Importing Excel Spreadsheet To Access Database Daily

Jun 1, 2006

I need some help on this one. :confused: I have two Crystal Report generated Excel spreadsheets that are auto-updated on a daily basis. One spreadsheet contains computer assets, type, model, locations, etc. The second spreadsheet has users assigned to them, phone numbers, etc. I need to import these in to existing tables with numerous filters into my Access database weekly. They don’t change a whole lot but I need the changes to be reflected in my database.

The way I have it setup now is through a linked table, then I use a “Make table query” to filter the data.

My problem is the filtered table has relationships set up that I have to delete then recreate every time I need to run the “Make table query” because it has to delete the old table first.

Is there a better way to make this happen?

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Importing Daily Excel Spreadsheets Into Item Inventory Access Database

Feb 1, 2005


I am not sure how complicated of a job this is, but we want to be able to import our daily recievals of inventory into our existing inventory database instead of entering it by hand. I try using the wizard, however when I get to "finish" it says there was an error and it was not imported.

I don't know much about access but I was hoping one of you could point me in the right direction.

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Update Access Table With Daily Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 28, 2014

what I have in Access is a table which lists jobs via their HB Number (as well as a ID number access gives them). For each job there is a bunch of details and some Yes/No fields.Each day I will get a dump from another system that will list jobs like this, I then need to "Update" the Access table with any new information from the excel dump. The update would need to:

1. Insert new records (jobs) from Excel dump into Access Table
2. Update any of the records fields (except HB of course as its unique) in the access table from the Excel dump (the Excel dump obviously wont have access ID numbers, but will have the HB)For a real basic example:

Access Table Like So:





the actually data has lots of different fields and many many many more records. But yeah basically need to update the table from an excel dump.I thought it was as simple as doing a Excel Import > Append Table thing in Access, but that just seems to add the new records and ignore the updated fields?

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet Into Access 2010

Dec 9, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I'd like to import into Access 2010 however prior to the import, I'd like to delete some of the rows in the spreadsheet.The spreadsheet only has one workbook.It will likely always be rows 1-10.I have already set up the Excel 14.0 Object reference, if that's even necessaryHow can I accomplish this using either VB or query?

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Queries :: Importing Spreadsheet On Daily Basis - Detect / Remove Blank Columns

Sep 18, 2013

I am importing a spreadsheet on a daily basis that has the same columns in every time but depending on the company I am importing it for different columns will be blank and not needed each time.

What is the best way of detecting and removing blank columns.

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Importing An Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 29, 2005

Hello Peeps,

I'm trying to import an excel spreadsheet into an access table. The excell spreadsheet was created using the access table( by using the 'analyze using excel' feature)

The problem is that I cannot import the updated excell spreadsheet. I get the error message.." An error occured while trying to import the file..the file was not imported"

Does someone have any clues as to how to fix this

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Importing A Sheet From A Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005


I'm trying to import a sheet from a excel spreadsheet.

this is my "code"

The problem is that when i hit the run button, it imports blank sheets or more likely is not importing at all :confused: :(

On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Dim dlgOpen2 As FileDialog
Dim countrystring2 As String

Set dlgOpen2 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With dlgOpen2

If txtFile2 <> "" Then
.InitialFileName = txtFile2
countrystring2 = txtFile2 & "!RB_UPDATES"
.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.Path
End If
.AllowMultiSelect = False
End With
If dlgOpen2.SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
txtFile2 = dlgOpen2.SelectedItems(1)
End If
Exit Sub

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "RB_UPDATES", countrystring2, True

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

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Tables :: Importing Excel Spreadsheet With Empty Rows

Oct 31, 2012

I am using Access 2007 and we are importing an Excel spreadsheet that is received from our customer on a regular basis.When I open the Access table I see over 9,900 empty rows at the start. Following this is the actual data from the spreadsheet.Is there an import setting somewhere that would eliminate all these blank rows?

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Tables :: Data From A Database To Create Excel Spreadsheet

Aug 15, 2014

I'm exporting data from a database (using a query) to create an excel spreadsheet. I then import said spreadsheet into a new database. I was hitting lots of problems (subscript out of range, violating this that and the other etc etc) which I cleared up and actually imported the data. Well today I cleared down the new database and imported the spreadsheet again and got this.

the contents of fields in 0 records were deleted and 0 records were lost due to key violations.Thereby followed what to do when you get these things happening.Now to me 0 records deleted and 0 records lost means it's all worked. WRONG!! No records were imported at all.

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Linking Excel To Access Automatically - Publishing Daily Report?

Dec 6, 2012

Having experimented with Access for a few months now; I know you can link an Access Database to SharePoint, and you can export Excel files into Access for inclusion in tables.

My question is; If I have a daily report being produced, through script, with an excel output. Is there anyway to automatically publish this in Access, negating the need to manually go into Access to import?

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Reading Excel Spreadsheet From Access??

Sep 14, 2004

I am trying to connect to an excel spreadsheet and read it from access. What is the object naming scheme in excel?? I am trying to read "Sheet1" but I am getting an error. My final goal is to export a list of forms and queries list in the excel spreadsheet from one database to another. How do I know if I have "Excel 8.0"?? Here is my code:

Sub ImportForms()
Dim cnn1 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strExcelPath As String

strExcelPath = "C:ModificationRequest.xls"
'Open and set recordset
cnn1.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strExcelPath & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"

Set rst1 = New ADODB.Recordset
rst1.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rst1.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rst1.Open "Sheet1", cnn1, , , adCmdTable

'Open Recordset and print test record
Debug.Print rst1.Fields(0).Value, rst1.Fields(1).Value
'Clean up objects
Set rst1 = Nothing
Set cnn1 = Nothing

End Sub

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Opening An Excel Spreadsheet From Access

Jan 30, 2006

I have set up a command button to export an query to Excel, then create a pivot table with the data. That all works fine however the code which opens the sheet for veiwing after the code formats the pivot table only works once. The second time the user runs the query it is in read only mode those it has been close. The code I used to open the spreadsheet is:

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oApp.Visible = True
On Error Resume Next

oApp.UserControl = True
Workbooks.Open Filename:="I:Program FilesCount.xls"

The users are just closing excel normally. Any Ideas?

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Excel Spreadsheet Linked As Access Table

Aug 23, 2005

I'm trying to link a spreadsheet as a table in Access 2002. The link wizard is importing my number columns as numbers, even though I defined them as text. I need for them to be text in Access. How do I force this?


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Query Results On One Access/Excel Spreadsheet

May 18, 2006

I'm new to Access, but a coworker has a huge project to undertake. There are over 200 queries that produce 1 row results for each query. She's been cutting that row and pasting it into Excel 200 times. Is there an easy way to insert them 1-by-1 into Excel or prefereably Access?

BTW, the columns are the same on the query results. I'll keep investigating while I wait for the experts to answer.

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Formating Excel Spreadsheet From Access Question

Oct 9, 2004

I need to format a worksheet in excel after I transfer data to it. I createobject("excel.application") to open an excel spreadsheet. My problem is I need to freeze the first three rows, i.e when you scroll down the spreadsheet the first 3 rows always stay in view. The only way I have seen to do this is use the windows menu form the excel application. I am creating this excel spreadsheet each time a report is run. Does anyone know how to this is VBA??


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Modules & VBA :: Export From Access For Each ID To Each Spreadsheet In Excel

Sep 3, 2013

I've got a table with data about a contract. Each contract has his own ID. For each contract i have Information from SAP, Information from a System called geris and a System called pauschale. No I would like to Export that to Excel. With VBA, I would like to transfer the data for each ID to each spreadsheet.

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Import A Large Excel Spreadsheet Into Access

Aug 20, 2015

I'm trying to import an Excel file into access as a table so I can use the data in other tables I am building. When I try to import to file, I get an error message telling me that there are over 255 columns and not all my data will be imported. The file is a report I pull from another system at work and it is very large, is there a way to get past the 255 column limit?

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Transferring Spreadsheet From Excel To Access. Problem With Column Name

Nov 15, 2007

i am transferring spreadsheet from Excel to Access table

pathbgc = Path & "X.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "tableX", pathbgc, vbYes

pathbgc = Path & "Y.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "tableY", pathbgc, vbYes

This works fine as long as column names in Excel do not have periods. (.)
Other then asking whoever is sending this not to put periods, is there painless way ignore that fact that excel has it, un just do it without it ?

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VBA - Printing Access Query Results To Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 13, 2004

So I'm having timing issues trying to print data from an Access (actually SQL Server) based query to a Excel Spreadsheet. Basically I'm trying to get around using MS-Query and last week I didn't seem to have any problem as far as performance. However, when i tried running today it seems I've had a slow down of at least 500%. The data I'm trying to print is quite large (few hundred records and about 140 fields) so I expect some performance issues. Like I said though i just can't undestand the decrease. Possibly machine performance?

Anyhow, I've tracked the bottle neck and no suprise it is in the loop, I'm just suprised it takes so long to loop through the recordset.

Here's my code, any help will be appreciated?

'Generate grid to dump data
If intRecordSetCount > 0 Then
'Loop through length and width and display results
Do Until rst.EOF
intRSTField = 0
intFieldCount = intField
For intIndex = 1 To intColumnCount

Worksheets(strWorksheet).Cells(intRowCount, intFieldCount).Value = rst(intRSTField)
intFieldCount = intFieldCount + 1
intRSTField = intRSTField + 1

Next intIndex
intRowCount = intRowCount + 1
MsgBox "Recordset has not been initialized or does not exit"
End If

'Define name range
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=strRangeName, RefersTo:= _
"= '" & strWorksheet & "'!R" & intRow & "C" & intField & ":R" & intRowCount & "C" & intFieldCount, Visible:=True

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Export Table Data Into An Excel SpreadSheet (VBA, ACCESS)

Mar 3, 2008

I have an export function below that will export my table "Test" to an Excel Spreadsheet.

However I want it so i can choose where that data in the "Test" table will go in the Excel Spreadsheet i.e. I want to export all the data in to Cell "B2" of the SpreadSheet - at the moment it will export all the data into "A1"

Any help or ideas?

Private Sub Command3_Click()

'Export function

Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strDB As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim objDB As Database

'Change Based on your needs, or use
'as parameters to the sub
strExcelFile = "E:CSCLDMSLDMSDatabaseAppLDMS_Spec.xls"
strWorksheet = "WorkSheet1"
strTable = "Test"

Set objDB = OpenDatabase(strDB)

'If excel file already exists, you can delete it here
If Dir(strExcelFile) <> "" Then Kill strExcelFile

objDB.Execute _
"SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;DATABASE=" & strExcelFile & _
"].[" & strWorksheet & "] FROM " & "[" & strTable & "]"
Set objDB = Nothing

End Sub

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Can Excel Spreadsheet Reference Access Table For Its Data

Mar 27, 2015

Can an Excel spreadsheet reference an Access Table for it's data? Sort of like a vlookup, but instead of referencing another spreadsheet, I'd like to pull data in from a database.

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Can Information In Access Update Records In Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2013

We are developing a work evaluation for all of out employees on the shop floor.

While Access is way easier to update and allow for quicker ways to gather information, our requirements is that we must display a training matrix. While access has great reporting features, it is tough to get it a format with all users listed on top, tasks listed on the LH side and knowledge levels showing what level each user is at for each task.

I am limited by standard practice on how to display it so I was curious to know if information updated in Access can be updated on an Excel spreadsheet as well. I know in Excel you can format one spreadsheet to update another but I can't figure out away to have Access do the same thing.

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Import Excel Spreadsheet Which Contains Command Buttons With VBA Code Into Access?

Dec 13, 2011

Is there anyway to import my excel spreadsheet which contains command buttons with vba code into access?

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Updating Multiple Access Records From Imported Excel Spreadsheet?

Mar 1, 2012

Access Database 2010 is used to capture progress on accounts. We are able to perform remedies on multiple accounts in the field and would like to update the records in Access all at once (by batch) rather than one-by-one.

I would like to export specific records from Access into Excel, make the updates to the records in Excel, then import the changes back into Access. I am looking for the updated Excel spreadsheet to overwrite the existing data in Access for that particular record.

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Modules & VBA :: Importing Excel Sheet Into A Table In Database

Jul 23, 2014

I am running this code to import an Excel sheet into a table in my database. This works fine if I set [HasFieldNames] to false. When [HasFieldNames] is set to true, I get the correct field names in the table, but don't get any data from the sheet.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "txlsRevenuePayback", _
"s:ProgramsReportingPayback Revenue Table - Master Copy.xlsx", True, "Actual Revenue By Province!A12000"

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General :: Update Preformatted Excel Spreadsheet With Access 2010 Query?

Jun 10, 2013

I have an Access crosstab query that I have exported to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have the spreadsheet formatted using conditional formatting and I'd rather not have to reset it every morning. It's a single spreadsheet (the columns/rows will not deviate greatly day to day) and should be very simple, but I'm not getting it for some reason.

So if I have "Test.accdb" and it contains "qryX" as my crosstab and "Sheet1.xls" is my formatted Excel spreadsheet, how do I code for the latest "QryX" to go in and replace the old "QryX" data in "Sheet1.xls" ?

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