Importing / Update Data Into Microsoft Access 2000

Jun 21, 2005

Hello All,

I am using Microsoft Access 2000 and wanted to know how to import data from another Access database that was done in Visual Basic. I know how to import flat-file database such as Excel but how do I import data that has a
One-To-Many Relationship? The end user will need to transistion into the new database so I would need to update it once awhile. Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

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Link/Transfer Data From Access 2000 To Excel 2000

Mar 27, 2006

If I have a report in MS Access 2000 generated based on the criteria selected of a project with work order "9999" with the labor costs, materials costs and the Totals of each crew1, crew2,... and I would like to have those expenditures populated in corresponding cel in Excel for each crew, HOW would I do it?

To think it out loud, could I create a button on a form, so when I select the criteria for the work order, and when I click the button, it should refresh/update the Exel file with the new data...?? How do I write VBA code for that...?

Please help...Thank you so much....

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Combo Box, Update Multiple Records, Access 2000

Dec 20, 2004

I created a form based on a table I have. Table structure is:

ID, Rt, contractors, Crew, activity, condition. A crew can have 1 to many contractors. Each “contractors” can have one activity and one condition.

The form has a combo – dropdown list with all the crews. Also combo - dropdown list with activity , condition and a text field update_date. And 3 buttons: Reset condition, Refresh screen, Save reords.

Every time when user pick a crew number from the list and set new values for activity and condition, all the records having crew = crew_number picked on the screen has to be updated in the table.

I tried to create a DAO recordset based on user selection of the crew, and to update those fields in a do while loop. Always does updated the first record and only one.

My question is: Can I do what the user wants, to update multiple records, based on a screen selection? What code should I use? If you can give me a hint it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

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HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL Statement Expect

Mar 27, 2007

My main experience is with MySQL and PHP so I'm kindof stumbling around in the dark here. Heres my story:

We recieved a new server and migrating from (Windows Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Access 2000) to (Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, Access 2003) has been nothing but problems.

I have setup IIS to work with ASP, I've also setup a system DSN. The access file was copied over from the previous server. We're running Access 2003 and now I can't seem to get this ASP script to work.

When I try to upload a file to the script I get this error:

Line: 42
Char: 7
Error: HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT', OR 'UPDATE'.
Code: 0
Url: (URL address blocked: See forum rules)

Here is the part of Connect.asp that errors:

Code:<script LANGUAGE="javascript"><!--var DSNString, TheDF, TheRS;//DSNString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;";//DSNString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pw d=;"DSNString = "DSN=testweb; UID=; PWD=";function public_ConToDB(){ TheDF = DP.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory",this.text1.value);DC.DataSpace=DP;DC.Server = this.text1.value;DC.Connect = DSNString;//DC.Connect="d: hedatadisboweb.udl";}function public_GetRS(SQLCommand){ TheRS = TheDF.Query(DSNString,SQLCommand);DC.SourceRecordset=TheRS;return (TheRS);}function public_GetDC(){ return (DC);}//--></script>

Its included in a file called FileRead.htm here is the part that refers to the error lines:
Code: var TheFile, FileStrm;// Retrieved field namesvar M_ssn, M_inits, M_Lname, M_Fname, M_DSSN, M_ruc, M_paycode;var M_normamt, M_payamt, M_pgrp, M_poe, M_pltcd, Payrollnum, Payrolldate;// var Trash, FieldData, FieldNames;var TrashLineNum = 1;// Create the file Stream Object (ReadOnly)TheFile = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");FileStrm = TheFile.OpenTextFile(FName,1,false);// Setup the Database Connectionvar SQLCommand, TheRS, TheConnection, DSNString, Commands, MyDC;FieldNames = new Array("ssn","inits","lname","fname","dssn","ruc","cco", "payamt","normamt","notsureone","pgrp","poe", "pltcode","recstatus","paychgflg","paystatuscode", "payrollnum","payrolldate");// Connect the the DatabaseDataLib.ConToDB();MyDC = DataLib.GetDC();// Get Payroll NumberPString = prompt("Enter Payroll Number","025");Payrollnum = parseInt(PString,10);// Get Payroll DateDString = prompt("Enter Payroll Date","20000101");Payrolldate = DateLib.FromMil(DString);// Setup the Database Connectionvar NumRecs = 0;//MyTest = DataLib.GetRS("PaydayUpdate1");alert("About to cross into the CurExtract!!!");MyRS = DataLib.GetRS("SELECT * FROM CurExtract");

I set an alert after this line but it doesn't pop up.

ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY GREATLY APPRECIATED. I'll be checking this very frequently.

Joseph Russell

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Using Microsoft Access With Oracle Data W/o Password

Dec 15, 2004

Hello to everybody,

I want to access Oracle 8.0 Data (meaning Oracle tables) with Access 2002. My problem is that I do not want to enter the username and password every time I connect to the Access db, as I want to create some queries in Access which I will export to Excel.

I do not think that this is something difficult but I can't seem to find any solution. Is there any proposal?

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Microsoft Access Can't Change The Data Type

Jan 24, 2007

Hi! I have a problem to build Pivot table in Excel 2003.
I’m creating this table base on the “External Data” which is a MS Access 2003 table.
The table has 50 fields and about 500.000 records. (This is the reason, I can’t just export table to Excel and then do pivoting). One of the fields of this table has a “text” type but stored numbers. Excel does not allowed me do Sum or Max function with this field – it needs to have Number data type.
I receiving this table “from outside”, so I can’t get the right data type from the beginning. If I’m trying simply opening the table, before, using as a data source for Pivot Table, in Design mode and just change data type from text to number, I have an error: "Microsoft Access can't change the data type. There isn't enough disk space or memory."
Any advice, how to change Data type in existing table using queries or something else what can help me to solve this problem.

Thank you very much at advance.


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General :: Microsoft Access Report With Query With Some Data Duplicate

May 5, 2014

so i had created query using query design wizard for which i i needed to enter year of the data everytime the query is being made all my data are correct when just using the query.however when i turning it into report where the query will still be runing and with adding in another field from my original table to get on the montly rearrangement that's where the some record are shown duplicate on the report

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Converting From Microsoft Access 2.0 To Microsoft Access 2003

Jul 10, 2006

Hello everyone,

I would like to convert a database, which was made for me, in order to enable it to be used on my current system.

I get the error message below when trying to open the database in Microsoft Access 2003.

The database was made using Microsoft Access 2.0.

Will I need Microsoft Access 2.0 to update/delete the database all the time?

Or can I convert this to be used with Microsoft Access 2003?

I have tried opening the file exclusively and I get the same error.

I have selected Show Help and it advises me to import all the objects from the database into a new database. This can`t be achieved as I can`t open the file to retrieve the contents.

Thank you very much for your help and all responses are appreciated,

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Converting From Microsoft Access 2.0 To Microsoft Access 2003

Jul 10, 2006

Hello everyone,

I would like to convert a database, which was made for me, in order to enable it to be used on my current system.

I get the error message below when trying to open the database in Microsoft Access 2003.

The database was made using Microsoft Access 2.0.

Will I need Microsoft Access 2.0 to update/delete the database all the time?

Or can I convert this to be used with Microsoft Access 2003?

I have tried opening the file exclusively and I get the same error.

I have selected Show Help and it advises me to import all the objects from the database into a new database. This can`t be achieved as I can`t open the file to retrieve the contents.

Thank you very much for your help and all responses are appreciated,

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Importing Over 2000 Csv-files In One Table

Jan 8, 2007

Hello,A plc is writing a profile to a csv file each minute. In order to make an analysis I need to put all these profiles together in one file. I wrote a small VBA function which works fine under the 1000 csv files. It's not a very smart function, but it works. However after the weekend i need to combine a lot more files into 1 table and when Access reached about 1050 records,I get an invaled input message. The csv file is intact. I think the function creates a memory overflow by opening and closing the table after each imported record. Does anyone have a possible solution for this?I just noticed in my explorer that the access database is 2 Gig big!! So i really looks like an improper call of function and closing.Below is the code I use. The number of files to be imported I get from a small textbox, with input from the user.Thanx in advance,OviparousDim counter As IntegerDim filex As StringPrivate Sub Knop2_Click()counter = CInt(Form_Formulier1.Tekst0.Value)On Error GoTo macro_import_profile_ErrDo until counter = 0 filex= "f:profielen" + CStr(counter) + ".csv" DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "0 Importspecification", "profile", filex, False, "" counter = counter - 1 LoopForm_Formulier1.Visible = Falsemacro_import_profile_Exit: Exit Submacro_import_profile_Err: MsgBox Error$ Resume macro_import_profile_ExitEnd Sub

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Format Dollar Data In Access 2000/03

Jan 3, 2007


How do I format data in my report to display with a dollar sign?

I am using the following format $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00), but somehow I get a Format$ paramater to enter value.



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Access 2000 Security - Authenticate With Windows 2000 Server Credentials

Oct 24, 2005


I have a database that currently has security in place so that users input their own usernames and passwords to access the database. The users have recently been added to a windows 2000 server and I want to be able to use their windows 2000 server logon credentials to provide them with automatic access to the database. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set this up? It is a rather urgent request if you could get back to me either on this forum or via email

many thanks


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General :: Access 2000 Table Deleting Data

Jul 26, 2015

I've just joined a company based in Scotland, they are running a multiple user access 2000 database: backend and front-end. Recently they have had an issue where a user inserting a new row in a table, as they do, the record above drops off the table (disappears/unrecoverable). My first impression has been that this is a DB corruption issue and as such have ran compact/repair.We are running this database on network server:

-Backend resides in central location
-Frontend - Each user has their own front-end, storded on their personal network drive.

Would I be right in saying that the best solution would be to convert to newer version of access ?

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Access 2000 - Previously Saved Data Will Be Deleted

Aug 13, 2013

i am programmer i do a project on vb.6.0 and ms access 2000

PROBLEM 1). .if i try to save data on the database its successfully saved but previously saved data will be deleted.

PROBLEM 2). if i add large number of data on database but its not increasing and constantly on 18 numbers.

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Opening & Closing Excel 2000 Workbooks From Access 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am opening and closing a series of Excel 2000 Workbooks using Access 2000 VBA and want this sequence to be able to complete without any human intervention.

However, there are 2 instances when this stops and waits for a human option to be selected:

1. When the spreadsheet is password protected
2. When the spreadsheet has automatic links I get the message:

"The Workbook you opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbook?"

How can I code it so that in situation 1 it skips this file and in situation 2 it automatically defaults to do not update?

Any help most appreciated.


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How Do View The Data Types Returned By A Query In Access 2000?

Jun 3, 2005

I am working in MS Access 2000. I have a query that is returning a table with various types of data. The problem is I can't seem to find anywhere in the Access GUI that will show me the data types of columns it has returned so I can't manually create a table to hold the values returned by query. Question is two fold:

1. Is there a way in Access SQL to import data returned from a query into a table that is not yet defined. Some like this:
a. Create a table that has a primary key but doesn't yet know the number of columns and/or data types of those columns.
b. Import the data from a query into this table and have it create the columns and copy the data types and populate the table while also numbering each row by primary key.

2. Is there a way to find out what the data types are for a table returned by a query in MS Access. I have checked the properites of the query and have been up and down the gui looking but I can't find a way while looking at the data returned by a query to explicitely see the data type (i.e., number, Date/Time, etc..) used by each column.

Any info would help. Thanks.

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Access 2000 & MSSQL 2000 Multiuser Problems

Aug 20, 2007

Hi everybody,

I have recently been doing a conversion for my boss for a access 2000 database (both front and backend) to a MSSQL backend.

I finished the conversion today (as quite a lot of the code / queries ran slow due to access running the queries locally rather than on the server). And tested it on my and my boss's machine with no problems so he gave the go ahead to update everybody to our new mssql 2000 backend with the modified frontend.

This is when the problems started; We had two different sets of forms for accessing one of our databases systems - the log system, one is the original dynaset based form, and the other is a newer set which uses snapshot views and preforms updates via queries. Nobody uses the old dyanset system apart from my boss and one of the administrative team as they have things on that window which they need to see. About 30 minutes into the release of the new database the system frooze up on my bosses computer and nobody could create a new log (the server was timing out). I assumed this had something to do with the old dynaset's creating locks on the table.

I offlined the database and kicked everybody out of the front end, turned it on again and tied again, this time banning everybody from the dynaset system. Within 10 minutes another computer frooze up, again with a timeout on the insert query. I discovered that after you had added a new log to the database it would timeout on all subquent additions (something it hadn't done during testing) . Further investigatiion showed it was the snapshot list window causing the error, so coded the add log window to close the list before preforming the insert query and then reopen it afterwards. This allowed my machine to make multible additions without flaw. So I released a new client to everybody. 15 minutes later it was timing out again, but this time there you could not even make one new record.

I checked for locks on the table though the server management table and couldn't find any for the Log table. I have restarted the SQL server box and with no avil. So I reverted our backend to the access mdb file and told people to use the old client.

I am at a complete lose to why this is happening, if anybody has had any expericences like this or knows the cause please tell me.

Some information on the database in question.

It was made as an access 2 database all intergrated into one file, then it was seperated into two files (frontend and backend). Upgraded to Access 97, then to 2000 before this final update to MSSQL 2000.

The log system has two main tables. The first is the log title / info table which links (one to many) to a log entry table. This problem only occurs on the main log table and does not appear to be reoccurring anywhere else within the database. The main log table has just under 18,000 rows in it.

Thank you in advance for any help,


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Importing Data Into Access

Aug 29, 2007

how to import text file row by row into access?

pls help me out......

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Importing MS Project Data Into Access

Sep 28, 2005

Does anyone know how to import Microsoft Project data into an Access database?

I am looking to use "high level" MS Project schedule data as input to a new Access application that I am currently designing. Is this even possible?

Any help or links to more information is GREATLY appreciated!


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Importing Data Into Access From Excel

Feb 21, 2007

I wanted to know if anyone else is having issues with getting external data into access from excell? For some reason this function is not working for me today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Importing Data Into Access Via The Wizard

Feb 16, 2008

Good morning all,
i have a feeling this could be a simple yes or no answer,, at the moment i am using the 'Import Data Wizard' to pick-up an excel file that is up-dated on a daily basis, this file always sits in the same directory and always has the same file name, ideally i would like to have an action button that draws the data in without having to use the wizard each time,, does anyone know if this is achieveable? if so, anyhelp would be much appreciated.
as always, many thanks

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Importing Access Data To Excel

Feb 28, 2008


I've had a search through but to no avail.

I'm trying to import data from an Access query into a blank spreadsheet (Data-Import External Data etc), but it's only giving me a list of the tables in the database and not listing any of the queries. I've never had any problem with this before - I've been able to import queries fine - so I hope someone knows what's going on.

Access and Excel 2002 by the way.

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Need Help Importing Data From Ecel Into Access

Jun 23, 2004

I can't figure this one out. i have a spreadsheet called Skills. It the following layout

joe la ca 1 2 2 3
fred seattle wa 2 1 3 2
alice irvine ca 3 4 2 2

There are 100 skills and hundreds of rows of names.

I'm trying to get the data into Access so I can build a simple form to do searches. I'm thinking I need 3 tables in the database. One for all the Names, City, State. One to contain all the skill names. One to contain all the numbers that pertain to the indiviuals skill level for a certain skill. I can get the skill names into a table and I can get the names, ctiy, state into the second table. I can't figure out how to get the levels (numbers) into a third table and tie all three tables together.

Any help would be MUCH appreciated.


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Replication Between SQL Server 2000 And MS Access 2000.

Nov 15, 2006

Is it possible to have the master datebase in SQL Server, the replica in Access format and still can sychronize them?

Thank you in advance.

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General :: Importing Biometrics Data To MS Access?

Feb 23, 2014

I would like to know how to automatically import biometrics data into VB-MSaccess procedure, Right now, I designed the data to manually input in an entry form.

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Stop Access From Changing Data Importing Through VB6

Sep 11, 2011

I have an Access 2000 database in which i am importing some data programmatically through VB6. However for some reason Access is changing the data that i am sending it (i know it's access doing it as a manual import does the same thing)

Example data (dashes signify different columns 4 total)

8/31/11 - 08:30:45 - 1 - 003

this gets changed by access to

8/31/11 - 8:30:45 AM - 1 - 3

Note it changed the time to am/pm format and my 003 became 3 . I have all the database fields set as TEXT and not numbers / date & time so I would think that it would treat the data literally however that is not the case and my data gets messed up.

How do i tell access to stop messing with the data and treat it literally and not change anything ?

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