Importing From XML. Field Width Issue.

Apr 26, 2007

We are importing data from XML files manually to an access Database.
The imported tables are all text fields with field width 255.
Some text fields are too big and we end up loosing some records as import errors. Is there a way to let access generate an imported table with a text field that is longer than 255 character ?

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Queries :: Setting Field Width To Zero In Select Statement

Jun 11, 2015

I am building a form that uses list box selections on the form to make a temporary query and open the results in Excel.

It mostly works in just trying to make it more functional.

Currently the listbox that contains the first and last names of the personnel also has a unique shorttext 'number' as a primary key for the table (bad choice in my opinion but I didn't design the database I just have to work with it).

The short text primary key is hidden by an option given in the listbox wizard that let me set that field width to zero but still search on it. This is how I currently build the query's where clause when it involves names. I search the primary key.

I would like to update the names list box based upon which cities and locations are selected (both are multi-select).

Do I need to change how I make the "where" clause to use first and last names or an I use the same query and just hide the USER_ID

The query looks like this


SELECT DISTINCT t_asset_personnel.LAST_NAME, t_asset_personnel.FIRST_NAME, t_asset_personnel.USER_PHY_ID
FROM t_asset_personnel INNER JOIN t_asset_master ON t_asset_personnel.USER_PHY_ID = t_asset_master.ASSIGNED_TO
ORDER BY t_asset_personnel.LAST_NAME;

And the list box wizard hides USER_PHY_ID

By setting the width to zero

If I make my own query in the City_After_Update()

Can I do something like this


SELECT DISTINCT t_asset_personnel.LAST_NAME, t_asset_personnel.FIRST_NAME, t_asset_personnel.USER_PHY_ID
.fieldWidth(0)FROM t_asset_personnel INNER JOIN t_asset_master ON t_asset_personnel.USER_PHY_ID = t_asset_master.ASSIGNED_TO
WHERE [forms]![myform]![citylist].[itemsSelected]'obviously more code is needed here this is just for conceptual illustration
ORDER BY t_asset_personnel.LAST_NAME;

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Importing Table With Field Properties

Jul 11, 2006

is there is an easy way to create a table with defined field properties.

I have an excel file with over 300 column names and there field length.

I can import the name by transposing the list and then importing however the field length will have to manually edited which i don't fancy doing,

any ideas???

Field NameLength

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Importing 4 Digits Field As Date

Jun 12, 2013

I am working on an import spec from a text field and there is a field with 4 digits only. Is it possible to import this directly as a date field or will I need to import as number or text and then run a conversion to get it to a date field?

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Importing .txt File With Time Of Day Field Into Table

Mar 16, 2008

I'm able to do the import, but I can't get the time of day to show up in military format, which seems more useful when I'm wanting to filter out certain blocks of time later on.

The attached jpg shows the format of the source txt file. The time is shown as 09:30 AM for instance. The attached screen shot for the import text wizard doesn't mean much to me at this point, because no settings seem to work. I've also attached the Import Specification window.

What's been happening is I've been getting a table with field2 showing time in this format 09:30:00 AM where the AM is random and unreliable followed by field3 showing the correct AM/PM designation. This is when I just let all the text wizard stuff run by default settings.

I can then go into the table in design view and change the format of the time of day to hh:nn which gives me 09:30, but then I'm still stuck with the problem of converting all the figures in fields 2 and 3 into something I can work with. BTW, Hh:mm:ss defaults to hh:nn.

Would it be better perhaps to first convert my source file to another format such as csv?

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Importing Alphanumeric Data Into Text Field

Mar 31, 2008

I have searched this forum but didn't find the answer, I hope I'm not the only one with this problem.
I have two text fields in a table that are updated through an excel file import. In the excel file, both fields contain data that is mostly numeric, but there are always about a quarter that contain letters as well. When I go to import the excel file, it sets to null any value in the fields that contains letters. If I sort the excel file in descending order for the field, it will import, but I have two fields that do this, so this brings more problems. Does anyone know why you can't just import anything in any order into a text field?

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Importing And Updating A Field With An Update Query

Aug 24, 2006


I have imported 8000 records into a table called competency.

the table does not have the emp id, but needs it. I have a table called employee information which has the emp id as the primary key. I want to create a simple update query to copy the emp id (autonumbered primary key) field from the Employees table to the (now blank) emp id field in the competency table.

I created a query in design view, added the two tables
included the fields from Competency, Emp ID, Last Name, First Name and in the update field for Emp id I added this
"copy[tbEmployeeInformation].[empid]" In the criteria field of last name I typed a name and ran the query, it gave me the correct amount of records to update, but when I ran it, it gives the type conversion failure error. I checked the fields and they are the same in both tables (type, length, indexing)

What am I doing wrong?


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Tables :: Importing Number Field From Excel

Nov 13, 2013

I am importing information into a table from excel. The number is formatted correctly in excel and is displayed as 10309976464180, but when it is imported into access it displays as 1.030998E+13. I have tried all of the possible formatting for numbers but nothing corrects this, and if I change to Long Integer it actually removes the numbers. What is the correct formatting in Access to get these numbers to display correctly?

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Tables :: Date / Time Field - Importing Text File

Aug 13, 2013

I am having some difficulties with a Date/Time Field. I am importing a | delimted text file into a table and the Date Field is resulting in a Type Conversion Error.In the raw text file, the Date Field has the following Format (example): 01/03/2013 03:11 PM

My import Spec is as follows:
File Format: Delimited
Field Delimter: |
Language: English


The only thing I can think of, is that the mix of Leading Zeros in the Time AND AM/PM is causing a problem. But, I do not see a way to address this with an import spec.The odd thing is that if I import the DateOpened Field as Text, THEN change the DataType to Date/Time AFTER import, then save the table, it recognized/converts the DateOpened Fields correctly.I'd LIKE to get the import spec correct (I have to update twice daily), But, barring that, if I could import as Text then build a Macro that would:

1) import text file(s)
2) change certain fields datatypes to Date/Time
3) Save Table(s)

That would suffice. I could then use VBS (and perhaps windows scheduler) to run the macro when needed.

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Tables :: Importing Excel Table With Invalid Field Names

Jun 3, 2015

I would like to import excel sheet that contains about 45 fields and the fields names are not well defined(not obey the Access rules). I would like to import the sheet into ms access without changing the excel sheet because i have to provide only the interface to users where they have to import sheets only. (All the time In Excel fields name are arranged and in specific order but invalid names of fields).

After 1 week the person has new excel sheet with same format and the process of importing data into ms access will be continue for whole year or more.

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General :: Importing CSV With Date / Time Field In Abstract Format

Feb 6, 2013

I have a series of fairly large csv files which I need to consolidate by importing them to a single Access database. There are of the order of 50-60,000 'lines' per csv and about a dozen different files (all comma de-limited and text-qualified with inverted commas).The problem I have is, there are several date fields within the csv which are not formatted to Access' liking. Namely <Mmm_dd_yyyy_hh:ssAM> with underscores used here to represent spaces.

So for example, today's date appears thus :

Feb 6 2013 12:00AM (i.e. two spaces between 'Feb' and '6')

And this day next week would appear thus :

Feb 13 2013 12:00AM (i.e. one space between 'Feb' and '13')

I will obviously need this field recognised as Date/Time so I can query appropriately but I have no control over the source data and need to find a way of converting the format.One option would be to run a script on the csv's themselves prior to importing but I'm not sure how to do that.import this field as Text and then edit the contents after import (VBA?), such that the field can be redesignated with a data type of Date/Time.

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Tables :: How To Keep Data From Importing Duplicate Records Based On One Field

Sep 11, 2012

I'm able to import new data from excel just fine, but I can't import updated data from excel due to duplicates not being allowed for a particular field. Is there a way to keep from importing duplicate records based on one field, but still import data from other fields where the information is different from the excel file?

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Column Width

May 11, 2006

Hi -

I have a form with a subform that i've displayed as a datasheet. I'm wondering if there is anyway to fix the column width so it cannot be changed when the form is open.


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Combobox Width

Dec 8, 2006


a simple 1,

ive got two columns in my combobox .... userID and name.

i want to hide the userID column and just show the name column? how do i do that?

the userID is the first column(to the left)

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Length & Width

Dec 2, 2005

I've notice a situation in a few databases. One is where we track sidewalk construction. There are two called fields LENGTH and WIDTH. In my report I have text box with the control source =[Length]*[Width]. However it returns some bogus number. If I change the field names to something else like Width1, it works fine.

Any ideas?

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Importing Data From Excel To Memo Field In Access Is Truncated After 255 Characters

Nov 16, 2007

I haven't seen anyone run into this particular problem on this forum...

I'm importing data from an excel spreadsheet to an MS Access (2007) table. One of the fields in the table is a text memo field able to support more than 255 characters...

The issue is that any cell in Excel that is greater than 255 characters is truncated when imported to MS Access even though the field is a memo field. There isn't any documentation on Microsoft's website about this and I don't see any way to work around it other than manually copying the data from excel to MS Access.

Anyone have any input on this matter?

Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: Importing Excel Text Field Into A Table - CDate Function?

Apr 28, 2014

I am importing an excel text field into a table. I am then appending the data to another table. I am having a hard time with the Cdate function

Excel Date Field:

Example Value:
2014.04.21 18:24:30

My Query Code:

NewDate: CDate(Left([DateQ],4)+"/"+Mid([DateQ],6,2)+"/"+Right([DateQ],2))

My Query Result:

What it should be:

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Importing Records From Text File Based On First Character Or Code In One Field

Jun 12, 2013

I have a file that I need to import on a regular basis. There are two different issues with the import:

1. the first digit in the file indicates if it is a record I want to keep. In this case a 1 indicates a repair record and an 8 indicates it is just information such as email, contact info etc.

2. I have a field in the file that may change the import specifications

For example:

If the record is a Non wheel repair then column 167 is a 50 character description
If the record is Wheel repair then column 167 is a 28 character description and the remaining 22 characters are broken down into 10 different fields

So I need to do the following

1. Read the first character in the line and determine if it is a number 1 and if not discard it
2. Read a field in column 109 that is two characters long and if it says it is a wheel repair the import will break column 167 -216 down to the appropriate 11 fields and if it is a non wheel repair it will import columns 167 - 216 as one big description field.

I have used the import specifications with Access but it seems this will have to be done in code in a module or something and I am not very good with VB. (only know the basics)

One other issue is I have dates in the file that are 130225 and 1302 (so full date and then Year/Month) if i take out the / date separator in the import spec the full date works but the Year/Month doesn't.

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Applications Width And Height

Jan 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to set the application's width and height? I have an access application and I want to resize the applicatoins' with and height, NOT the forms!
is this possible?


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Search Width Jokersigns

Aug 22, 2007

Edit : Jokersigns=wildcards

First of all I want to beg you pardon for my English, I hope you will understand me .

I have a question about how to search in Access widthout Access's own tool. I have a database width hundreds of booktitles. And I want to search from them width jokers. But how to? I have managed to do a parameterquery like this:

FROM Query1
WHERE ([Query1]![Title]) LIKE ("*" & [What do you want to search] & "*");

But i want the query to referer to a field in the form. Like this:

FROM Query1
WHERE ([Query1]![Title]) LIKE ("*" & [Forms]![Form1]![Textbox1] & "*");

But it doesn't works. Please help me!


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Block The Colums Width

Sep 25, 2006

I have a form displayed as data sheet, how can I block the column so that the final user will not modify the width of the columns?


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Override Max Width In Reports

Jan 27, 2005

I have a report that i need to extend past the 22" margins currently allowed but have not been able to find a way to reset this value I would require at least double the width. Any suggestions.

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Export .csv With Fixed Width Fields

Nov 10, 2004

Hello all,

I'm trying to export a table to .csv file, but I want fields with null values to be padded with spaces. ie. if the field length is 50, but there is a null value, I want all 50 spaces.

Anybody know if this is possible?



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Tables :: Column Width In Table

Aug 19, 2015

One of the Tables in my membership database is named [WaitList] and has a linked Form.

The Form is configured to pull data from another Table named [Groups]. The fields are [Group ID], [Group name] and [Leader].plus others from a second Table.

When the [Group name] is selected from a Form Combo Box it succesfully records the [Group ID] in the Form and Table, but repeats the [Group ID] in the [Group Name] column of the Table. I am convinced that the problem lies with the Column Width setting on the Property Sheet which is currently set at 0;2.54, but trying various combinations has not solved the problem.

The Row Source for the [Group Name] field is
; SELECT [Groups].[Group ID], [Groups].[Group Name], [Groups].[Leader] from [Groups] and the Column Count is set at 1 (2nd in Table)

I believe the [Leader] field is a different problem in that the Form correctly finds the ID and the Name but not the Leader. I have checked the property sheet for anomalies, but without success.

I have built this type of Table/Form relationship many times but have failed on this occasion.

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Queries :: Adjust Column Width To Best Fit Using VBA

Mar 20, 2013

How to adjust the column width of the fields to best fit in a Query using vba codes? Manually it can be done by selecting the Query - Click on More dropdown of the Reports section in the ribbon - Click on Column width - and select best fit as the option.I want this to happen by a vba code and not manually doing it everytime because the field length changes as it is a dynamically created Query.

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Auto-width For Columns In SubForm

Jul 10, 2014

I have developed an Access app, which has different navigational tabs which open up different forms. e.g. Tab A has Form A inside it and Form A has SubForm A1 inside it.

For some reason, the following code is not working on any of the fields Me.YourFieldName.ColumnWidth = -2...

What to do that all the fields in the subforms will have auto width adjustable to fit in the text.

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