Implementing Authorization Code Functionality

Jul 23, 2006

Hello Access Gurus,

Our application can be broken into several modules, and we want to be able to shut off all modules, but then activate them by entering an Activation/Authorization code for each module.

The issue is that I'm fairly new to Access, and have never done this type of functionality. Is there anyone out there that has done this and can give me some guidance? I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

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Implementing Calendar Functionality With Outlook?

Feb 6, 2014

A client I am working for wants a calendar to interact with their database forms, I am thinking outlook would be the best bet, as a table and form to make my own in access would be overly complicated. Is there any way to embed a calendar from outlook within an access form?

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How To Create Login Form With Different Level Of Authorization

Feb 12, 2015

How can I create a log-in form with different level of authorization? It means different user is allowed to access specified content (table, query, report, form).

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Help Implementing A Neat Idea

Jan 13, 2006

I’m working to ever-improve a Help Desk-like database and I got this idea for “templates.” That is, a quick way to fill out the as much of the ticket form as possible when common issues come in.

So I’ve created a table (Templates)that mimics the structure of my ticket table (Incidents). I’ve gone into Templates and put the values I want automatically entered in each field and I’ve added a combo box and a button on my ticket screen. The combo box is populated, from Templates, with the name of each Template.

My problem is that I have no idea how to make each field on the Incident form populate with the values from the Template table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Decrease In Performance After Implementing Security

Sep 14, 2006

Have you experienced major decrease in performace after implementing Security in Access? (Note: the database is not encrypted.)

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Queries :: Implementing YTD Calculations In Access?

Jul 22, 2014

How to implement YTD calculations in Access.

Current table:

Property Month RevenueA Jan '13 100
A Feb '13 50
B Jan '14 200
B Feb '14 300

Desired output:

Property Month Revenue YTD revenue
A Jan '13 100 100
A Feb '13 50 150
B Jan '14 200 200
B Feb '14 300 500

I am new to Access programing and have not been able to figure out a query/macro to execute this.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Implementing Search Button To A Form?

Oct 24, 2013

In my database I've encountered a hitch - I've got one form set up to view one person at a time and I've got many records in this database - Is it possible to create a textbox and a button called search that will take me to the record containing this text?

i.e currently im on record abc i type into the text dfe and press search - it will take me to a record that contains that text?

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General :: Implementing Substitution Variables In Access 2007

Oct 19, 2012

Is there a way i can use substitution variables in access 2007, i wrote a query that returns rows which have a word okeu in them but i want to use substitution variables so that i can retrieve any word i want and if the word i want is not there i want to pop a message saying `word not there` its easier to do it in oracle sqlplus but how can i apply it in access using sql queries?

This is my sql I made in access

WHERE (((MENU.NAME_REC)="okeu"));

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ALT+Tab Functionality

Dec 3, 2007

We just started using Access 2007 in the past few weeks (upgraded from 2003). One of the functionalities that we are missing is the ability using the Alt+Tab to go directly to an open table or query under a specific Access Database that is already open. Now I can only switch between open Databases and then I have to use my mouse to Toggle between open queries/tables etc. Is there a setting that would allow this, or is this functionality just gone? (I am still using XP, but the functionality is not there on Vista either)

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Losing Functionality

May 3, 2006

I am building a database for a client that tracks construction drawings. The client came today to check on progress. Just before he came, I changed the start-up properties to hide the database window, menus etc so it would look more like the finished product.

Problem was, I lost alot of the functionality and had to change it back to demonstrate:( . Is this common and can anyone explain why? much appreciated

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Does Access Have This Functionality?

Mar 12, 2007

I want to have a program where the balance of an account is always updated and stored in a column. In oracle I would use pl/sql, does Access have a similar capability?

Also I want to be able to add and subtract date types, for example, to get entries from the last month. Oracle date type can do this, does the Access date/time datatype do this?

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Search Box To Use Contains Functionality

Jun 25, 2013

I have a search box running the following code on After Update. I would like the search box to use a contains functionality instead of its exact nature currently.

Ex. "Address Number" could be found by typing "Num". Currently I have to type "Address Number" in full exactly as it appears in my table.

Private Sub txtSearch_AfterUpdate()
With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[QstnText]=""" & Me.txtSearch & """"
If .NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
End Sub

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File Search Functionality

Nov 2, 2005

I have a form that imports an excel spreadsheet and manipulates the data into a database friendly format. My issue is that I have hard coded the test file name in the DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet command.

What I would like to do is to allow the end user to go and click on the file and then have access pick up the file name and run the process. Is there some Active X control that allows the user to go search for the file they want to import? If so, is there any functionality to such a tool whereas I can have the user click on the file and instead of opening it, I can simply capture the file name to use in my module?

OR… does anyone have a better idea of how I might go about what I am trying to accomplish? I hope I explained my situation clearly enough…


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Functionality 2000 To 2003 Opening.

Dec 23, 2006

Hi experts in MS Access!

Need to know if I can open a MS Access 2000 (large) mdb-file in MS Access 2003 Professional without loosing any functionality? Is there a working way around this behaviour of MS Access 2003? It seems now, when comparing from MS 2000 openings some functionality got loose when I open the same 2000 file in Access 2003. Working environment is MS XP professional and all security patches for Office 2003 Pro and XP are applied.


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Excel Editing Functionality In Access?

Jan 29, 2007

This being my first post, id like to thank everyone who contributes here.. ive been watching this site for a while, and its been a simply amazing source of knowledge.

Now that the sucking up is over, HELP! 8)

Im developing a database that is going to take over tracking point to point connections between servers and switches in our data center. The system that the users currently use now is a simple flat excel spreadsheet.

Im wondering if there is a way to allow users to enter data in a format that they are familiar with... Tables 'look' the same but unfortunately for the people that I work with they dont (seem to) have the mass editing capabilities that they current work with.

Im using access 2002 currently at work, shortly I will be on 2003. Ive tried to play with the excel add ins that are included with my version, but I havent seen any way to directly link the excel add in to a table in my database, and definately havent found a way to pick and choose information to be manipulated in the cells (via code) in the excel interface.

Id really prefer not to have to have users use excel outside of the database in any form. I am aware that I could probably achieve what I want via importing excel files in the background and what not, but this doesnt achieve the goal that i am after, which is migrating the users out of excel and into access.

I hope I have explained myself thoroughly enough. If anyone has any input on a direction that I should look it would be appreciated. Im not the best with access, however I would consider myself intermediate to expert with coding and whatnot.

Thank you!

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Looking For Access Combined With Excel Functionality

Jun 21, 2007


Hope someone can assist me with this question:

Let's say I have a Table with many Product IDs records..
Product ID (Number)
Hyperlink Field (with a Hyperlink to an external Excel file)

What I would like to do is to create a Hyperlink that not only will it open the Excel file but it will also search and select the Product ID (in Excel) of the record on which the Hyperlink was clicked in Access.

Is this possible or am I just wishing too much?

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Add Dircetly To Combo/list Functionality

Oct 19, 2005

I have a number of combo boxes linked to respective individual tables, for example tool combo look up the tool table which is composed of ToolID and Tool Type.

I want to be able to add additional tools directly into the combo box on the form when I come across a tool type that isn't in there already. However, my current combo tells me that I can't as I am trying to enter an item that isn't in the list.

So, if I then change the option on the combo on 'Limit to List' to No from Yes, it then gives me an error about column widths that need changing.

I don't want to do that but I do want to enter directly - can somebody point me in the right direction please.

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Tables :: Losing Functionality On FE After Splitting

Mar 3, 2015

I've developing a little Project and have some issues after splitting a db.

I have some forms in wich I want to see some tables with the "+" sign on the rows so I can go to their linked tables. The problem that I have is that everything works perfect until I split the access file.

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Trouble Implementing The Regular Days And Sunday Working Days?

Dec 14, 2004

Hello everyone,

I have problem with my code here. I am using this code to determine if the LogDate with a weekday of Sunday can be declare as Sunday Work or Regular Work. The 1st week of my entry can determine if the LogDate is Sunday then compute if it reaches a 7 days working, if he is absent even 1 (one) day in his previous working days within the week. His Sunday LogDate is considered as Regular Days instead of Sunday Work. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in this code?

The problem here is the computation of 7 days after 1 week. There should be a 7 days computation every week per month in able to declare Sunday Work or Regular Work. I tried this code but it did not work on 2nd week, 3rd week and 4th week of the month.

How come on 2nd week, Sunday (LogDate) is not considered as Sunday Work even he completed the 7 days (working days) per week? I need help on this ASAP Thanks


Below is the code i'm using for defining Regular days and Sunday Working Days:

Private Sub LogDate_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim dteToday As Date, dtePrior As Date
Dim i As Integer

dteToday = LogDate
dtePrior = DateAdd("d", -6, dteToday)

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [HolidayDate] FROM tblHolidays", dbOpenSnapshot)

rst.FindFirst "[HolidayDate] = #" & dteToday & "#"
'See if the date entered is a holiday
If rst.NoMatch Then
Holiday.Value = 0
Holiday.Value = 1
End If
If Weekday(dteToday) = vbSunday Then 'If dated entered is a Sunday determine if
Dim strSQL As String 'it will be a regular day or a Sunday

strSQL = "SELECT [LogDate] "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tblLog "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [LogDate] >= #" & dtePrior & "#"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [LogDate] <= #" & dteToday & "#"

'Create a recordset of records from date entered and 7 days prior
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

i = rs.RecordCount 'Count the number of days between the two dates

If i = 7 Then 'If there are seven days then it is a Sunday
Sunday.Value = 1
Sunday.Value = 0 'If less than 7 days then it is a regular day
End If

Sunday.Value = 0
End If

DayofWeek.Value = Format(dteToday, "dddd")

End Sub

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Disable Filter Functionality / Massive Slowdowns

Oct 28, 2005

Is there a way to disable the filter feature in MS Access? I have several users that use the filter to find a single record when I've repeatedly told them that using CTRL-F is faster and less of a strain on network traffic.

I'm trying to eliminate all possible causes of a massive slowdown that occurs everyday at roughly 10-noon. There are several ODBC timeouts (even after including some code to have it attempt to retrieve the data 3 times prior to it allowing the timeout message to pop-up).

I have removed all linked tables/queries that are not needed and the database has been rebuilt. Compressed the database is under 2 megs and the SQL Server backend is on it's own server where the same queries return instant results.

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Forms :: Prevent Cut Functionality Within Unbound Combobox

Jun 28, 2015

I am trying to prevent any foolish behavior from taking place upon a form. I have textboxes and comboboxes that users need to input data into or make selections within.

I came up with a method to prevent Paste as follows:

Private Sub ComboBox_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Call PurgeClipBoard()
End Sub


However if I remove the MsgBox logic then the Cut is not prevented.

Note you need to include the Declares for those api functions if you use them.

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General :: Search Form Additional Functionality?

Dec 17, 2013

I'm using Allen Browne's search form in an application for demographic purposes.

The form is working fine, but the user is asking for a new functionality. He wants at lease 3 state combo boxes so he can filter that [State] field for at lease three choices and the way it is build now he can only have one. I tried the following code (with the corresponding text boxes in the form), but it didn't, the result was no search at all.


If Not IsNull(Me.txtState01) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([State] Like ""*" & Me.txtState01 & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtState02) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([State] Like ""*" & Me.txtState02 & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtState03) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([State] Like ""*" & Me.txtState03 & "*"") AND "
End If

In the Allen Browne's documentation he explains about using the AND and OR's and I tried a few combinations, but the result this time was no record found at all.

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Moving Functionality In Excel Workbook Over To Access

Feb 3, 2013

I've build an Excel workbook that contains extensive use of VBA code for UserForms, Control Buttons, etc. and also contains several sheets that are formatted as Tables and function as databases. We've outgrown Excel's capabilities and need to move over to Access.

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Query / Report Parameter Prompt Functionality

Jan 4, 2013

I have a couple of questions which are sort of related. They both revolve around Parameters with a Query/Report.

Here is a bit of background. The source Table is formatted in a way similar to this:

Code--Account#--Expense Description--Jan--Feb...

When running the Query, and associated Report, the user is prompted to input an Account# via a Parameter that I set up. The dialog box pops up with the word "Account#" and a box for the user to enter by what account that they want to restrict the Report. [Question 1] - Is there a way to make this dialog box contain a drop-down box with a list of predetermined accounts instead of the aforementioned entering of an account number? If not via this dialog box, is there another way?

Also, multiple accounts roll up into a single P&L line item. For example, let's say that accounts 1234 and 5678 both make up "Equipment". [Question 2] - Is there a way to run the Report in such a way to return all accounts which roll into a line item? I want to have the ability to run by either an individual account or the P&L line in total.

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General :: Create File Explorer Functionality In Access

Jan 31, 2013

how to create file explorer like functionality in ms access.

1 -I need to be able to browse files within specified directory and only. I can't alow users to browse any other directories.
2- I also need to be able upload (copy/paste) folders and files in that directory

I looked at different solutions and found a solution which might work on this foum link below.

The treeview working for browsing specific directory, but i need to enhance it to allow to copy files and folders in that directory.I use MS ACCESS 2010 and not very proficient in programming.

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General :: Resurrection Of A Search Form Added Functionality

Nov 17, 2014

About a year ago I created a search form based on Allen Brownes Search model. Working fine, but the user wanted added functionality, see here, after a few tries the users didn't wanted the option anymore because they were in a hurry to deploy. But now their management is asking again for a wider scope in that state search.

I made an example model. It works fine, but only if I always have some value in the [State C] option, if left blank it won't work, a Run-time error 3075, will pop up.

I have tried many combinations of parenthesis, but, haven't got any luck.

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