Inserting A Line Break On A Report

Sep 7, 2006

I have text in a number of fields that I want to insert into a text box on a report. The size of the text box is large enough to accommodate, but I want each line to have a linefeed (or carriage return) before it.

The report is based on a query. I created a field in the query that consists of something like:...txtText1 & CHR (10) & txtText2 & CHR (10) txtText3 AS MYTEXT.

What I did was to set the control source on the text box to MYTEXT, hoping that there would be nice linefeeds in between the fields. Unfortunately, all I got were some funny-looking boxes.

What's interesting is that you CAN insert a linefeed into a memo field and that linefeed will display properly. I just don't know how to force one in there to separate lines of text.

Any ideas?


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Line Break

Oct 17, 2005

How Can I remove line breaks in a string.

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Line Break In Text Box

Jul 27, 2011

how to populate a textbox with a line break?

=[Forms]![Violations]![cboSection4] & i want the line break here & [Forms]![Violations]![cboSection5]

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Line Break In Rich Text Box

Aug 12, 2011

how to make a line break in a rich textbox in access 2007? Chr(13) & Chr(10) worked until I changed the textbox to rich, which is necessary because certain words in the textbox need to be bold.

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Find Records With A Line Break Using A Query

Apr 1, 2008

Hello all,

I want to create a query that looks for a manual line break in a memo field. Is there a code or some way that I can do this? (i.e in a Memo field the user has entered some data, hit Ctrl-enter to get to a new line, entered more data on the new line. I want to find the records where this has occured)

Also, on a similar note, is there a way I can deny my users the option of doing a manual break (Ctrl-Enter) in a Control in a Form? (to prevent me needing to run this query in the future)

Please advise.


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General :: Put Line Break In Text Box From Keyboard?

Oct 17, 2014

Is there an equivalent to Alt-Enter in excel to put a line break in a text box from the keyboard?

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Reports :: Export From Access To RTF Format Adds Line Break

Mar 7, 2014

I have set up an access application with a report being exported to rtf format. Would prefer word format if it is possible.

In the export document created there are line breaks on every row. This creates headache when the exported text is re-used in a word document.

is there any way how to have the export where the text is kept together without line breaks on every row?

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Reports :: Inserting Page Break To Show Week By Week Pages

Feb 11, 2015

I've created a report based on a query that shows me the jobs that have been added to tblJobs between two selected dates.

The report works fine and displays all the information I need, however other than being sorted by day of the week i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. The records just run on one after another.

I want to create a page break, so that a full week is shown on a single page before then forcing a new page when it moves in to the next week.

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Disappearing "line Break" In A Query Expression

Oct 25, 2005

I have created an expression in a query to create an address label. My intention is to create one that looks like:
City, State Zipcode

To get the proper line breaks, I used the Alt + enter method. Though it is not visible when I look at it in SQL, the fields appear on separate lines.
Here is the actual expression used:
MailLabel: Nz([Title] & ' ') & [FName] & ' ' & [LName] & ' ' & [Extension] & '
' & [ADDRESS] & '
' & [CITY] & ', ' & [STATE] & ' ' & [Zipcode]

Problem: Sporadically, the database drops my line breaks and the expression becomes:
MailLabel: Nz([Title] & ' ') & [FName] & ' ' & [LName] & ' ' & [Extension] & ' ' & [ADDRESS] & ' ' & [CITY] & ', ' & [STATE] & ' ' & [Zipcode]

The resultant entry then just wraps around, depending on the size of the column.
I am trying to use this query to create labels in a Report. Any idea why the line break disappears? Any suggestion on how to better build the expression to maintain the proper line up?

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Report - Page Break On A Specific Code

Jul 7, 2006

I have a report with grouping on a code - I would like to do a page break on the second code - I don't know where to start on this.

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Reports :: Forced Page Break(s) In Access 2007 Report

Sep 30, 2013

I am writing a book, using MS Access 2007 (seemed like a good idea at the time I started, and the report that creates the formatted book content works quite well).

The book content is "per paragraph" which gives me total flexibility to move content to whatever spot in the book I might wish, simply by changing the paragraph number (free field, not auto-number primary).

To save paper (or pages) in printing (or viewing) the book, I have the report printing off para by para (as many whole paras as will fit to a page). This is fine but I want each new chapter to start at a forced new page, for "presentation"/appearance sake.

The relevant fields for the purposes of this post are:

forcepageifticked (a Yes/No box), which goes with each paragraph and which I thought might come in handy, I had in mind to link it to a page break control at the top of the "detail" part of the report in design view, and which would be "invisible" except if the report formatting process had got to the start of any chapter, and the Yes/no box was ticked.

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Inserting A New Text Box Into A Report

Mar 12, 2007


I looked through your forums and didn't see this question answered. Forgive me if it is already there and I couldn't find it.

I have a report that I want to add a new text box to. When I create a form there is no problem choosing the different control sources of data that I want to put into the text boxes on the report. However, once I have created the report I can't seem to go back and make the data come through correctly if I am adding a new text box.

Example: I want to add a text box that is pulling through data from a field named "Duty" in a table named "Container_Vendor_Information". I put the text box into the created form and navigated through the control source choices to get the text box to point to where I want it to. Something goes wrong after that. When I close the form and try to reopen it I get a pop up box that is asking me to enter the parameter values for "Container_Vendor_Information."

I know there has to be an easy way to do this. All I'm doing is looking to add a new text box to an exsisting form. Any thoughts would be most welcome.

I would attach the database but I guess I don't have enough posts yet to have that option.



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Inserting An Expression In A Text Box Of A Report Using VB.

Jun 27, 2005

Hi, I want to insert an Expression in a text box of a report using VB.

This is what I wrote in the code builder section of report header.
Me.totalBox.Value = strTotalExp

Me is the header section of the report.
totalBox is the textbox.
strTotalExp is the expression that I want to enter, it is a string.

How should I do this?


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Reports :: Inserting Font Size In A Report Through Programming

Jul 9, 2014

I have a form which gets information from the user and upon pressing a button I produce address labels for the user. The form calls a report which does the job. This works. Now the user would like to have parameters like fonttype, fontsize and fontcolour together with margins, row and column space so that the output can be better tailored to his needs. I have inserted combo boxes on the form to get these parameters from the user, but how am I going to insert these parameters in the report layout through programming. What should be the approach?

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Reports :: Inserting Blank Lines To Access Report

Jul 27, 2013

I have a specific form, paper version, that I'd like to reproduce in an Access report. This form, which has 34 blank lines in the paper version, is used when people need to borrow some Tools or Equipment on a short period of time.

My report is made up in Access, but, if a person signs for, lets say, three different piece of Equipment, once it is sent to the printer, it prints three lines, which are the equipement signed for and it leave a big empty space before it reach the page footer.

What I need is something that will fill that empty space with blank lines. I found the following on the Net which meets my needs up to a point. What I mean is once it print the last line, it keeps on printing the last line until it meets the total count of 34 lines.

Here what I found on the Net: (note that I have a =count(*) into the Group Header)

Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons
Option Explicit
Global TotCount As Integer
' Call the SetCount() function from the group header section's
' OnPrint property using the syntax: =SetCount(Report)

[Code] ....

I submitted an attach file (blank_lines.gif) to show you what I end up with.

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Reports :: Inserting A Logo In Jpeg Format To A Report

Jul 14, 2015

I am inserting a logo in jpeg format to a report. unfortunately the logo comes in very large. the frame around the logo can be adjusted but the image does not; it remains large.

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Custom Line Number On Report ?

Oct 6, 2006

I try to explain my problem.
There is a report have 50 records.
I print the report first time and Set the number by Data>running sum method. This start from 1 to n...

I require a Form Where i enter to initial number example 22 and say preview report.
The report Set the line number of Details Section Like
24 etc...

How can i do this. Please help

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Command Line To Display Access Report

Sep 19, 2004

I am looking for help to to generate a command line to automatically run a report within a windows program I am using. The program I use has command line fields to automatically open the access report when I complete my program session. I have tested the command line with a standard C:.... .exe to open Word, Access, etc.

I have tried using the create shortcut and snapshot methods without success and wondering if a macro is needed (havent a clue).

Hoping someone can help!

thanks... Keith

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Modules & VBA :: Duplicate Line When Printing Report

Sep 5, 2014

My issue is when there are 4 records (store numbers) for any "row" on the load diagram, the last store's information is duplicated when the report is printed. It only appears once in the table, it only appears once in the query, but when the report prints it prints two lines. It also does not include the duplicate line in the totals at the bottom of the report. This leads me to believe that the issue is in my PrintLines function which is in the modPrintLoadDiagram but I am only a beginner when writing code and have not been able to figure it out on my own.

I am attaching a version of the original database. Please open rptLoadDiagram in Print Preview and look at row 3 on the right side. Store 5449 is showing up twice but should only be on there one time.

This is the only issue holding up my roll out of the database.

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Reports :: Report Items Filling A Line Then Next

Oct 17, 2013

using Access 2000.I have a table with fields (image, info1, info2, info3).I want to produce a report where 15 records are displayed in a table like manner. each table cell contain the whole record and the table is 5 rows by 3 columns.

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Reports :: Row (Line Item) Number On Report

Mar 26, 2014

I want to have line item numbers on report look like this:

Number....Order Number
3............2332-2355-14 ->repeating item
5............7392-2305-62 ->repeating item

Each new row of record needs to have their own line item number starting from 1 with criteria if order number is the same then carryover line item number on that record. I know how to get line item starting from 1 to last by assigning unbound control field with entry "=1".

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General :: Access 2007 - Line And Bar Graphs As Report?

Jun 11, 2012

Is it possible to create a line or bar graph as a report in Access 2007?

If so, how would you go about it?

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Reports :: Line Breaks In A Memo Field In Report

Mar 21, 2015

I created a form with a memo field. Data is entered. How do I get the data to print on the report on separate lines rather than one continuous paragraph? For example: Entered in form:

2/1/15 visit to house. 2/2/15 ordered new locks for doors. 2/5/15 Locks installed.

Print view on Report:

2/1/15 visit to house.
2/2/15 ordered new locks
2/5/15 locks in stalled.

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Reports :: Grid Line On Bottom / Last Record Of Report

Oct 25, 2013

I created a report that only has gridlines around the outside border of the entire report (rather than around each record). I want the grid line style on the last/bottom record to be solid so it boxes in all the records. When I change the "Gridline Style Bottom" for the records, each record has a bottom gridline rather than an outside box around all the records.

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Using Multi-Line Text Box To Pull Specific Records To A Report

Oct 23, 2014

I'm trying to have users enter multiple IDs from a table into a text box separated by newline chars, and then (once they press a button) have some sort of macro or code read each line and pull a report I've created based on the ID. Is that possible?


DataPoint 2
DataPoint 3




Text Box (User will enter values and hit OK)


ID: 2
DataPoint 1: d2
DataPoint 2: d5
DataPoint 3: d8
-------Page Break------------
ID: 3
DataPoint 1: d3
DataPoint 2: d6
DataPoint 3: d9

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Reports :: Subtracting From Previous Line In Report To Make Running Total

Jun 16, 2014

I have a database and one of the functions is to track the purchase of fuel. Part of purchasing fuel is registering what the current odometer reads. My query gets the Vehicle ID, Date of Transaction and Odometer reading. I want to show a report that shows how many miles the vehicle is has traveled for a certain amount of time. If it's for 2013 then I'll put the criteria for 2014 in the date. This will give me a list of all vehicles and their odometer readings. I then sort the date by ascending.

In the report I group on vehicle ID and then I want to show all their transactions and add up how many miles were driven.

Vehicle 1

Total Miles Driven in 2014: XXXXXX

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