"Invalid Procedure Call" Error

Sep 20, 2007

I am getting an "Invalid procedure call" error when trying to run this query in Access. If I remove the Distinct it runs fine, but I need it in there to remove duplicates. Also, When I remove the expression Mid([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],(InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"("))+1,InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],")")-InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"(")-1) AS ParseTxt with Distinct in place it runs, but I need the parsed text in the query. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

WHERE (((InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"("))>"0"));

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Invalid Procedure Call Error On Foreign Key Expression.

Oct 16, 2007


I'm attempting to create a foreign key field in a sub-query by using Left() and Instr() to parse the text of my key field and return the characters prior to the second "-".

Example: 002-C100-4569 ---> 002-C100

When I build a second query with a relationship between the foreign key field previously mentioned with the key field in an associated query, I get the error "Invalid Procedure Call"

Here is my foreign key generator string:

CirNo: Left([tbl_IntExt].[ASSETID],InStr(5,[tbl_IntExt].[ASSETID],"-",1)-1)

The query data breifly displays, followed by the error messge, then all query fields display "#Name":mad:

The overall goal is to create a query to update the values in 002-C100-4569 (Child) with values from 002-C100 (Parent).

Any help or advise is greatly appreciated.


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Invalid Procedure Call

Oct 14, 2005

why aint this working ?

Expr1: Mid([MinuteCode];1;InStr(1;[MinuteCode];".")-1)

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Queries :: Invalid Procedure Call

Dec 5, 2014

I've created a query to identify payees with only initial instead of first name for cheque payments.The query produces the correct results as far as I have seen so far.

SELECT Daily_Work_Allocation.contact_reference, Daily_Work_Allocation.Payee, Len(Mid([payee],InStr([payee]," ")+1,(InStr(InStr([payee]," ")+1,[payee]," ")-InStr([payee]," ")-1))) AS Expr1, Daily_Work_Allocation.payment_method, Left([contact_reference],5) AS Expr2, Mid([payee],InStr([payee]," ")+1,(InStr(InStr([payee]," ")+1,[payee]," ")-InStr([payee]," ")-1)) AS Expr3
FROM Daily_Work_Allocation
WHERE (((Daily_Work_Allocation.payment_method)="Cheque") AND ((Left([contact_reference],5))="PPI70"));

However I only wish to see those records that have a value of 1 for 3rd field (Expr1).When I enter 1 in criteria I get the IPC message?

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Help Needed!! (Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument)

Apr 18, 2006

Hi, in need of some help I'm at my wits end!!

I'm getting "Invalid procedure call or argument" pop up whenever my database uses any of the code. Any form that uses code in the Form_Open section now won't open etc.

This now effects all my forms, i'm 99% sure that i haven't changed anything and have no idea why its happening.

It doesn't seem to matter whether its clicking a button or opening a form it happens for any piece of code.

Anyone have any ideas

Thanks in advance

Matt Collins

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Modules & VBA :: Shell And Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Feb 23, 2014

I have a form with a button to print preview a report. This report needs one input parameter before executing. The computer this will run on is a touch screen and does not have a keyboard. Windows 7 has a "on screen keyboard" program. I want this to run first so that my user can input the parameter.

I have the following which throws an "Invalid procedure Call or Argument"

Sub CallTeclado()
Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("c:windowssystem32osk.exe", vbNormalNoFocus)
End Sub

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Reports :: Export To Excel - Invalid Procedure Call

Mar 25, 2013

When I try to do an export to excel for a report - it comes back with a message saying Invalid procedure call or argument .

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Queries :: Invalid Procedure Call When Running Query

Jul 4, 2013

I am trying to run a query in Access 2010 but I am getting an "Invalid Procedure Call" error. I searched online and found that this error can be caused by broken references.

I opened the VB editor (Alt F11) to search for "Missing" references but I do not see any. These are the 4 that are checked.

1. Visual Basic for Applications
2. Microsoft Access 14.0 Object Library
3. OLE Automation
4. Microsoft Office 14.0 Access database engine Object Library

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument Using Shell Command?

Feb 6, 2015

I'm developing an application where I want to call the keyboard up on the screen when a user enters a field. This is my setup:

Windows 8.1 32 Bit, Access Runtime 2010.
Exact lines of code are:

Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("C:Program FilesCommon Filesmicrosoft sharedinkTabTip.exe")

These lines of code work perfectly fine on my development PC which is running Windows 7 64 bit, Access/Office 32 bit.

I know the path to the exe is good. I can navigate and double click it and it works great. but the shell command is resulting in the invalid procedure.

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General :: Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument In Accde But Not In Accdb

Aug 6, 2012

I'm getting this error (invalid procedure call or argument - DLL error 0, number 5) on my accde file but not on the accdb.

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Call Procedure On A Different Form

Aug 30, 2006


Is it possible to call a procedure that exists in one form on another form please?


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How To Call OnDblClick Procedure From Another Control(s)

Oct 14, 2006

I have 3 Controls in a form, Control1, Control2, and Control3. Control2, and Control3 both have procedue under event OnDblClick, and I want to wirte code under Control1 OnClick to call OnDblClick of Control2 and then OnDblClick of Control3. Have try several ways but failed. It is another way besides copy whole procedure from OnDblClick into OnClick code?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Call Up Another Event Procedure

Aug 15, 2015

I have 3 event procedure with 3 buttons to make them run.I would like to create another button that can run all procedures togehter. if I copy one of the procedures how do I tell it to run the other 2.

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How To Call A Procedure From A Subform In Main Form

May 10, 2006

I have a sub form which has the Save Button. In case the user keys in the details in the sub form, but then directly clicks the Payment command button of the main form, I want to call the Save button in the sub form if the form is dirty, and do the save, otherwise, proceed with the payment command button.

Every time I try to call the save procedure from the main form's Payment button, I get this error that "object does not support this property or method"

I am calling the save button's code in the subform as

forms.MainForm.SubForm.Save Producedure

Exact Code is : Forms.newpatients.InvoiceHeader.Command7_Click

How do I call this command7_click, which resides in the sub form, in the main form, and invoke it only if the data in the sub form has changed.

Please help.


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Missing Or Invalid Reference Call

Jan 10, 2005

Not sure if this is a access or windows problem but I thought I'd see if anyone has an answer. I have a database that I built to track certain requirements and generate reports and preformatted letters. On the win2k machineeverything works just as planned. When moved to the server, that same machine still has no problems. However when I move to a winxp machine (still using office 2K) the database statrts into the control panel like normal. Problem is as soon as I try to open the first form I get an error that the database is referencing a broken or missing file "outlctlx.dll". The only real code I have is the mousehookmod which to the best of my knowledge was written by Terry Kreft & Ken Getz. This is the only other thing I can think may be calling that dll, but can not find the call reference. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Invalid SQL Statement; Expected 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Procedure', 'Select', Or 'Update

Nov 8, 2004

Hi, I was wondering why the following code would give me an invalid SQL statement message:

Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.Open "Manzanero # 450", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic

The error message is:

"Invalid SQL Statement; expected 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Procedure', 'Select', or 'Update"
I'm just trying to open up the table "Manzanero # 450" so that I might add to its contents. I have Microsoft Active X Data Objects 2.6 library included as well. I find it strange since this is basically a line for line copy of a sample I found in a MS Access book. Please help. Thanks! =)


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ODBC Call Error

Feb 5, 2008

Hi All....getting an "ODBC --call failed" error when trying to re-link tables in the Linked Table Manager in Access. I'm having a problem connecting to one particular Oracle database. I am able to connect to other DBs with no problem.

I can also connect to the problem database through SQL Navigator. And I've been able to connect to it in Access in the past. Any ideas?


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Calling Procedure In Subform Error

Jun 9, 2006

I have a form, Salesperson, that has a subform Salesperson_SalesGraph. The SalesGraph subform is a pivot chart.

I'm having problems with trying to access items on the subform. The weirdest part is that it seems to work if i call the event from form_open, but doesn't work if i move the code to form_current. This won't work for me, as i need the function called whenever i change rows.

The error received is: You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Form/Report.

First I had the code on the main form, accessing the chart object on the subform but was getting errors that i couldn't access the form property in the assignment, Set objChartSpace = Me.salesperson_salesgraph.Form.ChartSpace (i tried a number of differnet ways, with !'s, with Forms("SalesPerson_SalesGraph), etc.

Then i moved the code to the subform and now i'm just trying to call the publically declared sub with the line:

Forms!Salesperson!Salesperson_SalesGraph.UpdateLeg end

The subform has a sub declared as:
Public Sub UpdateLegend()

Any thoughts?

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Invalid Name Error - Why?

May 4, 2005

I’m getting an error I can’t understand!

Access says the name I have for my query is not valid. I can’t see why and the help is no help at all!!

Error says:
‘orders_by_project_query’ is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.

Here is the name of my query

I have also tried:

All the above get the same result.

The query is a look up on two tables to obtain subtotals for a number of orders.

The SQL from the query in SQL view looks like this:
SELECT orders_table.order_id, Sum(CCur(products_table!unit_price*order_detail_ta ble!Prod_reqd_qty*(1-[order_detail_table.prod.discount])/100)*100) AS Subtotal
FROM products_table INNER JOIN (orders_table INNER JOIN order_detail_table ON orders_table.order_id = order_detail_table.order_id) ON products_table.product_id = order_detail_table.product_id
GROUP BY orders_table.order_id;

Any ideas why I get this error and how to correct it?


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Invalid Argument Error

Nov 11, 2005

I have a Form based on a Table of Clients, names and addresses etc. One of the records appears to be corrupt in some way because any time I attempt to access this record, either on the Table or in the Form, I receive an error message "Invalid Argument". The database then shows #Error in every Text Field and I am forced to CTRL Alt Del to close the Database. I cannot even access the record in order to delete it. Any ideas anyone? Thanks.

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#Error/Invalid Bookmark

Aug 7, 2007

I've found a few posts about this subject, on the forum, so I'm guessing that my database (or at least one table therein) has become corrupt.

I've tried the various suggestions I could find (compact and repair, import into a new Db, etc) and none have worked. I have, however, located a version of the database from the day before this error first occurred. I've checked the problematic table and it contains no 'Error#' lines.

The single table affected contains a lot of data and is pretty irreplaceable. I have daily backups, so no information will actually get lost, but if I can't add any new data to it (for fear of corruption) it won't be much use.

1) What causes this problem? I can't seem to find a definite answer to this one.
2) Is there one definite fix I can use to prevent the problem occurring again?

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ODBC-call Failed, Error 3146

Oct 14, 2004

I have an ODBC connection to our company's data that uses Macola. I can enter criteria in the fields in Access to filter that data, but when I try to put a parameter query in such as [Enter order number:] I always get an "ODBC-call failed" message, error# 3146. Can I even solve this problem, or am I just not going to be able to actively change the criteria unless through a pivot chart or table, or by hand? Can anyone help? Thanks.

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Invalid (?) Error Messages - Any Ideas?

Jun 16, 2005

I have a database containing various linked tables and all has been fine for years.
I now have to add some fields to the main table and change some field sizes. I know about the 255 field limit. And I know that an individual record cannot exceed 2K.

BUT, when I simply lower the size of a text field, (i.e., from 40 to 30), I get either the message Too Many Fields Defined or Record Is Too Large.

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'Invalid Use Of Null' Error Message

Dec 12, 2007

The following query runs without issues.

SELECT Payment_Mth, CDate(Payment_mth) AS Expr1
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Payment_Mth) Is Not Null
And (Payment_Mth)<>"Does not apply"
And (Payment_Mth)<>""));

I get a set of data along the following lines
September 2007 01/09/2007
October 2007 01/10/2007
September 2007 01/09/2007
which is what I want.

However, when I try to filter to show only a particular date, I get an error

SELECT Payment_Mth, CDate(Payment_mth) AS Expr1
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Payment_Mth) Is Not Null
And (Payment_Mth)<>"Does not apply"
And (NBReferral.Payment_Mth)<>"")
AND ((CDate(Payment_mth))=#01/10/2007#));

An 'Invalid use of Null' message is displayed.

What am I missing, here?:confused:

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Error Message - Invalid Braketing Of Name??

Sep 13, 2006




I have inherited a database that has suddenly stopped working. The form has been set up to print a report upon the click of a button but it has recently started throwing up an error message. I have attached screen shots.

Can someone help? :mad:

Thank you!!!

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Invalid Argument Error Message

Mar 3, 2006

I have a Access 2000 database that occasionally has a popup message "Invalid Argument", which prevents me from running any action queries or codes. Also another Access 2000 database that has the same "Invalid Argument" error from which prevents me to import the tables to another database.

Do anybody know WHY does the error happen? WHAT does it mean? and HOW we fix it??

Please help. Thanks so much

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