Imported Data Gets Deleted Automatically?

Oct 1, 2015

Am trying to import data into a blank database (MS access 2013). The import operation is successful. But the data in the tables gets deleted after a while. And all I can see are blank tables in Access 2013.

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Excluding Deleted Records From An Imported Table

Jun 6, 2007


I have a table that I am importing from FOXPRO DATABASE. When someone goes into the system and deletes a record, Foxpro does not really delete the records but marks it for deletion. There is no field to query on that I can see in the table, but when I go to Foxpro the record is "marked" for deletion.

Anyway to exclude these records when doing a query or importing the table?


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Automatically Add Field To Imported CSV

Feb 5, 2015

My "MainMenuForm" contains a button that imports a specific csv on a specific location.Someone should do this import once per day. The problem is that there is no way for me, once the import has been done, to know which records are "new".There is no unique field that distinguishes the new records from the old ones.

I was thinking of adding like a Date() field to that csv (= the date where it was imported). Can this be done automatically? So if I import a file today, the final column would be 05/02/2015If i import a new file tomorrow, it would be 06/02/2015.

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Imported Data/ Input Mask

Aug 22, 2006

Hello there,

In Table A I have a field called Pin Number.
I set an input mask for this field, Pin Number.

Now I have imported a huge number of records into Table B from Excel which also contains Pin Numbers.

I need to link all fields with Pin Numbers, so my question is:

How can I change newly imported data fields to conform to a previous input mask?

many huge thanks, :)

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Line Breaks In Data Imported From Excel

Jan 12, 2006

I have imported an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database. In Excel, a line break in a cell is entered by ALT+Enter. After importing my spreadsheet, all my line breaks appear as "□" and the text all runs together (no line breaks) in the table. The "□"s are also printed in reports. I need a way to either (1) make the "□"s appear as line breaks (e.g., by changing some Access property) or to convert the "□"s to something that shows as a line break in an the Access table memo field (e.g., CNTRL+Enter). Can anyone tell me how to make this happen?

I've tried to copy/paste the "□" into the Find/Replace dialog, but nothing appears when I paste. I understand the memo field is unicode, but I have not been able to determine what the "□" character actually is. It is not the same as the only similar squared shaped character I find in the Arial character map (U+25A1: White Square). I can copy and paste the "□", if surrounded by some other text, e.g., "xxx□yyy", into a Notepad document and it shows up as "xxx□yyy". Pasting the same into a Word doc and I get
yyy" with the line break properly displayed. I can copy and paste just the □ itself in Notepad.

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Date & Time Stamp On Imported Data

Nov 22, 2006

I am trying to find a way to have a date and time stamp applied to records that I am importing from excel. I have not had much luck, and woudl appreciate any help.

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Tables :: User Input Once Imported Data

Jul 9, 2013

I am using Access 2002.I am going to be producing a macro that imports a txt file. Once the text file is imported there will be a empty field for a date value. Nothing in the file that is being imported will have a date in it.

I would like to (if possible) to, once the file is in the table, open an input box asking the user for a date (formated as YYYY-MM-DD) and once the date has been entered and the ok button pressed it inputs that date in to all records in the date field.

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Can Access Remove Nonprinting Characters From Imported Data?

Jul 27, 2014

I copy some information from a website and then paste/values into Excel. I noticed that some non-printing characters are copied to. Suppose I were to import this Excel spreadsheet into an Access table. Now I need to clean up/remove those non-printing characters. What is the best way to do this in Access?

I suppose I could set up a calculated column with =SUBSTITUTE([InvHours],char(160),"") as the formula, where InvHours is the field name containing the non-printing characters. But if I did this, then I would still retain the original field with the non-printing characters which would increase the size of the database. I don't think I could delete it because then the calculated column wouldn't work. So I would rather not pursue this option if possible.

Would it be possible to somehow run a macro that could automatically be triggered as soon as data is imported, and that macro would clip out the non-printing characters without having to copy anything to blank columns?

Or does Access have some built-in feature that could do this?

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General :: Excel Numeric Data To Be Imported As Text In MS Access

Aug 1, 2015

Attached in the ZIPPED file is an Excel spreadsheet.

Columns A is all numeric, and needs to be represented in access as a text field.
Column B is a mixed format of dates entered and in some instances only plain numeric. I need to import this column as is into a text field in access.

I tried importing the excel sheet, but the data gets changed.I tried to linked the Excel sheet but it also had an influence on the data.In both cases the influence of change is NOT throughout. Hence my need to get this spreadsheet into access as is.

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Tables :: Import Excel Into Table / Overwrite Data Of Fields Imported

Mar 17, 2015

I have a table, which contains many fields, around 90. Out of these 90 Fields, around 40 will be imported from an Excel sheet, which has same headers as the 40 field names in my table, in which they have to get copied.

So when I import data, it copies them as new records, instead what I am looking at is, the records in Excel and in Access table has a Unique Key, so when I import data, matching with this unique key, the fields should be overwritten into those records from Excel, instead of adding new records.


Say I have 2 records in my access:

ID(auto generated) Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks Data_1 Data_2 Data_3
1 Fab1 193 NY Bug OC DC MC
2 Fab2 641 DRS Error AC KC FC

Now when I am importing data from Excel with the following records:

Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks
Fab1 193 NY - GRM Solved
Fab2 641 DRS - SGP Forwarded

So when I import the above data into my Access from Excel, based on Issue ID, it should update the values of different fields that are imported from Excel, leaving other fields (data_1, Data_2, Data_3) as it is.

And I need this to be written as a macro, so that user just has to choose the file, which he has to import.

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Creating Archive Table For 30 Days To Contain All Data Imported From Multiple Text Files?

Oct 30, 2014

i'm in the process of creating an Access database to import data in text files and then export the data as fixed width text files, this is now working fine

My next step is to be able to setup an "Archive" Table which will hold all the data i have imported across multiple import proceudres for the last 30 days, i then want to be able to "De-Dupe" any files i import against this to ensure i never load duplicate data.

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Recovering Deleted Data

Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have deleted certain content from a table. After it I have compressed and repaired the database but later I found out that I need those deleted data. But now they are gone. Is there any possibility to recover it? Are there any tools or something?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Recover Deleted Data

Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have deleted certain content from a table. After it I have compressed and repaired the database but later I found out that I need those deleted data. But now they are gone. Is there any possibility to recover it? Are there any tools or something?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Queries :: Why Is Data Being Deleted

Jan 30, 2014

I have the following set up:A table in access for PurchaseOrders

-A table in access for ShipmentDetails, PK linked to PurchaseOrders OrderNumber
-A table in access for payments, an index linked to the PurchaseOrders OrderNumber
-An SQL database table of purchase order details from our existing system, linked to PurchaseOrders OrderNumber

Now, I create a new record in PurchaseOrders with OrderNumber="ABCD01". All good.I create a new record in ShipmentDetails with OrderRef= "ABCD01". Still good, creating a form and adding fields shows the data is linked correctly.

I now add the CreditorCode field from the linked SQL DB, it automatically shows like it should.I try to use the form to delete the "ABCD01" record from the PurchaseOrders table and it deletes the record FROM THE SQL DATABASE! It's basically acting like Enforce Referential Integrity is turned on with deletes. This backend DB is used by other programs. I don't ever want my app to modify it.

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Modules & VBA :: Is Deleted Data Recoverable

Jun 25, 2013

I had an inquiry from a semi paranoid client regarding retrieval of deleted data within an Access mdb. In Windows if you delete a file from the hard disk then most probably this file is only marked as deleted, but is not actually deleted until something is written over he space that the file occupied and is recoverable.

In an Access mdb file if we delete a record and do not perform any write action, is there any chance that the deleted record is only marked for deletion and can be recovered? Would compact make the deleted record non-recoverable? Is there any other way to make sure that when something is deleted that it is not recoverable?

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Can I Get Back Data Deleted By A Deleate Query

Feb 7, 2008

I accadentally deleted data when I ran a delete query. Is there any way of retrieving this data?



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Updating Subforms As Data Is Added/deleted

Sep 6, 2005

I'm new to form design and do not know any VBA (but that won't stop me from messing with the code when need be).

I'm creating a form that will serve as the user-interface for viewing, adding, and deleteing data.

The product I want is a form with 3 items: a subform that displays data in a table (so users can see all the data), a button that links to a second form for adding data, and a button that allows users to delete data.

I've gotten close to accomplishing this with the exception of the delete option. The hang-up is due to the fact that the subform that displays all the data is the output of a query (can't delete data through the query). A friend who used to work with Access years back was trying to solve this issue by writing code that would identify the primary key of the record selected in the subform/query and then adding code that would use this extracted primary key to delete the record in the original table.

This seems like a slightly convoluted approach. Any suggestions how I can get the product I'm looking for?


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Forms :: Deleted Appears In Data Entry Fields

Aug 6, 2013

On a data entry form bound to a single table, there is a subform displaying all the records in the source table.If the user accidentally adds a record that they didn't mean to add (or if I add a record to test the form's functionality), and then right-click and delete the record, "#Deleted" appears in all the input controls.

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Access 2000 - Previously Saved Data Will Be Deleted

Aug 13, 2013

i am programmer i do a project on vb.6.0 and ms access 2000

PROBLEM 1). .if i try to save data on the database its successfully saved but previously saved data will be deleted.

PROBLEM 2). if i add large number of data on database but its not increasing and constantly on 18 numbers.

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Forms :: Deleting Subform Data When Main Form Is Deleted

Dec 9, 2014

I have a main form with several linked by ID worksheet sub-forms. I would like to add a on-click function to delete the main form and all related record on each sub-form. I have tried several methods but nothing is working correctly. The cascading delete function is not available as part of the form relationships. How I can accomplish this?

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Select 1 Pce Of Data And It Automatically Selects And Inputs Relating Data In A Form

Oct 24, 2007

i would like in a form for a combo box to be able to select an item from a table and input relating information automatically into other boxes in the form..

I have 3 tables: Table 1 has product code and product description.
Table 2 has invoice number company details, address etc.
Table 3 has product code and product description qty and invoice number..
Table 3 relates to table 2 by the invoice number and table 3 product code looks up the product codes available in table 1 and also table 3 looks up the list of products descriptions in table 1 using the combo wizard.
This means the wrong code can be put with wrong description.
What i would like to know is how i select a product description and the product code in the form fills out automatically?? i hope this makes sense please helppppp!!

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Automatically Clearing Data

Feb 1, 2006

I have been tweaking my friend's database for him. I included some sample data in the main table (ficticious names and addresses etc.) and in a linked table.

I want to leave the sample data in so my friend understands how the database works. However, once he has tested it, he will want to blank those tables (not all tables, though), and reset the primary keys to start from 1 again.

Can I have a button on a form that will do this? Obviously with an OK/cancel message box. If so, how?

The tables are called Main and Workshops.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Automatically Asign Data

Jun 6, 2005


I am trying to create a form which involves 3 tables. The 2nd table (CaseRef_Case_Control) is the junction because I needed many-to-many relationship between “CaseReference” and “Cases” tables.

All I want to do is automatically fill in the fields in the “CaseRef_Case_Control” table when I add data to “CaseReference” and “Cases” table. Check the relationship diagram attached to make more sense. Can someone please help me with this?


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Automatically Generating Order Data?

Aug 2, 2005

Hi all,

I'm currently working on a simple inventory system that i keep trying to improve and making it much less simple :(

In my product table I have a min and max level. What I'm trying to achieve is to set up a form where i can select a Supplier, then hit a button (or another form of trigger) and it comes back with all the products for that supplier where we are low on stock ie

Product - Supplier - On Hand - Min - Max
Prod1 - Supp1 - 2 - 2 - 4
Prod2 - Supp1 - 4 - 2 - 4
Prod3 - Supp1 - 1 - 2 - 4

So if on my form I selected supplier Supp1 it would automatically fill in order detail for Prod1 & Prod 3 for 2 & 3 units respectively.

Now I'm pretty sure i could do this as a report as the formulas are relatively simple, however i want to pull the data on a form so it creates an actual order with order id etc.

Is there a way i can do this?

Any help would be appreciated, cheers

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Automatically Output Value When Other Data Is Present

Apr 22, 2007

Hey there,

I'm setting up a small EPoS system for a shop and was wondering if you could help. I want a stock number to be entered (i.e. a barcode) and then the item name and price to automatically be entered.

I have the fields 'StockID, Description, RetailPrice' in tblTransaction and basically want the StockID to be enetered and the description and retailprice to be automatically be read from tblStock and placed in tblTransaction.

Any ideas? Hope this was clear enough...its really hard to describe!


A very puzzeled Tom!:p

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Automatically Delete Data From Certain Fields

May 23, 2005

I have a table in my Database that uses the feilds Location and partnum. I use a barcode scanner to generate each of these fields. The problem I am having is that when our part number is scanned it contains data such as "des--. 123456 --aa". I have been doing a find/replace on this data to remove the "des--." and "--aa" but I was wondering if access has a function to do this for me so that I can get a macro to check automatically for this type of problem. Any ideas?

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