Important Notice To Vista Users!

May 28, 2007

Important notice from Micro$oft's Knowledge Base:

When you open or are using a Microsoft Office Access database on a computer that is running Windows Vista, you may encounter one or more of the following issues:
• Access appears to stop responding.
• Access responds very slowly.
• Access exits unexpectedly or crashes.

For the complete article and possible work arounds goto:

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Forms :: Pop Up Notice From Searching Table Database

Apr 4, 2014

I already have many table for each month , JanuaryT-DisemberT. I'm using simple form to key in data inside that table. Inside to that table (JanuaryT-DisemberT) have project number data i want to notice pop up when i try key in if that project number not valid..


Name -Project Cod- Validation
John -2012ABC - Not valid

Name -Project Cod- Validation
Ann -2011AAA - Not valid

What i want to do is when i want to key in data in MacT using Form with ADD butoon, some notice will come out if .... for example : Daniel-2011AAA or Jony-2012ABC the notice will come out " THIS PROJECT COD NOT VALID, PLEASE CHOOSE ANOTHER COD". it something like notice to tell me that project cod already not valid yet. It look like "automatic searching" data for every table. It Is possible to do like this?

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BE/FE Security *Important*

Mar 12, 2006

i have an access application in fe/be environment. I have put the BE in a shared forlder on the network.

Now the problem is that the shared folder where the BE is stored, has full read/write access. And this folder is visible to all users on the network from their network neighbourhood or through the mapped metwork drive.

So the problems are:
1) The shared folder has read/write access, so anyone can delete the BE mdb file. <<<<< main problem >>>>>

2) As this folder is visible to even those users who do not use this softaware, anyone can see the data.

We are using winxp and win98 on our network.
What can i do to secure the BE mdb file?

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2 Important Questions

Nov 13, 2005


>> How can i get all the results if no input parameter is put in the query e.g. if i have A,B,C and need to get all results, only A, only B and only C?

>> How can i block 1 cell and only acess it if the last cell have a correct value?

Thanks in advance,

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IMPORTANT - Help With Access

Jan 16, 2005

I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am designing a database for a bowling alley as a project and I am wanting to know if there is a way of doing a search which will bring up all lanes which are unbooked. I have got a search which brings up all lanes booked in ascending order but need a more detailed search. Hope someone can help and if this does not make muc sense please contact me.

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Hiding The Important Bits

May 9, 2005


I've developed my little database and it works a treat... now I want other people to be able to access it input info via forms (add data), and see reports and run searchs etc... all of which is done through a central switchboard menu.

What I dont want is other users getting into the setup of it all - basically i just want to hide the background workings, relationships, queries etc so nothing can be messed up...

What can i do, and how?!

bear in mind, i still want to be able to have full access myself.



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Simple Yet Important PROBLEM

Jun 10, 2005

I currently have a database and I would like to add in page numbers. I tried the built in functions but they did not work and they are not exactly what I am looking for. I want my page number to look like this:
"1 out of 12 records for MICROSOFT"
So I need the counter to know how many records exist for a specific client and keep track of which one of those records are being viewed. Can anyone help?

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Disabling And Enabling A Button. PLEASE HELP, VERY IMPORTANT

Mar 14, 2007

Hi, I have a form called Product Details Display Form, which is for Product Details Display table. This form contains a button "Done" which saves everything into the table, or in other words, bounds the unbounded textboxes to the table. Basically, I want this button to be disabled at the begining, when the form loads, and when the user enters ALL the fields, it becomes enabled. Here is the code I have at the moment:
Private Sub Form_DataChange(ByVal Reason As Long)
If Me.Product_Brand = Null Or Me.Product_Code = Null Or Me.Product_Name = Null Or Me.List34 = Null Or Me.Price = Null Or Me.Details = Null Or Me.Discount = Null Or Me.Combo0 = Null Or Me.Combo2 = Null Then
Me.Command36.Enabled = False
Me.Command36.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

I also have Me.Command36.Enabled = False in the Form-Load. I dont really know if it has to be in Private Sub Form_DataChange or not.

Please help me ASAP

Thanx in Advance

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Text Color For Urgent Or Important Items

Jul 2, 2012

How do I set the text color in one field as Black for regular records & a different color for Special records?

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Need Some Important Help To Get Added/modified Rows From Access Tables.

May 23, 2007

I have a 3rd party desktop application to manage inventory. The data will be stored in local MS Access database. I want to sync any changes (insert, update or delete) made to this database to remote MS Sql server immediately or in batches using a scheduler.

Is there any method to know the changed rows in an MS Access table after x time. I mean I want to get all the rows in an Access table that have been added or modified after a particular date and time (say "05-23-2007 10:15:00") without using a user defined date time column in that table.

If i can do the above operation, i will write queries to get the added or modified rows and update remote server in batches.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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Anyone Used Access 97 With Vista?

Apr 1, 2007

I've been perfectly happy with Access97 and WindowsXP.

But my laptop's circuitboards have deteriorated, and I need a new computer. I'm wondering what the real-world has to say about using Access 97 with Windows Vista. Does it run seemlessly? Please say yes.

I have an application which I've been improving since 1998. I tried a demo of Access 2007, and did not like the way my app interfaced with it, and I don't relish a whole lot of reworking. But I don't want to buy a laptop with an obsolete operating system.

Tell me you've used it and it's wonderful.

Best to you all.


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Another Vista Victim

Dec 27, 2007

I have a new computer with Vista Business and MS Access 2003. ALthough I'm not sure I have Access 2003 because it keeps blowing up with lugubrous error messages

1) Cannot find field ''
2) Out of Memory (I have 2GB and this happens with one dbs open)

I'm dying a slow death due to my vistalobotomy

What is the status of Office and Vista Updates?

Is anyone else having this problem?

Thanks for your help.

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Access And Vista Problem

Aug 30, 2007

Hi, i have a problem with an access database, well 2 problems. first is i don't know much about databases. the second is at work we installed 3 computers in an office with windows vista o/s. they then had a company come in and install software for their business. They were using office 2000 access database on xp previously. The company installing their software copied the access 2000 database to the vista target machines, i believe they may have converted the database to access 2003 version when doing this. The problem is the database doesn't work and they have called us back in to sort out the problem. Well we installed service packs, fixes, patches etc and googled a lot but found no simlar problems or solutions, in short we are stumped. I think the database is compiled into an app or something with switchboard etc, which i think means i can't access it? anyway it opens up with a logon form to get into DB, i enter the username and password and click ok and it gives a message saying:

"the expression on click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error"

it goes on to say there may be problem with an "event,function or macro"

on vista with office 2003 it lists several possible causes which i havent access to right now.

i have now tried it on my own pc with xp pro and office 2007 and it basically gives the same message as above but the list of possible causes is reduced to this one:

"This error occurs when an event has failed to run because Microsoft Office Access cannot evaluate the location of the logic for the event. For example, if the OnOpen property of a form is set to =[Field], this error occurs because Access expects a macro or event name to run when the event is fired"

Can anyone explain or point me in the right direction of where to get a solution. I think this is something for a programmer to solve and possibly something that the original database programmers should be looking at rather than me. am i right?

cheers all!

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Access Runtime On Vista

Nov 9, 2007

I created an Access Runtime Database Download on Windows XP. One of my clients downloaded the db to Windows Vista. The installation went fine and he was able to populate the database with no problem. However, now he needs to send me back the data and we cannot seem to access any data files. The backend.mdb file appears to be blank, even know the data appears on the front end. We have tried searching the computer to find any hidden files it might be saving the data to and there doesn't appear to be any. I have tried copying the entire folder containing both the frontend and the backend to a jump drive and looking at the data on a different computer and it appears to be blank. This doesn't seem to happen on any other OS. Since it is a runtime version of Access, I am not able to export any files or even view anything of administrative value within the DB. When I look at the backend.mdb in Explorer, the modified date is old, so it doesn't seem to be adding the data to the backend, even though it is theoretically linked to it. Does anyone know where this data might reside or of a workaround of how to extract this data???



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Access 2000 Compatibility With Vista

Jan 29, 2007

Will Access 2000 run on Vista? I've heard that it will, but I would like to verify that before I purchase the upgrade. I currently use Access '97.

Also, does Access 2000 have to be "product activated" like the newer versions?


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Vista And Access 2007/2003

Jun 26, 2007

I have a customer that did not read my recommended hardware specs and bought a Vista machine with Office 2007 preloaded on it.

My application uses a Access 2003 database and it is working fine in the Vista environment. The database utilizes Access security and has a database password.

My problem is that I can't see any data that has been entered! I have ran queries and opened the tables, but it is as if there is no data in the tables. However, my application can still read the data...this is a very weird problem! This is a tech support nightmare!

Has anyone had a similar problem?

Thanks for your help!

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Form Errors - Vista Issue

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

I have a simple form with 3 subforms. I have a 1 data field on the main form for each subtotal of the subforms as well as an overall total field.

I have the following code in the subtotal fields:


The total field then contains the following code:


The queries all run off data elsewhere on the form, and i have triggered a "Form Refresh" macro on each of the changeable fields of the form, (so for example when changing the start date for the period the form then refreshes and re-runs the queries and updates the forms.

All things work perfectly on our windows XP systems but the rare few Vista operating systems causes these form fields to have errors. Basically the 3 subtotal fields don't appear to refresh when they are supposed to, and the total field shows as "Error"

It is actually a fairly cosmetic thing as the more important reports are generated without error, but it is something i would like to fix anyway, simply to keep the masses happy.

Would be very appreciative of any assistance or idea's on what's happening, or perhaps what's not happening here.

BTW: All have MS Office 2007, None do not have Administrator access. All XP machines work perfectly, all vista machines have these errors.


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A2003 Query Runs Under XP, Not Vista

Feb 26, 2008

I apologize up front for how long this is, but the queries involved are a bit complex.

I developed a database in Access 2003 running on XP sp2 to score events for our dog club. Everything works. I recently had to migrate to Vista. I installed Access without a problem. No changes to the database were made. Almost everything works except for a few queries. I continually get the error "Object invalid or no longer set." This is not running on a network - it is local on the hard drive. Setting XP compatibility mode and runing as administrator do not help.

The query that is actually causing the problem is the third in a chain, meaning it queries a dataset produced by another query, which in turn queries a dataset produced by a third query. This all works under XP.

I have narrowed the problem down to the ORDER BY statement in the query (I prefer to work in SQL). If I remove one of the sort criteria, everything works, except the results are displayed in the wrong order. It does not matter if I click the "run query" button on my form, or simply execute the query from the list of queries, the same error occurs. This is where I'm stuck.

Here is the chain. This query pulls data out of multiple tables and performs some point total calculations. This one is rather complex, but works fine. It produces a blob dataset of all entries for all events and sets points for each entry.

SELECT tblResults.Event_ID, tblEvents.Event_Name, tblClass.Class, tblDogs.Dog_Name, tblDogs.ID, tblDogs.Owner, tblDogs.Sex, tblResults.Dog_Wt, tblResults.Cert, tblResults.Ex, tblResults.Cplt_Wt, tblResults.Time, tblResults.Final_Wt, tblResults.Dist, tblResults.Place, IIf(tblResults!Cplt_Wt<400,0,5) AS Bonus, IIf([Bonus]=0,0,IIf(tblClass!Class="D",(tblEvents!D_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),IIf(tblClass!Class="C",(tblEvents!C_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),IIf(tblClass!Class="B",(tblEvents!B_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),IIf(tblClass!Class="A",(tblEvents!A_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),(tblEvents!O_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus])))))) AS Points, Round(tblResults!Cplt_Wt/tblResults!Dog_Wt,2) AS xbdywt
FROM tblClass INNER JOIN (tblEvents INNER JOIN (tblDogs INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblDogs.ID=tblResults.Dog_ID) ON tblEvents.Event_ID=tblResults.Event_ID) ON tblClass.Weight=tblResults.Dog_Wt;

That resulting dataset feeds the next query, which also works fine. This one sums the points for each entrant by class for the season, only selecting entrants that have been in 3 or more events.

SELECT DISTINCTROW qryAll_Results.Class, qryAll_Results.Dog_Name, qryAll_Results.Owner, Sum(qryAll_Results.Points) AS Points
FROM qryAll_Results INNER JOIN qryPulls_Entered ON qryAll_Results.ID=qryPulls_Entered.ID
WHERE qryPulls_Entered.CountOfID>3
GROUP BY qryAll_Results.Class, qryAll_Results.Dog_Name, qryAll_Results.Owner, qryAll_Results.ID;

This last query is the one causing the headache. This one pulls the 10 entrants with the most points for a class, sorts them by points, then assigns 1st-10th place.

SELECT TOP 10 qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Dog_Name, qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Owner, qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points, ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes AS T WHERE T.Class = "A" AND T.Points > qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points)+1) AS Place
FROM qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes
WHERE (((qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Class)="A"))
ORDER BY qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Class, qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points DESC;

If you remove 'qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points DESC' from the ORDER BY statement, the query runs. If you leave it in, it generates the error "Object invalid or no longer set". I've tried using the alias, but that didn't work either.

Any thoughts? I can post the database somewhere if someone needs to see the whole thing.

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Problem Running Access 2000 MDE On Vista

Feb 16, 2007

Hi there - hopefully someone can help me out, as we've got clients waiting on my response to this problem!!! :eek:

Anyway, my company produces an Access 2000 MDE which we ship with the Access 2000 runtime (just in case our clients don't have full Access installed)

We've had a number of calls saying that our app doesn't run on Vista, and the error provided points towards a reference problem. However, when I load the MDB on Vista using Access 2007, there are no reference issues.

Is this problem related to Access 2007 reference ("Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library") somehow being used instead of the Access 2000 one? ("Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library") - I am about to try uninstalling Access 2007 and running the app again to see if that helps...?

Any help greatly appreciated!


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Vista And Access 2003 Reference Issue

Jun 7, 2007

I am using Access 2003 on a vista Business machine and i get an error:

'Function is not available in expressions in query expression Format([Period],"mmm-yy")'.

I also have other problems with functions in queries ie DateAdd etc.

Any solutions?

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MS Access 2003 Running On Vista Home Basic

Oct 7, 2007

hi there,

i'm thinking about upgrading my operating system from XP to Vista Home Basic, but curious if any users have have experianced any dramas running Access 2003 SP3 on the Vista platform? or shouldnt there be any mayjor problems.



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Access 2007: Wireless Network Problem On Vista

Nov 7, 2007


I found a somewhat related thread but thought I would post a new one just in case my problem happens to others who were 'forced' to "upgrade" to Windows Vista Home Basic when buying a new machine....

Okay, no more complaining, here's the issue:

I have a small (8 MB) Access 2007 database stored on a machine in the office which is running Windows Vista Home Premium. There are two other machines running Windows XP Home (SP2) that can connect to the Access 2007 database with no issues.

But on my Dell Inspiron Vista Home Basic machine, I cannot successfully open the database stored on the Home Premium machine. I CAN see this database, I can see other files and open/copy them, but I cannot open the database. I am attempting to do this using the wireless connection.

I tried running these two commands as the administrator (found on another forum) because I think this is more of a network problem rather than an Access 2007 problem specific to Windows Vista Home Basic

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

But these two commands did nothing.

I should also point out that when this database is stored on an XP machine (one of the others in the office) the database opens just fine on this Vista Basic machine!

I'm confused and frustrated! Any help is very much appreciated.

Thank you,

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Vista, Ms Access & Windows Server 2003 Corruption?

Apr 3, 2008

In our company we use a windows 2003 server. Our database is ms access 2002. The back end of the db is situated in a directory on the primary HD of the server.
All our workstations use windows professional. The DB works great when inputting data from workstations using widows pro.

I use a vista (ultimate) laptop. It appears that when I enter data from my vista laptop at times it corrupts the backend of the db. None of the other workstations do this.
Is vista a problem here in this situation?

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Access 2002 Runtime Install Asking For Windows NT SP6 Installing On Vista RC2 5840

Dec 28, 2006

Hi everyone.

Have been testing installation of Office XP Developer Access 2002 runtime package created using the package wizard on a WinXP Pro SP2 machine, for installation on a Vista RC2 5840 machine.

After installing the latest necessary updates such as Office XP Developer SP1 among others which were essential to remove the Path/File error I had, A new error displayed itself as soon as the runtime install package launched.

Visual Basic 6.0 Setup Toolkit (Error Window Title Bar)

The Office System Pack cannot be installed on this system because it requires Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later.

I assume Windows NT SP6 has no relevance to Vista ???

Maybe some other update will help here. I have googled for hours to no avail.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Thank you and best wishes for 2007.


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Question About: A Table Of Users Who Have Relationships To Other Users??

Feb 21, 2006


I have a table of users somthing like this:


Users can be friends with one another and I need some way of logging this.

My 2 options (that i can see) are:

1) Putting a friends entry in the main user table then comma delimiting the User_ID's in the friend entry like so:

User_ID: 001
Name: John
Hobby: Frizbee
Favorite_Food: Cake
Friends: 002,004,010

2) Making a seperate table with multiple entries for each user like so:

User: 001
Friend 002
User: 001
Friend: 004
User: 001
Friend: 010
User: 002
Friend: 001
User: 004
Friend: 001
User: 010
Friend: 001

The database has to be handled by a web service and/or a web appliction making the comma delimited option occupy more server time breaking down the string into usable user_ID's.
But (and this is probably my actual problem) if i was to impliment my second idea, I'm not sure what I should make the tables primary key or the best way to relate it to the main user table.

My initial thought is to just have a, technicaly useless, ID be the primary key and impliment a one(User) to many(friends entries) relationship... but im a bit of an access n00b so thought i better come ask for some advice.


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Vista 3d Windows To Windows Xp

Oct 20, 2006

Does anyone know if there is some type of theme to make windows xp windows 3d like vista's windows. example below.

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