Insert Query (passing Nothing)

May 9, 2006

I have an insert query that works fine when all fields are entered:
INSERT INTO tblMaster (Fname, Lname, Address, Address2)
Values ('Cozmo', 'Kramer', '1Main', '2Main');

BUT...if I have Address2 as blank b/c its an optional field I get a validation rule error...even though there is no validation set up on this field in the table.

INSERT INTO tblMaster (Fname, Lname, Address, Address2)
Values ('Cozmo', 'Kramer', '1Main', '');

Please let me know if you know why this would be.


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General :: Passing A Field Value To Insert Query With Values

Jun 2, 2014

I have a button on a subform that becomes visible if there is no records in the source of the subform. When clicked I want to run a query that will insert a record on to the source of the subform. There is one field in the query that I need to get from the parent form.The first part works OK - the button is visible when the source file to the subform for this main form record, is empty.

If I run the query against the source file it inserts the new record after it has asked for the value of the variable field.My problem is that when I try to run the query when the button is clicked It can't find form![ClientFileFrm]![ClientId]..This is my code on the subform

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.RecordSource <> "" Then
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
Me.AddSettingsButton.Visible = True


The ClientFileFrm is the main form.I can't seem to reference the clientId variable back to the main form.

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INSERT Query - Insert New Data Only

Jul 2, 2010

Table TBL_NEWDATA is used to append new data to table TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS.

TBL_NEWDATA { Person_ID, Department_ID }
TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS { Person_ID, Department_ID, ... }

I need to devise a query to append data for a particular Department_ID from TBL_NEWDATA to TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS where that data does not already exist there. i.e. for Department_ID 'Research', I would want to append 'Person_ID', 'Department_ID' (in this case: 'Research') to TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS for any tuples not already held.

SELECT Person_ID, Department_ID
WHERE TBL_NEWDATA.Department_ID='Form...'


This Query takes a single argument from a control (Forms!Main!IN_Department), and this is the Department_ID to be updated.Is there any way to do this using a single query or will I have to use sub queries? I'd hoped not to as to keep the database as concise as possible.

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Passing Criteria To A Query

Dec 6, 2005


I have recently started using queries to base my forms on. Even for basic forms i am using the query as the record source.

If for example i have a standard query with no criteria e.g. a employee form. How would i then use that query to create a report that filters for example a list of employees for a certain company?

Would i have to create a seperate query to base the report on? because the form when opened will always filter that criteria?

If this is the case, is there a way to keep a query set up with no criteria but when the object being used is opened some code will pass to the query the criteria e.g. a combo box on a form list all the companies and when one is selected it passes this to the query e.g. without the criteria already being in the query?

Hope that makes sense.



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Passing Parameters To A Query

Feb 1, 2006

Guys I need your help/Advice...

In my Access Database I have a query (lets say qry1) and in this query i have 2 fields for start and end date, which is provided by 2 Get functions.

also i have qry2 based on qry1
then qry3 based on qry2
and finally qry4(using sql in code) based on qry3, and non of these 3 queries have the start and end date fields.

now here is the problem: I am trying to set the criteria in qry4 and then open a record set on this query(qry4) to use the data that it pulls out...

strsql = ""
strsql = "SELECT Sum AS AREA_TOTAL " _
& "FROM qry3 " _
& "WHERE ENERGY_AREA like '" & Area & "';"

Set MyDB = CurrentDb

Set rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strsql)

but when the last line is executed I get this error message:

Runtime Error '3061':
Too few parameters, expected 2.

i also tried doing this:

strsql = ""
strsql = "SELECT Sum AS AREA_TOTAL " _
& "FROM qry3 " _
& "WHERE ENERGY_AREA like '" & Area & "';"

Set MyDB = CurrentDb

MyDB.QueryDefs("qry4").sql = strsql

Set rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset("qry4")

but when the last line is executed it gives me an error message saying that the query does not exist or the name is not spelled correctly. (Ps. I have created the query and the criteria does update once the Select statement is run in the code!)

again the reason for this is that the query has not been populated as the main query (qry1) needs 'strat date' and 'end date'!

Is there anyway I can pass these 2 parameters to qry4 directly using code? If there is a way then this will definitly work as i tried opening the query manually in the Query window and after I input the 2 dates in the input box the query ran successfully!

I would appreciate any help/suggestion guys, I need to sort this out quickly as i have a deadline... Cheers

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Passing A Criteria As A Value From One Query To Another

Apr 11, 2006

I have a combo box in a form which allows users to select a Client Group. One of the choices in the combo box is ALL.

I have some code in a STEP1 query that says
SELECT IIf(Forms![Date Picker].[Client Group]="ALL","'SEDP' Or 'LD' Or 'MH'",Forms![Date Picker].[Client Group]) AS Expr1
GROUP BY IIf(Forms![Date Picker].[Client Group]="ALL","'SEDP' Or 'LD' Or 'MH'",Forms![Date Picker].[Client Group]);

I have a STEP2 query to select all records on the MPI_PERSON table and do some slight processing.

Now, in a STEP3 query, I want to select all records from the STEP2 query where the field [Client Group] satisfies the STEP1 criteria. If the Client Group chosen in the Combo box is one of the existing categories i.e. SEDP or MD or LH, it works but where the ALL has been entered, it is returning no records in the final query.

I have tried pasting the results of the STEP1 query into the criteria box as a test - and in that case it does return all records I want. What do I need to do to get the criteria recognised in the QBE box - do I need to use Eval or something?

Here is the SQL for the final query
SELECT [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Paris ID], [Find all Clients STEP 2].DOB, [Find all Clients STEP 2].[DOB Estimated], [Find all Clients STEP 2].Gender, [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Status From Date], [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Status To Date], [Find all Clients STEP 2].STS_MAIN, [Find all Clients STEP 2].Title, [Find all Clients STEP 2].Name, [Find all Clients STEP 2].NAM_FROM, [Find all Clients STEP 2].NAM_TO, [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Client Group], [Find all Clients STEP 1].Expr1, Len([Expr1]) AS Expr2
FROM [Find all Clients STEP 2], [Find all Clients STEP 1]
GROUP BY [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Paris ID], [Find all Clients STEP 2].DOB, [Find all Clients STEP 2].[DOB Estimated], [Find all Clients STEP 2].Gender, [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Status From Date], [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Status To Date], [Find all Clients STEP 2].STS_MAIN, [Find all Clients STEP 2].Title, [Find all Clients STEP 2].Name, [Find all Clients STEP 2].NAM_FROM, [Find all Clients STEP 2].NAM_TO, [Find all Clients STEP 2].[Client Group], [Find all Clients STEP 1].Expr1, Len([Expr1])
HAVING ((([Find all Clients STEP 2].[Client Group])=[Find all Clients STEP 1].[Expr1]));

Hope there isn't too much "Social Services speak" in there - I can also strip down non-crucial fields if it makes it easier to follow what I'm on about.

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Passing Parameter To Query

Apr 11, 2008

Hi all,

Using Access 2003. Really need some help. Have the below code which executes a SELECT query and passes the results as an excel spreadsheet attached to an email. Problem is that the query store_report has some parameters that need to be passed to it. Is there a way that with my current code I can pass those parameters. If not is there some other commands or code I can use to accomplish this?

DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "store_report", acFormatXLS, _ "", "", , _ "Store Reports", "Here are your reports.", True

Thaniks in advance.

William K

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Passing Date To A Query

Jul 31, 2005

My form has a date field (with a default of today-105 days)( and can be updated by the user) which is part of the following query

WHERE (((dbo_CM_AS_LG.AS_LG_DT)>[Forms]![F_Q_RISC_SWAPS]![SearchDate]) AND ((dbo_CM_EQ_MA.EQ_MA_DE) Like "RISC/6000*" Or (dbo_CM_EQ_MA.EQ_MA_DE) Like "ibm power pc*"))

The query is thr root query for the form, but when the form opens the default date has not been set and I get an error.
Is there a good way to pass a parameter into a query ?
I have tried running the qury using the ON Open Property too, which works until I try and call this form from another one.

I'm sure there's a simple answer, I just can't see the wood for the trees (yet)


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Help Passing A Parameter To A Query

Oct 26, 2007

I have a form with a combo box that when I select a value I want the hidden value (UserID) passed to a query that would open up a form that is set up like a data sheet. When I try to set up a form that would display the records related to the UserID I end up getting all records and the UserID column replaced with the passed value when I set the control source to = Forms!frmEmployeeInstances!cboShiftEmployees.Colum n(0)
I don’t know if I can pass the value to a query (if the query can even acknowledge the passed value), so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have the OnClick set to open a form called frmShowInstances via a Macro but I could never get the Where Condition to work either.

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Passing Operator Into Query Via Function

Jan 16, 2006

I have built a function which passes values into the criteria of a saved query. It has worked very well until I recently built a query builder based on this same concept. The user can select from a list of operators "<=", ">=", ">", "<", "=".

Example, the function will pass into the criteria the following:

Unfortunately, I have exhausted all avenues for passing the "<" less than or greater than signs into the criteria. The Access SQL forces an equals sign before the passed in criteria and thus treats the "<150" as the entire criteria.

I have overcome no criteria by defaulting the function value to pass in the wildcard "*" and putting "Like" in the criteria.

Has anyone every handled a "variable" operator in a saved query in Access? :confused:

I am aware that I can change the QueryDef, use temp tables, and do several other longer methods, but the success of this concept will reduce an large amount of coding effort as well as make the software much easier to transfer knowledge on.

This overall method is really a great way to reuse criteria based on a form without hard coding.

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Query Problem - Passing Criteria

Jan 23, 2006

i have a query in design view to which i'd like to pass a criteria value for one field... I have some routine in VBA which creates a string as below:

"SupplierName1" And "SupplierName2" And "SupplierName3"

I am passing this to a textbox on the form exactly as shown above.

I would now like to use this value as criteria input for the query. However, it seems that Access doesn't recognise this....if I write just SupplierName1 in the textbox, the query works fine but as soon as I put in the quotes or else more than one supplier name, it does not work...

any ideas how can i resolve this?

Just FYI, the string of names of suppliers is being generated through string manipulation from a listbox using a value list.

Thanks in advance.

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Passing Unbound Value To Append Query

Jun 21, 2006

When I have my form I have an unbound control called rtdDate. In rtdDate's AfterUpdateEvent I have it run a append query. Within the append query I have the following:

RTD Date: forms!masterListQ!rtdDate

Yet it keeps coming up blank when you run the query. Its like its not finding the value of it. I'm sure you can tell I'm pretty much an amateur at database building but I thought this would be pretty easy.

What am I doing wrong?

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Passing A Field Name Into A SELECT Query?

Aug 8, 2006

I currently have a table showing activity for multiple staff and their availability throughout the day in 30 minutes segments.

I am currently trying to pull the information on who is working by 30 minute timeslice, but as the information is held in a different field for ech period, it is proving difficult.

My thought was to make a query rounding the current time to the nearest hour/half hour and use this to choose the field, but I don't know how to make a query which will allow me to pass a variable (Field name) into the Select query?

can anyone help on this, or have any other ideas?


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Passing SQL To A Query/report Issue

Feb 7, 2007

OK, I am trying to build sql strings from a form buy the user selecting criteria from boxes on a form.

I was given some code which I have adapted very slighty

Dim strCrit As String

If IsNull(Me.server) Then
' proceed
strCrit = strCrit & " And [Server type] = '" & Me.server & "'"
End If
If IsNull(Me.RAM) Then
' proceed
strCrit = strCrit & " And [Ram] = " & Me.RAM
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport "Your Results", , acPreview, strCrit

End Sub

however when I run this I get the following error

or trying to edit the code this error

how do I pass the built SQL string directly into the query defs?

the strcrit when displayed looks like this


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Passing A Date Field To A Query

Apr 9, 2007

Hi All,

I wonder if anyone can help me? I am at the stage now of building a query in design view. Rather than using a dynamic parameter field to capture a range of dates (between...[InputDate] And [InputDate]), I have created a text box in a form and want to pass the contents to my query. I have got this to work providing the variable that is passed is 'text'. I need to pass two dates though. When I put paths to the forms textbox in the 'Between' statement above, it just doesn't return any records. I think Access sees these text boxes as 'text' rather than 'dates'. I don't know how to change it so Access sees these as dates. Any ideas?

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Passing Parameter From Form Into Query?

Sep 3, 2007

I know this is probably a basic question- but Im not finding a clear answer here.

Basically- I have a value that I want to select from a drop down box on a form (not created yet). That value will get inserted into my query for a calculation I am doing. The form will pop up the results of the query in a table/dataset.

How do I designate the variable in the query that is being inserted from the form? I am using Access 2002- is there a way to visually perform this task (ie- drag/drop type thing)?
Thanks guys!

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Passing Form Value To Append Query

Nov 13, 2007

Dear All, I have a problem which I need to solve and am in need of a clue!

I have a table which contains lots of line items relating to quotes. Each quote usually contains three line items and is prefixed in all cases with a number which relates to number of users. For example

5 5 User Software Details Price Cost Note

in the table there are up to 100 users and each has line 3 items. I automate quote generation by using a form. In the form a quote reference is generated and a text box for the number of users. I have a command button which then, based on the value of users text box, selects from the line items table and sends the records to my TblQuotes.

My Tbl quotes is exactly the same structure as my line items table except it also has a field for the quote reference which is in the form.

Where I am stuck is I cant seem to get Access to send the quote reference into the TblQuotes as part of the append query.

Please help! :confused:

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Passing Multiple Values To A Query

Sep 16, 2005

Ok, i have a form in wich i want to set the parameters to a query.
On the search button it will open another form to display the data.
i used this code stLinkCriteria = "[ID]=" & Me![id] And "[status]=" & "'" & Me![sta] & "'
the 1st value for status is "active"
it returns a msgbox asking the value of the parameter and a field to input the data.

I can't understant whats wrong....

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Passing Form Data To An Sql Query

Nov 15, 2005

I have a hidden field on my form called "key". I can reffer to it as [forms]![MyForm]!key Is that right?

I also have a subform on this form that uses an sql query. I want this query to match on the key from above.

Shouldn't this work? select field1, field2 from table1 where keyvalue = [forms]![MyForm]!key

It doesn't. It returns a blank record.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Passing Criteria From VBA To An Access Query

Jan 4, 2006

I'm trying to pass values from a combo box to the criteria for a select query. The first 2 columns of the lstCompany combo box are Serial Number and Company Name. I have tried a number of different ways to no avail. Anyone know?



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Passing Text Box Value Into Sql Query Parameter

Apr 23, 2014

trying to pass a textbox value as parameter in a sql query.I have a multiline textbox and I use it to find several values in the database, so in this textbox all the values are pasted each per line and I have a small code to convert it to single line comma separated values.This is an example:The user enter the data:


The code convert this data to a single comma separated string and runs the query: ex: "A1C556CC3C-TNNN","C010070H13"

test = """" & Replace([Forms]![Search]![Text0], Chr(13) & Chr(10), """,""") & """"
[Forms]![Search]![Text0].Value = test
DoCmd.OpenQuery "FindPartNo", acViewNormal, acReadOnly

In the SQL code I use the IN operator to find the exact value for each record:


I'm passing the value incorrect into the sql code?

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Passing Values From Form To Query?

May 2, 2013

I have a form - RunQuery And I have a query - Q2.

The form has text boxes for dates txtStart2, txtEnd2.

On button click I have a macro.

Query Name Q2

view Datasheet
datamode edit

The query will open

The query has a field Assigned which is Date/Time

In my query design view I have this as the criteria:

>[Forms]![RunQuery]![txtStart2] Or <[Forms]![RunQuery]![txtEnd2]

I also have filter on load set to yes.

However the filter does not seem to work.what is missing or wrong?

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Passing Criteria To Append Parameter Query Through VBA

Dec 6, 2007

Hello Everybody,

I have an append query that contains a parameter [PTIdent] under the field named PTID. I would like to be able to set the parameter through VBA from a control on a form eg Form!PTID

I use the following code as normal
Private Sub Command19_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command19_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "apNewPres"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command19_Click

End Sub

Is there a way within this code to do this? I realise I could set the form criteria within the query itself. However I wanted to be able to use this query from multiple forms.

Thanks for any help

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Passing Multi Parameter Values To A Query

Aug 14, 2005

I have a query set up which needs to have different criteria at run time depending on values selected by the user. If no option is specified, I need to pick up all records with 'Nulls' in them else, if date is specified by user, I need to pick up all records with date > than specified date. The query is able to pick up the date value from an unbound text box in the form. I used the same field in the form and populated "Is Null" in the field and it does not work. How do I pass this as a paramater to the query from the form?
Is there a way around without setting up 2 sets of queries and reports?

Thanks,Priya :mad: :confused:

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Help Passing A Text Box String To A Saved Query

Sep 21, 2005

I have a multi-select list box that runs a "For intCounter" and builds a sting into a text box. That works fine the text box will populate as designed <"Closed" OR "On-Going">.

(I know that I should be dynamically creating the query in the first place ... normally I would ... but this is a quick fix that I want to get it into an existing application, while the redesign requirements are being written.)

Now I want to pass that string to a pre-existing query, but I'm not sure what to write in the criteria section.

I've tried...
Like "*" & [Forms]![ViewReports]![TextPickList] & "*"

and just plain old ...

but my query is coming up blank. What do I need to write into the criteria section of this saved query?

thanks in advance!

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Passing Parameters From Excel To An Access Query

Jun 4, 2007

Hey folks,

Not sure if this is the best forum but decided to put it here anyway.

I have a Access query that reads:

FROM blah
WHERE something > 10

Then in Excel I pull the data across using:

Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(qryName)
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset

and paste the data using

ws1.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 2).CopyFromRecordset rs

I now want to change the query so the where statement reads

WHERE something > [amt]

So the question is how do I pass the value for the parameter value for [amt] from excel to access?

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