Is It Possible To Create Self Calculating Hyperlinks In Access?
Feb 27, 2007
I am creating a database that basically holds product information. The different fields I have is Supplier, Product Code, Product Description.
For each product I have a product specification in a word document the names of these specifications follow this convention: [Supplier]&[Product Code] e.g. Coca Cola012345
I need a hyperlink to link to the relevant word document, but rather than going through and setting them up one by one I want the hyperlink to be self calculating depending on the information entered in the fields.
I tried typing in the following in the hyperlink address part in the properties:
=[Supplier]&[Product Code]&".doc"
but it seems to read it exactly as I type it in and obviously does not work.
Can anyone suggest a way round this or perhaps a completely different way of doing it which may be more effective???
I am a newbie at Access and this forum. Here is the question I have a database set-up in Access'97 which recently got converted to Access'03. Now previously database reside on my computer and I have a field that holds hyperlinks to documents which were set as relative paths. Now the database has been moved to another location..where ofcourse the relative path don't work, as the parent directory is different. There are a huge number of records in the database with hyperlinks. I need to convert all relative path to absolute paths. Is there an easier and faster way of doing this? Perhaps via a query? I don't want to do this one by one.
I have a 2 part question. I'm looking to enter the names of different files that I have for a particular client so that they appear/pop up as a list in a subform in "real time". I'd also like those file names to be hyperlinks to their actual location on my server. Is there any way to do this?
Trying to paste hyperlinks in main table - Access allowed me to paste one - using the edit-paste hyperlink function- however now and forevermore that function is "grayed out" and I can no longer paste hyperlinks - I need to past approximately 1400 hyperlinks into a table so that the user can access secure intranet sites by clicking on the appropriate field in the form view -
If I can't get this to it possible to run a macro from a command button on the form to open Internet explorer, paste stated text into the address bar (example www.) and then paste data from a field in the form into the string in the address bar, and then finally, follow up with stated text.
Example would be: Field=1234567
Macro opens explorer and pastes " into the address bar.
I'm having a problem changing the hyperlinks in my access table.the hyperlinks point to locations of various documents on the server i.e. Server Quality DocumentsDoc1.docx
we have 2 domains at work so on one domain the hyper link works but on the other it doesn't.I did a find and replace so i have formatted all hyperlinks as such..Server.mydomain.localQualityDocumentsDoc1.doc x
However, this approach hasn't worked as it has only altered the 'text to display' and not the actual address (if i right click the hyperlink -> edit hyperlink the address is still ServerQualityDocumentsDoc1.docx).Is there away to change the Address fields of all the hyperlinks in one go?
I have a table with fields of Title, Description, and URL. I have a report with a text box, IsHyperlink set to yes and Control Source set to =[Title] & "#" & [URL] & "#" . When I open the report in report view, it works great - the Title is displayed as a hyperlink and if I click it, I go to the URL. However, if I export the report to rtf or excel, I only get the Title - it is not a hyperlink. How to get the display text (Title) and hyperlink address (URL) from the access report to Word rtf and excel.
I have built an Access 2010 split database on my computer and it functions as built. My next step was to copy it to the server at work and test it. I discovered the tables had to be re-linked and so did that. As I have read in the Access World Forums in order to function as a multi-user database a copy of the front end must be placed on the individual workstation with the back end residing on the server, however the hyperlinks in the back end will not function when the copy on the workstation is run. I simply get an unable to open "filename" error pop-up. I can run the server copy and everything functions as built. I know that the hyperlinks require all the files to be in the same folder (relative vs. absolute), but if the back end contains all the hyperlinks why does the location of the front end seem to affect the operation of the back end?
Before I design an application in Access, I need to know if a certain task is even possible. I have a table of Physicians containing their names and addresses. What I would like to accomplish is to be able to provide an entry screen that would allow a user to input their zip code and have Access search for the physicians with a
I am working on a system to store financial information. I will be extracting our accounts payable journal entries on a monthly basis into Excel. I want to import that data into an Access table. I have several calculations to perform to create new datafields that I need to store in my Access table. Is it possible to perform these calculations as I load the data? If so what the best method to do this? Here is an example. I will be downloading our monthly hardware depreciation and need to split it among departments based on % stored in another Access Table.
I designed a form for my place of business. We do estimates for roofing and construction and the form is really basic in terms of MS Access and it's potential.
But I'd like to modify it to have it make certain calculations. The way I have it setup is... on the left of the form are different fields for. Shingles, Plywood, Metal Drip Edge, so on and so forth.
This is a line pretty much of the entire form: (noted this is only what it shows)
[checkbox] Tear Off [Shingles Text Field] First Layer [# of Sqs. Field] X [FIELD = Per Square] Per Sq. = [Field = Total]
This is the way I would like to set it up.
I dont' know if the check box would complicate things but here is my idea: If Check - # of Sqs. X Price Per Sq. = Total Price
Then I would also like to have Total Price + All Checked Total Prices = Grand Total.
I don't know if that is too complicated. I don't know anything about MS Access other than adding fields to keep data into the Database. I played with the expressions but I couldn't figure it out.
I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction with this one....
I need to be able to check at any time which person is working a shift on a specific day, and whether they are working a day or night shift. In effect I have 4 engineers, who work on shifts A B C & D. All the engineers work a 4 on, 4 off shift pattern, so for example if engineer A is working day shift, engineer B will be working nightshift, C & D will be on rest days. The pattern rotates every 4 days, so in the case of engineer A:
1st - days 2nd - days 3rd - days 4th - days 5th - rest 6th - rest 7th - rest 8th - rest 9th - nights 10th - nights 11th - nights 12th - nights 13th - rest 14th - rest 15th - rest 16th - rest ...................and so on.
I need to be able to pull up a form that tells me which engineer is working which shift on a selected date -I hope I've explained myself properly. Can this be calculated 'on the fly' using VBA & a reference table or lookup? I'd prefer to do this by programming if possible.
I don't use Access too often but I'm trying to connect a table to some business intelligence software I use.
A. Date B. Price C.Ydayprice 01/01/2015 101.45 02/01/2015 104.70 03/01/2015 103.00
Simple stuff. Once I've connected to the table, I can easily do what I want with Field 'Price' and 'Ydayprice'. However, I can't calculate column C. All I want is row 2 to say 101.45, R3 to say 104.7 etc. I've tried various things but I don't have the knowledge to write the action I require. I don't want to calculate the change in Access either.
Hi, I am a longtime Excel user, and am now migrating some work to Access.
I have 2 fields dealing with dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm, OPEN and CLOSE
I'd like to get the difference between the two in hours, but I have no idea how or where to do this in Access. I'm assuming it is put into the queries, but it would be easier if I could just put it in the table.
Here is an example 1/1/2008 1:00 1/2/2008 2:00 I want the result to be "25"
Hi everyone I'm a very very new access user so many apologies in advance for when I have no idea what I"m talking about.
I'm working on creating a report that will display multiple expiration dates. Currently I have an employee database, not created by me, that has all of our employees professional licenses listed.
Prof license, auto license, liability, etc.
I want to create a report that will tell me what has already expired or will expire in the next 30 days.
I did use this Between DateAdd("d",-30,Date()) and Date() and it is bringing back info up to 2009. which isn't what I need. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here.
I want anything that has expired regardless of the date from today, before today, and 30 days from today but I don't care about anything more than 30 days from today's date.
I noticed that when I looked at the existing database that the fields are set as text fields. I tried to change them to dates and it gave me a "deleting 106" records error message. Yikes!
Any help would be appreciated. I don't really understand expressions and I don't understand if I'm supposed to put the actual date in parentheses or what. Please pardon my ignorance.
Hey all, I have a table for my documents and I have to add all these documents which need to be entered into the table, is there a faster way then right click edit hyperlink and go through the folders and find the file? Since I have a lot of doc this will take a while so I was wondering if there was another way? Thanks
Help please. I would like to be able to create a browse button that will allow the user to find a file that when they click ok on the browse window is assigns the file to a hyperlink .
I have used the following code to open a dialog box which works fine and puts the file name in the hyperlink field on my form however when I click the hyperlink nothing happens.
Dim strFilter As String Dim strInputFileName As String
I am trying to link to a specific page in a word document from my Access database. I pretty sure I've done this before, however my brain doesn't seem to want to retrieve that information at this time. Does anyone know how to do this?
Hey all, I have a table for my documents and I have to add all these documents which need to be entered into the table, is there a faster way then right click edit hyperlink and go through the folders and find the file? Since I have a lot of doc this will take a while so I was wondering if there was another way? Thanks
in my table, i have a field type set to hyperlink.
I'm sending a hyperlink address to the table using ADO.
the control property is set to hyperlink yes on the form.
i then display the captured information in a subform data sheet with the filed property set to hyperlink yes. It displays as it should (in blue and underlined) ... but the hyperlinks aren't working. I click on it and nothing happens. If I right click on the hyperlink and "edit" the hyperlink address is missing.
If i go into the table and reset the field to text, save it and then reset it back to hyperlink.... presto is all seems to work. Now when I edit the hyperlink... the address is there. Weird!!
something isn't right. I shouldn't have to do this. I'm being driven mad.
I am new to Access, what is the hyperlink feature in Access ? that used to store hyperlinks in their native form ?, am creating a small application where a column is a hyperlink column, this when output to the page should take the use to the correct link. It's part of a news feed program.
I have the forms/HTML all done up to accept and to store the info, it's only the display area that i have a problem with. There are 3 cols in the db, one is an ID, one is a short desc, and the last one is the URL (this is the actual hyperlink).
I created a table with one field being a hyperlink
I created a query to query out specific fields including the hyperlink.
I then create a subForm on a form and point to the query.
Everythign works great except the Hyperlink.
It just stops working....I can Delete the Hyperlink field and recreate it then delete the subform and recreate it and it works once....
But then Stops....any thoughts...
I dont know what else to do...I am currently returning multiple records into a Subform based on a query. I did it this way becuase I can click individual fields, including the hyperlink fields.
If I use a List Box then I can select the whole row.
AnYone know why the hyperlinks stop working...or can throw another idea out there of a better way to do this.
Hi, I have a database I use at work. We have to manual enter in the the hyperlink eg "h:quotes12345.doc". I was wondering if Access can do this for us. I tried to use the combine function eg [open quote] = "h:quotes"&[Quote No]&".doc". This does appear to work it has the the text in blue and underscored but when you try to click the link nothing happens.
I have a database of chemicals and one of the entries is the MSDS number. I would like a hyperlink, pointing to the .pdf of the chemical, created when I enter the MSDS number. If the MSDS number is 1111 the .pdf file will be something like (\servernamefolder1111.pdf). Is there a way to store \serverfolder in a string, append the MSDS number, and .pdf then store that in a hyperlink field. Any suggestions?