Insert, Append, Update?

Sep 3, 2007

Hey guys-
I have a 'Master Table' that holds all my imported records. After a few queries and whatnot- I need to break it down into specialized tables. For example- my Sales Associate info goes into one table (all their contact info, employee code, etc)- while the product info goes into another table.

As I import daily orders and whatnot- it also brings in the sales associates info. So, I want to have Access check the existing SalesEmployee Table for any existing records (by their employee code)- and if it doesn't exist, append it into the table. HOWEVER- if they are already showing in the SalesEmployee Table, I want it to check to see if their contact info is the same- if not, update it with the new info I am importing.

How do I go about doing this? Is this an update query all by itself? Or, do I need a more complex if/then statements and whatnot?

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Queries :: Update Or Insert / Append Record In Database

Jun 5, 2013

I have two tables "TABLEA" and "TEMP"

fields in both tables are
Cust ID (Primary key)
Cust Name
Cheque No

I need query when i click on command button on form

if "Cust ID" which is primary key in "TEMP" Table match with "Cust ID" from "TABLEA"

It will update the record in "TABLEA" if not then append the record

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Modules & VBA :: Insert (Append) First And Last Line In XML File

May 31, 2015

I need to insert(append) first and last line in xml file...

So I have xml file and I need to insert one line to the top and at the of the text... Xml file contains Cyrillic characters and method to recreate xml file is going wrong with characters conversions... The last line a can append easy but the first line is a problem...

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Queries :: Append Query To Insert Data From Excel

Feb 5, 2014

I want to create a append query in access 2003 to insert data into an existing table from Excel workbook.My Table name is TokenDetail in Access 2003.

And Excel File is TokenCreation.i want to create query with msg box and requered file path for data becuase my excel files have various path and name.

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Queries :: Append Query - INSERT INTO Statement Contain Unknown Field

Sep 19, 2013

I have two tables each with an ID field (autonumber/PK/No Dup etc).

I want to append two fields from one table to the other table. I have set up an Append Query to do this but it won't work - I get the following error - "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field: 'FiID'...."

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Update, Insert

Nov 27, 2007


My problem is the pop up message that appears when I do the insert and update into my tables. It is annoying and i'd like to take it off...

Is there any way to take that off??

Thanks in advance.

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Insert Into Or Update..

Jan 13, 2005

Hi folks,

I need some help to figure this out..
What I am trying to do is, when I click the "Save" button on the form I also want to save some of the fields into another table.

I want to open the other table and search of the key field (command ?)
If found then
----run update sql statement
----run insert statement
end if
close the table

I am looking for the command statements... (i have the insert and update sql statements ready)

Thanks in advance..

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Update And Append

Jun 21, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to modify data in a querry befor appending the data to a new table


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Insert, But Not Update Or Delete

Dec 5, 2005

Humm, been going over this and can't figure where I am going wrong.
Linked SQL server table.
SQL permissions are correct (cause every thing works via QA using pass through security).
Form with a CBO to select Item1, once selected list box populates with Items tied to it.
Select item from list box click button to break the tie between the two.
3 tables, Item1 Table, Item2 table and cross reference table that ties them together. The Break Tie basically (should) remove the entry from the cross ref. table. Form allows me to insert a new tie (same premis as break only allows you to select items not tied currently) and will insert a row into the cross ref. table. But it will not allow me to delete, or as a backup plan I tried to zero out the FK values. Delete says not allowed (bad permissions, table read only, etc.) and Update says must use an updatable query.
NOW the queries I have used are basically DELETE FROM CrossRef Where PK = nnnn OR UPDATE CrossRef SET FK1 = 0, FK2 = 0 WHERE PK = nnnn
I mean it does not get any easier than that.
So what am I missing on this? Why won't it let me delete/update that stupid table?

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Insert And Update Query

May 23, 2007

Im trying to do an insert an an update in the same function,but it only allow an upate only if a record exist.
Here is my code:
Sub insert(ByVal UserSelection, ByVal Grand_Prix_ID)

'The date function
'IF the 2 or more days left before the race then
' Do the insert
Dim mysql As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim MUser_ID = Request.QueryString("UserID")
Dim Nickname = Request.QueryString("name")
Dim LastGP_ID As Integer = Grand_Prix_ID - 1
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =" & Server.MapPath("App_DataFantasyF1.mdb") & ";"

If TeamSelection_ID(Grand_Prix_ID) Then

mysql = "INSERT INTO TeamSelection(Grand_Prix_ID, User_ID, Driver_ID1, Driver_ID2, Driver_ID3, Driver_ID4, Driver_ID5, Driver_ID6)" & "VALUES(@Grand_Prix_ID ,@User_ID, @Driver_ID1, @Driver_ID2, @Driver_ID3, @Driver_ID4, @Driver_ID5, @Driver_ID6)"

'else if already selected before do the update
MsgBox("You have made the selection before and You are about to update", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
mysql = "UPDATE TeamSelection SET Grand_Prix_ID = @Grand_Prix_ID, User_ID = @User_ID, Driver_ID1 = @DRIVER_ID1, Driver_ID2 = @DRIVER_ID2, Driver_ID3 = @DRIVER_ID3, Driver_ID4 = @DRIVER_ID4, Driver_ID5 = @DRIVER_ID5, Driver_ID6 = @DRIVER_ID6" & ""
mysql = mysql & " WHERE User_ID =" & MUser_ID
mysql = mysql & " AND Grand_Prix_ID =" & UserSelection(7) & ""

Dim Myconn As New OleDbConnection(strConn)
Dim objComm As New OleDbCommand(mysql, Myconn)

With objComm.Parameters
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Grand_Prix_ID", UserSelection(7)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@User_ID", UserSelection(6)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Driver_ID1", UserSelection(0)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Driver_ID2", UserSelection(1)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Driver_ID3", UserSelection(2)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Driver_ID4", UserSelection(3)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Driver_ID5", UserSelection(4)))
.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Driver_ID6", UserSelection(5)))

End With
Message.Text = "Your Selection has been successfully recieved"
End If

End Sub

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Choosing Between Update And Insert

Dec 23, 2007

I am running a query which uppends the record to one table from another table. My requirement is that, it should check one field of the destination table table before inserting the record. If that field matches, it should run Update query or else it should run Insert Query. How Can I do that?

Please Reply!

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Insert And Update In Same Sql Statement

Feb 20, 2008

Is it possible to have an insert and update in the same sql statement using MS Access 2002? I could split it into seperate statements but for code purity I would like to have it in one :cool:

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Update/Append Query

Aug 12, 2005


Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong.

I'm trying to update my table called Portfolio with information sent to me via spreadsheet. I've been able to import the data from Excel into a table called PortfolioUpdate and the data types are all the same, but when i try to run the append query it keeps coming up with the message below

Switchboard can't append all the records in the append query.

Switchboard set 0 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and it didn't add 1889 record(s) to the table due to key violations, 0 record(s) due to lock violations, and 0 record(s) due to validation rule violations.

I've checked that all the data types are the same and I've also removed/added primary keys from the PortfolioUpdate table to see if that was the problem but to no avail.

Am I even doing this right?

If anyone could help that could be great


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Update/Append Queries

Sep 19, 2005

Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction so that i can solve my problem?

Basically what i have is a select query that carries out some calculations based on data entered. These calculations are expressions as i am sure you guys know. what i want to do is put the value from the expression/calculation into my table in the correct fields made for these values. However i have tried everything i can think of to get this data into the tables fields but to no avail.

example. Expr1: [field1]*[field2] the answer created by [Expr1] is the value i want to be placed in [field3]

Can anyone help me on how i can do this

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After Append Update Query

Aug 15, 2006

I need an append query to also update a yes/no box or a text box with "yes" "no" in the field.
I don't know how to do this in SQL. Please help.
Query 1 is the name of the query I want updated from "yes" to "no"
Something like:
AFTER APPEND (I am not sure how to do the "after append" in sql)
UPDATE Query 1
SET Query 1.DueToday = "No"
Where DueToday = "Yes"

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Join On Update/Append

Nov 7, 2006

I am trying to create update and append queries that deal with multiple tables. I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.

The update query needs to reverse this select query:
SELECT tblPayment.AmountOfPmt, tblPayment.DueDate, tblPayment.DateIssued, tblPayment.CheckNumber, tblPayment.PaymentType
FROM tblPayment INNER JOIN (tblLease INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblLease.CustomerID = tblCustomer.CustomerID) ON tblPayment.LeaseID = tblLease.LeaseID
WHERE (((tblCustomer.CustomerID) Like [spCustomerID]));

The append query needs to insert CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, SecondaryCustomer, PhoneNumber, DOB, Email, Active into tblCustomer, but also DateSigned, DateEffective, DateExpire, CustomerID, LotID into tblLease.

I can't figure either of these two out. Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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Mass Update Or Append

Jan 11, 2007

can any help : )
i am trying to mass update one field in a table.
Basically i have created a new check box (Yes/No Value) in my customers table.
Basically i will tick this box if a customers placed any order with our company.

At present all our existing customers have placed orders with us. and i want to add value Yes to this field.

What method can i use to make this Mass update all customers records.

thanks in advance

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Append Or Update Query

Feb 15, 2007

I am trying to develope a database that calculates and accrues vacation leave monthly.
I am trying to write a query that will add 2.5 days to each employee every month and I would like to automate this update process but I am not sure how can I get this query to know each beggining of the month and do the update. Does any body have a better understanding or suggestion of going about this issue
Your help is much appreciated

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Update Or Append Query - Help Me Please!

Mar 19, 2007

I am working on a scheduling database and have got stuck with what I thought would be a simple update or append query (It probably is very simple for non-newbies).
I am trying to create an update query to update the "Cell_ID" field in tbl_ScheduledAssays with the "Cell_ID" field from tbl_Machines.

The tbl_ScheduledAssays stores each assay that needs to be run. The tbl_Machines stores both the "Machine_ID" on which the assays are run and which "Cell_ID" that machine belongs to.

Some assays have a "Machine_ID" assigned up front as they have to be run on a certain machine, however other assays can be run on any machine so are assigned "Machine_ID" 51 which is a blank.

For all records in the tbl_ScheduledAssays table where the machine ID is <>51 I want the Query to check the "Machine_ID" and read from the tbl_Machines which "Cell_ID" that machine is in and then add that "Cell_ID" to the "Cell_ID" in the tbl_ScheduledAssays table.

I hope this makes sense! I have tried to search the forum but everthing I have tried so far has failed. Have also tried to do an append query to no avail.

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Update And Append New Data

Apr 8, 2008

I have a table that I need to update existing data and append new data. All of the new data is in the same file. Is there a way I can update and append at the same time?

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Append, Union, Or Update??

Jan 25, 2005


I have some different fields (cell content) in the same tables that need to be joined or merged together. Then I also have several fields that need to be joined from several different tables. I need to add a prefix to everything I add.

Here is a sample of the join I need within one table:

What I have:

|__V.30 1998-_|________5______|

What I want:

|__V.30 1998-___|
|_____MW: 5_____|

Here's another sample of the join I need between two tables:

What I have:

Table 1: Super Table

|__This title comes in___|
|__microfilm and PM______|

Table 2: Project MUSE

|__This is a made-up_____|

What I want:

Table 1: Super Table

|__This title comes in___|
|__microfilm and PM______|
|__Project MUSE: This is_|
|_ a made-up note________|

Table 2: Project Muse

Stays the same.

I know how to move part of a cell to another blank cell, and I know how to delete part of a cell.. But I don't know how to move part of a cell to a cell that already has content.

If you search for my name and this post: Deleting Certain Text Between Character in a Cell, you'll see what I've learned already. I'm thinking maybe I just need to run the same sort of function/module, but append instead of update. Dunno.

Thanks in advance,

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Help! Need An Access Guru UPDATE/INSERT INTO

Mar 11, 2005

I have an application where the user can add a new client name and password to a database, but I want to do a check to make sure that client name is not already in there. I was working with and INSERT INTO statement this here:

INSERT INTO [clients] ([clientName], [passWord]) VALUES (@clientName, @passWord) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT [clients].[clientName] FROM [clients] WHERE [clients].[clientName] = clientName)

But I guess you can't use a WHERE clause with an INSERT statement.. So I am trying to use an UPDATE statement. This here:

UPDATE clients SET clientName = @clientName, passWord = @passWord WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT [clients].[clientName] FROM [clients] WHERE [clients].[clientName] = @test)

When I run it in access, it doesnt add a new row if I try to add a client name that is already in there, but if I try to add one that isn't it tells me it's going to UPDATE 13 rows which would be all the rows in there. Anybody have any ideas how I can do this?

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Update/insert How To Determine Which In Code

Jul 13, 2005

Queries are run on a webpage:
The queries would be a little bit different – instead of just one operator, it would get all operators for each category and then either create a record in Access (if it didn’t already exist) or update a record (if it already existed). For example, the first query might get

Since these records don’t exist yet, we’d do an insert for each. If the next query (for a different entry/verify category) got

we would update JSMITH (since already inserted after first query) and insert VJONES. This has to be done since not everyone works in every category. Not sure if you can import different spreadsheets into Access and have it determine automatically for each row whether to do an insert or update (of course, we can do this in code in the web page).

Can you help?

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How To Use An Append Query To Update A Table?

Jul 26, 2007

Could someone please try to give me a step by step method for using an append query to update a table. Gary gave me a ton of help before but im still a little stuck. Thanks in advance. :)

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Append And Update Expense Query

Aug 7, 2006

I have an expense table and I want the expenses to be written to a new table every month, quarter, half-year, or year depending on what the user has selected. I want to group the expenses somehow and I want it to show all monthly expenses, then show which ones have +1 month. All those will get put into a append query and added to a new table that stores all the expenses from hence forth.

Alright, I have started to figure it out ( a problem from earlier) but I think I need some help. I want an if statement but I am not familiar with date functions. In an append query I want to look at my original table and add records if it is past a certain date.
For a monthly expense (entry date is 01/01/2006)

If (dateentered) month, +1
Then write the record.

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Modules & VBA :: Append And Then Update Query

Apr 4, 2014

I have two tables: tblModels and tblParts. tblModels has primary key ModelID; tblParts has primary key PartID, and also has a ModelID field that's hooked to tblModels's ModelID with referential integrity (cascade all). I have a button on my form that duplicates the model (creating a new record in tblModels and getting a new ModelID), and when that happens, I'd like for the duplication process to run an Append Query that captures all records in tblParts that matches the FIRST ModelID (the original one), and makes new copies of them in the same table, but then sets the ModelID for each new record to the NEW ModelID (that was created with the button press).

I have done this using TempVars in my Append Query, and everything is working great, except for when all the Parts records get copied and added, they all have the OLD ModelID on them, which essentially duplicates the records in the old Model and leaves the new Model empty of associated records!The Append Query is using the ModelID field to find the records I want, so how do I then get it to write a NEW ModelID to each record after they're added to the table?

EDIT: I thought of maybe doing the old TempTable, Append Query dumps to that, Update Query changes ModelID's, Append Query dumps them back to the original table... but that seems like the long way around.

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