Import Xml And Preserve Character Encoding

Apr 25, 2005


I am currently a SQL DBA, and have been roped in to help a fellow staff member import some XML data into an access database. I am using Office 2003, and the Get External Data command. It successfully imports all of the data, but my colleague says that it is not acceptible because the data is being converted to UTF-8 encoding. He would like it to retain the same original encoding as the XML file. Is there any way I can do this?


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[Enter] Character Creating New Record During Import

Dec 14, 2007

Hello all. I've tried searching the forums as well Google for an answer for my problem, but perhaps I'm not searching on the correct key words. Would someone please point me to a post that addresses the below issue.
My company has a customer service (CS) application where our CS agents document CS requests. For reporting purposes, they drop a text file containing open service requests that I then import in Access 2003 so I can analyze the data. I've had the vendor use È (ALT+0200) as the delimiter and double-quotes to enclose text.
This has been working well until the application vendor upgraded the app last week. Now, whenever a user hits the [Enter] key to create a new line in the comments section of the application, a new line is created during the import process into Access.
When I view the text file I can see the Enter Character because it is displayed as  (except it looks more like a rectangle standing in its short side.)
I thought if creating a macro to run on the text file to delete the enter characters, but I can't find a way to systemically find the character. So far, the only solution on my end is to manually delete the characters, but that's unrealistic because there are thousands of records.
Thank you in advance for pointing me to a helpful post or commenting here.

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Import Record 495 Character Length Limit?

May 4, 2005

sorry about the unwieldy title: I appear to have reached a limit while adding fields to a fixed width text table which is imported to Access on a monthly basis using Import Conditions to define the field start points and lengths. Using the Import Conditions wizard, I cannot add any break points beyond the 495th character. Is this a known limit, or has anyone found a way around? I've tried both Access '97 and 2002. Any advice greatly appreciated.

Many thanks, Kevin

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Character In Import String

Jun 16, 2015

I have a program that has been working for a year or so, it imports records form a text file created by a web site. Someone has entered a hex("1A", "A8" in a name field. It is shutting my program down. I tried a alphanumeric check to replace it and a length check to try and skip the record but the program thinks it is at the end of the file and quits reading records. Is there a way to get rid of characters like this in vba?

"5407 MUYF3I23 GIS..LE "

Here is what I have tried

If Len(strread) <> 591 Then
MsgBox "Invalid Record Read " & strread
GoTo Skip_Loop
End If
If AlphaNumeric(CStr(Trim(Mid(strread, 32, 11)))) Then
!HT_FName = CStr(Trim(Mid(strread, 32, 11)))

[Code] .....

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Access UTF-8 Encoding

Jul 19, 2007

i got a problem encoding access database in UTF-8 can some one give me a little help
thanks in advance


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Arabic Data Encoding

Aug 19, 2007

Hi all,

I have bought a web crawler (Spider) software which crawls given urls and save information such as: title, url, describtion, plaintext content .. in an MS Access database.

The problem begins when it crawls "Arabic" sites which contains Arabic characters .. and it shows something like this instead of the Arabic words: (in the program and in the database)

عربي - الإنترنت العربية تبدأ هنا


So is there anyway I can fix this problem and transform these unknown characters to Arabic ones..

Thanks very much,

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Preserve Order Of Items In Table Without ID Or Primary Key?

Nov 10, 2012

This is a CSV file that comes through an Access specification. I need to be able to copy the items from the table to other tables but somehow apply a unique and sequential ID to the rows first, this is essential to the job. The text import spec applies a unique ID but save the spec, and call it using VBA, it doesn't do that.

Also, there seems to be a bug where using a macro to run the text import specification, (and this is after an update from Microsoft), that it doesn't recognize the specs anymore... after I deleted several of them.

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Tables :: How To Switch Lookup Table To New One And Preserve Old Data

Oct 17, 2013

We have a lookup table that has a list of CLIN numbers and their costs. The contract that governs those CLIN numbers and costs will be changing to entirely new numbers. Unfortunately, I still need to have the old and new CLIN numbers linked to the other tables.

Will I need to merge all the CLIN numbers into one lookup table, or can I do it from two lookup tables?

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Calculation (Formula) On Report Will Change Every Year - Preserve Historical Date

Oct 21, 2015

So I have a company where the bonus amount for a calculation can change quarterly - if a person accomplishes 50-100% of plan they get that % of their bonus amount.

I have that working on a variable detail DB where the historical data is correct for the report.

i.e. if I want to look at January - the report looks at the requested date: January and calculates using the bonus number from the last update made before January (year is also factored in)

So: January 2014 if they make 50% of plan and their bonus is $100 this month - they receive $50

Good - no problem

NOW: Every year the formula on the report Could Change - so next year if the person makes 50-100% of plan and 30% of secondary plan - they get 30%(% of Bonus)

So now: January 2015 if they make 30% of secondary plan and 50% of plan with $100 bonus the report would give .30*(.50*100) = 15

I can change the calculation on the report - BUT then how would I go back and accurately show what they got in January 2014

Would it require a different report per year?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Csv Files And Rename Them After Import Into (imported) And (failed)

Jul 17, 2015

I have the following piece of code for importing the .csv files from a selected folder and then renaming them into 'imported & filename' if succesful and 'failed & filename' if import failes for whatever reason (bad formating, etc.).

The problem is that the first time it encounters a 'bad' file after another, instead of going again to the Error handler, the command

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "Activitate", filename, True

gives me the default MS Access error, namely 2391. I would like it to go the the Error_handler again ang follow the course of actions and rename the files into 'failed' and 'imported'.

Here's the code:

Sub ImportActivitate()
Dim strFile As String 'Filename's
Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array
Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files
Dim filename As String, sFullName As String, sFilename As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


Also, how can I make the routine stop cycling through the files after I renamed them all?

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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Cap The First Character

Nov 28, 2007

I have a field that is all Lower Case. I need the first Character to be UPPER CASE...

Does anyone out there know how I can write a query to do this?

PLease help....

THanks in advance

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Need To Remove A Character

Jan 11, 2006

Hello, Tried a search but could'nt come up with an answer.

I have a number field with an amount.
The format will always change as far as the LEN is concerned.
I need to remove the decimal.
There will always be 2 numbers to the right of the decimal but the left will always change.


21543.11 Need 2154311
11.20 Need 1120

Thanks in advance! :)

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Removing The First Character Using VBA

Sep 20, 2006

I posted an earlier question about an Access query export to Excel putting leading apostophe (') before all data.
To remove them I thought I would use Find/Replace but the Apostophe is not recognised!

Is there a way (programmatically) to remove the first character of each data entry in each cell in a column?

thanks in advance


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255 Character Limit

Feb 11, 2005

My undertsanding is that text fields are limited to 255 characters. A friend has a databse with some "notes" type fields with data a few sentences long. Is there any way around this limit. If not, what database recommendations can anyone make for someone who needs a questionnaire component in his database?

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Ampersand Character

Jan 4, 2005

how do i display the ampersand character in labels?
is there any escape character i should know?

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Character Insertion Help!

Feb 14, 2007

Hi! I'm stuck and need some help. I have a list of about 1600 entries, all merchant names and i need to place an * at the beginning and end of each entry, example *Arizona Central*. Each entry has a different amount of characters...would any one know if there is a way of how I can do this easily in Access or Excel?

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Character Display

Feb 7, 2008

I have a numeric field from a SQL database that is not editable. I need to limit the number of characters displayed when I bring that field into Access forms and reports. I want it to only display the last 4 digits.

Field Name: clicode


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Problem With Greek Character

May 10, 2005

On server in my office (win server 2000) i try to link text file to database, and i just change in link text wizard language to all (default is english), and in code page (character set) i find greek. On the end of linking proces i have table with field with greek words...
What is problem?
I try the same on my online server (win server 2000), and when i try in link text wizard to change language to all, a have message:

The setings for this property is too long

and i cant chose greek code page. So when import text just like that, i have some simbols in table...

How to solve problem... Why one win 2000 work OK, and another not???

thank you

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Character Recognition And Hyperlinking

Aug 7, 2007

I was wondering if its possible to.... In my business, we test electronic components. When one fails, it gets documented as a test error, and the document is named TE-XXXX YYY where XXXX is a four digit number and YYY is a code of some sort. is it possible that in a table, When TE-XXXX YYY is entered, it only recognizes "TE-XXXX" which hyperlinks to microsoft word document in a folder that gives more information about the test error. Thanks in advance!

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Delete All Text Before Character

Jun 12, 2005

I've search the forums...If you can find a thread that discusses this, or can give me some advice on this topic, let me know.

Is there any built-in function that will allow me to delete any text before a certain point in a record... Or perhaps a way to use the REPLACE function to do so?

All of my records look like this (They're ticker symbols):
AMZN:Amazon, Inc
WMT:Wal-Mart Inc.
A:Agilen Tech Inc
MSFT:Microsoft Inc.

I just want the company name...Unfortunately, the ticker symbols aren't always the same length, so I can't use the left or right function.

I need to delete the colon and anything to the left of the colon. I've thought of a great use of the replace function for this purpose...I used wildcards...Too bad it didn't work!

Just The Company Name: Replace([Ticker Symbol and Name],"*" & ":","")

Any ideas?

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Space Character In A Field

Oct 12, 2005

I have a field that has to be 20 Characters long. Most of the time data for this field is less than 20 characters, so the remaining has to be filled with spaces to make it 20. e.g. if there is a record xyz1234567, then the rest of the record should have 10 spaces like xyz1234567ssssssssss, meaning if i click on this record then the cursor should not blink after 7 but after the spaces. Hope I am making sense.
Thanks for any input.

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Searching For The Asterisk Character

Oct 24, 2005

Someone used the asterisk (actually, 2 of them **) character in a field to 'mark' it for querying. Since it is a wildcard, how do I query the field to show only the records with "**" in it? What is the best way to remove them using an update query???

Thanks in advance for ANY help.

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Escaping The # Character In Query

Dec 21, 2005

I'm using a filter that contain # as one of the characters that the field might contain.
I get some very inetersting results.

"select fld1
from tbl1
where fld1 not like 'D#%'

Lets' say that the values for fld1(text type) are :
D# cc
The query above will return the 2 records, it is "egnoring" the filter.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks a lot

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Greater Than One Character In Query

Mar 13, 2007

In my forename field I have entries with just the initial. I would like my query to filter out anything less than 2 characters. Does anyone know the criteria format?

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How To Hide A Character In A Field?

Jun 20, 2007

I have a field which looks like this - "d123456", I will have to display the field without the "d" in front, meaning I will need to show "123456" Any idea how I can do this? Thanks!

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