Importing From Excel

Mar 6, 2007

Guys I don't know if any of you have done this. I need to import a formatted excel file into an access table, I know that I need to write a vba code to do it, can someone please give me a tip or an example. The excel file is a formatted form, it's not based on columns & rows!!!! Please Please assist.

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Importing From Excel

Oct 12, 2004


I have a table that I would like to update with information from a spreadsheet. The table are all of the property records for the county I live in. The table has a unique data field for every record called a "PIN" (Property Indentifier Number). It is in this format: 12-3456-78-90. Because the PIN's were hand entered, sometimes there is a space between the dashes and the numbers, but each PIN is different for every record.

The data from the spreadsheet I want to import has updated sale information for the property records in my table. I want to associate the PIN's in the spreadsheet to the PIN's in my table and only import the new owners name, sale date, and sale price from the spreadsheet to the table.

How would I do this import? It is probably straight forward, but I am a newbie with Access.

I am concerned that because the PIN from the Speadsheet was typed differently from the one table, the import won't work. The numbers are the same, there are just spaces between some of the numbers and dashes.


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Importing From Excel .csv W/ No Primary Key

Dec 14, 2005

There are some web forms where people can submit work requests to my team. The data is fed into Excel in .csv format. Each request adds a new row to the spreadsheet. Nothing ever drops off.

I am having problems getting that data into my "final" Access tables without repeating the data with each subsequent import/append. There is no unique identifier in the Excel file, only the raw data, all fields of which could be duplicate across requests.(requestor, phone, request by date...) In my Access tables, I have the same fields as in the Excel file, along with an AutoNumber primary key and some additional fields where we can enter when work began and was completed and to who it was assigned.

Say for example 5 requests come in and thus create rows 1-5 in the Excel file. I then import the data into a temp table, and then append to my final table. Works. But say an additional 2 requests come in...I then do another import and append and my final table ends up with rows 1-5 AND 1-7.

I was thinking composite key of some sort, but none of the fields lend themselves to that. Plus I need the ability to edit some of the imported data once it hits my final table (ex: changing a request-by date or request detail), so a field by field comparison of the import table to my final table to determine uniqueness probably won't work either.

I'm thinking the solution would be to add a unique identifer at the source level, but I'm pretty much left to come up with a solution in Access as the web team's resources are unavailable for a few months.

Any ideas to get me started???

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Importing Excel Worksheets

Oct 10, 2006

OK.. any suggestions as to how I get my Excel worksheets imported in Access? I have tried and tried.. and it gives me a message saying that it was not imported..
I am new at access..

any help would be appreciated!

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Importing Excel Dates???

Dec 4, 2006

Hi all,

I am trying to import a sheet from excel into a new table in access. One of my columns has a date value which, when imported changes to the actual appliacation value (i.e. 1/1/2006 becomes 38718).

Is there a way to stop this happening or a function within acces that changes the value back to a date format?


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Importing Data From Excel?

Dec 5, 2006

I need to import 1600 people from excel.

as the program that we use to use was free and setup for what we needed. That has the ability to create a excel sheets with the 1600 people on.

Now all the fields are different, and i'm not sure how to do it.

When importing do you get the option to put the fields in the correct place, or do i need to edit them? and then import.

Another thing the address layout with fields will be completely wrong. I believe it used separate fields for each line of the address where in my DB i use 2 fields 1 address and 1 postcode.

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Importing From Excel Woes !!

Jan 11, 2007

Hi all,
I have been using Excel data in Access either by importing the sheet as a table or directly linking to the sheet with no problems in the past but today I cannot seem to get the data to import in the right way.

The column on the Excel sheet is mainly populated by numbers but some of the values have letters in them. When I discovered this I formatted the column as text and tried to directly link to the sheet but the datatype kept insisting it is number. I then decided to import the sheet as a table and although it comes in as Text instead of seeing the value A1030573 in comes in as 7.1e+009 and this goes for the values that are purely numbers.

Is this a known bug, does anyone have a solution to to this ?

Thanks in advance,

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Automatically Importing From Excel

Jan 30, 2007

Hello all,

Hope this is the right section to post this question. I thank all for any assistance in advance.

We basically have a supplier's access database that contains one table of prices.
In addition, there also exists an excel file that contains applicable discounts against the supplier's items. There's a common key, the part number.

There's a need to unify these on an on-going basis as supplier sends updates to their database, and our finance department (who will not move away from an excel worksheet) update their records. What I'm thinking of doing is creating another database with two tables; one whose characteristics are same as the supplier's table and another with fields matching the excel file. And write a script or something that when you execute it, pulls data from (predetermined location) database and excel file to the two tables. Queries can then be constructed using the relationship between the tables.

How can this be achieved? Did a search and no sugar. Or is there a better way. The users are access novices and would like to minimise their "workload".


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Importing Excel Into Access

Apr 4, 2007

Hi... i have a excel file..... from which i have imported records.... after importing.... the records sequence in my table has changed..... can anyone tell me how to preserve the sequence that i had in excel..........

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Importing Data From Excel

Apr 15, 2007


I am trying to import some data from excel to a new table in access. When i am running the import wizard in access i.e. File->Get External Data -> Import, as soon as i select the excel file (which has a sheetname of Sheet1), i am getting an error that i can not import since there is an invalid character 'Sheet1$'.

I tried renaming the sheetname to various other names, however, everytime i am getting the same error with the dollar sign being added at the end of the sheetname.

Any ideas what's going on please ?

Thank You in advance.

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Importing Excel Sheets

Jul 9, 2007

I have a program I'm updating that I need to be able to import excel sheets from a lot of different sources and add them to a table in a db which sorts the problem is the sheets come from so many sources and have different formats and column names/Locations.does anybody know a way where I could setup say a table specification and maybe run some automation with excel to move the data into the correct fields in access.or have any suggestions.thanksmickp.s. is there a way around the 63k rows limit for importing excel?

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Importing Excel Data

Jan 28, 2008

I am trying to import Excel data into an existing Access table. I keep my Excel spreadsheet in the same format as my Access table and when I import data that attaches at the end of my Acess table it works fine.

But I am now trying to import Excel data into the same existing table into rows that had cells left blank for entry later?

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Importing Certain Excel Cells . . . What To Do?

Feb 1, 2005

I want to import only the information from an excel sheet like the one below where the answers for Q1 and Q2 are No and Yes respectively.

I'm using this code below that is working but importing all cells:
Private Sub Command31_Click()

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, _
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "CustomerRecords", "C:Documents and SettingsmstaffordDesktopCustomerRecords.xls", True, "C1:I20"

End Sub

What do I need to add?

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Importing From Excel Problem

Feb 21, 2005

I'm not quite sure what's going on. Right now I'm trying to manually import an excel spreadsheet (File -> Get External Data) to make sure everything is running right before I put it into a macro. Well, if I tell it which table to dump the data into all it does is give me an error message saying there was an error and that it won't import. If I let Access create it's own table during the import process it imports fine. I thought maybe there was something wrong with one of my fields in my table so I copied the whole structure of the table Access created to create a new table and tried to use that one import the information into. It still won't import the information. Any ideas? :confused:


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Importing An Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 29, 2005

Hello Peeps,

I'm trying to import an excel spreadsheet into an access table. The excell spreadsheet was created using the access table( by using the 'analyze using excel' feature)

The problem is that I cannot import the updated excell spreadsheet. I get the error message.." An error occured while trying to import the file..the file was not imported"

Does someone have any clues as to how to fix this

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Importing Data From Excel

Nov 15, 2007

I have a table which I need to import from Excel into Access, but I only want to import the first character from each cell of one of the columns. Is this possible?


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Help Importing Excel To Access

Sep 13, 2004

I'm trying to import an excel sheet to access and one field is y or n and I am not sure how to convert this so the value is right so I can query it.What should I put in my excel sheet "yes","no' or Y,N or numeric values??Access doesnt show it help please!!!

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Importing From Excel To Access

Jun 25, 2006

Hi, I am importing a custom field (containing six digit integers, e.g. 000099, 012000, 102300, ..) from Excel. This custom field in Excel is formatted 000000.

The corresponding field in Access is a text box with input mask !000000. (the Format property for this text box is blank). However, on importing, 000099 enters as 99, 012000 as 12000 etc.

What have I done wrong! Any help very much appreciated.


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Importing Data From Excel?

Mar 31, 2012

importing data from fields on an excel spreadsheet into fields on a form in access.

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Importing Data From Excel Csv File

Aug 1, 2005

hi, i have struggled to import some data from an excel file into an sql database..
i have used phpmyadmin and certain code snippets but have failed miserably..

basically my excel file has lots of data, and within each cell, each bit of data is in single quotes...

'jonathan' '23' 'hardman' 'cheese'

there are no headings in the excel file (as in column or row titles) the data is just raw.
once i have made the table (with the appropriate fields and datatypes for the csv file) how can i import that data into a table using ms access???

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Importing Only Excel Cells With Data

Feb 17, 2006

Can anyone help with this?

I will routinely be sent a Excel 2000 spreadsheet with multiple worksheets and each worksheets data is to be imported into a related named table in a MS Access 2000 database. No of course I have been using Transfer Spreadsheet to perform the imports but to make sure I get all of the data I use the range A1:AZ65536 (65536 of course being the maximum number of rows available in a Excel 2000 spreadsheet).

What I would like to do however, is just import the necessary number of rows not all 65536!!! Is there a way in code of working out how many rows in the A-AZ column range contain data?

It occured to me that if I linked a table to each worksheet then this would only display the necessary rows and I could count them however, once you have specified the spreadsheet location the code doesnt let me repoint the individual worksheet unless someone knows how to do this???

Any help most appreciated.


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Importing Blank Rows From Excel

May 28, 2006

Hi Folks.
As a newbie in Access, but not in Excel, I tried to 'get external data' from an Excel spreadsheet into an existing Access table.
However, it brought in blank rows because those rows had a formula in them but nothing else.
Any way to avoid the blanks being imported??

Many thanks

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Importing Data Into Access From Excel

Feb 21, 2007

I wanted to know if anyone else is having issues with getting external data into access from excell? For some reason this function is not working for me today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Importing Formatted Excel To Access

Mar 5, 2007

If the data in the spreadsheet is not in a standard row/column datasheet format how can I import it to Access, does anyone know, please help if you do. I have a formatted excel form and i need to import it to access!!!!!!

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Importing Access Data To Excel

Feb 28, 2008


I've had a search through but to no avail.

I'm trying to import data from an Access query into a blank spreadsheet (Data-Import External Data etc), but it's only giving me a list of the tables in the database and not listing any of the queries. I've never had any problem with this before - I've been able to import queries fine - so I hope someone knows what's going on.

Access and Excel 2002 by the way.

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Still Not Working- Importing Excel Into Access

Nov 20, 2004

I tried posting this before, but I have not seen it posted yet, so I will post again.

I am trying to import an excel sheet into access.
I have searched the threads, and found similar problems, but none of the answers are helping.

The problem:
I use a macro to transfer the spreadsheet (Transferspeadsheet)

I have a column in excel that contains mostly numeric entries, but sometimes it will have alphanumeric entries.

Access will see the numeric entries and assume this is a numeric field- and then null my alphanumeric entries, and I will get importerror tables after the fact.

Many times the first 10 rows are completely numeric, but the 20th row is alpha numeric. If the alphanumeric row is closer to the top- no errors.

I have 60 spreadsheets to load every morning. Switching to access for all users would be a godsend, but also a fantasy in my environment. I have to find a work around for this. The users will always be using excel to enter this data.

I have tried:

1) Changing excel columns format to text.

Result: Access doesn't care. Sees the field as numeric- import errors on alphanumeric entries

2.) Linking to table

Result: if the first rows are numeric, when I scroll down to the alphanumeric entry it states "error" when I view the linked table in Access. (Access will not allow me to change the field properties of the linked table)

3.) Making a table in access with the "correct" feilds and exporting to excel. Having the users use that version.

Same result- import errors.

There is one thing I have not tried, and I am ready to try anything:
Somehow exporting excel to text and then importing the text.

HOWEVER: I read this as a solution someone has tried in this forum- but he had problems with date entries. (They didn't convert very well, I am assuming).

I have date entries in my spreadsheets, so I don't want to go there. Besides, I don't know how to automate the export of 60 spreadsheets to text.

I asked someone else, he suggested an "import map".

Did help search, Internet word search- nada.

Is there some sort of import template that can be used to force access to understand that I want a particular field as a text field?

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