Interesting Question Asked Of Me...

Jul 28, 2005

I'm not looking for your expertise in "how to" do this (not yet, anyway) but a friend asked me if Access could do certain functions. Like "automatically fill-in some of the
more routine letters/forms such as basic letters of
representation, medical bill/record requests"
(routine for his biz) and "basic calendaring
functions, such as keeping track of monthly deadlines, reminders, and other
important dates."

I figured that if so, the app would have to be running in order track deadlines and such.

So, are these things that are Access able functions?


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Interesting Question

Mar 18, 2007

I have a little question
is't possible, to made record Update without Promt "Your are about to update 1 row. Are you sure to update these records?"

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An Interesting Access Bug.

Dec 20, 2005

I have hit an odd bug with Access. I am creating a query that gathers several pieces of information across several tables linked by a key value (called OrderNo, in this case). This would be a relatively simple query, but each piece of data is an aggregate of some kind, and each aggregate is on different WHERE conditions.

This left me with two options, either two create a bunch of stored queries and join them together, or use inline subqueries. I went the inline subquery route.

I entered into Access a query of the form
Code:SELECT <Fields> FROM WorkOrders, (<Subquery1>) AS <Subquery1Name>, (<Subquery2>) AS <Subquery2Name>, (<Subquery3>) AS <Subquery3Name>, <etc> WHERE <Conditions that select which lines out of WorkOrders are being looked at> ORDER BY OrderNo

Then I switched to design view and left joined WorkOrders to each of the remaining tables. Access modified the code as would be expected. The query runs at this point.

However, and here is the interesting bug, if I go to the SQL statement it created, and do anything Access registers as a change (even adding and deleting a single space of whitespace), Access decides that the result of it's own SQL generator is invalid code. It gives the error "Syntax Error in FROM clause".

I can provide the source query (in all it's overcomplicated massiveness) and the result after using Access to join the subqueries to the WorkOrders table if anyone cares enough to see/wants to try reproducing it.

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Getting Interesting Error Message

Oct 25, 2005

I have an Access project that when it starts, lets you pick a folder and a file to open as input (done with VBA code), and that works beautifully. My project then processes the opened file and that works fine also. However, when I run the project a second time, pick another file (with the same format), my project then dies on me. If I get completely out of my project and thenre-enter it, it runs fine. I've enclosed a screenshot of the error I'm getting.

Any help is greatly appreciated. And yes, I did a search on this and several other forums as well as on Microsoft's site and could not find anything related to the error I'm getting.

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Interesting Query Challenge

Aug 14, 2006

Hello all. Hope someone can help.
I want to know which of my customers received a particular service (service id: #199) during the last month. It gets complicated (I think) because of those customers that received service 199 last month, I want to know which ones did not receive any other services in the 90 days prior to receiving it. Any thoughts on how this can be done? I can find who received the service during the last month, but how do you check to make sure they have not received any others during the last 90 days?
Any help is much appreciated.

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Sum Total Giving Interesting Result?

Oct 10, 2007

Ok baisically im doing a quick db for my company that is organising every file stored within the server and monitoring their last access'd, modified etc... I have a query which collates all the files which can be deleted on a server and file count is something alond the lines of 300K+ however i have also Sum'd the file sizes and instead of giving me some mental file size it has given me this result: 1.29659732507E+11

I mean i am no mathematician.. cant even spell it :S anyways im guessing that the number: 1.29659732507E+11 is actually 1.29659732507 to the power of 11?

Is there anyway i can get access to show the actual number i dnt care how long it is i just want a reliable, definitive result i can show my boss!


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Interesting Time Calculation Problem

Jan 13, 2004

i need to calculate time, the problem i have is that we are trying measure production over the day, however our days run from

22:00 through to 22:00 the following evening

i have tried to calculate it by taking the end time from away the start time, but when i tried to do this it gives the wrong figure


DayCode - 3111 (This is just the code we use to represent each day)
Line - C3 ( Machine identification)
Start Time - 22:00 ( Time the Machine started)
End Time - 18:00 (time the machine ends)
Duration - 04:00 (the figure that is display when calculated in access)

the duration figure should be 20:00 hours

i have managed to get it to work upto a point with the following code

runtime: IIf([starttime]=[endtime] And [starttime]=#22:00:00#,#23:59:59#,IIf([starttime]>[endtime],(#23:59:59#-[starttime])+[endtime],[endtime]-[starttime]))


if the the two times are the same for example 22:00 on the first evening through til 22:00 the following evening, i should get a result of 24 hours but instead i get zero, so i was wondering if there is a work around to this problem, i also need the time to be displayed in full hours whereas the above code only dislpays it to the correct hour minus 1 second.

i have attached a sample for you to look at:

i hope this makes a little sense.



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I Know It's Been Asked Before, But I Can't Find It

Feb 15, 2007

Small project for the local police dept. They want an easy small program to track overtime and who gets it, got it, doesn't want it, etc.

All good, but they want to be able to generate a list (report or on screen) of all those who has received OT and their balance to date, with he/she with the least OT first and ascending from there. In a report I can easily use the sum function in the section footer but how can I sort by that? Or, harder yet, how can I add the numbers in a column in a table/query since the field which contains the "OT hours assigned" will be for each assignment?

So, I guess I need to add a given field value to the other values for a running balance (of coarse this will need to be seperated by each employee).


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Being Asked For A Parameter That I Cant Find

Jan 9, 2008

Ok, I reckon there's a gremlin in this damn db...

For a form, i have a series of check boxes. One of these had a & symbol in the name, i originally had this working, but with some extra functionality added it no longer became possible, as it recognised it as a special character. The checkbox, and relating table reference was Inform_Q&FS I changed all references of it to Inform_QFS. However, im getting a parameter window pop up asking for the original reference. I've tracked it down to a point between a button being clicked and the begining of the following forms load Sub. The point of the button method triggering the parameter window is the line where the button changes the subform to the new form.

Here is the db..

Could somebody please take a look and see whats going on... im starting to get really frustrated with databases. :(

Also, any general comments regarding the db are welcome, as i'm assuming im doing things the right way there. and excuse the messy coding

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Get A Field Only If It Equals What I Asked

Sep 18, 2005

I have a table with data of people, in which table two fields contain two (not necessarily different) jobs.

I want to build a query (and later a report based on that query) which will return the name, address, phone of the person, plus only the field of the job that I asked for it.
when executing the query, the user should enter the asked job in a popup-box using the below formula.

Like "*" & [job] & "*"

Note, that there may be records containing in both job fields the same job. I want to get the field only if it contains the asked job.

Any ideas?


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Just Update It, No Questions Asked!!

Aug 19, 2004

When you run an Update Query using RunSQL, it always comes up with a box telling you the number of records you are updating and if you want to update. Is there a way to stop this box coming up and just perform the query.


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Viewing Asked Questions At Same Time

Nov 13, 2005

Is there a way within this forum I could view all my questions/posts asked at the same time?


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Possibly The Easiest Question Ever Asked

Feb 1, 2008

This is probably blindingly obvious but I'm unsure about it.

We'll refer to three tables, call them Table X, Table Y and Table Z.

Basically, I have a database with 10 tables. Table X links to Table Y via the Primary Key. Another field in Table X has a relationship with the Primary Key in Table Z (a foreign key).

Now, does the field in Table X that has a relationship with the primary key in Table Z need to be the primary key as well?

Put another way, does Table X need two primary keys?

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Simple Question Probably Asked And Answered Previously

Sep 12, 2005

Trying to fix a simple problem with some tables.

In my department, we recently switched servers and from Windows 98 to Windows 2000. We had a database that got converted somehow during the transition. One person didn't get their computer switched until about a month later.

In essence we had 2 databases of the same information going for a while. Now everyone has the same database. Problem is the following:

Simply put:

We have 10,000 records autonumbered in one of the databases. The other database has 9,500 with the last 100 or so being information that the 1st database does not contain. How can I update my main table to have all 10,100 records? I have tried an append query and it doesn't seem to be working right. I have also tried to 'find unmatched' but can't seem to make that work either. There has to be an easy solution to make it work in one step.

Any help would be great. Thanks in advance. :confused:

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Reports :: Data Range Asked Twice For A Field When Open Report

Mar 26, 2014

I am in the process of making some changes to an inherited database. One of the things I need to do is to fix an issue with the reports. The reports have a field which asks for the data range (from xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xx) as soon as the report is opened, but then the query that fills that report also asks for the same data range so you end up entering it twice.

What do I need to do to enter the data range only once and have it show up on the report and also be used on the query?

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