Import Excel Data Into Existing Access Table With Foreign Key Fields
Apr 25, 2015
I used to import excel data into access successfully, many times but now I have to import excel data into an existing Access table with foreign key fields, which makes me problems.
Its just doesn't work...and Im sure the forien key fields are the prob cause, the other fields are going well ...
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Apr 7, 2015
I am trying to import from Excel and append to an existing table. My excel sheet is named tblStatus and I am trying to append it to my Access table "tblStatus".
I get an error message that says "The first row contains some data that can't be used for valid Access Field Names. In these cases, the wizard will automatically assign valid field names." (I used the excel sheet to set up my table.) After I click OK, I get to the point where I can click finish, and I get a "Subscript out of range" error.
MY row headers are:
I am not sure what is going on.
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Mar 17, 2015
I have a table, which contains many fields, around 90. Out of these 90 Fields, around 40 will be imported from an Excel sheet, which has same headers as the 40 field names in my table, in which they have to get copied.
So when I import data, it copies them as new records, instead what I am looking at is, the records in Excel and in Access table has a Unique Key, so when I import data, matching with this unique key, the fields should be overwritten into those records from Excel, instead of adding new records.
Say I have 2 records in my access:
ID(auto generated) Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks Data_1 Data_2 Data_3
1 Fab1 193 NY Bug OC DC MC
2 Fab2 641 DRS Error AC KC FC
Now when I am importing data from Excel with the following records:
Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks
Fab1 193 NY - GRM Solved
Fab2 641 DRS - SGP Forwarded
So when I import the above data into my Access from Excel, based on Issue ID, it should update the values of different fields that are imported from Excel, leaving other fields (data_1, Data_2, Data_3) as it is.
And I need this to be written as a macro, so that user just has to choose the file, which he has to import.
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Apr 27, 2008
Hello guyz,
With the help of 'Import External Data' wizard, my import did not happen. My datatypes and Col. Headers in excel are matching for what I have in access table. Alternatively, I selected to import the data into new table and all of the data got imported. My question, since I already have some data in table I want data to be imported, how can I do about bringing all the data from new table I created during import to the existing table. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
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Sep 25, 2014
I wanted to import data in a access table using a form in access. The form should contain a browse button to browse the file and then a command button to start importing.
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Aug 1, 2007
I have a database that I import data from an excel spreadsheet into multiple times daily. The table that this data is imported into has several key fields that if the data already exisits in the table, and I attempt to import data that is the same except for one or more of the key fields is different. At this time the database it creates a different record. I am trying to get the database to overwrite the data in the database.
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Dec 17, 2013
I have made a access database which captures new booking information and i then want to export this to a pre-existing excel doc which has formulas in which will work out how long it took my team to process it.
So my question really is to see if it possible to just keep adding data to an excel doc that i have created?
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Dec 6, 2005
Been wondering how I can update fields in my Access database table using data that lies in an excel spreadsheet.
They have a common row ie say account number and other common fields that need to be updated.
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Nov 5, 2004
I want to import data from access to excel my excel file has columns say
a b c d e f g h i j k
my access table has columns
b d e f g i k
now when i run transferspreadsheet, since some columns are not there in the access table, it gives a error. how can i import this data?
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Jan 15, 2007
When I try to import from a spreadsheet, Access crashes. No errors, no error log entry. At first I thought it was because my file was password protected, so I tried a new file with no password, but it still crashes Access.:confused:
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Apr 23, 2013
Recently I am using this code to import the data in a excel sheet into Access table:
DoCmd.TransferText acImport, , strcTableName, strFullPath, True
But this will import all the data in that worksheet into the Access table.What I want to implement is to import part of the data. For example, the data I need is start from Row30 till the end, thus I don't need the data from Row1 to Row29.
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Jun 1, 2015
User imports data from Excel to a table but i am not sure that the user will import right data into the table.
So in case a error comes due to a record, i want to cancel all the changes/updates done because of that excel file.
i.e if there are 10 records to be imported and error comes while uploading 5th record, then all the 4 records updated earlier should be recalled / reversed / cancelled...
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Feb 5, 2014
when i import data from excel into access 2003.i give nothing means not import data and no error seen like process finished but nothing happend.
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May 18, 2006
I'm looking for someone to help me with a solution to my problem of importing data into a data table.
What I'd like to do is have a command button on a form. When this button is clicked the records in a table are cleared out. Then I'd like for a browse window to come up to locate an Excel file. The user would select this file and the data would be imported into the data table that was just cleared.
Can this be done without too much trouble?
Thanks, Paul
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May 11, 2015
Is there a way to import data to Excel from Access without retaining the link ?
I have a table and two queries (from that table) that I wish to export to a specific (Templated) Excel file.
I want to send the data to the Excel file then be able to subsequently copy and paste and email the file without any data connections etc.
Alternatively : to export from Access to the templated excel file.
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Apr 12, 2014
I have a workbook which has links to access to import data. I have to have the information in Excel for a couple reasons:
1.) Many of our customers don't have Access.
2.) The customers use a "discount calculator" to apply their own discounts.
They also use it to then apply their own margin mark ups to be able to then use to quote to their customers. So a static report/pdf for them to look at doesn't work.
I've begun to create links from a number of queries in Access, which work fine. My problem is when I go to update the data. I'm not getting the following error coming up:
The database definitely hasn't moved. And I've run the queries in q, and there aren't any problems there. I've looked this error up and I'm seeing that it could mean that I've got some corruption going on.
Before I hit my main q, I should also note: I'm running all of this on a Citrix network. I should also note that it's a consulting gig. Once I'm done, I won't be available to fix major issues like this.
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Jun 27, 2012
Im familiar with Ms Access, but have never used VBA or Scripts. I have 37 Excel files with the same data and would like to import into one file. Data will be received on a monthly basis into the same directory and I would like to automatically upload the data into the same file in Access.
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May 31, 2007
Hi there,
I'm pretty new to Access so I hope this question is not to simple/stupid ;)
Ok, I have an Excel Worksheet that I want to import into an Access Table. The column headers are identical! The only problem is:
- the Access table looks up a couple of the columns from other Access tables. When I try to import the Excel data, Access does (properly) report an error.
- Error: the records from the Excel file were added to the Access table but not all values were imported (no values were imported into the lookup columns...)
Any idea how I should procede so that I can import my data into Access?
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a lot of Excel files and each of them has 3 sheets that I would like to import in Access 2010. How can I import them without having to do one by one?
I always get error on
Code : Application.FileSearch
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Jan 23, 2008
I have some data in excel which I am importing it into MS Access 2002. Each excel file (one worksheet per file) is imported into separate tables.
I want to combine all my imported tables into one table. Is that possible, if yes then how and if no then what can be done to get single table after impoting data from various excel files.
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May 6, 2015
I have code written which imports excel data to a access table but after the first import it fails due to duplicates, how can i tell it to ignore duplicates in the table and only copy new records?
code is below.
Function SyncEmployes()
Dim lngColumn As Long
Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object
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Jan 15, 2015
I want a user to click a button, have the file open dialog open, they select a spreadsheet, and then it imports into a table. The problem is the filename can be different every time. The table name will remain constant.
Here is the OnClick:
Private Sub Command8_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel2Xml, "Table1", "T_Staff.xls", "Yes"
Exit Sub
Resume Exit_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
End Sub
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Nov 14, 2014
I have an excel table called Parameter with a column called "Test" -- The column contains integer numbers only. So all the numbers in the column are like 5,10,15,20 etc..I have an access macro which imports the entire excel table into a access table called dbo_Parameters
I have created an access macro to run "Saved Import" for 'dbo_Parameters"..After uploading, all the data in the column Test is formatted to mm/ dd/ yyyy. The Field Size is Integer, but the format is view format is converted to a Date..I have to change the properties of the column to "General Number" and get rid of the date to change the import format!
a) The format of the column in Excel - It is number
b) The import procedure and saved import. I am unable to change the format of the import during upload. I make sure that the import format column is Integer
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Aug 21, 2012
I have been trying to import an excel sheet (a specific excel sheet in the workbook) using this method but I get an error:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Customer", "C:Download.xlsx", True, "CustomerFormatted"
where "CustomerFormatted" is the sheet I am trying to import in to the "Customer" table.
The error I get is Run Time Error 3011, The MS Access engine could not find the object "CustomerFormatted" make sure its name is spelled correctly ....
Is there any other way I can import an excel sheet in to an access table?
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Dec 10, 2007
I currently have a database that is missing various pieces of information, we are getting a temp in to complete this. I don't want the temp adding data directly into Access so I have exported the table that needs updating into Excel.
How can I then import the new data without altering current data.
I know this is no problem for new records, but if I have a current record with a few fields of information missing how can I just import information into the blank fields. This can't be a manual process as there are hundreds of records.
Any comments would be much appreciated!
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Jun 9, 2006
Access 2000
This has to be an easy one but I can't seem to figure it out. I created a table by importing the structure from a .dbf file. Now I simply want to import other .dbf records from a bunch of .dbf files that have the exact same structure. How do Import these records into my existing table?
This should be a no brainer but I have spent an hour or so searching the help file and the internet.:mad:
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