Importing Data To Back End

Jul 25, 2005


I have a DB that relies on text file imports as well as input and I recently split it. Unfortunately now my refresh script that updates the tables based on the text files imports them into the FE rather than the BE. I have messed around with workspaces but am struggling to get a solution. Ideally i'd like to be able to call DoCmd commands directly in another database but if anyone could give me the code to execute a function I can take it from there.

Thanks, Tom

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Adding Data Back To Table?

Sep 30, 2012

my problem is that when i make a booking on my booking page it all saves, but when i go to the table where the bookings should all be kept, they all dissappear and only the recent booking i have made shows.

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Can I Get Back Data Deleted By A Deleate Query

Feb 7, 2008

I accadentally deleted data when I ran a delete query. Is there any way of retrieving this data?



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SQL Back End / Access Front End - How To Secure Data

Oct 2, 2014

How to secure SQL data when my MS Access database must access it using linked tables. Generally speaking on the Internet, assertions that migrating to SQL is more "secure" are rampant; explanations of just how that is are scarce.

Sure I can restrict access and put different roles on different tables, then put different people in those roles, but that doesn't really do me any good. Ultimately I want to achieve the following: Allow them to do all kinds of stuff (including Update, Delete, Insert) using my access application, but I would NOT want them to have those same rights if they installed SQL Server Management Studio, or for that matter, simply created an ODBC connection using another access or excel application.

In other words, ideally, I'd like to have SQL server view my Access application as a user in its own right. Not sure if that type of impersonation or identity is possible to achieve.

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Correct Join - Not Bring Required Data Back?

Jan 21, 2008

Hi ,

recently posted a thread about a union query. I have got over that hurdle now but face a new problem which is:

When I have created a right join to bring back data from a table, if there is no data it will leave the fields blank. Is there any way I could bring back the row data of the same table.??

Hope some one could suggest something.

Thanks again.

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Data Calculated On Forms Not Transferring Back To Tables

Nov 27, 2006

I understand that any data that is inputted into a form is always transferred back to the table in question.

In the form I created, I had

4 subheading scores added together to form another subheading named function =([1]+[2]+[3]+[4])/4 was the formula that I put into the control source. The calculation worked fine on the form giving me the correct name. However, this number did not transfer back to the table simple being labelled as zero. Can someone please advice!

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Lock Database Back End For Any User To Change Data?

Jun 27, 2014

using the "back-end" and "front-end", how to put a password also in the "back-end"? is to lock the database "backend" for anyone to change the data?

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Importing Data

Jun 6, 2006

I'm using a combo box control for searching employees. Which the empID is the unique key, the form is scrolling each record, do not want it to do that. When i click on an ID, it only changes ID's but not the information thats tied to that ID. How can I fix that? any valuable information is well appreciated. Thank you

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Importing Data

Jul 16, 2007

Someone recently answered my query with regards to uploading data to an access table.

The first coloumn is an auto incremented number.

Will there be any problems with importing data - when one field is auto increment?

Obviously I wont be uploading values for this column - can that be done?

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Help With Importing Data

Nov 14, 2007


Another question on this database I'm working on.

I have my database pretty much ready to go, but they would like to import data from another access database into this one.

The problem I'm seeing is, I've been working so hard to normalize my database with the proper relationships etc.

The database I'm importing from, the data there are all stored in huge tables.

so for example in my database I have our main table, that holds all like data. Then my other tables for specfic data that then relate to the main table ID.

The other database has everything in 1 table.

I've created a query and got what I needed from the other database, but not sure how to import it into my main table, and have it so the 'specific' data goes into the right table, and so the Main_ID field points to the correct record in my main table.

I don't think I explained that very well.

Here is how my structure is in the new database



now the old database, everything is in 1 table and I'm not sure how to break it down so after I import the table CCE/Main_ID is the same as the Main_ID in my main table.

I'm still not sure if I explained that very well....

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Importing Data

Aug 10, 2005

I'm trying to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into an empty table using the Import Wizard (File/Get External Data/Import). All's well until I'm presented with the window that tells me that I can "store" my data either in a new or existing table. However the radio button and Existing Table name field is grayed out. Any ideas gratefully received.

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Importing Data Help

May 15, 2007

I'm hoping someone can help me with what (I think) may be a minor oversight by me.

I'm trying to import data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a table that I have already created for my job.

Both the table and the excel spreadsheet have a common factor which is an identification number. I would like to import the data into the existing table so that the additional values fall under the appropriate identification number.

I hope that makes sense - if not let me know and I'll try to explain further.

So my question is - is this possible? I searched the help files and some internet resources and couldn't find anything this very specific kind of importation.

If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it as you would save me tons of time.

Thanks in advance!

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Importing Data From Mde

Feb 18, 2008

I have my sister using the db (in mde form).
When I make design changes to the mdb, I need to import (freshen) the data from her mde. (We're in different states) Obviously, when I do this, I get a duplicate table renamed.
If I do a query to freshen the data, will an update query just copy the changed/new data without the unchanged ?
Or is it best to just delete everything in the table and append the data from the mde table ?
Or is there a better way to do this that I'm not thinking about ?

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Data Importing

Feb 18, 2008

Hi everione

I have to make a db that imports data from a textfile. I read the posts about automating the proces but I have two other problems. The text file is generated by a proces control software and has a .gbc extension ( I tried to solve this by importing to excel and then to acces) and the textfiles has a limited number of entries araound 300 so after al the records in the textfile are writen the records are overwriten. Is it posibel to make acce to read only the new records and adi it to a table witouth deleting the old records? the record has a date and time included.
Im a acces user for only two weeks so i would be greatful for any help.

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Importing Data

Sep 11, 2006

HI I would like to design a form where user could be given an option to browse a database .mdb file and then select a table from that database that appears in a combo box and then a query should retreive all values from that selected table. I have tried with recordsset thing but error comes as Type Mismatch for

Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("strqry")

or when i tried using application.access thing. I still could not retreive list of tables. Thanks very much for suggessions that I am looking forward to.



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Queries :: Access Brings Back No Data If Fields Are Blank

Jul 5, 2013

I have a query that I made for about five fields, where the criteria is

Like "*" & [Forms]![DATA SEARCH]![Box] & "*"

Where box is the name of the field that I am searching for.

However, some of the fields in my form are left blank, which makes this refuse to give any results when I try to query it with a form. The other problem that I have is that the fields are bland in different parts of the 1,000 some-odd row table, which was imported from MS Excel.

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Linked Tables Not Pulling Back Field Data Correctly

Jun 13, 2012

I'm a bit new to Access but have managed to build a very simple database.

I have a main table which I need to add 4 columns onto the end of, the data for which comes from 4 tables linked to it. Below is how they are linked.

Main table------> Table 1
Main table------> Table 2
Main table------> Table 3
Main table------> Table 4

All 4 relationships have a join type of 2 (Include ALL records from 'Main table' and only those records from 'Table1/2/3/4' where the joined fields are equal)

However, 3 of them pull back the correct data when I refresh the Main table, but the 4th one doesn't - which appears to be to be set up in the exact same way. It does bring back data, but it's the wrong data or in the wrong order.

For example, if the related field in the Main table is "Sarah" - It needs to bring back "Programme", but some Sarah's pull through Programme, some are blank and some are another option altogether. Table 4 has no duplicates or typos etc and I've tried deleting it, loading it in again and creating a new relationship but nothing seems to work.

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Importing Execel Data

Aug 9, 2005

I need to import a named range of cells form Excel 5 worksheet into an access table. I was hoping to get some sample code I could modify for my own project. I have already looked at the sample cosde that came with Access. It has been no help for me.

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Importing Data Between Databases

Aug 24, 2005

I have searched and not found exactly what I am looking here is my question.

I have a large database that works fine, IF people would stop trying to play in it!! What I want to do is to restrict access to everyone except managers.

So, I copied the db for warehouse users to input their data (picker id, no. of minutes) that holds only one table and the form that opens automatically (they do not have access to anything but the form) for their input...Then, at the end of shift I want the managers to be able to click a button on Switchboard that copies all entries for day into the original db to run their reports. (These dbs are on a network)

So, how do I manage this? I want to use a macro and transfer database table, then run an append query to put the current records in original table...I can do that, but I dont know how to delete the records in users db. It needs to clear out all records in that db when it has been transferred... I want all control to be in managers hands. All the users can do is input their data.

I know you can help, so I will say thank you now.

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Importing Data From MySql

Apr 5, 2006


is there any other way to import data from a MySql database then via MyODBC I'm experiencing quite some problems with it (v3.51.12)? , especially with character coding...


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Importing Data Question

Apr 19, 2006

i have a data file that is formated similar to this


i need it to be automatically imorted to a data base in the same order but each row formated the same such as:


any idea how i could do this so every time i imort a file like this that it would format automatically?

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Importing Data From Excel?

Dec 5, 2006

I need to import 1600 people from excel.

as the program that we use to use was free and setup for what we needed. That has the ability to create a excel sheets with the 1600 people on.

Now all the fields are different, and i'm not sure how to do it.

When importing do you get the option to put the fields in the correct place, or do i need to edit them? and then import.

Another thing the address layout with fields will be completely wrong. I believe it used separate fields for each line of the address where in my DB i use 2 fields 1 address and 1 postcode.

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Importing Data From Excel

Apr 15, 2007


I am trying to import some data from excel to a new table in access. When i am running the import wizard in access i.e. File->Get External Data -> Import, as soon as i select the excel file (which has a sheetname of Sheet1), i am getting an error that i can not import since there is an invalid character 'Sheet1$'.

I tried renaming the sheetname to various other names, however, everytime i am getting the same error with the dollar sign being added at the end of the sheetname.

Any ideas what's going on please ?

Thank You in advance.

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Importing Data Into Access

Aug 29, 2007

how to import text file row by row into access?

pls help me out......

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Importing Excel Data

Jan 28, 2008

I am trying to import Excel data into an existing Access table. I keep my Excel spreadsheet in the same format as my Access table and when I import data that attaches at the end of my Acess table it works fine.

But I am now trying to import Excel data into the same existing table into rows that had cells left blank for entry later?

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Importing Additional Data

Sep 19, 2005

Can I import data into a table that already has data in it? I want to add this new data to the existing information.

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