Increamental Back Up Of Access

Oct 29, 2004

I have an access database which is used for accounting purpose.So it is necessery to take the back up. I have taken the back up regularly.Now the problem is that user can modify the old data also. In that case I have to take the total back up of the database. But I want to take the back up of the database increamentaly so that only new data are stored in the database. Is it possible through the VB code?

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Auto Back Up Of Access

Jul 13, 2006

What I would like to do is put a re-writable CD into the CD drive and leave it there. Access would copy it's back end onto the CD every day (say at 3 AM).

The "network" is the PC. Others link to it.

I've done a search and checked a few other places but no one seems to cover this.

I would like to keep it in Access but if I have to do somthing in Windows I will.

Using Access 2003 and WindowsXP Pro


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Link To Back-end In Access 2007

Oct 29, 2007

Hello people,

Before I ask my questio I want to let you know that I have searched the forums for an anwser but I just couldnt find it. Or the code didnt work.

What I want is pretty simple for the most of you guys....but not for me. lol

I have a front-end and a back-end.
I want to perform a check if the back-end is still in the same place.
When its not it should promt the user for the new location.

Who can help me please?

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Tables :: Using Oracle As Back-end For Access?

Apr 23, 2013

I have written a few solutions in Access (using access 2007). Now I going to create a few new ones for my company. We use Oracle for our main database and was wondering what would be the advantages and disadvantages of using Oracle as my backend while Access is my front end?

Also, should I create the queries in Access or in Oracle?

finally, is there anything I need to do differently?


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General :: How To Set Up Access Database As Back-end Only

Aug 8, 2015

I plan on using Excel as the front-end and Access as the back-end only. (all queries and forms are in Excel). A single Access database will be queried from multiple Excel files that will be located on the share drive (Linux server). Access tables contain memo, text and number fields. Data will be sent to Access tables and records will be appended/deleted; all via Excel.

There will be multiple users interacting with a single Access database via multiple Excel files located on the shared drive. Users will be interacting from different workstations with Windows 7, all have Access 2010 and Excel 2010 installed.

This process works for me from my workstation but I am not sure what will happen when other 4 people will be sending/appending/deleting records to the same Database? How do I make this work? What settings do I need to check in Access to make this possible?

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MS Access Front-end/SQL Back-end Connection Issues

Nov 9, 2006

I have an MS Access front-end with a SQL back-end database. It works great, I connect the MS Access front-end to the SQL back-end using a File DSN.

I have a few users (who are in the database the most) who get ODBC disconnection errors time to time. The cause of the error is not consistent, they seem to just appear out of no where. The table that reports the disconnection is not consistent either.

The only way for the users to resolve the errors is to exit the MS Access database, and then re-enter it.

I have had the DBA team analyze the SQL server, and it does not appear to be having any difficulties. We moved the database to another server (so it would be on a server with less traffic) and I rebuilt the File DSN. But the errors continue.

I will have the network team look into any errors, but I am not certain if they will find anything or not.

Has anyone run into this, and what resolutions did you come up with/work arounds did you perform? I am starting to consider upgrading to a Visual Basic .Net front-end, but wanted to see what options were left.

Thank you for your time.


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Front End = Access; Back End = MySql Problem

Mar 8, 2008


I´m working in an application using Access as FE and MySql as BE.

When I add some registers to this linked table, OK.

Problem: When I try to add a lot of registers (700.000!) it does´nt work and the msg is that the computer does´nt have memory resources to do the job.

If I try the same with Access tables it works fine.

MySql configuration, perhaps?

Thanks a lot


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Connect Access Front End To Mysql Back End

Dec 14, 2006

I have seen it done in the past but at the time my limited knowledge did not retain how to do it, it is connected through the odbc, im am running server 2000

what code do i use to connect and how do i set up the odbc

any help would be appreciated


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Modules & VBA :: Set Focus Back To Access Application

Nov 25, 2013

In my VBA I open the default browser using the following code.

Application.FollowHyperlink "", , False

Right after opening the browser I would like Focus to go back to Access.

How can I do this?

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SQL Back End / Access Front End - How To Secure Data

Oct 2, 2014

How to secure SQL data when my MS Access database must access it using linked tables. Generally speaking on the Internet, assertions that migrating to SQL is more "secure" are rampant; explanations of just how that is are scarce.

Sure I can restrict access and put different roles on different tables, then put different people in those roles, but that doesn't really do me any good. Ultimately I want to achieve the following: Allow them to do all kinds of stuff (including Update, Delete, Insert) using my access application, but I would NOT want them to have those same rights if they installed SQL Server Management Studio, or for that matter, simply created an ODBC connection using another access or excel application.

In other words, ideally, I'd like to have SQL server view my Access application as a user in its own right. Not sure if that type of impersonation or identity is possible to achieve.

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My Stored Procedure Reverted Back -- Could Access Be The Culprit?

May 1, 2006

[Note: This pertains to an Access Data Project (ADP).]
I modified a stored procedure on SQL Server, and later discovered that my changes had disappeared. I'm wondering if there's any possiblity that my Access ADP might have been the culprit.

I would think the answer is no. When I open an ADP in design mode, I think of the the top three displayed categories (Tables, Queries and Diagrams) as "windows" (binoculars, whatever) onto SQL Server. My understanding is, ADPs do not directly store any data in these categories.

Since Access lumps stored procedures under "Queries" I would think they would be no exception. The one thing that makes me a bit suspicious is, when I look at the stored procedure from the Access side, it begins with "ALTER PROCEDURE", whereas SQL Server stores it as "CREATE PROCEDURE". I see why it makes sense to implement it this way, but it makes me wonder if Access is actually storing a local version of the script.

Any ideas?

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Access 2007 Backup Menu Won't Back Up My Database

Jan 23, 2008

I'm using Access 2007, with what I think is a normal database that I've built up over the past month (maybe 15 tables, <1000 records, 20 queries, 4 or 5 reports and macros). I'm not an experienced Access programmer, so I don't think I'm doing anything fancy with security settings or any other such stuff. (If I have, it's surely by accident, not by intent.)

When I try to back up the db using the simple office button -> manage -> backup method, access generates a date-stamped backup filename and opens a file save dialog for me, but it ALWAYS fails to backup the database. I always get the same error message when I click save, whether I save on my machine, or on a network drive.

"Could not use '<path to the current database dir><backname>.accdb; file already in use."

This same error occurs when I create a new blank database with a single Table1 in it, so I don't think it's my database.

Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? I scoured the net for help, but nothing. I checked various Access forums, but nothing. So I arrive here after I've done my homework... thanks

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Queries :: Write Back To Access Memo Field

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to update a memofield from a form.My file.. sign_midi.asp has this partial code.First I pick up the record I want to update.
And then present it in a form.
<td align="right" height=10 valign="top"><b>Beskrivning :</b></td>
<td align="left" height=10 valign="top" width=250><TEXTAREA WRAP="soft" name="M1" cols="65" rows="8"><% = rs("text")%>

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Poor Error Handling In Access - It's Like Going Back In Time. Anyone Agree?

Sep 22, 2005

I'm sick of the lame excuse for error messages that Access gives out.. I'm talking about 'Overflow', 'invalid use of Null' and such like.

What about telling you what field/expression caused the error and on what record if applicable.

It's so frustrating - Access obviously knows what caused the error but refuses to tell you so you have to go through the annoying process of taking out fields one by one (when in query view).

Does anyone agree that they need to make the error handling in Access much better?

Thanks for any interest in my post.

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Queries :: Access Brings Back No Data If Fields Are Blank

Jul 5, 2013

I have a query that I made for about five fields, where the criteria is

Like "*" & [Forms]![DATA SEARCH]![Box] & "*"

Where box is the name of the field that I am searching for.

However, some of the fields in my form are left blank, which makes this refuse to give any results when I try to query it with a form. The other problem that I have is that the fields are bland in different parts of the 1,000 some-odd row table, which was imported from MS Excel.

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Access 2010 / Extract Attachments To A Folder And Link Them Back To DB?

Mar 21, 2013

using Access 2010, I have reached the 2GB limit. It's not the data, it's the PDF files I scanned in for each customer that has stretched the db to its limits. The db is also currently split.

I didn't realize Office had a 2GB limit; I assumed if you had a 64 bit computer and a NTFS partition, there would be no 2GB limit.

Using a template database in Access 2010, I need to extract the attachments to a folder and thus link them back to the database using hyperlinks. I can handle this task, but I'm not confident how to extract the attachments from each record (around 900) to a folder and have it do it automatically for all records. I can do it record by record, but that is not feasible with this many records.

how to extract all the attachments for each record, and have them saved in folders by their name or other ID, so I can link them back to the db via a hyperlink?

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Of Login Form - Data Saved As Back End In Access

Oct 8, 2013

Can i make an html of login form, whose data is saved in access as back end. I am curious to know. but of course simultaneous saving is considered yes in here...

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2007 - Scroll Listbox Back To Top Without Changing Selections

Jan 29, 2014

I have a listbox which is populated by a query from a table.

I also have a sub which allows users to quickly select multiple items from the listbox (based on a pre-defined criteria) rather than scrolling through and selecting them manually / individually

The sub works fine but when it is finished, the listbox is automatically scrolled to the bottom (or, rather, to the last selected item)

I would like to have the listbox scroll back to the very top once all of the appropriate items have been selected.

(I could loop through the listbox items in reverse - or 'bottom-up' - in the code but that would only have the desired effect if the topmost item was selected. I want it scrolled to the top regardless of whether the topmost item is selected or not).

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Queries :: Convert String Back To Hyperlink In Access Query From SQL Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of building a new database in SQL to replace my MS Access database. However, I will continue to use the Access forms, queries, and reports. The new tables will house much of the same data. In multiple tables I have hyperlinks that were created and added in the original Access tables. To import these hyperlinks into the new SQL tables I have converted them to 'Long Text' before exporting, thus changing them into strings.

For example:

Hyperlink - Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) has been changed to:

Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010)#ServernameServerfolderDocumentationRea dy to GoOutlook TemplatesEmail - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010).oft#

The obvious issue that I am running into is that after the SQL database table has been linked to the Access database it still displays the entire string when I open the table. The form has a textbox and search button that is used as a search function. This runs a query that returns all "search results" for the desired information. Is there a way that the query can convert the string back into a hyperlink so that the query displays just Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) as a hyperlink and not the entire string?

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Modules & VBA :: Export Data To Excel Then Link That Workbook Back To MS Access

Apr 17, 2014

I have a question about the best way to go about linking an excel workbook to an ms access table? I have researched hyperlinks and attachments and ole objects and I am not sure what is the best option. I believe hyperlinks will be best, because the attachments will bloat the database, but I am not sure how to go about doing that in vba? My process is such:

1)Users enter project information
2)Users enter the sample information for each project
3)The project and sample information is combined by a query
4)The user clicks a button to print forms, which runs the query and opens an excel workbook template.
5)The data is exported to a specific sheet in the workbook
6)Using vba in excel, the data is used to populate cells in different sheets depending on critera.

After all of this is accomplished, I need the user to SAVE AS the excel workbook and it needs to be "attached" to the ms access 'project' table. I am not sure what is the best way to link this back to the database. I would like to automate it with vba if possible.

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Splitting Access Database - Upload Back End Portion To SharePoint Site

May 12, 2015

I am attempting to split my Access Database and will upload the back-end portion to a SharePoint site. No matter what I do, I continue to get a "Not a valid file name" error.

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Access Query With Links To Excel / Export To XML And Back Into Excel

Apr 25, 2013

I am using Excel and Access 2010.

I have an excel spreadsheet with 8 tabs. They are all in the same format and column order. They are employees grouped by region. My ultimate goal is to merge all of these onto one excel tab, relatively instantly. I created a master tab and tried doing array formulas and Vlookups, it worked but my spreadsheet was way too slow.

My solution? Import and link them to an Access database, step complete. Create an XML export then import into Excel.

My problem? The only way to update the excel tab with the combined tabs is to save the excel file after changes, go back into Access, re-export to XML, then go back into excel and refresh the data.

My questions, is there any way to automate this process to the point that I can change excel, save, then hit refresh on my excel tab with the XML import to auto-update?

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Does File Server Hosting Back-end Mdb File Need To Have Access

Nov 15, 2013

I'm experimenting with MS Access, and I've successfully split an MDB someone created into two files. I can access the database from 2 computers at once using the front end file connecting to a file server which hosts the _be.mdb file.

Could the _be.mdb file theoretically be on a NAS without any computer attached, or is there some runtime or full version of Access that needs to run on the machine with the back end file?

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Back End Security

Apr 25, 2005


I have a database which is secured via a workgroup.

I have just ran the database splitter to seperate the data into a back end. But now I can open the back-end directly without any password.

How do I ensure that the back end is still secured when doing this?


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Back End Security

Jul 28, 2005

Hi folks,

I've built a few simple databases in the past, but never one where security was required. Now someone wants a database where access to certain areas is limited. Everything I read about Access Security here makes it seem complicated, and flaky, so I was wondering about doing something simpler ;

1. Make the Back End password protected so no one can open it

2. Make the front end an MDE. Put certain forms behind a form which prompts for a password. Store the password in a table to allow it to be changed if required.

So this looks like a crude method to me, but it is for a small user base, where the manager needs access to certain info which employees shouldn't see. I suppose if an employee was so minded, and put in some effort, they could get around the simple password-protection, but is it worth setting up proper security for a small project ?

Can anyone offer any advice on how much more secure the database would be if I did it properly ?


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Back-up And Recovery

Oct 12, 2005


I come with a mainframe background so please excuse me for my Ignorance on Ms-Access/VBA. :(

I am in the process of developing a solution using Access/VBA. I want to include custom Database Backup and Restore facility within my Application. :rolleyes:

For example:

Say I take a backup of the Database before the monthly update and store the backup (in a folder).

After the update, if a user thinks that the monthly update did not go as he was expecting (this could be because of the data that he fed into the application) - I want to give a option asking user if s/he want to rollback to a previous version of the database. (This will be similar to Windows SYSTEM RESTORE facility).

The Database sits on a network drive (mostly this would be used by one user for the update part and may be 1-2 users who would be viewing the reporpts that come out of it)...So I can safely say it is a stand-alone, single user system.

What I would to ask your help is on following.

1. While my application is running how do I do the restore?
Or do I have to have a seperate application which performs this (ie., restore/backup) operation?
2. While my application is running, Can I take a backup copy of the Entire Database?

Any other hints/help regarding this would be much appreciated. :)


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