Is Access Security Broken In Windows 98?

May 15, 2006

Hi I've noticed totally different behavior with my secured databases in 98 and in XP.

In XP Access Security works. In 98 it is broken.

For example today I secured a database. I went to another computer running 98 and Access 2002 that was joined to the default workgroup file system.mdw . They still had full access to the database and were not even asked to enter a login. Once I joined the correct workgroup file the security was implemented though. (In XP if I go back to the Default workgroup file the security is still maintained.)

So strange. Where is the security if it is totally ignored on 98 operatings systems? Someone can just make a copy of the database and have full access in 98 despite the database being secured.


Hi I've noticed totally different behavior with my secured databases in 98 and in XP.

In XP Access Security works. In 98 it is broken.

For example today I secured a database. I went to another computer running 98 and Access 2002 that was joined to the default workgroup file system.mdw . They still had full access to the database and were not even asked to enter a login. Once I joined the correct workgroup file the security was implemented though. (In XP if I go back to the Default workgroup file the security is still maintained.)

So strange. Where is the security if it is totally ignored on 98 operatings systems? Someone can just make a copy of the database and have full access in 98 despite the database being secured.


Then your db is not really [correctly] secured. You should get the same result by copying the database to another computer and the user should be able to open the db without using your workgroup file. Sounds like you have joined your computer to your custom workgroup file [or worse, you have modified the default "System.mdw" file on your computer with your new security settings. Search around the forum for you problem has been asked and answered in many other threads.

ghudson is correct. The behavior you describe occurs whenever you connect to a DB using the default SYSTEM.MDW file. I have answered this question beaucoup times, so look up posts on "Security" where I have contributed comments.

To understand why this occurs, you need to know one more thing: The name of your workgroup is a registry function. You would see the same behavior when you move the .MDB to an XP machine but never join the correct workgroup on that machine. (Because, of course, the registry entry isn't changed until you JOIN the workgroup.)

Your database is not properly secured. Take a look at the Security FAQ document. Search the kb or you may find a link from here.

Why are you double posting?

At least Pat gave you the same answers as your first posting recieved...

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Access 2000 Security - Authenticate With Windows 2000 Server Credentials

Oct 24, 2005


I have a database that currently has security in place so that users input their own usernames and passwords to access the database. The users have recently been added to a windows 2000 server and I want to be able to use their windows 2000 server logon credentials to provide them with automatic access to the database. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set this up? It is a rather urgent request if you could get back to me either on this forum or via email

many thanks


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Access And Windows 98 To Windows 2000

Nov 27, 2006

Hi All,

This is my problem -

My customer has Access programs that work on their Windows 98 OS PC's, but when they try to use them on Windows 2000 OS PC's they will not work.
The programs I believe were originally written in Access 97 and now they have Access 2000 on the PC's.

By not working I mean the following -

The Access program allows them to enter a document name and then the file opens in Word - BUT - when they use it in Windows 2000 it does not open the document at all. It says file not found in Windows 2000 and the file does exist.

** The reason they have Access opening files is that Access keeps track of them for auditing purposes.

Now here is something that I want to mention. On PC's that were upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 the programs work.

Can anyone here tell me what is missing from 98 to 2000 that would do this.

Thank you very much for your time.

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Excel Import Link To Access Is Broken - Data Won't Update

Apr 12, 2014

I have a workbook which has links to access to import data. I have to have the information in Excel for a couple reasons:

1.) Many of our customers don't have Access.
2.) The customers use a "discount calculator" to apply their own discounts.

They also use it to then apply their own margin mark ups to be able to then use to quote to their customers. So a static report/pdf for them to look at doesn't work.

I've begun to create links from a number of queries in Access, which work fine. My problem is when I go to update the data. I'm not getting the following error coming up:

The database definitely hasn't moved. And I've run the queries in q, and there aren't any problems there. I've looked this error up and I'm seeing that it could mean that I've got some corruption going on.

Before I hit my main q, I should also note: I'm running all of this on a Citrix network. I should also note that it's a consulting gig. Once I'm done, I won't be available to fix major issues like this.

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Advice For Security & Question On Built In Access Security

Mar 26, 2007

I've read and gone though quite a few of the scrips and examples for creating logins and security and i'm getting to the stage when i need to have good understanding of the different methods.

Some of the examples whilst create a user login do not really allow for security within the database whilst the build in security wizard would appear to offer that functionality.

I am thinking that I will use the Workgroup file and that method. My question is am i able to utilise the fact that if a person 'AdamA' logs onto the database which is built into the workgroup security file. am I then able to take 'AdamA' to populate a table which records actions by a user? (I can't seem to find any thread or book reference to doing this)

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Works On Windows 2000 Not Windows 2003

Sep 19, 2006

I have a website that is asp (not .net) based with an Access DB and I am in the process of replacing an old windows 2000 server with a much faster windows 2003 server. Here lies the problem I have a script as part of the admin that exports data to a csv file. The query joins 4 tables together to get the data needed for the export. On the windows 2000 server it takes 1-5 seconds to execute and have the csv file ready for download. On the window 2003 server it times out. I striped it down to use 2 joins and it worked although it took more like 10-20 seconds to export. This exports a specific range of ID's and the range is normally only 40-50 rows. If I put time stamps in the code the problem is in the query of the database, so I know its not in the file write etc.

I am going to rewrite it to use multible querys instead of one large query, but I have many other sites that I am moving to this server that would work better if I can figure out why it is so slow.

The windows 2000 is a 900 mhz server the windows 2003 is a 2.8GHZ server both have 1 GIG of ram. The database file is on the local drive on both servers. I am guessing it is a difference in the Jet version, I just haven't been able to find a solution to the problem. This uses a DSN connection, configured the same on both servers. I have also tried it as a DSN-less connection with the same result.

I have installed access on the server and to execute the command in access it is <2 sec.

I am not an access expert I normally program in .net and php and use MySQL and MsSQL for databases, we just have these legacy sites that use Access DB's

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Access And Windows XP

Nov 30, 2005

We have recently converted from Office 97 to 2003 and Windows NT4 to XP.

In the old days, when I opened a database up I would use autoexec and the db would open to a particular form. On the windows display it would just show that I had a particular Access database open. On windows XP, if I open the database the same way I get two bars at the bottom of the screen showing the objects and the relevant form. This means that all the design is available for people to see.

I am not that clever to have front and back ends etc, so how do I get it to just display the appropriate query / form / report etc.

I hope that I have made it clear. The XP feature showing how many files you have open is quite handy if you want to look at two Word documents but in Access it allows people to fiddle. If they can't see it they can't fiddle with it.

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Access 97 And Windows XP

Sep 15, 2006

Hello everyone

I have an issue with access97 when installed on a windows XP pro sp2 machine. I am constantly getting errors from the vba332.dll module and access shuts down on me. This happens even if I try to go to tools - options on the main menu bar. If any one has encountered this before please help!

This is what I get in the application log:

Faulting application msaccess.exe, version, faulting module vba332.dll, version, fault address 0x000b6614.

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MS Access For Windows Problem

Oct 17, 2005

Upon closing a database using Access 2000 Runtime, I am getting the following error: -

Microsoft Access for Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close.

This happens just as I am closing the database down and not at any other time. It also only happens on Access Runtime.

Can anybody please help? :(

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Minimizing All The Windows Within Access On

Apr 10, 2006

When the user clicks on the file name, I want the form to load automatically & also at the same time minimize the database window (i.e. the window where all the tables, queries etc are listed). Any suggestions?

Thx in advance,


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Access 97 And Windows 98 - Super Slow

Jun 6, 2005

I have one PC running win98,acc97 and Access is CRAWLING. I'm seeing this on ONLY this one PC, and in multiple databases.

Any ideas? Possible places to look to fix this? I've tried reinstalling Office, I'd rather not have to rebuild this pc.



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MS Access And Windows Server 2003

Dec 21, 2006


Could you please someone take a look int my problem? I have made an Access database with forms, reports and everything. We used it on the LAN and it worked fine. Now I would like to enable users to reach the data even from home, for which I thought the terminal server would be the best (due to mostly slow connection type).

I asked our provider to install Windows Server 2003 R2 on our remote server. Then I installed Access 2003 and copied the mdb file to that server.

The file can be open but it blocks all VBA codes in the forms, modules, etc. I think this is related to the security issues and something called sandbox of Access and tried to follow the instrudtion on the help section, but no success.

Please guide me to run my mdb on Windows Server. Thanks!!


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Open Windows Folder From Access ??

Jan 3, 2007

Please forgive my Newbieness and accept I am a keen ametuer running a small business and trying to use access as a tool. No doubt I will be back with many questions as you all seem so knowledgeable, thanks in advance.
Can't really do code but get on OK with built in wizards etc. Wonder if someone might be able to help with this one:

Is it possible to set a command into a form that opens up a windows folder elsewhere on the computer or network? For example, receive email from DIY multiple containing kitchen plan, installation costing etc, as attachments. File attachments in folder on server, manually enter detail into access database which generates "Customer ID Number", decides which fitter, surveyor etc. then need to email a report (have managed conversion to PDF and to launch outlook) but then wanted to copy and attach the original attachments to this new email, along with Access report for forwarding to various surveyors / fitters around the UK. Thus require if poss to open file on server, copy attachments and paste in new e mail, thought it would save time to do by one button press to open server file??

May seem easier to just forward original e mail but unfortunately some of the info in the mails from the DIY multiples is not for distribution and filtering isn't possible.

Perhaps one simply can't do it but worth asking, thanks again. Paul

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Access 97 DB Wont Run On Windows 2003

Jul 30, 2007


Im currently implementing terminal server.

I have an access 97 database which all my users will use, back end sits on the server share and is a mapped drive, front end is on the users local drive at present but will become a shared DB on the terminal server.

I can get the DB running by opening in admin mode using the shift key but if I try to run it normally then it just opens access then closes immediately :confused:

Ive checked the event logs and all I get is this..

Faulting application MSACESS.EXE Version

If I enter the DB as admin, then try to run the forms it crashes, is there something in Windows 2003 server that could be blocking them or the code behind them?



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Are There Any Reasons To Not Use Access 97 On A WIndows 2000 Network

Nov 3, 2005


I was wondering if any of you have had experience firsthand or knew of reasons why an Access 97 database should not be installed on a WIndows 2000 network?


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Ms Access Controlling Windows Media Player

Jan 30, 2007

I want to have a MS Access 2000 database open, load a Form with various option buttons on and get Windows Media Player to play a MP3 music file. However, when I click a option button on the Form I want the music to stop.

Any ideas of code to do this?



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Windows Sharepoint Compared To Microsoft Access

May 4, 2007

Does anyone know the main differences of using Windows Sharepoint to share data compared with Access?

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Problem With Access 2000 Database Under Windows XP

Oct 22, 2004

Hello Everyone!

I've installed the windows XP. Also, I have an ODBC connection to ACCESS 2000 database.
My scripts are already reads data from ACCESS databse. But it is failed to create new table in database.
What may this problem be solved?

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Add Windows Widget Like Clock To Access Form

Mar 16, 2014

Can we add windows gadgets like clock and calender to access form?

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Windows Task Scheduler, Access Is Left Running

Jan 25, 2008

WHen I used Windows task scheduler to start my application, and then close the application normally, the application closes but Access is left running, still visible in the task bar. The only way I can get it to close is by using task manager to kill it. I found an old KB article ( # 246953) that hints that this (or something like it) is a known bug in Access 2000 but supposedly was resolved by an Office 2000 service pack 2. But I am already running Windows XP, SP2. Anyone else having this problem? Any workarounds?

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Vista, Ms Access & Windows Server 2003 Corruption?

Apr 3, 2008

In our company we use a windows 2003 server. Our database is ms access 2002. The back end of the db is situated in a directory on the primary HD of the server.
All our workstations use windows professional. The DB works great when inputting data from workstations using widows pro.

I use a vista (ultimate) laptop. It appears that when I enter data from my vista laptop at times it corrupts the backend of the db. None of the other workstations do this.
Is vista a problem here in this situation?

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General :: File Sharing Windows MS Access Backend?

Oct 19, 2014

I want to deploy an access database at a small office with 5 computers, small network. However I do not intend to create a server in order to have a domain etc. Operating system is win 8.1 pro. Should I use a homegroup or workgroup ? Would it require password in case of workgroup? Which is a recommended way to setup this and keep some security like a guest cant access these files?

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Registry On Windows 7 X64 With Access 2010 X86?

Nov 22, 2013

I have always had solid read access to the Windows registry running on Windows XP with Access 2007. I am utilizing code from here in a separate VBA Module to obtain access to the Windows registry:

"Change registry settings in VBA"


On Windows 7 x64 / Access 2010 x86, I am seeing a 0 value in lngKeyHandle. Also, m_lngRetVal has a value of 2 after the RegOpenKey LOC.

' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Query the key path
' --------------------------------------------------------------
m_lngRetVal = RegOpenKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' If no key handle was found then there is no key. Leave here.
' --------------------------------------------------------------
If lngKeyHandle = 0 Then
regQuery_A_Key = vbNullString
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle) ' always close the handle
Exit Function
End If

I have verified that I have the key successfully in the registry... installed via the .reg file that works on Windows XP / Access 2007 systems.

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Call Windows Search Function Into Access?

Nov 3, 2014

I need a search function that will not just open files based on their names but also drill into the documents and search based on what's in it. The only way I can see now is to use the Window's search function (the one at the start button). Is it possible to call that function into access?how do I re-create the search style of the windows search bar for a specific folder? Something like streamreader

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Hosting Access 2010 Database On Windows Server?

Jun 17, 2012

I have a database which is now reasonably finished and am looking slightly ahead at how it can be accessed by the staff. The first clinic has two stations that need constant access to it, namely the clinic area and the reception area.The second clinic is about 3 kilometers distance away from the main clinic and will also need constant access which, I presume,would be by hosting the database on a Windows based Server, to which all three locations would connect and then be able to use the database directly. When I say Windows Server I mean as could be used to host a web site on the Internet rather than use of an internal Intranet system.

Should I split the database and only host the backend part on the server (i.e. the tables)?Does the whole database need to be uploaded to the Windows Server?Is any other software required to make this work?I presume that I would need to introduce record locking? Is this easily done and, if so, how?

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Problem With MS Access 2000 Application On Windows Server 2003

Mar 21, 2006

Hi all,

having some serious troubles with a MS Access 2000 project running on a Windows 2003 Server environment.

If I compile the project it doesn't produce a compiling-error. Everything seems to work fine. Creating a .mde file and running it on a Windows Server 2003 produces some serious errors. The project seems to be starting correctly but opening a form or simply trying to close the application causes MS Access to crash! :mad:

I tried the project on 2 different Windows Server 2003 environments, 1 having MS Access 2000 installed and 1 having only MS Access 2000 Runtime installed. Both are experiencing the same problems.

The following references are used in the project:
- Visual Basic For Applications
- Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
- Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library
- Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
- Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library
- OLE Automation
- Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library
- Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.8 for DLL and Security

I tried the following solutions to solve the problem:
* Removing MS Access completely and reinstalling it.
* Compiling and creating a .mde on the Windows 2003 Server which has the full version of MS Access 2000 installed.
* Using JetComp to repair the database.
* Creating a new MS Access 2000 application and copy all Forms/Modules into it.

Nothing helped so far..

The same project is running correctly on Windows 98, ME, 2000, 2000 Server and XP Pro/Home. Both Windows 2003 Servers are fully updated, including updates regarding MS Access.


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