Ignoring International Characters

Nov 7, 2005

When running a search I would like Access to ignore international characters like á é í ó ú ñ.

For example searching for "Amelia" matches both "Amelia" and "Amélia"

I know this is done in SQL Server by setting it to ignore nonspacing characters.

Can this be done in MS Access?

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Using International Characters

Mar 5, 2004

I've discovered I have a problem sending text between an Access Database and ASP page.

The database contains Turkish characters (eg, i without a dot) and the output to a web page is fine when run on a server that has Turkey for its international settings. Interestingly, the database shows the correct data regardless of environment... just the written page that screws it up.

However when the same data and pages are used on an "English" server, the Turkish characters are lost and modifyed to their closest Western cousins.

I'm not sure whether this is exactly an Access or an ASP problem... I think it's the latter, but maybe someone reading this forum has som ideas too
Since I need to use this data in a server hosted in the UK, is there any code I can add which will fool the server into reading and writing the Turkish characters correctly?

Obviously, I could set up a function on the page to convert the characters, but that seems like a waste of system resources.

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How To Speed Up/improve Performance For International DB Users

Mar 7, 2006

First time poster here so I hope this doesn’t sound too remedial. Here’s my situation…

I work for a large industrial company that has locations throughout the world. We have a DB that tracks product concepts and ideas and associated metrics for those ideas. The DB resides on a file server in North America (Raleigh, North Carolina to be exact). North American users have no trouble with the performance of the DB. It takes a moment to open (several seconds), but once it has opened there is virtually no lag time to add or edit records, run reports, view graphs, etc. However, users in Germany and the Netherlands encounter substantial lag time not only in opening, but also in updating and entering records, running reports, and viewing graphs. This is true even after they have waited for the DB to open.

The size of the DB is only around 2MB so I don’t think overall size is the issue.

There are probably no more than 3 or 4 users in the DB at the same time with most occasions being a single user so I don’t think we are having a multiple user issue.

The DB is self contained – no references to external data or splitting of any kind.

So my questions are:
1. Do you think the poor performance is a function of our network or of Access or the DB design?
2. If it is the network, is there anything that I can do in Access to help get around the hardware/network issues?

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What Is The Best Way To Handle Domestic Vs. International Customer Information?

Jul 13, 2006

What is the best way to handle Domestic vs. International customer information?

Such as Address and Phone Numbers.

Here in the US, we format like so:

(888) 888-8888

ZIP (5 digit number only)

I know this only works in the US, what is a good model to use for allowing international information entry?

Is this post going down the right path: http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=66149&highlight=domestic+international

Or is there better suggestions on the matter out there? Thanks!!!

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Sorting By Ignoring × And +

Jan 27, 2007

I have a table of plant names such as


Note that the multiplication and plus signs are part of the names.

If I sort the table (A-Z) I get


What I would like to see is


I am not a programmer so need to be led by the hand, but can anyone see a way of achieving this which I could copy? My simple mind tells me that I have somehow to suppress the × and + during the sort. But how?

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'Sum' Ignoring Minus Figures

Jan 22, 2007

I've been using the following query:

Sum([qry_1].Month_Client_Count_from_B) AS Monthly_Count,
Sum([qry_1].Month_Assets_from_B) AS Monthly_Total,
Sum([qry_1].YTD_Client_Count_from_B) AS Yearly_Count,
Sum([qry_1].YTD_Assets_from_B) AS Yearly_Total
([qry_1] INNER JOIN tbl_branch
ON [qry_1].BranchCode = tbl_branch.BranchID)
INNER JOIN B_Division_Group
ON tbl_branch.BranchName = BDivision_Group.N_Br

While all monthly and yearly values were positive, the query produced exactly the results expected (i.e. one row of data for each Grouping Name/Month combination, containing the overall totals for each field).

Now, however, some Grouping Names have minus values and the query is showing an extra row (one for positive values, one for negative). It's as if having one or more minus values is being treated as a new Grouping Name/Month combination.

Is Sum() the correct method to use, when dealing with negative values, or should I be using some other function?

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Ignoring Blank Fields

Jan 15, 2006

:confused: I have a Text box on a Form that copies data entered into other Text boxes on the same form.
Sometimes there may be the odd text box that does not have any data in it.
Is there anyway that I can put in code so that the blank text boxes are not copied into the main text box i.e. Only the populated text boxes are to be copied.
Thankyou for any assistance that you can provide.:eek:

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TransferText Import Ignoring The First Line

Sep 26, 2005

I am currently importing data using the the "TransferText" method in Visual Basic; e.g., expression.TransferText(TransferType, SpecificationName, TableName, FileName, HasFieldNames, HTMLTableName, CodePage)

Per the above description, I can either include the first line as a field name, or as data. Is there any way to simply ignore this data row and start the import from row 2 onwards?

Thanks as always


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Ignoring Rows In File Import

Mar 13, 2006

I am currently trying to import a text file into an Access (2000) Table. My text file has a header line (first record) and a footer line (last record) which I want to ignore when importing. I am sure someone out there would have had a need to do something similar to this in the past. I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

I have tried a few different google searches and nothing promising seems to come back. Mostly just references to check the first line for field headings box.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Query Ignoring 'zero' Catch Sets

Jan 6, 2006

I have a db with two tables linked by a Set_ID field. One table characterizes set information (date, time, location etc) and the other table has records for groups of fish caught in the set. The fish_table has (amongt others) a field for species (text), clip-status (yes/no), coded wire tag status (yes/no), and 'count' (number). The count field is necessary to allow input of groups of fish en-masse, or individually, depending on the amount of accessory information obtained.

Obviously, some sets catch no fish and so no record is entered into the fish table for those sets.

When I design a query, I want to produce a table that sums up the count field for each set, and produces subtotals for each species (and for the 4 variations of the clip/tag status fields).

My efforts so far are only partially succesful in that I can produce the correct subtotals, but only for sets where something was caught. Sets with no corresponding fish_table record are ignored instead of treated as zeroes.

Is it necessary to manually enter a 'zero' count for each species of interest for each set that we do? (Massively time consuming) Or is there some other way to query the db that forces the query to equate no fish record with a zero value?

Any thoughts? I've searched the forum, and googled, but haven't come across anything I could recognise as analogous to my dilema.

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Concatenating Fields Ignoring Blanks

Jun 4, 2006

In a query, I'm using concatenation to join multiple address fields (organisation, building number, street address, etc) into one field. I'm also inserting line breaks to create a formatted address and then creating a form on the query so the formatted address appears in a text box and can be copied and pasted straight into my label-writer software to print address labels.

This is the concatenation code I'm using:

Expr1: [Organisation] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Building Number] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) etc.

However, one problem with which I am now presented is where a field is blank. E.g. if one of my contacts is retired, then they don't have an organisation listed in the "Organisation" field. This means that a blank line is left between their name and the rest of the address.

When running a mailmerge there is the option of skipping blank fields so that a blank line is not inserted in such cases.

How can I achieve this within the above code?


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Create A New Table Ignoring Dupes

Jul 18, 2006

MS Access 2000

I have 2 tables “MDW” and “LeadList”
Each table contains the same type of data (Contact information)
Some duplicate records MAY be in both tables.. (I would like to ignore the dupes).
Each table has a unique ID field but are in no way related

I need to create a 3rd table “NewTable” WHERE…
MDW!FirstName is not = to LeadList!FirstName
MDW!LastName is not equal to LeadList!LName
…….. I need to look at 10 fields

My thought was to create a query with both tables. Create Joins (where both are equal) for all 10 fields and moving on from there. The fields may or may not have values. I don't think I could add records if only of the indexed fields are null... Can I?

Does anybody see me walking in front of a freight train? Or, any other ideas?


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Summing Fields, Ignoring Certain Values

Jan 29, 2008

I have a number of fields that hold values (scores - either 0,1 or 2) that need to be summed but in some cases the value is 99 (which is recognised by our stats program as a N/A type of anwer- This occurs when a question is optional and the user hasnt answered it. I did not want to value to be null (since its not like the user didnt answer it because they missed out on it by accident but rather they could not) and it couldnt be 0 either since 0 actually means something different in the context of the questionnaire.Lets say I have Q1 which has a value of 0, Q2 has a value of 1, Q3 has a value of 99 and Q4 has a value of 2I want to get the total of Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 for a particular entry but if the value of any or all of the questions are 99 I want access to ignore it and just sum the rest of the values i.e. the sum should read 0+1+2+(99)=3 not 102I want to be able to include this sum function in the expression builder if possible since I am using it for a report. Can someone please help?

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Ignoring Blank Fields (explained Better?!)

Jan 16, 2006

I have a Text box on a Form that copies data entered into other Text boxes on the same form.
I have used the formula =[Text2] &" "& [Combo26] etc in the main text box that I want all the information in.
Sometimes there may be the odd text box that does not have any data in it.
Is there anyway that I can put in code so that the blank text boxes are not copied into the main text box i.e. Only the populated text boxes are to be copied.
Thankyou for any assistance that you can provide.

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Yesterday Date Ignoring Weekends

Dec 9, 2013

I'm using the Date()-1 to populate a form with yesterday's date for easier data entry. However, on Mondays I always have to change the date to Friday's date because it is populating yesterday's date (which in this case is Sunday). Is there an access expression that calculate yesterday's date but ignores weekends? So that on Monday yesterday would mean Friday?

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Ignoring Null Values From Form In Query

Mar 21, 2006

I have a form with 4 different search fields used to query a table and limit results: Policy#, SSN, Credit_Amt, Debit_Amt. Any matching rows based on the search criteria are returned in a subform.

My problem is how to handle any fields where the user doesn't specify a search value.

In my query, I have the Criteria set to:
Field: Policy_No
Criteria: =[Forms]![form name]![Policy#]

Field: SSN
Criteria: =[Forms]![form name]![SSN]

and so on....

If I place my criteria on different OR lines, the query runs, but if a user specifies more than 1 criteria, I get all the data for one criteria(such as policy# matches) and all the data for the second criteria(such as all the records for a certain credit_amt, regardless of Policy #).

If I place my criteria on the same criteria line, effectively making it AND, I get no results because I assume the database is looking for any blank search field values.

So, how do I make the query an "AND" query, but actually get results by ignoring any NULL search fields? So if a user enters a Policy# and Credit_Amt, the results will be only matching rows by Policy# AND Credit_Amt, and doesn't look at SSN and Debit_Amt.

I've tried different iterations using IIF(Not IsNull(.... to no avail.


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Ignoring Leading Zeros In Join Query

Jul 9, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have 2 linked tables from 2 different databases, there is a common field in both: “CORP_NBR” I need this field in order to create a join, but the problem is that in one table this field stores leading zeros and in the other table it doesn’t. I can see in design view that this field is text type in both tables. I cannot change field types because I don’t own the objects.

Is there a way or a function that I can add in my join query to ignore leading zeros? :confused:

I appreciate your help

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Forms :: Split Form Ignoring Record Source?

Jan 15, 2014

Access 2013 on a Window 8.1 system.

I have a combo box based on a look-up table which I use to filter the records in the form. Seems after closing the form and reopening it, the filter remains.

I'm not sure if this is referred to filtering or restricting the records.

The value in the record source doesn't get changed but the records displayed don't reflect this. The records shown are the last filter I selected in the combo box.

The only work around I have found is I must explicitly set the record source in the on open of the form.

The was not occurring with access 2010. And I have made no changes what-so-ever.

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Import Excel File Into Exisiting Table... Ignoring Duplicate Records

Jun 14, 2005

I am creating a small Access application that will allow me to update my Call handling system's site table.
It uses an mdb file, and I wish to add new sites (from new contracts) to the SCSite table.

I recieve regular updates of new sites from existing customers, so want to create a simple macro that will

1: import (from an excel file) the new sites and add these to the existing SCSite table
2: Check for duplicate records using the Site_Num primary key
3: Merge non duplicate records into existing SCSite table.

Is this possible, and if so - how? VBA? Macro builder? Query?

A Swift response would be great, I have had a look through previous posts - but to no avail!

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Forms :: Navigation Combobox Ignoring Subform Master-child Relationship?

Jun 17, 2015

I have a form, frmProjects, with a continuous subform, sfrPeopleOnThisProject. They have a master-child relationship. The form shows one Project record at a time, while the subform shows all the People records for that project. This works as expected - the correct records show up in the subform as you move through the form records.

To make it easier to glance through the list of subform records (as they can sometimes be quite long), I've added a navigation combobox to the header of the subform. If I understand correctly, as the combobox is within the subform, it should obey the master-child relationship: it should only show the subform records associated with the main form's current record. It does not. Instead, the combo box collects *all* of the records from the table that the subform is based on. So, choose the record for Project 1 in the main form. Up pops the 2 people on Project 1, but the combo box lists both the 2 people on Project 1 and the 3 people on Project 2.

The row source for the subform combo box is:

SELECT tblPersonOnProject.PersonOnProjectID, tblPerson.Fullname FROM tblPersonOnProject INNER JOIN tblPerson ON tblPersonOnProject.PersonFK=tblPerson.PersonID ORDER BY Fullname;

I can make the combo box perform as required by adding "WHERE Project=Forms!frmProject!ProjectID" to the row source and placing a hidden textbox on the main form for ProjectID (the autogenerated primary key) to sit. Have I misunderstood the point of the master-child relationship in the subform? This hidden textbox thing can't be correct.

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Ignoring Duplicates In Table Field Values That Is For A Combo Box Drop Down List

Apr 13, 2014

I'm trying to create a combo box that takes its values from a field in a table, the thing is that this field has duplicates because:

* The table is a qualification look up table
* It has 3 fields: QualificationID (autonumber), Qualification(e.g. Bachelor), Programme (e.g. Science)
* E.g of duplicate values (this is not a problem as it is necessary) Bachelor of Science, Diploma of Science, Certificate of Science

What I'm trying to do is create 2 single-columned combo boxes that are a parameter for a query and it's working except the combo boxes show duplicated valuesIs there a way to get the query that is the row source for the combo box to eliminate duplicates?

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Corrupt Characters

Oct 3, 2006

My client is reporting corrupt characters cropping up in fields. These characters appear as Asian Characters. They only corrupt one record.

This happens very seldom. In fact, it hasn't happend for about 2 months and today it happend again. Their was no change to the database.

Is this a network problem? Network noise corrupting data?


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Characters In Query

Feb 19, 2007

I want to ask something simple but because i am new i am dont know it!!! If you try to make queries in Access, untill how many characters you can put in each query???

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Help Removing Characters

Feb 21, 2007


I am totally new at this database stuff. I have been searching the archives for a couple hours and confused on how to accomplish what I need to do. I saw references to using a module but I have not used that feature yet.

I am using Access 2003. I need to remove/delete " - " space dash space, "-" and "&" from a string in one field (DGName). I'm trying to do this with a make table query

P1000 - SMLS
P1000-CA (not a type error)
UD000 - C&B

and I want it to come out like this



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How To Extract Only The First Four Characters

Mar 20, 2007

Hi, Everyone,
I have an excel column that has building location and building name in one column, example 1245 Accounting, how can I copy the 1245 into it's own column, please help, i can do it either in access or excel. Please.

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Only Want To Write The 1st 7 Characters

Jan 24, 2005

users are using a hand held scan gun to enter data into a field. if the barcode is 12 characters long, I only want the 1st 7 to be written to the table.

I was thinking a validation rule using TRIM or LEN but can't seem to get it to work.

Any ideas?

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