I have been given the task of setting up a database which will store data which I will receive on a month basis, I have managed to import some csv files however, I will be receiving well over 200 csv files each month. Is there a way to import these multiple file.
The filename save structure is as follows: areacode-Jul 05data.csv
I have a few hundred access databases all with the same tables and structure, and want to import all the data in a 'mother' database (which i created with the same tables and structure).
I am using a sub that feeds a string to another public sub as follows:
Code: Private Sub cmdImport_Click() Dim strFolder As String 'source folder path for import Dim strFile As String 'individual file path strFolder = GetFolder(Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "Documenti") If Len(strFolder) <= 1 Then Exit Sub
Hello,A plc is writing a profile to a csv file each minute. In order to make an analysis I need to put all these profiles together in one file. I wrote a small VBA function which works fine under the 1000 csv files. It's not a very smart function, but it works. However after the weekend i need to combine a lot more files into 1 table and when Access reached about 1050 records,I get an invaled input message. The csv file is intact. I think the function creates a memory overflow by opening and closing the table after each imported record. Does anyone have a possible solution for this?I just noticed in my explorer that the access database is 2 Gig big!! So i really looks like an improper call of function and closing.Below is the code I use. The number of files to be imported I get from a small textbox, with input from the user.Thanx in advance,OviparousDim counter As IntegerDim filex As StringPrivate Sub Knop2_Click()counter = CInt(Form_Formulier1.Tekst0.Value)On Error GoTo macro_import_profile_ErrDo until counter = 0 filex= "f:profielen" + CStr(counter) + ".csv" DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "0 Importspecification", "profile", filex, False, "" counter = counter - 1 LoopForm_Formulier1.Visible = Falsemacro_import_profile_Exit: Exit Submacro_import_profile_Err: MsgBox Error$ Resume macro_import_profile_ExitEnd Sub
THE FIELDS REQUIRED IN THE SESSION TABLE ARE, Booking ID, Customer ID, Date Booking Made, Pickup Point, Payment Made
Hi, I'm new to Access, but I think I've been doing fairly well. At my job, we use multiple Word tables and excel spreadsheets to keep track of information on journals we subscribe to. (I work in the periodicals/serials department of the university library.) We have a LOT of journals and a lot of information on each one.
I have already imported our "superholdings" file, which includes the names of the journals and a few bits of information on each one. What I want to do is import other bits of information from the other files into that same table. I tried importing the files into the existing table, but rather than merging all of the data for each journal title, it simply added the new records to the bottom. I tried importing the files as new tables and joining the tables with the title fields, but that didn't do what I wanted.
Really, I just want to merge all of the data. If the Title's match exactly, then I want all of that information in one record for that title. I have been VERY consistent with field names.
I'm new to Access, but I learn fairly quickly. I notice on this forum (I've read a LOT of the posts looking for answers to this question, and got answers for other questions) that most of the solutions involve coding or programming of some sort. I have NEVER done this in access. If the solution to my problem involves this, please tell me where I'm supposed to type those commands. I'm somewhat familiar with softcode (from a mux (talker environment) I started frequenting in college), but never have programmed anything. (Not since basic on our old IBM XT!!)
Okay, an example is forthcoming, once I figure out how to do it in this little window.
Hi guys. I'm a bit of a noob with Access. I have a table which is 15 rows by 250,000 columns. So there are about 3.75m records.
What I need to do is to get access to export a number of csv files automatically from this table.
I need each csv file to contain all the data in the table for a certain range of rows. This is determined by a value in a particular column. This is a sample of the table.
Basically Store_Nbr represents a UID for a particular store. All the data is currently in one big table, and I need a single csv file for each different store_nbr (so it contains all the data in the table for each unique store). Also, for each store_nbr, there are different Year Month of Surveys. For each store_nbr, I need a different csv file for each Year Month of Survey. This will probably divide up the 250,000 long table into about 200 csv files, as there are about 50 different Store_nbrs, and there are 4 surveys for each individual store.
Sorry if I've not made myself perfectly clear.
I'm sure there's a simple way of doing it, but I really do suck with access and was wondering if you guys had any idea.
Here is my problem: I have an Access database that contains a table with three columns (A & B & C). Field A is for code values and field B is for the value for that particular code. Field C holds the case number. I have a folder that contains the information for over 5000 case numbers. Each case number needs to be placed inside of the table. Considering there are 5000 case numbers, I dont want to use the import wizard 5000 times.
Furthermore, the text file only has two columns (for A and B).
I am trying to create a VBA that will append rows to the table by going into each file and placing the information into the table. The first row for each file contains the case number. So when the VBA runs, it should open the text file get the case number from the first row (field B on the text file) and place that in the case number field of the table for the entire file; and then repeat this action for all of the files in the entire folder.
Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated.
I have a lot of Excel files and each of them has 3 sheets that I would like to import in Access 2010. How can I import them without having to do one by one?
I have some data in excel which I am importing it into MS Access 2002. Each excel file (one worksheet per file) is imported into separate tables.
I want to combine all my imported tables into one table. Is that possible, if yes then how and if no then what can be done to get single table after impoting data from various excel files.
I have a excel file which is a combination of to files (a .csv and txt) which I need to manipulate using access to get certain output. I created 2 tables for the 2 files in Access and then combined the 2 files by joining them on some common attributes.
Sample records from the excel file: There are two fields..samaccountname and groupmembership which I need to display in a single line..
I'm pretty new to Access and am trying to create an Asset database for our IT department. I'm trying to import a csv file that has all of our Android tablet information in it. One of the fields on this csv is "Office location" to let us know what office its currently at.I have a table already created for all of our offices called Offices.
All I'm trying to do is import the Android Tablet csv to create a new table called Tablets and have the "Office location" field from the csv link to the Office tables list of offices. I can import the csv file fine and have it create a new table called Tablets. The "Office location" field is just set to short text and isn't actually linked with the list of offices from the Office table.I tried linking them by changing the Office location field to lookup and pointing it to the Office tables field that has all of our offices locations, but receive an error. I'm guessing this isn't how I'd get this to link to the list of offices. I'm trying to have the Office locations field link to the list of locations automatically so that I don't have to create a new field and then make it a lookup field and manually change it for every Tablet that I have in the Tablets table.
I've been trying to load data from multiple excel worksheets in multiple workbooks into one table in Access. The first one loads fine, but after that I get errors and can't load anything else. All of the sheets are in the same format, so that shouldn't be the problem. Every solution I've tried has been a bust. All I want is to take all of my data and put it into one big database. Any suggestions?
some code I've come up to in order to import multiple excel files each of them with a different number of worksheets into an access table. The procedure is called from an Access database. The problem I have with the code is that when it encounters a workbook with only one worksheets (e.g. Sheet 1) it gives the error that "Sheet 2$" is not a valid name. When geting to a workbook with 2 sheets it says that "Sheet 3$" is not a valid name and so on and so forth. Is there a way to "check" the number of sheets in the workbooks and when it has only one sheet to transfer it and go to the next file?
Below is the code:
Code: Sub ImportExcelFiles() Dim strFile As String 'Filename's Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files Dim filename As String Dim path As String DoCmd.SetWarnings False path = "D:Tranzactii"
Hi! I'm trying to import csv files into an Access 97 database, but the filename is different each time otherwise I would just use a commandbutton with the transfertext macro.
I've been searching for help to browse to a file and keep coming back to the same few pages but not being a programmer I can't figure out how to use the code.
Can anyone help me with simple instructions on how to do this? Thanks. Anna.:confused:
Hi, I’m trying to Import an external CSV file in to Access and then Update/Add the record into a table. I need to be able to do it using SQL and I’m not allowed to touch RecordSet! Does anyone know How I could do this or where I would be able to find help on this.
i have a problem when i want to importing *.txt files into a new table..i have the *.txt's file format like the attachment. the question is, i want the result in the table,between field NO until field amount in one record my table fields is |No|PLU|Desc|QTY |FRAC |Prcs|POT1|POT2|Tax1|tax2|KMS|Amount|
but i have the probelm when i finished the importing the file the result become unstructural..anyone can help me?
All, I have a database that I import text files to create tables. I ve been doing this awhile but now I have to pass it on to someone else to do and are trying to find a better way. this is what I've been doing: I import the text file into a new table. Then I copy and paste the data to the corresponding table. I know I can do an append query to do this but its about 12 text files I have to import into 12 different tables and I didn't want to take the time. I then run a query to combine and sum data from two different tables. The problem is that I have to copy and paste because if I import the text files directly into the corresponding table, the query don't run. I've tried change the field data type in the import wizard but it still doesn't work. My table datatype fields are: field1-text field2-number and field3-number. There is not field for number in the wizard but I use double as a field size in the design table so I select this in the wizard. I don't know how to resolve this other than spending time to create an append query or cut and paste. Please help Thanks
Hello All I have been trying to figure this problem out for a while now and was unable to get anywhere. What I am trying to do is I am trying to do a mass import of mulitple mdb files into just one mdb file. What I have right now is the following:
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim InputDir, ImportFile As String, tblName As String Dim InputMsg As String InputMsg = "Type the pathname of the folder that contains " InputMsg = InputMsg & "the files you want to import." InputDir = InputBox(InputMsg) ImportFile = Dir(InputDir & "*.dbf") Do While Len(ImportFile) > 0 tblName = Left(ImportFile, (InStr(1, ImportFile, ".") - 1)) DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "dBase III", InputDir, _ acTable, ImportFile, tblName ImportFile = Dir Loop End Sub
What this does is that is when the user clicks on the button it asks the user for the file path name and uploads all the dbf files in that location. This works great for dbf files but when I change the code so that ImportFile = Dir(InputDir & "*.mdb") and DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft access", InputDir, _acTable, ImportFile, tblName so as to be able to do it for mdb files I get Run-time error '3051': The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ams.mdb. It is already opened exclusively by another user or you need permission to view its data. I tried changin the access on the file and made sure that it was not read only but got the same result.. Can anyone please help me I would appreciate the help. Thanks
I here attached Acess db and Excel file shows my db structures for you to see and be able to help me out. All I want to do is either to create a command or query to import file from two different tables which have parent-child relationship from a different folder to my current db of similar tables (except for different field names), which is the main data storage. I, therfore; ask you to help me out resolve this issue. I know that someone offered me an help last week but asked me to give him/her more information. Here they all are attached to this email except for some field names. I omited them out to reduce the amount of data to the limited amount. Thanks for your help.
I'm importing .csv and .xls files into access using docmd.transferspreadsheet and it's simple enough except for a couple of issues I'm having:
1. The .csv file has leading ' and if I converti it .txt if has leading " in some of the columns .....what's the best way to get rid of these and is it better before or after the importing process.
2. a .xls file has a few rows of totals at the top so I need the importing to start at row A7 instead of A1...is there a way to control where it starts rather than manipulating the file prior to importing because it's all going to done by clicking a button on a form by user.
And there's a 3. one of the .xls has additional blank rows that it seems to import into the access table....what's th solution for that.
All the files will vary in number of records on a daily basis so I can't specify range like the DoCmd.
i'm in the process of creating an Access database to import data in text files and then export the data as fixed width text files, this is now working fine
My next step is to be able to setup an "Archive" Table which will hold all the data i have imported across multiple import proceudres for the last 30 days, i then want to be able to "De-Dupe" any files i import against this to ensure i never load duplicate data.
I need some help. I am writing a database for my new and small company. I receive internet orders from my ISP in an email. I want to find a simple way of automatically importing these emails into my "Customer Information" table.
The issue is that I have no control on the format of the email I receive from my ISP. The data is fixed width and stores the information horizontally rather than in columns. For example:
I have been exploring the GetData option and using the advance settings to align fields. It seems (and I am not an expert user of Access) that the GetData function relies on the import source to be aligned in vertical columns rather than horizontally. This makes mapping the fields almost impossible.
Does anyone have a clever work-around? Either in Access or manipulating the data before it goes into the database?