Include Object Library With Runtime.

Sep 15, 2006

I have an application which includes a process that creates an excel sheet with some data. For this I have set reference to the excel object library. I am now packaging a demo of the application with Office Developer and including Access runtime. The question is what to do about this reference, since when I look at the file that it uses, it shows Excel.exe. I don't suppose I can legally be sending that file along with my program. Is there a different reference that I could set that would give me what I need? I noticed this in testing because it is the only reference file that wasn't automatically included in the package.


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Object Library Not Registered/ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jun 9, 2005


I am using Access 2003(11.6355.6360) SPI

When I attempt to create a new DB - by performing Blank Database I immediately get a message 'Object Library not registered'.

If I 'OK' that box and try to create a table, I can do so - create Table in design view.

When I then try to Import external data - an excel file I get the message 'ActiveX component Can't create object'.

I have looked ob various sites for help and forum information regarding these errors but have found nothing conclusive, with specidfic regard to Access 2003.

The version has been loaded on my machine about 1 year as part pf Office Professional but this is the first time I have attempted to run Access itself.

Does any forum member have any ideas as to how this problem could be resolved.

Thank You


Paul Langham

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DAO Object Library - Not Sure What It Is

Feb 16, 2008


I've downloaded a database which creates cascading combo boxes; it's called CreateCascadeCombo, for which I am grateful to whoever took the trouble to create it.

However, after it has done it's work and vreates the form in my own datbase, it says to make sure the latest DAO Object library must exist in the same database. How do I ensure that is is? I'm using access 2003.

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Ms Access 9 To 10 Object Library

Oct 25, 2007

I created an app that used the 10.0 library and a field office that recieved the app is using the 9 library. They are having difficuties getting buttons on forms to work. They are getting a 2580 error something about the SELECT statement. Could the library be the problem and if so is there someway I can save mine using the 9 so it will be compatible?

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Automatic Link To DAO 3.6 Object Library

Feb 1, 2006

If this post is in the wrong place please feel free to move it. My Question concerns MS ACCESS and the DAO 3.6 Object Library. The Version of Access in use is "Microsoft Access 2000 SR1".

My database resides on a server and people can log in to the database from terminals which may not have "MS DAO 3.6" linked as a reference within the version of Access installed on the terminal. How can my database (on opening) check the machine it is opened on, to see if that machine has the "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" linked as a reference. And if DAO3.6 is not linked, to set up a link.

Currently I have to manually set a link from tools/references within the VB window on any Terminal that opens the database. I need this DAO library linked for the database to work properly.

any help is appreciated, thank you :)

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Modules & VBA :: Office 14.0 Object Library Causes Freezes

Oct 23, 2014

I have VBA code that makes use of the Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library, but if I have this selected whenever I try to do anything in the Form Design view it is constantly freezing. It will literally say not responding" for a minute or so then I will have control again.

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Forms :: VBA Compiler Error Can't Find Object Or Library

Nov 4, 2014

I have a program running with VBA coding, whereby the user enter a password which then sets the field attributes to enable the user to change them.

This is working on my laptop, on the client's LAN, it also worked through REMOTE DESKTOP, but the Head Office installed new PCs and now the REMOTE DESKTOP cause a problem.

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Include Bound OLE Object In Mail Merge

Feb 6, 2006

Is it possible to include a bound OLE object in Access in a mail merge using a Word document? If so, can someone tell me the procedure? When I include the OLE object as a merge field, and complete the merge, only a code shows, not the document it is linked to.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Object - Adding Option To Include CC

Aug 27, 2014

I have a data base in access 2007, and I'm trying to add into my code one option that includes in the CC: field contacts that I already have in my DB.

This is my code:

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim vRecipientList As String
Dim vMsg As String
Dim vSubject As String

[Code] ......

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Active X Cant Create Object In Access2000 Runtime

Jun 7, 2007

Hi, i am using the following code to open another access database. it works fine in fuilltime but when i install a runtime version I get an 'active x cant creat object' error. Does anyone knwo why this is?

Dim appAccess As Object
Const strPathToBackup = "C:interim.mdb"
Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strPathToBackup
appAccess.Visible = True 'do not show database
appAccess.Run "Test"



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Modules & VBA :: RunTime Error 424 - Object Required

Aug 21, 2013

Basically I have a form where a user has selected a couple values from a dropdown element, and entered a few other text values into the form. I am then trying to grab the values and append them to a table.

Private Sub btnSubmitInputVendorPerformanceForm_Click() 'Button Is part of frmInputVendorPerformance
Dim ValueCheck As Integer 'Increments to make sure no errors in entry
Dim ErrorShow As String
Dim YesorNoAnswerToMessageBox As String
Dim QuestionToMessageBox As String
Dim DeliveryRate As String


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Runtime Error 3027 Cannot Update Database Or Object Is Read Only

Sep 30, 2005


I'm having trouble with my database (Access 2000). I'm trying to export a file into a text file by clicking on a button. Below is the code. Where the code is in bold that is when the runtime error happens.

If i export the code manually by right click on the query > Export then this works, but for some reason by clicking on the button will not work.

Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
Dim sExportFilePath As String
sExportFilePath = DLookup("[DateExportLocation]", "tblSettings", "[ID]=1") ' Path if file to be exported
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpDateTransmissionDateAndTime", acViewNormal, acEdit ' Update dates time
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "ExportFile", "qryExportFile", sExportFilePath
End Sub

I appreciate your help

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Runtime Error 3027 Cannot Update, Database Or Object Is Read-only

Dec 20, 2006

I create a front end and back end that resides on the lan. Front has everything besides the table which resides on the back end. Front ends table are linked to the backend. I have two computer that i am testing it on. Both of them runs Access 2003 runtime and windows has been update to the latest version, both xp machine aswell.Both has user right to read and write to that directory on the lan. Ldr exist when either of them uses access file. The strange thing is when i run a command to copy some data from one table to another one. one of the machine give me the following error "3027 Cannot Update. database or object is read only". While on the other machine it runs flawless. Another weird thing is if i modified some values in table by using forms it works great on both so i am a bit clueless where the problems is. its seems my problem is copying from one table to another. i dont have problem modyfing one table. Here is the code i use to that halt my ms access database.

Dim dbs As Database, rsProposal As Recordset, TES As String, stdocname As String, stLinkCriteria As String


If TES = DLookup("TESID", "Proposals", "TESID =" & "'" & TES & "'") Then
MsgBox "Proposal Already Exists for TES ID: " & vbCrLf & _
" " & TES, vbOKOnly, "Proposal Already Exists"
GoTo Image264_Click_Exit
If MsgBox("Do You Really Want to Create" & vbCrLf & "a New Proposal for TES ID " & vbCrLf & " " & TES & " ?", 289, "Create New Proposal?") = vbOK Then
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rsProposal = dbs.OpenRecordset("Proposals")
With rsProposal
![Long_Desc] = Me![Description]
![Short_Desc] = Me![Opportunity]
![Dest_Site] = Me![Install Site]
![End_User] = Me![Contractor/Purchaser Name]
![Date_Due] = Me![Proposal Due Date]
![Date_Completed] = Me![Close Date]
![Status] = Me![Status]
Set rsProposal = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
End With
stLinkCriteria = "[TESID] = " & "'" & TES & "'"
stdocname = "Form Prop - Detail"
DoCmd.OpenForm stdocname, , , stLinkCriteria
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form TES - Detail"
End If
End If

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Queries :: Runtime Error 429 - ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jul 26, 2013

I'm using the below code in msaccess which used to work perfectly on the Win XP platform. I upgraded my OS to Win 7. It's now giving an error as "Runtime Error 429 - ActiveX Component Can't Create Object". I unchecked & rechecked all the library references.

Function GetNetWorkDays(startDate As Date, endDate As Date) As Integer
Dim objFunction As MSOWCFLib.OCATP
Set objFunction = New MSOWCFLib.OCATP
GetNetWorkDays = objFunction.NETWORKDAYS(startDate, endDate)
Set objFunction = Nothing
End Function

Old OS: Win XP
New: Win 7
Old msaccess: 2003
New: 2010
Old office: 2003
New: 2010

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Forms :: Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object Table Name

Jan 5, 2015

I am currently building a database for the company I work for that is fairly similar to the Northwind Database; however it is made from scratch so hopefully some of the common problems with that database won't find their way into mine.My problem is that when I go to my Orders form, I pick a customer from the main form, which creates a record on the Orders table. When I then go to the subform to choose a product/line item, I get the error in my title ("The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'OrdersT.") as soon as a product is chosen from the drop down list.

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Forms :: Subform - Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object

Jul 17, 2013

The error is:

The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblIndividual.' '

Then it also gives me the same one on another table.

I think it has something to do with the link master/child fields. I've tried all kinds of relationships with the three tables and can't figure it out.

I've tried uploading the database here but it won't. It's on my Sky Drive.

[URL] .....

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Code Library .Net

May 28, 2005

I ran into this the other day and thought that I would post it here if anyone is interested.

CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering.
Support Notes, Code, Files, Pictures, Web, URL save. 6 in 1 Utility.

A database for all your information.

* A Personal information manager (PIM).
* A Knowledge manager (KMS).
* A Document manager (DMS).
* A Bookmark manager.
* A Pictures manager.
* A Notes manager.
* A Code manager.
* A Files manager.
* A Web manager.
* A Blog Writer.
* ... and much more

Screenshot: Here (

Video:Here (

News source:Here (

Download free version for Access/Firebird/MySQL/MSSQL:Here (

There is a shareware version for $39.
I have always wanted one of these and free is a very good price and if you want more functionality, there is the shareware version.


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MSDN Library

Jun 13, 2005

Is it possible to download the MSDN Library from the Net from offline viewing ?


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Library Dependency

Nov 29, 2005


Apologies, if something similar has been posted.

I have created a databse, that handles, names,addresses, items bought, and so on.

Because of this, the database uses the internal variable Date().

I recently fitted a new hard drive, and when I came to run the database, to print out addresses, it complained that a missing DLL (Iaiexplore.dll) was needed. I clicked OK, and every field or line of code that uses the Date() variable no-longer works without this DLL. Which is off because this particular DLL belonfs to the Intervideo WinDVD player!
My database handles a lot of things, but it doesn't play DVD's!

If I create a new database, the Date() variable works, it juswt doesn't work in mine without that DVD player being installed.
This has baffled me.
I did have this app installed, but I switched to another DVD player, after fitting the new Hardrive.

For one-reason-or-another my database has a dependency for this DLL, and the Date() string won't work without it. And this of course, has a knock-on effect of stopping something else from working.
I went to Macros/Tools/References, and removed it from there, but it still didn't cure the Date() problem. Although it didn't ask for this DLL again.

I cured it the last time by re-installing the DVD player, but this is ridiculous, and seems overkill.


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Library Database Help

Dec 27, 2005

Hi. Newbie questions here...

1) I am making a library database. I created a simple query to identify books on loan.

I need a form to browse all books, not just the unavailible books.
However it needs to show that the book is unavailible/onloan (like my query identifies), perhaps by changing the colour to red or an "on loan" tickbox,

How do I achieve this?

2) How do I run some code on startup?
I found code to change the main background colour, but I don't want to assign a button to do it

I did search about but couldnt find the answer.


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Missing Library

Dec 20, 2006

i've developed a program in access 2003, but now i'm on access 2000 and seems that one / more library is/are missing..

i've this part of code

Private Sub List0_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim strOrd As String, strSql As String
If Button = 1 Then
If Y <= 225 Then
If Right$(List0.RowSource, 5) = " Asc;" Then
strOrd = " Desc;"
strOrd = " Asc;"
End If
strSql = "SELECT cliente.CLI_ID, cliente.CLI_TITOLO, cliente.Cognome, cliente.Nome, cliente.Indirizzo, cliente.Cap, cliente.[Citta'], cliente.Regione, cliente.Nazione, cliente.CLI_SOCIO FROM cliente WHERE (((cliente.CLI_SOCIO)=Yes)) ORDER BY "
Select Case X

and this is the screen with the libraries currently installed .. (

i was wondering which one is missing....i'm quite far from my laptop right now..

thanks in advance


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Help On Library Database

Apr 4, 2007

Hi there! I haven't done any work on MS Access for some while now and I would like some help, to get back into things I want to do a library database system. I would like to have a table for 'customer' and 'books' and 'books out on loan'My idea for tables so far are:Customer{ CustomerNo - autonumber(PK) First Name - Text Second Name -Text Surname - Text HouseName - Text Street - Text County - Text Postcode - Text Phone - Number E-mail - Text}Books{ ISBN - Number(PK) Title - Text Author - Text On_Loan - Yes/No}On_Loan{ ISBN - Number(FK) Title - Text(FK) CustomerNo - Autonumber(FK) Date_Out - Date/Time Date_In - Date/Time(PK) Fine - Currency}Do these tables look ok?I'm know how to make these tables, but the forms and querys are a bit foreign to me after having time away from access, could anyone please advice me on how to go about this or show me examples of how to do this in access? I want all books taken out have an automatic 7 day renewal date from the current day! and all out standing books on loan to be printed off in a mail merge. Fine in table On_loan should be the cost of x amount after each day over the renew date. so if its 20p per day then after 3 days fine would be 60pAnd a page to add new customers/books.:)

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Another Library Database

Feb 28, 2005

I'm trying to set up a database for a library but I'm having a lot of difficulties and I'd be very greatful of any help. Well my main problem is the loaning and returning of books (which is a pretty big problem considering...). Anyway I can't figure out a way of having multiple orders (a maximum of 3 books at a time) and then being able to update tables for when the books loaned out and returned. Then another problem is how fines would work, ie [('returndate'-'datedue')*whatever] but how would this actually be displayed and used. I apologise for not really explaining myself well, but here is what my tables and relationships look like (which I think maybe where my problems are starting):

and the actual database:

One last thing - I had a look at some of sample library databases but I the only one that did really what I wanted used to much VBA and I couldn't really figure out how it worked. Thanks a lot for any help.

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The Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object X

Dec 27, 2006

I'm getting an error message (informational only):

The object doesn't contain the automation object 'ClientID.'You tried to run a visual basic procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation operations.

Check the components documentation for information on the properties and methods it makes available for automation operations.
This happens when I start entering data in the field "productname" of a subform.

So I'm assuming something in the form or in the code of the form is referring to ClientID. but I've checked it, and there is nothing referring to it anymore. Well, at least as far as I'm aware of.

This afternoon access crashed without any error, it just closed. Upon reopening the DB again, all my work of the past one and a half week was gone. Normally I always backup the data, but these past days I didn't due to christmas and still working a lot too. So I forgot.

I did some redesigning in the process this evening, deleting and adding some fields and code.

I can't get rid of this error. Can anyone help? Or point me in the right direction?

Also the DB is 3.5MB in size. While it is completely empty. And I can't imagine that some empty tables, queries, forms and a bit of code can be so much. But that's for a later time to worry about I guess, unless one of you says: this and that, maybe that works... Otherwise, I would really be very glad already if the error disappears....

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Library Management Database

May 8, 2007

I’m looking for a Microsoft Access Database that is for library Management.

Any help or directions where I can get help would be great.



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Can't Find Project Or Library

Nov 22, 2007

Okay, I have been away from in-depth access for several months and now I am transfering my project to a new computer with Office 2000 and latest patches installed.

When I try to run a screen, I get the error "Compile Error. Can't find project or library."

I check the references against the old computer and they are all the same.

The silly thing is that it is built-in functions like "trim" causing the error.

I know this is very basic but I forget what causes it.

Thanks much for the help!

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