but it is technical and wordy. I would like to be able to simplify the wording to just let the user know not to add a duplicate record.

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Subform Record Count Warning Message

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to show a Message box to an operator when a certain number of records have been reached in a subform e.g when 36 records have been entered I want a message to appear telling the operator that a certain report can then be raised. Whether this is possible

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Reports :: Adding A Message Box To Report If Record Is Not Found

Mar 17, 2014

I'm currently creating a student database where the user where be prompted to enter a students name and then a report is generated with the information retrieved. Everything works as it should but i would like to add a message box that comes up if the data entered by the user is not found in the database. Something like 'No student found, please retry'

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Forms :: Message Prompt When Editing Already Entered Record

Apr 22, 2013

But how do I have a message box pop up that warns the user he is about to edit an already entered record?

Is there a setting for this in the form design. Or do I need VBA, in which case what form event would I tie the msg box too?

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General :: Message Box Notification For New Record Added? (MS Access)

Jun 11, 2014

How to create messagebox to alert when I open form that have a new record added , and if it can count No of new record ? could it be possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Error Message On Creating Duplicate Record

Jul 25, 2013

I need to be able to produce an error on a form where the user attempts to create a new user that already exists. The error needs to be produced when the save button is clicked.

See below for the existing code on my save button which exists in form, 'frmAddEditUser':

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
If IsNull(cboManagerID) = True Then
MsgBox "Please select a manager", vbExclamation, "Details Missing!"

[Code] ....

Currently, if I attempt to create a user with the same Payroll ID as an existing user, my 'User details saved' message box is displayed and to the user it looks like a new record has saved successfully which isn't the case.

I need a message box to appear displaying something like "Payroll ID n already exists" where n is the 'PayrollID' of the duplicate record. (Is it possible to combine a value from a certain control and ones own custom text?)

Note: PayrollID is a combination of letters and numbers, i.e. two letters, followed by 5 numbers, e.g. JD12345.

For reference, the table/field and and control are called, '[tblUser].[PayrollID]' and 'txtPayrollID' (on 'frmAddEditUser') respectively; it is from this field and control that I want the error to be produced if the user is entering the same values which are existing in 'tblUser'.

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