Importing An Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 29, 2005

Hello Peeps,

I'm trying to import an excel spreadsheet into an access table. The excell spreadsheet was created using the access table( by using the 'analyze using excel' feature)

The problem is that I cannot import the updated excell spreadsheet. I get the error message.." An error occured while trying to import the file..the file was not imported"

Does someone have any clues as to how to fix this

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Importing A Sheet From A Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005


I'm trying to import a sheet from a excel spreadsheet.

this is my "code"

The problem is that when i hit the run button, it imports blank sheets or more likely is not importing at all :confused: :(

On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Dim dlgOpen2 As FileDialog
Dim countrystring2 As String

Set dlgOpen2 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With dlgOpen2

If txtFile2 <> "" Then
.InitialFileName = txtFile2
countrystring2 = txtFile2 & "!RB_UPDATES"
.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.Path
End If
.AllowMultiSelect = False
End With
If dlgOpen2.SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
txtFile2 = dlgOpen2.SelectedItems(1)
End If
Exit Sub

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "RB_UPDATES", countrystring2, True

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet Into Access 2010

Dec 9, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I'd like to import into Access 2010 however prior to the import, I'd like to delete some of the rows in the spreadsheet.The spreadsheet only has one workbook.It will likely always be rows 1-10.I have already set up the Excel 14.0 Object reference, if that's even necessaryHow can I accomplish this using either VB or query?

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet To Access Database Daily

Jun 1, 2006

I need some help on this one. :confused: I have two Crystal Report generated Excel spreadsheets that are auto-updated on a daily basis. One spreadsheet contains computer assets, type, model, locations, etc. The second spreadsheet has users assigned to them, phone numbers, etc. I need to import these in to existing tables with numerous filters into my Access database weekly. They don’t change a whole lot but I need the changes to be reflected in my database.

The way I have it setup now is through a linked table, then I use a “Make table query” to filter the data.

My problem is the filtered table has relationships set up that I have to delete then recreate every time I need to run the “Make table query” because it has to delete the old table first.

Is there a better way to make this happen?

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Tables :: Importing Excel Spreadsheet With Empty Rows

Oct 31, 2012

I am using Access 2007 and we are importing an Excel spreadsheet that is received from our customer on a regular basis.When I open the Access table I see over 9,900 empty rows at the start. Following this is the actual data from the spreadsheet.Is there an import setting somewhere that would eliminate all these blank rows?

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Importing Spreadsheet Data

Sep 5, 2005

i have to import sales figures from a branch to head office. the import facility in ms access 2.0 only allow for 1 table although the data that needs to be imported needs to be done into two tables. how would i be able to do that appending the data to a query already setup to bring in the data. it is just to import the data from the spreadsheet to the two different tables.

thanks melanie

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Importing A Spreadsheet Using A Dialog Box

Jun 23, 2007

I know that this is possible.

I need to import a spreadsheet via a button, I don't know the name of the sheet nor the location. I need to have the open dialog box appear. I tried the import code which will not work without a name and location.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "GoldenViewIn", " ", True, ""


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Only Importing Specific Spreadsheet - VBA

Sep 8, 2011

I have some code that imports an excel spreadsheet into access and creates a table. I recently received a new spreadsheet that has many sheets. I only need the data from one specific sheet, resources. How can I make adjustments to the code below so that only the data on the resources sheet is imported into a new table?

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long

[Code] ....

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Importing Flat Spreadsheet Into Normalized DB

Nov 29, 2004

So I’ve been assigned to develop a database in Access which will house information on students who are participating in an internship program sponsored by my employer. I was given a spreadsheet with roughly 40 columns, so it is pretty detailed info about the students. For example personal student info (DOB, email, phone, etc), as well as school, major, year rank, school address, permanent address, etc.

Importing this given table is easy, just by using the import wizard. However I am faced with a challenge. The info I have is up to date at this point however in years to come there will be a need to import new student info. The only way my employer wants that to be done is by taking the new excel spreadsheet and importing that data into the already created database. Now this wouldn't be a problem if the DB is one flat, non-normalized, table because the columns would line up. However I feel that the DB needs to be normalized because of the vast amount of data that is repetitive, such as State or Major.

Is there a way to import an excel sheet into an existing normalized access database? Or even a way to automate it so that the excel columns would be broken up into the separate corresponding normalized tables?


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Tables :: Importing Spreadsheet - How To Convert Data To PK / FK

Mar 14, 2013

I have a spreadsheet of generators with associated data: Make, Model, etc.

When I build the tables for the Make, each make will have it's own PK. Is there a good way to update the spreadsheet, replacing the Make for the PK other than using the find and replace function in excel (or update query in Access).


GeneratorID (PK)

John Deere has PK of 1
Kohler has PK of 2

If my spreadsheet has a list of Kohler generators, I need to change "Kohler" to "2".

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Importing Data From A Spreadsheet To Existing Multiple Tables

May 30, 2006

First off, its been a long time since I have been here (since sometime in 2003 LOL), partly because I didn't have to create a new db in a while. Now, I have been handed a project and come across something new.

OK, here is what I want to do. I would like to be able to dump data from an Excel file into existing Access tables (two to be more specific). Now, I also have relating tables that add data into certain fields. I tried using a query to try to group data ad hopeful able to dump data through the query. I noticed that I couldn't import data through a query. Just for kicks, I tried to pull data through table and noticed that I can only create a new table, not able to update and existing table.

How would I go about performing this task? I have never attempted anything in the past.

Thank you in advance for your considered help,


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Importing Data In Spreadsheet Or Table Format Directly From Clipboard?

Apr 5, 2012

I work at a hospital and I have been able to copy and paste data from a patient list into an Excel spreadsheet into a list I can customize to track patients I work with. I had a macro that would take the data copied and pasted and organize it in the way I needed it in a design that works for me.

I'm trying to convert this system to Access to give me more control over the data and to try and make the process of creating the list a little more automated. I also have an Access database for "tracking", which is required by hospital management so I was hoping I could use the patient list database to streamline the process of entering interactions into the tracking database.

I'm not sure how to get the copied and pasted patient list into an Access in a way that will let me manipulate it in Access to do what I want it to do without having to add several steps of a) pasting it into Excel, b) importing the spreadsheet into the Access database, and c) cleaning the data that ends up in the final Access table.

Is there a way to import data in a spreadsheet or table format directly from the clipboard, which would allow me to skip Excel altogether? I'm using Access and Excel 2010.

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Queries :: Importing Spreadsheet On Daily Basis - Detect / Remove Blank Columns

Sep 18, 2013

I am importing a spreadsheet on a daily basis that has the same columns in every time but depending on the company I am importing it for different columns will be blank and not needed each time.

What is the best way of detecting and removing blank columns.

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Import Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 20, 2005

Hello - just joined today. I hope to be of some help to other users, but am kind of a newbie.

I have an excel ss that I regularly receive which needs to go into my access DB. I set up a macro with transferspreadsheet and that works, except for one problem. I have one field which is designed as text but has data that looks like numbers as well as data that looks like text. When I run the macro, the number-like data doesn't import as text (23602012345 imports as 2.3602e+010). FYI the field in access is already defined as text. Each time I import a ss, I am appending to the existing data in the table

I have tried formatting the excel column as text with no luck. If I remove the data that truly is text in that column (ABC1287567) and leave just the 236* data, and then format the excel column as text, it seems to work fine. It just doesn't like the mixing of the least it seems to me.

Any ideas to avoid manual manipulation of my excel ss before running the macro would be very helpful.

Thanks much in advance!

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Import Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2008

Anyone out there have any ideas on how to Import an Excel File (SPECIFIC worksheet) to an Access Database

I am looking to do this at the click of a button or when the database opens...

What I really want to do is......
Is there a way to import this into an already existing table.
Delete the existing records and import the new records from the Excel Spreadsheet?


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Incorporating Changes To Data From Excel Spreadsheet

Jul 11, 2005

I imported an extensive table from Excel. Subsequently, changes were made to the data in the Excel spreadsheet and I would like to incorporate these changes into my Access table. I did not link the two and I do not want to import the Excel spreadsheet again because I have made several changes to the Access table after importing it. Is there any way to have Access go through the information in Excel and make the modifications in the field that suffered the changes?

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Excel Spreadsheet Will Not Import Into Table

Oct 11, 2006


I am failry new to Access, and am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet into a Table. I go all the way through the import wizard, and it gives me an error that it cannont create, and then it goes back to the last screen, and I have no Idea what is wrong.

I have looked under many help's and online tips, and searched this site to no avail. As far as I can tell everything should be acceptable to import. I have unique column header titles, no blank rows, nothing over 255 characters, and it still does not work. Can anyone give me some advice on what is wrong in this spreadsheet causing it not to be imported?



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Linked Excel Spreadsheet Problem

Feb 7, 2007

Hi, apologies if this is a bit of a simplistic query, but I hope there is an equally simple solution to it.

I'm trying to set up a database which is linked to an excel spreadsheet so that the owner of the spreadsheet can continue updating the spreadsheet (inexplicably he refuses to learn to use access!), while other people can still view the data without being able to edit it.

However I have come up against a problem. The spreadsheet contains various address fields, and some of these fields only contain numbers, such as Zip codes for US address'. When I link the table access automatically assigns the address fields as "text" fields which is fine, but then any entry that is just a number in the spreadsheet appears in the database as #Num!

Does anyone know how I might cure this problem, so the database displays exactly what is in the cells in the spreadsheet? The simpler the better, since I fear it might need some visual basic work, which as you might have gathered I know very little about.

Thanks in advance.

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Excel Spreadsheet Based On A Crosstab

Oct 3, 2005

Hi folk

I hope someone can come up with a suggestion for this one.

I have a Crosstab query in my database which looks for the age of accounts on each status. The query itself runs fine but the problem is if there are no accounts on that status. For instance if there are no accounts on an open status then the Open Status isn't shown.

This means that when my Excel Query looks for the Open value from the query I get a Microsoft Jet query error.

Is there any way to force the crosstab to display all the statuses regardless of whether there is any accounts on it.

As I say any suggestions are appreciated.


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Import One Excel Spreadsheet At A Time!

Jan 24, 2007

I have a default directory that will contain Excle spreadsheets. This spreadsheets have the name of the table i want them to create when they are imported in Access.

I want first to count and present to the user the number of the spreasheets. then import one name the table with the name of the spreadsheet and then process. When done move to the next one until there is no more in the directory...

How can i write this in VBA?

Can someone help me?

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Open A Subform As An Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 9, 2005

I'd like to thank everyone for all the help with a long project that is nearing completion.

I have a query by form where I would like there to be a button that the user could push that would take the values from the query that are in the subform and open them up as an Excel spreadsheet for further analysis. There is a function called analyze it with Excel in the Tools/Office options menu but it only works for the main form. I don't get all the values.

Is there some way I can open the subform as an Excel file or set the code and SQL string that it is based on to values for an Excel sheet?


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Reading Excel Spreadsheet From Access??

Sep 14, 2004

I am trying to connect to an excel spreadsheet and read it from access. What is the object naming scheme in excel?? I am trying to read "Sheet1" but I am getting an error. My final goal is to export a list of forms and queries list in the excel spreadsheet from one database to another. How do I know if I have "Excel 8.0"?? Here is my code:

Sub ImportForms()
Dim cnn1 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strExcelPath As String

strExcelPath = "C:ModificationRequest.xls"
'Open and set recordset
cnn1.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strExcelPath & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"

Set rst1 = New ADODB.Recordset
rst1.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rst1.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rst1.Open "Sheet1", cnn1, , , adCmdTable

'Open Recordset and print test record
Debug.Print rst1.Fields(0).Value, rst1.Fields(1).Value
'Clean up objects
Set rst1 = Nothing
Set cnn1 = Nothing

End Sub

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Opening An Excel Spreadsheet From Access

Jan 30, 2006

I have set up a command button to export an query to Excel, then create a pivot table with the data. That all works fine however the code which opens the sheet for veiwing after the code formats the pivot table only works once. The second time the user runs the query it is in read only mode those it has been close. The code I used to open the spreadsheet is:

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oApp.Visible = True
On Error Resume Next

oApp.UserControl = True
Workbooks.Open Filename:="I:Program FilesCount.xls"

The users are just closing excel normally. Any Ideas?

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Appending Data To An Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 12, 2006

Hello All,

I am exporting data from Access (2000) to Excel using a criteria form. I would like to append data to the Excel sheet without clearing the current data. How can I perform this function?

Here is part of my code:

Set myXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set myWB = myXL.Workbooks.Open("C:WO_Activity_Report.xls")
myWB.Sheets ("WO_Activity_Report")
Set myXL = Nothing

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Excel Spreadsheet On A Tab In A Form

Feb 17, 2015

I would like to add a spreadsheet to my form on a tab just like on the asset tracking data base template in access 2010. I can add an unbound object frame but then I can not edit it on the form??

Pic of what I want to do : excel sheet.jpg

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How To Update Table With Excel Spreadsheet

Jan 16, 2012

how to import an excel spreadsheet into my existing database to just update the records. I don't want to add any records at the end or link the sheet to the table.I also don't want to just copy and paste as I don't want my users to have access to the main table but they will need to have the facility to upload.

The reason for this is we have to send clients a copy of their relevant section of the table in a spreadsheet that matches the table format exactly and contains the correct ID numbers. They then send the spreadsheets back to us completed and I would like to update the fields of the existing records using the ID numbers.

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