Inverted Values On A Form

Mar 24, 2005

I would like to have a control on my form which displays the opposite value to that stored in the table.

ie, if the table says "TRUE" then the form should display false.

Having the value displayed is simple enough.
I have two fields on the form - Field1 is the value from the table and is hidden and DisplayField has a RC of =not [Field1]

DisplayField always displays the opposite value.
However, when I click DisplayField I am unable to change the value as it is "bound to Field1 and cannot be changed".

Elsewhere in the database Field1 is used in its normal form so simply changing the field is not an option and to save space I do not want to add another field which is simply the opposite of this one.

Is there any way to of updating Field1 when DisplayField is clicked?

(Note: this must be on a continuous form and the values will not be the same for each entry!)

Any ideas would be gratefully received.


PS (this is probably on here if I search, but whilst I am typing...) is it possible to change the colour of a single row of a continous form based on the value of a field? ie, red text if a value is false, green if true, as you can on a report

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Forms :: Button To Copy Values From 5 Fields In Current Form To New Form

Sep 30, 2013

I would like to create a command button on my form that copies values from 5 fields in the current record into a new record leaving all the other fields blank except for the new record ID.

The fields that contain the data that I want copied into a new form are:

1. Member_Name
2. Member_ID
3. Account
5. Assigned_WRCA

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Values Of Selected Items From First Form Until Third Form

Aug 12, 2013

I would like passing values from first form until third form.

In the first form I have a list box after selecting items (For each selected item in first form I have 4 values) and pressing button (or right click of mouse) the second form will be open, then in the second form I have 2 option (inserting, deleting), when I select inserting or deleting in the second form, third form will be open, in the third form there is a "OK" button, when I press that, passed values from first form will be used for inserting or deleting records to the table.

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Forms :: Copying Field Values From Form Header To The Form

Sep 18, 2014

I have form named home page in this homepage form in the form header i have inserted some fields from some tables like province, district, community etc. these fields are unbound and are used for filtering purposes, when i select a province all districts related to that province displayed and when i select a a district all related communities displayed, there is a one to many relationship between district table and community table,

What I want is, when i select a district on the form header(it is unbound as i explained before) of this homepage form, the DistrictID should appear in community subform under DistrictID(as there is a one to many relationship between district and community) .

For more clarification find the snap shot attached...

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Linking Result From Lookup Column In A Form To The Values Form?

May 29, 2012

I am creating a customer database for an independent insurance agency. Within that customer database, we have a lookup field that references another table "Carriers". This is where we select the insurance carrier we have placed the clients insurance with (ex. Geico, progressive, etc). This field allows multiple entries since clients can have policies with different companies.

We also have contact detail forms for each of our insurance carriers where we store information like web logins, contact phone numbers, and other notes. These forms are based on the same table as the lookup field.

I would like to create a hyperlink so, if we are looking at a clients form with all of their contact info we can click the insurance company in the carrier field and it will bring us to the contact details form of that carrier.

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Forms :: Automation - Fill Another Form With Values Of First Form

May 28, 2014

i just created two forms which r so inter-rel. with each other
1. FormName : Invoice_SL
Form controls which need to be copied to another
form :
a> PO No b> PO Date c>Dispatch Details
d> - is a filtered list depending upon UID of Invoice_SL Form

2. formName : Challan_DLR
Form fields are :
ChallanID, Challan Date, PO no., PO Date, Dispatch Details
list of items to be sent-- a filtered list depending upon UID
of Invoice_SL form

now what i want:
Just a command button in Invoice_SL Form to Open(pre-made form)
Challan_DLR form and Copy-paste all these controls (same named)
from Invoice_SL to Challan_DLR form

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Forms :: Passing Values From One Form To A New Record In Another Form

Oct 25, 2013

Have one form that contains values AssociatedProject and AssociatedRelease that need to be passed onto another form that opens with a new record. Have tried different variations based on what I read here and couldn't get them to work.

Initial form - frm_ViewList contains the values that I need to pass on and has a "Add" button to bring up the new form that also creates a new record. The add button contains the following:

Dim stDocName As String
MyAssociatedProject = Me.AssociatedProject
MyAssociatedRelease = Me.AssociatedRelease
stDocName = "Frm:ManageQuestionsAnswersProc"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Then in the second form Frm:ManageQuestionsAnswersProc the following code is contained in the Before Insert:

Me.AssociatedProject = MyAssociatedProject
Me.AssociatedRelease = MyAssociatedRelease

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Add Values From A Form

Apr 5, 2005

How do you update a table using unbond fields in a form? I have several combo boxes that, once the user selects the desired value, passed to a table. Also is the event 'on double click' available for combo boxes and does it make sense to use that event.


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Copy Values From Form To Form

Aug 21, 2005

I've a question..
I've a form with two fields (min and max).
How can I copy those two fields in another form and generate a list of values that are between min and max??
the two form and the data are not linked with tables..

min = 3
max = 15



sorry for my bad english :D :p

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Selecting Values From A Value In A Form

Apr 20, 2006

What I want to do is use a value obtained in the form (obtained from a list-box selection) to select a record in a table, then return one of the fields to a text-box on the form.
All the values coming from the list-box are unique, and the value returned is a simple integer.

Is there any way to do this reasonably simply?

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Looking Up Label Values On A Form

Feb 7, 2008

I am using the following code in the open event to set the gloves label on my form frm_Delivery_2 equal to the gloves label on form frm_delivery_1. I receive the error that the form frm_delivery_1 cannot be found. When I set the gloves label equal to another label or frm_delivery_2 using the same synax it works.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Gloves_Label.Caption = Forms!frm_Delivery_1.Gloves_Label.Caption
End Sub

What or where would I need to setup the code so that it sees the glove_label value on my form frm_delivery_1 and sets the glove label on my frm_delivery_2 equal to it.

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Multiple Values In 1 Form

Feb 21, 2008


how could i get multiple values shown in 1 form only? i currently have a code to look through 6 fields and if the fields iar blank, you get a a message box. you press ok and the next message is shown for the next field if it is blank but it would be so much better to have 1 message box showing all blank fields required to be filled in.

all it does is check the fields as these are required before continuing. if anyof the fields are blank, then it tells you and you cannot continue untl they are all filled. it seems easy in my head!!

im sure this can be done but im not quite sure how.

any ideas would be greatly received.


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Top 'X' Values From A Parameter Form?

Nov 21, 2006

I have a simple parameter form where the users enter selectives for their queries.
They usually want the top 100 records, but would like to select the number of records from that same form.
I tried adding the forms' field name into the top records field in the query but it will take only a number.
Any suggestions about setting it form the form or using VBA?


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How To Multiply Values In A Form

Mar 22, 2005

Hi. I'm new to Access and I wonder if someone could help me with this problem I am having while constructing a database. We need to create a database of reservations to a program we offer. We will need to store the quantity of reservations per person. What we needed to do is multiply the quantity of reservations by the value of each reservation and get a 3rd field with the final amount. So we need a field with the result of the multiplication of the quantity of reservations by the value of each reservation, which is a fixed amount. I'm having problems getting access to do this, I get an "error" message on the resulting field. Can somebody help me with this?


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Opening A Form With Sensible Values

Sep 13, 2005

Hi all,

I've designed a stock control form which enables the user to view stock bought and sold simutaneously. I have a combo box at the top of the form to select the item the user wishes to view. Then, on two seperate subforms, I have records of stock bought and sold.

The thing works fine, but when I open the form in the first place, the combo box is blank and the data shown on the subforms doesn't correspond.

What I need is for the form to open and show the data for item no 1.

Any ideas??? Thanks in advance

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Percentage Values On A Form

Dec 7, 2005

This is a very minor problem. But it's one of those things that will bug me to no end. I have a discount field on a pop up form whose format is set to percentage. The field it is bound to is also set to percentage. When the user entered, for example, 50, the field would change to 5000%. So in the AfterUpdate I divide the value by 100. This works fine. The issue that's got me stumped is the appearance of the value. When the value is 50.00% and the text box receives focus, the appearance stays 50.00%. When the value is 10.00% the appearance changes to 0.1. I've entered various values and some change and some don't. Would anyone know why?

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Using Values From Form In Query

Aug 3, 2006

I have a table of records, each of which has a date.

I want to create a form which has two boxes on it for the user to input 2 dates and then get Access to query the table of records and display only those which fall between the two dates specified.

I could do set this up using a parameter query but am not sure how to make the query pick the dates up from the form.

How can I do this?


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How To Change Values On New Form

Mar 18, 2008

Hello again... back to the access newbie Qs... first some code:

Code:HoldDOC = CCC_Demographics_DOC_Number HoldApptDate = Date HoldProvider = Provider_ID HoldInterval = Interval DoCmd.OpenForm "Create New Pending Appt Record", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog Forms!Create_New_Pending_Appt_Record.DOC_Number = HoldDOC

Ok... we're looking to take some values from our current form (hence the first 4 lines) and put them into some form elements on the new form... the form opens (the OpenForm command's going through), but when we reach the last line we get a "cannot find form XXX" error... so how do we change the elements on the new form?

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Passing Values From One Form To Another

Aug 22, 2007

I am trying and have been unsuccessful at passing a value in a textbox from one form to another.

I have a form (Form1) and I click a button and Form2 opens.

What I want is a couple values from textboxes in the Form1 to populate a couple textboxes on Form2 when Form2 opens.


PLease help

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Default Values In A Form

Dec 11, 2013

I have converted access DB to MS SQL database, while the code is still in Access.

There are several form, when invoked have default values (kind of template) these work fine in Access but not in converted application these default values show up after the record is saved.

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Pass Values From One Form To Another

Jan 21, 2015

I have a database that I am creating to enter risks and controls in for business auditing. I am stuck with a problem related to passing a value from one form to another. The general idea behind the database is this: A business enters its risks into a risk form and later enters its controls in the controls form. These are separate forms because the risk and controls may be entered at different times by different auditors. An example of what this looks like is this:

Risk Real estate owned by the company may be overvalued on the companys balance sheet.

Control Once every two years, the company obtains an independent appraisal of the propertys value.

A risk may have more than one control mapped (assigned) to it. A control may be assigned to more than one risk.Now that we know what the end result looks like, here is my problem.

Currently, I use a form to display the risk. This form has a subform on it which displays the control. I use a combo box on the subform to choose the controls ID reference number. When chosen, the control appears in the subform. This form then populates a join table which now contains the foreign key identifiers of both the risk and the control or controls. The problem is that the controls are wordy and stored in memo fields, so the user has to choose the controls identifier in the combo box, which is usually not know to the user. So, I have a button on the form the user can select and a report of all controls pops up so the user can scroll through and find the desired control and get its reference ID. They then close the pop up report and choose the reference ID in the combo box.

What I would like to do is to have the pop-up report appear as a form and each control had a checkbox next to it. Then the user could just check the box for the control they wanted. No more selecting reference IDs from the combo box.

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Opening A Form And Setting Values?

Sep 29, 2006

Okay. So, i have this frmProduction that has a cbo box on it, and when i select the value 'sold from field' i want it to open up another form (frmSales) that i have already created. Now, not only do i want it to open it but i want to have some information on frmSales filled out with the values the user entered on frmProduction. I already have it opening the frmSales on the AfterUpdate value on the cbo box (if statement) but i don't know what to do about setting the values of frmSales!

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Passing Values To A Form (calendar)

Jan 9, 2008

Hi All,

Thanks to "Beginning Access97 VBA Programming" by R. Smith & D. Sussman, I was able to implement the use of a calendar form to allow a client to select a date, rather than keying one in. And here I thought I was done with the problem....Wrong !!! The calendar form only works if existing records already have a date(shortdate) associated with the record.

But when I try to create a new record, the date field is "null" and I can't figure out how to pass a date value to the calendar control even though it's receiving a null. I get this "type mismatch" error I've bumped into the part of the code that was supplied via the book where the "property set datecontrol (Byval ctldate as Control) is set, but I can't figure out
how to deal with this incoming "null" value from the newly created record.

Can anyone help? I'll check in later on tonight if anyone is needing part of the code as reference to what I'm trying to accomplish.

Thanks so much.......CementCarver

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Autofill Table From Hi/Lo Form Values

Feb 13, 2007

Help. I know just enough about Access to get myself into trouble.

What I want to do is have a form where I enter a low work order # and a high work order # with a series of yes/no questions and then have that autofill a table with work order #s incrementally from the low value to the high value and attach all of the yes/no answers to each work order #.

How do I get the table to autofill from low to high work order #?

Thanks for any help in advance and type slowly. I'm not very bright.

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How To Call Form Values In A SQL Query

May 14, 2007


I need to build a query where upon form input a different table gets queried.

FROM ((Forms!DCL!PortDropDown))
WHERE ((Forms!DCL!DestinationList=(Reg_Dest.Destination) ));

The "FROM" is my problem. The "WHERE" is working. I am getting a "SYNTAX ERROR IN JOIN OPERATION" error message. Please help.

Thank you:confused:

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Query To Use Values In Form As WHERE Clause

Sep 28, 2007

Morning all,

Am trying to create a really simple form where the user can select one of five fields, an operator (just =, Not, <, and >) and the values are pulled from whatever field is chosen.

I have the form down and can populate the values list based on the field however now i need to use the values in these boxes to create a WHERE clause.
I'm really new to SQL and have only done a couple of online tutorials but i think im on the right lines?

DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * FROM qryLinkMasterPrimary WHERE " + cboFields.Value + " " + cboOperator.Value + " " + cboValues.Value

Is this even slightly close? I've tried searching the internet and everything i find is waaaaay too complicated for me to get my head round.
Any help is greatly appreciated

Mike Harkess

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