I am creating a database from many, many excel sheets for monitoring of waterbores. A few of these are fields indicating whether something is done or not. If the thing has been done an X is marked. Therefore in Access I want these to be yes/no datatype and the import to recognise the X as yes.
I have a table, which contains many fields, around 90. Out of these 90 Fields, around 40 will be imported from an Excel sheet, which has same headers as the 40 field names in my table, in which they have to get copied.
So when I import data, it copies them as new records, instead what I am looking at is, the records in Excel and in Access table has a Unique Key, so when I import data, matching with this unique key, the fields should be overwritten into those records from Excel, instead of adding new records.
Say I have 2 records in my access:
ID(auto generated) Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks Data_1 Data_2 Data_3 1 Fab1 193 NY Bug OC DC MC 2 Fab2 641 DRS Error AC KC FC
Now when I am importing data from Excel with the following records:
So when I import the above data into my Access from Excel, based on Issue ID, it should update the values of different fields that are imported from Excel, leaving other fields (data_1, Data_2, Data_3) as it is.
And I need this to be written as a macro, so that user just has to choose the file, which he has to import.
I used to import excel data into access successfully, many times but now I have to import excel data into an existing Access table with foreign key fields, which makes me problems.
Its just doesn't work...and Im sure the forien key fields are the prob cause, the other fields are going well ...
I think this is an age old question but I have yet to ask it. I have a XLS spreadsheet I'm importing into a table in access. One of the column in excel has both the first and last name and middle intial sometimes such as Frank H. Urtz. I want to seperate this in access. firstname =Frank lastname=Urtz midinitial=H. How do I go about it?
I think I want to write a query saying give me everything up to first " ". Insert that into field1. GThe give me everything from the first ' " to the second " " and insert into field2 and so on.
This is a bit of a tricky one to explain, so please bear with me:
I have a table set up that I regularly import data into using the docmd.transfersheet command.
The problem I am having is that one of the columns I want to import as type text length 3 (the field in the table is set as this)… This column (in excel) has values in such as 001, 121, 999, T10. If the values in the first 10 or so rows are full numbers i.e 121 or 999 then the import command takes this column as being a double. Meaning that it misses out when it gets to values of 001 or T10 etc… and replaces them with NULL
If I reorder the excel sheet before importing and make sure a text value (i.e 091 or T10) is near the top the import works fine and all the data is imported.
I have also tried manually importing the data into the table and a new table and both give the same results.
The question, how can I force access to import that column of the sheet as a text field?
I have tried everything I can think of and have failed miserably.
I'm having a small but annoying problem exporting data to excel and then importing it back..
The problem is that when i export a table to Excel - it changes the date format from dd/mm/yy (which is what i have in Access) to DD-MMM-YY (automatically in Excel)
This proves to be a problem because when i import the spreadsheet back Access gives me a data type conversion error.
Its easily solved manually by changing the field in excel to dd/mm/yy format but annoying as the user will have to do this everytime they export and import!
I have used the search and it proved to be very helpful, as always. However, I still have an issue with my coding, it keeps trying to open my Excel file I have imported after I have closed it (or at least I think I have). Here is the code (copied right from another thread with a few tweaks):
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _ "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hInstance As Long lpstrFilter As String lpstrCustomFilter As String nMaxCustFilter As Long nFilterIndex As Long lpstrFile As String nMaxFile As Long lpstrFileTitle As String nMaxFileTitle As Long lpstrInitialDir As String lpstrTitle As String flags As Long nFileOffset As Integer nFileExtension As Integer lpstrDefExt As String lCustData As Long lpfnHook As Long lpTemplateName As String End Type
Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim OpenFile As OPENFILENAME Dim lReturn As Long Dim sFilter As String Dim WrksheetName As String Dim oApp As Object
OpenFile.lStructSize = Len(OpenFile) OpenFile.hwndOwner = Form.Hwnd sFilter = "acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9 (*.xls)" & Chr(0) & "*.xls" & Chr(0) OpenFile.lpstrFilter = sFilter OpenFile.nFilterIndex = 1 OpenFile.lpstrFile = String(257, 0) OpenFile.nMaxFile = Len(OpenFile.lpstrFile) - 1 OpenFile.lpstrFileTitle = OpenFile.lpstrFile OpenFile.nMaxFileTitle = OpenFile.nMaxFile OpenFile.lpstrInitialDir = "C:" OpenFile.lpstrTitle = "Select the Information to Import" OpenFile.flags = 0 lReturn = GetOpenFileName(OpenFile) If lReturn = 0 Then Exit Sub End If
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") oApp.Visible = True oApp.Workbooks.Open OpenFile.lpstrFile
With oApp .Visible = True WrksheetName = "Import" DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet (acImport), acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, WrksheetName, OpenFile.lpstrFile, True End With
Someone please help!!! The "file of type" does not display the excel type. . . only type database and ODBC. I'm using MSAccess 2000. Does it not support this type of import? Is there an add-in I need?
Hi All I'm trying import an excel spreadsheet into an exisiting table. But there are some conversion errors in some records. But there is no conversion error table or log for me to trace. Anyone knows how can I find the records with error in order to fix them? Thanks in advance!
I have an excel file worksheet(player info sheet)that the user would input information. I then copy that info into another worksheet(player info) in the data fields that I have defined in Access. I then open up my Access database and do a file-get external data-import. I then select my excel file and the worksheet named "player info". I get the import fine but there is a table that gets created that is called: 'Player Info Sheet$'_ImportErrors. I cannot figure out why. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I Cannot import excel data to an access table .The type is the same.The colums are the same number.No duplicate values exist in the colum that is primary key.
I read several threads for suggestions, and most of them ask to import raw data into a temp table then append. But thought I see if this would be possible instead. The following codes imports all excel files in a folder, and extracts the date from the file name and puts that into a field in the table. And also moves the imported file to an archive folder after import.
Private Sub btnImport_Click() Dim strFile As String 'Filename Dim strFileList() As String 'File Array Dim intFile As Integer 'File Number Dim path As String Dim TheDate As Date Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.MoveFile "C:UsersChinaboyDesktopData*.xls", "C:UsersChinaboyDesktopArchives"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
Is it possible for me to open each excel file in thebackground in the folder, format it before or during the import process. What I need to do is first delete rows 1 and 2, delete column B, D, F, and I. Then move to the last row with data then delete that row along with the previous 2.
I found this code that I thought may help, but I am not sure how to work it in with my exsiting code. Any suggestion and idea will be greatfully appreciated.
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application Dim xlwrkBk As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set xlwrkBk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and Settings34036460 Project Files140 Excel AutomationXOR27NovB.xls")
Set xlSheet = xlwrkBk.Worksheets("OpenExchangeOrders27Nov")
Hello - just joined today. I hope to be of some help to other users, but am kind of a newbie.
I have an excel ss that I regularly receive which needs to go into my access DB. I set up a macro with transferspreadsheet and that works, except for one problem. I have one field which is designed as text but has data that looks like numbers as well as data that looks like text. When I run the macro, the number-like data doesn't import as text (23602012345 imports as 2.3602e+010). FYI the field in access is already defined as text. Each time I import a ss, I am appending to the existing data in the table
I have tried formatting the excel column as text with no luck. If I remove the data that truly is text in that column (ABC1287567) and leave just the 236* data, and then format the excel column as text, it seems to work fine. It just doesn't like the mixing of the data...at least it seems to me.
Any ideas to avoid manual manipulation of my excel ss before running the macro would be very helpful.
Hi everyone, i am creating a database by importing data from excel than normalizing it. In the excel spreadsheet thre is a full name field and want to import it into access by splitting it up into first and last name. Some of the data in the spreadsheet have middle initials. ANy idea on how to make this easier for me?
I have a form that I am trying to setup to click on the button and it opens dialog box to select file, then it transfers/appends the data into an existing table. I got the button to open the dialog box and select the file, but nothing is being added to the table. Can someone please help?
I have created an xls and its the same format as the table in my db. Same column name and same data type. However, when I try to import the xls to an existing table in my db, there was an error message that says, "An error occurred while trying to import file 'C:MyDocumentsPOSystem_Book.xls'. The file was not imported'". This error does not occur when I import it to a new table. Can anyone help in this? A million thanks in advance.
I noticed that I did not put a question mark next to this the first time I posted it, so maybe it was not clear that I was hoping for a response. Here I go again. We are trying to reinstall Access97 (the OS is Office XP) and having problems getting all of the drivers to install. Using the "Add or Remove Programs" in the Control Panel to make sure that all drivers have been installed, it says that the Excel drivers are installed, though it is grey, which I take to mean that it is not completely installed. On the computer in question, it says that the database drivers take up 1329k and the excel drivers are" installed" (no size listed). On my computer, on which the excel drivers are available, it lists the database drivers as 2009k and the excel drivers 258k (it does not say "installed"). Anybody have any ideas?
Hello, i have installed Access 97 from an Office 97 CD on a new laptop and when trying to import a table and browse to my file location i cannot 'see' any excel files to import, it only allows me to see Acess files or ODBC sources. it worked fine on my previous pc using the same install method. any ideas? -thanks Scott
Anyone out there have any ideas on how to Import an Excel File (SPECIFIC worksheet) to an Access Database
I am looking to do this at the click of a button or when the database opens...
What I really want to do is...... Is there a way to import this into an already existing table. Delete the existing records and import the new records from the Excel Spreadsheet?
Does anyone know if there is a special way to import a CSV file starting from a specific row. I have CSV files and the first row is header information. The file info doesn't actually start until the second row. I know I can write a MODULE to do the task but is there an import specification I can use?
:confused: Hi all - hope someone can help I dont know where to start.
I've got a cmd button that imports data from a excel sheet - that actual code is working fine, however when it runs it causes Access to freeze.
The data in imported correctly - so it must complete the process but Access locks up and has to be ended via task manager.
Any one got any clues why this is happening and how I can stop it?
This is an Access 97 database running mainly on NT and 2000
Private Sub LoadActualsDataButton_Click() On Error GoTo Err_LoadActualsDataButton_Click
' This procedure performs a two file match between the Actuals table (the Master file) and ' The Actuals spreadsheet file (the Transaction file). ' ' Keys : Study Code|Work Package|Period ' ' If the Master key < Transaction key then ' Read the next Master record. ' If the Transaction key > Master key then ' Add the transaction record to the Master file ' Read the next Transaction record. ' If the Master key = Transaction key then ' Update the value on the Master record with the value on the Transaction record ' Read the next Master Record ' Read the next Transaction record. ' ' End of File processing ' At End of File on the Master file, set the Master key to "ZZZZZZ" ' At End of File on the Transaction file, set the Transaction key to "ZZZZZZ" ' Continue processing until both keys are equal to "ZZZZZZ"
Dim MyDB As Database, MySQL As String, MySet As Recordset Dim appExcel As Excel.application Dim MyFiles As String Dim MasterKey As String, TransactionKey As String
Set MyDB = CurrentDb() Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Set up the transaction file (Actual Data Spreadsheet)
MyFiles = appExcel.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files(*.xls),*.xls", , "Open Actuals Spreadsheet") If MyFiles = "False" Then Exit Sub
' Check that this is a genuine Actual spreadsheet On Error Resume Next Let Err.Number = 0 appExcel.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Select If Err.Number = 9 Then MsgBox "This is not a valid Actuals Spreadsheet." appExcel.Quit Exit Sub End If
If appExcel.ActiveCell <> " Extracted Actuals Data" Then MsgBox "This is not a valid Actuals Spreadsheet." appExcel.Quit Exit Sub Else appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(1, 0).Range("A1").Select TransactionKey = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet & appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 1) & appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 2) End If appExcel.Visible = True
' Set up the Master File (Actual Table)
MySQL = "SELECT Actuals.[Study Code], Actuals.[TBCS Code], Actuals.[Year/Month], Actuals.Actual " MySQL = MySQL + "From Actuals " MySQL = MySQL + "ORDER BY Actuals.[Study Code], Actuals.[TBCS Code], Actuals.[Year/Month]; " Set MySet = MyDB.OpenRecordset(MySQL) If MySet.EOF Then MasterKey = "ZZZZZZ" Else MasterKey = MySet![Study Code] & MySet![TBCS Code] & MySet![Year/Month] End If
Do Until TransactionKey = "ZZZZZZ" If MasterKey < TransactionKey Then ' Read the next master record MySet.MoveNext MasterKey = MySet![Study Code] & MySet![TBCS Code] & MySet![Year/Month] GoTo Next_Loop End If If MasterKey > TransactionKey Then ' Add a new record from the Transaction to the Master MySet.AddNew MySet![Study Code] = appExcel.ActiveCell MySet![TBCS Code] = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 1) MySet![Year/Month] = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 2) MySet!Actual = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 4) MySet.Update ' MySet.Requery appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(1, 0).Range("A1").Select TransactionKey = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet & appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 1) & appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 2) GoTo Next_Loop End If ' Keys are equal so update the Master with the Transaction value MySet.Edit MySet!Actual = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 4) MySet.Update ' GoTo Next_Loop appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(1, 0).Range("A1").Select TransactionKey = appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet & appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 1) & appExcel.ActiveCell.OffSet(0, 2) MySet.MoveNext MasterKey = MySet![Study Code] & MySet![TBCS Code] & MySet![Year/Month] Next_Loop: Loop
Hello All is there a way (i guess using VBA) to import an excel spreadsheet into an access table without having to go through the wizards, if you know all the field names and other variables ??
I thought i would ask this question an how to import data from excel into access.
I am using sage to invoice clients and i can output this in to excel format then i would like the best and simplest way to pull the data though into access.
The data file has column headings at the first row ie A1 though to J1 and after this is the data, i have a table setup with the relivent table names, I had thought how easy this would be, but as always this was not the case.
The outputed excel sheet will vary in location so i think i need a diolog box to select the file and then some how link it to extract the data, is this right and if so how can it be achived.
Any thoughts
UPDATE **************************************Resolved Thanks to Pat Hartman *************************
I'm having a Excel Sheet With first column which has numeric data for first 70 or 80 records then comes some string data, here i'm using this statement to import data from excel to MS Access DataBase, but its not retriving the records which were in string data type, is there any other way to do this...?
SELECT [Item #], [Description], [Pack Size], [Price] FROM [Database=C:Test.xls;Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2].[Sheet1$] Where [Item #] Is Not Null
Hi all, I use an Excel import to update tabel 'deelnemer'. This works oke BUT when user 'x' has a linked field in tabel 'B' the import fails due to RI (I think..) How can I make it so in this code that the user record is updated and can I restore the RI (otherwise my forms won't work..) This is the code I use for importing the Excel file: DoCmd.CopyObject , "Deelnemer_copy", acTable, "Deelnemer" DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from deelnemer" DoCmd.SetWarnings True
ImportFile = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "Deelnemer.xls" DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel3, "Deelnemer", ImportFile, True Please help me on this, breaking my head over it and I'm newbie on all this.. Thanks in advance !