Insert Query And Leading 0's In Field Names

May 22, 2007

Greetings all

Came across a problem and wanted to see if anyone else has seen this or knows the cause.

I am working in Access 2003.

I have two tables stored in a backend. One table updates the other. The database I inherited was doing this via the copyobject. I wanted to use a del query to delete recs in target table then an append query to update from source table to target table.

Both tables have data fields named in the following format: 01/2007, 02/2007, etc.
If I write a select query and save it, it works fine. However, if I write an Append query, the INSERT clause chops off the leading 0 of all fields upon save which causes the query to not work correctly. Anyone know why this happens?


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Remove Leading Zeros And Insert Dash Before The Last 3 Digits

Sep 20, 2014

So the field shows the account number as 00000000234342001.

I need it to display in the query as 234342-001.

In design view I am using Account Number: VAL([MST1_CAV_MBRDETL.ACCTNUM]) to remove the leading zeros.
But I am unsure about the rest.

In addition to this answer, how to manipulate strings and numbers to do this kind of thing? Like pull the first 3 characters and so on.

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Queries :: Using Field List Combo Box To Set Field Names In Query

Apr 24, 2013

I’m developing a claim tracking database that tracks dates of events that occur in the course of processing a claim; such as, Loss Date, Report Date, Estimate Date, Payment Date, etc. There are 16 different “Events” in all.I currently have the following tables set up:




What I need to do is create a form where management can choose two or more events, and calculate the average number of days between two of any of the events, for an employee, or all employees.I have created a crosstab query to change the values in the EventName field in tblEvents to field names, and the EventDate as values for the related EventNames. I created another query based on this query to do the DateDiff.

I created combo boxes on my form with the Row Source Type set to Field List, for a list of fields in my crosstab query. I’ve tried to use the following DateDiff function to get the days between the two fields selected in my combo boxes:


But I get an error about unrecognized field name or expression for my combo boxes. So I added my combo boxes in the query parameter window, with a data type as both text and value, but with both I get an error “This expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated.” I also specified the column headings in the crosstab but I still am getting the “too complex” error.I’m pretty sure it’s trying to do a Datediff on the literal values in the comboboxes and not recognizing that I’m trying to specify field names.Is it possible to assign field names in DateDiff this way?

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Field Names Don't Match Names On Form

Nov 7, 2006

I have a form with several data fields on it. I also have a button on the form that allows the user to duplicate a record . The reason for this duplication is so that if there will be an additional client record for the same customer, but only one piece of data will need to be changed, it's easier to copy the record and then change the one field.

However, I am getting the following message:

"some of the field names you tried to paste don't match fieldnames on the form"

and then not all data in all fields gets duplicated.

I need to figure this out, but am going nuts with it. If anyone has an idea or two they'd care to toss my way, I would be happy.

Thanks one more time, in advance!!

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Queries :: Show All Names In First Column And Insert Zero Where No Record Exists

Aug 27, 2014

I'm tracking the holiday entitlement of a team of people. I use a query to work out how much unbooked holiday they have to take.

My problem is where I'm scheduling next year my query returns the names of those who have booked a holiday and their remaining entitelement. That's as it should be. However if someone hasn't yet booked any holidays then it simply doesn't display their record. I would like it to treat that record as zero and show the remaining entitlement as a full years entitlement.

Here's the SQL
SELECT Employees.Trainer_Name, Sum([2015 Holiday].[2015 Days]) AS [SumOf2015 Days], Employees.Holiday_Days, [Employees]![Holiday_Days]-[SumOf2015 Days] AS 2015
FROM [2015 Holiday] INNER JOIN Employees ON [2015 Holiday].Trainer_Name = Employees.Trainer_Name
GROUP BY Employees.Trainer_Name, Employees.Holiday_Days;

The problem here is that the Sum of 2015 holiday is Null

Do I somehow need to create 0 hours records?

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Convert Text Field To Number Field But Keep Leading Zeros

Oct 3, 2006

I need to convert my text data to a number but when I convert using the VALUE function or use "format cells" to the numbers category, I loose the leading zeros. I need to keep them for sorting purposes.

What formula do I use?

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Query Searching Multiple Tables' Field Names (not Values)

Jan 22, 2007

Hi. Please do not lecture me on database normalization, as this truly is not in my control.

I have 2 dozen tables, each with 13 fields. All of the field names exist in at least 12 of the tables. And all tables share a ssn field where values are common.(Confused yet? Sorry, if you are...)

If I design a query showing all 2 dozen tables and their fields...
Can I set up a query criteria where I enter the requested ssn and then the required field name and have the result show the values of all the fields with that name, among the ones of the 2 dozen tables where that field name exists? (for that specified ssn)

If I am only as clear as mud, please let me know, and I will try again.
Or, by asking if I can search for field values querying by field name, am I any clearer?


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Queries :: Query Based On A Form Which Had Field Names And Some Values

Feb 26, 2014

I have a table listing about 20 elements as field names eg FE, CR, NI, TI and so on.

I have built a form which has a combo box listing these elements by selecting "fields" in the property settings of the combo box & next to this combo box i have 2 text box's where the user can input Min & Max values to pass on to the query.

E.g., FE (chosen from the combo box) value between (Text box1) and Text box 2.

I can run the query to give me values between the 2 text box's by using the following formula in the criteria (Between textbox1 and textbox 2).

The issue i have is to be able to select the element from the listbox, input the min & max values identified and be able to pass this to a query so the query can filter based on the field and values passed?

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Queries :: Creating Field Names In A Query That Will Automatically Update Each Month

May 10, 2013

I am hoping to create a field name in a query that will change every month. Right now the filed name is qryTechQuintileMonth-7.am_quintile. this designates that the data is for October 2012. There are 6 other fields named similarly for Nov 2012 through April 2013.

Is there a way to name these fields with the proper month-year (mmm-yy) so they automatically update each month?

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Insert Field In Query

Jan 17, 2006

I am executing a query and I want to force a value of ALL into a additional field called BUKT. How would I go about this. I need to do something similar to DATE: Now() but with a set value.


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Queries :: How To Insert A Prompt For Number In A Query To Calculate Against Another Field In Query

Jul 15, 2014

I have a field that is giving me the number of business days between a period of time and then I want to subtract that number - the person's PTO time to see the actual days they were available...when I simply type the number in (see below) it works great but I want to set up a prompt that will ask me how many PTO Days to calculate as it will be different for each person I am this possible?

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Number Field Not Show Leading Zeros In Access 2010

Oct 16, 2011

I have read that the number field doesn't show the leading zeros in 2007... does 2010 have a way to do that, or does it still have to be a text field in order to see them..?

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Insert New Field/Value In A Make Table Query

Sep 24, 2007

Hi all,
stumped on an issue I thought would be pretty straight forwards (again) so i'm hoping to find the answer here! I have a make table query which produces the table using fields from three other tables and it runs fine however I now want to insert a new field with the value "Current" in it, and, if possible, an Autonumebr ID field as primary key. I'd like this is all done in one query so not sure if it will fly but if anyone can advise me I know someone from here can help.

Thanks in advance,

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Queries :: INSERT QUERY Not Inserting One Field

Nov 27, 2014

I have a form with many fields and one field has an OnChange event to run an insert query or log an entry in a table about the change. I get insert entry written with everything except one field.The OnChange event code is:

If AddressStatusFld = 2 Then
'If it has changed from Current to Non-Current create a Contact Log entry for this matte
If (Val([MatterShortNoFld]) Mod 2 = 1) Then
Me.OperatorFld = 16


I just can't work out why the record in MatterContactsMade table has a null value for the field Operator.

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General :: Passing A Field Value To Insert Query With Values

Jun 2, 2014

I have a button on a subform that becomes visible if there is no records in the source of the subform. When clicked I want to run a query that will insert a record on to the source of the subform. There is one field in the query that I need to get from the parent form.The first part works OK - the button is visible when the source file to the subform for this main form record, is empty.

If I run the query against the source file it inserts the new record after it has asked for the value of the variable field.My problem is that when I try to run the query when the button is clicked It can't find form![ClientFileFrm]![ClientId]..This is my code on the subform

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.RecordSource <> "" Then
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
Me.AddSettingsButton.Visible = True


The ClientFileFrm is the main form.I can't seem to reference the clientId variable back to the main form.

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General :: INSERT INTO Query Cannot Contain Multi-valued Field?

Sep 10, 2012

i have table on sharepoint which i can not link to my access database so i have to import it. table on sharepoint is same as in access and i need table from sharepoint updated with my access. unfortunately this table has multi valued fields. when i import table from sharepoint it, the table gets renamed so if the original table is tablea the imported table becomes tablea1. im trying to update my table in access but then i get error "An INSERT INTO query cannot contain multi-valued field." if i remove multi valued fields from query, the query is working fine. how i can get the values into my table in access?

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Queries :: Append Query - INSERT INTO Statement Contain Unknown Field

Sep 19, 2013

I have two tables each with an ID field (autonumber/PK/No Dup etc).

I want to append two fields from one table to the other table. I have set up an Append Query to do this but it won't work - I get the following error - "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field: 'FiID'...."

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Ignoring Leading Zeros In Join Query

Jul 9, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have 2 linked tables from 2 different databases, there is a common field in both: CORP_NBR I need this field in order to create a join, but the problem is that in one table this field stores leading zeros and in the other table it doesnt. I can see in design view that this field is text type in both tables. I cannot change field types because I dont own the objects.

Is there a way or a function that I can add in my join query to ignore leading zeros? :confused:

I appreciate your help

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Parameter Query Using Dates Leading To Subtotals

Nov 4, 2011

I have a list of coded transactions in column A, Amounts in B and Dates in C.

I want to show subtotal for all amounts with the same codes in D

I can do this simply without the date parameters, but I need to give timeframes.

When I add the [From] and [Until] questions it then shows the amounts next to each date even though the date column is hidden.

I'm aiming for the subtotal of amounts for same codes between given dates:

ABB 100 1/6/11
ABB 100 6/6/11
ABB 150 1/8/11
ABC 50 1/7/11
ABR 50 2/8/11
ABJ 50 1/5/11

If I enter 1/6/11 and 30/6/11 I would expect ABB to show 200 total as 150 is after that date and so not counted.

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Linked Excel Files - Blank Leading Rows In Query Datasheet View And Reports

Dec 12, 2013

I decided to link Excel files and all is running fine except when I run a query on the file I get about 1,041 blank rows before my data is displayed in the query's datasheet view or any report based upon this query... the data seems good but why the leading blank rows? The data in the linked Excel sheet does not look like this and another Excel file's query looks fine and they seem set up identically!

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INSERT Query - Insert New Data Only

Jul 2, 2010

Table TBL_NEWDATA is used to append new data to table TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS.

TBL_NEWDATA { Person_ID, Department_ID }
TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS { Person_ID, Department_ID, ... }

I need to devise a query to append data for a particular Department_ID from TBL_NEWDATA to TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS where that data does not already exist there. i.e. for Department_ID 'Research', I would want to append 'Person_ID', 'Department_ID' (in this case: 'Research') to TBL_PERSON_ALLOCATIONS for any tuples not already held.

SELECT Person_ID, Department_ID
WHERE TBL_NEWDATA.Department_ID='Form...'


This Query takes a single argument from a control (Forms!Main!IN_Department), and this is the Department_ID to be updated.Is there any way to do this using a single query or will I have to use sub queries? I'd hoped not to as to keep the database as concise as possible.

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Field Names

Oct 31, 2006

If 2 tables have a field named 'EmployeeID' (for example), are you screwed when it comes to queries and vba, as far as selecting fields / specifying data goes?

Thank you!

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Field Names

Jul 27, 2006

I need an opinion. I'm new to access so I'm really lost I have to create a database consisting of 20 clients. Then they gave me 4 steps I had to accomplish:

Create a total of all account balances, so the total number of recievables are known.

For each account, calculate the number of days each balance has been outstanding.

Classify the account into 4 groups three late (30,60,90 days overdue) and one current (under 30 days), Total the amount of outstanding recievables for each catagory.

Sort using number of days balance is outstanding as primary sort key and outstanding balance as the second sort key.

My question is should I make a field called Days overdue and a separate one for outstanding balance. It also seems they want me to do calculations in the table. I thought that was not an excepted taboo? Are the 4 goals possible to accomplish in access? Please give me some help!

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Missing Field Names

Nov 15, 2005

Just used the code below to output to .csv. however Field Names have been omitted from the output .csv file.

Can anyone help?



Private Sub export_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_export_Click
Dim AString As String
AString = "Export_Occupancy_"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", "ChildCare Vouchers For Accor", "c:\Temp" & AString & Format(date, "YYYY_MMDD") & Format(Time, "-HH_MM") & ".csv"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_export_Click
End Sub

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Export Field Names

Jun 22, 2007

I need to capture the field names from a linked table and copy them into an excel spreadsheet. Does anyone have an idea how I can accomplish this?


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Export Field Names Etc.

Apr 25, 2005


I have succeeded (with some help from this site!) in creating a clinical database for the Diabetes Care team in our hospital. Now, our IT helpdesk staff want me to list the field names and data types. The design view of the tables seems to contain everything they need, but I have tried everything and cannot find a way to paste this info. out into any other format, Word, Excel etc. Has anyone ever managed this or is there something else I should do?

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