Is There A Way To Let An OLE Picture Field Show A Link To For Example P:PicturesTes

Jun 27, 2007

In my table I have Picture (OLE) and Link_String (Text)
On my Form I have the OLE field and the text field.

In the text field I would like to put in a reference to a file on my computer (example: P:PicturesTest.jpg) and the picture OLE field should then show the linked to picture.

Is there a way to code this?


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Form Picture Link BUG

Sep 13, 2006

Hi all,

I've got a little problem when users move through records on a form that has an image embedded the source of which changes for each record linked using a filename field and path in the database. The pictures are served across the network from another computer. Some of them are relatively large and take a second or so to load.

The problem comes when a user tries to browse too quickly through the records, when the pictures are importing a box appears advising the user, if the user clicks through too fast the box sticks and remains visible in the foreground right in the middle of the screen, it even remains when Access is exited. You have to end the process in Windows Task Manager in order to get it to disappear. I'm using Office XP with service pack 3, does anyone know of a fix for this bug

or if there's no fix

is there a way I could maybe delay each record by about 1 second to allow a picture to load as the user browses through using the record selectors at the bottom of the form?

Many thanks for any advise given.

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Forms :: Picture Link To Folder Broken By Moving ACCDB

Jul 8, 2013

I have a MS access db with a report that displays a list of students with a pic of their face on the side.

The pics are linked to a folder thats inside the folder where the .accdb file is stored.

The accdb is often moved around, but when it does, all the links become broken and the images are no longer displayed on the list.

How can i adjust the link path so that regardless of where the accdb is moved, the links remain valid?

I am using ms2007 and also its not a networked area but rather a bunch of standalone computers.

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Getting A Picture To Show Up In Record

Aug 27, 2011

I am new to access database . I am trying to create a database for my stamp collection. I have created a table and no I want to have a picture of the stamp show in a report. I followed the instructions about creating a field that will be OLE object aware. But when I insert the path to the photo nothing comes up in the photo space. except the name of the path. I tried .gif .jpg .tif files none work.

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CheckBox.check = Show Picture

Oct 31, 2006

Hello I'm at a loss on how to get this to work.

I have a check box and I want it to show a picture if it is checked and hide the
picture if it not checked.
I dont know where to put it either, do I put it in the form load procedure or in
the checkbox procedure?
Basically I want the user to check the box if it is needed and when they open
it later they will see the checked box and the picture.

Here is what I am messing with.

If checkBox.?????? = ? Then
imgPicture.visible = True
imgPicture = False
End if

I cant figure out how to do this.

I'm using Access 2002

Thanks for the help.

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Forms :: How To Show Picture In A Form

Jul 9, 2013

Now I Making A FORM..... The detail i want is NEED INSERT PICTURE and DISPLAY picture in a box...

How to display a picture when i insert it? or other solutions to show a picture in the form after i attend / insert.

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Reports :: How To Show Picture On Report If Control Is True

May 28, 2014

I have a report called "orders" and on this is records for orders of the day inputted.

On this report I have a control called "urgent" and a picture called "UrgentPicture" with the picture set to visible.false?

If any of the controls for Urgent is True then this will show my image, but this is not happening?

I am using this in the current event on the report

If Me.Urgent = True Then
Me.UrgentPicture.Visible = True
Me.UrgentPicture.Visible = False
End If

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Forms :: Show Picture When Hovering Over Product Name In Order Form

Mar 11, 2014

I'm creating a database for a flower shop for training purpose. I have a main form with a sub form that has the orders in it. when placing a new order for a client and selecting the product from the combo box, it would be great if the product could show up to the right in the form.

I have no clue if this is possible and how to get it working. I have included the database as an attachment, which way to follow. I remember that I could do this on a web page, but a web page is not the same as a database.

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Picture Name As A Field Name

Jan 2, 2005

i have a folder called photos and i have all the pictures named properly, and i would like to be able to creat a table with each picture in this folder and have there picture name be the fields unique Id. im not sure how to import so many pictures and how to give there name.

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Forms :: Way To Show Link On Text Box And Just Double Click On It To Open Pdf

Sep 15, 2013

I have a text box on my form which I use to attach hyperlinks to pdf's, this works great but after inserting a hyperlink nothing is displayed in the text box to show it has been linked unlike using attachment, the only way I know if that a hyperlink is placed is to right click and go to hyperlink and then open, is there a way to show the link on the text box and just double click on it to open the pdf. I am trying this as the size of the database will far exceed the 2gb that access allows if I just use attachments , even if I split the database (over 10000 pdfs )

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Linking To Picture In Text Field

Nov 7, 2014

I have created an inventory database that tracks all of the assets in our company over the last few days. IT is functional, but now its time to fluff it up. I am going to add the display pics that we have for all employee on the form that displays their information and what assets are assigned to them. I want it to display their picture on this form as well. I have it working, but am wondering if there is an alternate method to copy and pasting the local URL to the picture.

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Forms :: How To Link Combobox Between Form And Subform To Only Show Selected Filtered Data

Apr 1, 2013

I have a suppliers table and a products table. Two forms, Stock form with combobox to list Suppliers and a sub form with combobox that lists Products.I want to select a supplier from the Stock form and then the combobox in the subform to only list products directly sold by the Supplier.Have dabbled in SQL as follows:

SELECT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName
FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID
WHERE ((Stocksubform.SupplierID=Stock.SupplierID))
ORDER BY Products.ProductName;

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Forms :: Picture Path - On Click Set Value To Field

Jul 18, 2013

I need a code to clean txt field for the picture path.

So a button on my frm must write the value

BEGINNERSGELUKdpsAdminFoto.jpg when I click on it. the field he need to write it in is in [tblLeerling] en the field name is [Fotopad]...

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Subform In A Form Doesn Show Controls When Link Child And Master Fields Derfined

Jun 13, 2005


I have a form and a subform in MS Access 2003. I have made some changes to database structure, so I decided to change the subform also. When I changed the Link child and link master fields, the controls of the subdatasheet dissapear- they show only in design view. If I clear the contents of Link child and link master fields they appear again, but the records are not binded.
Is there a setting on the parent form that also has to be changed, to make the new binding?


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How To Link A Field To Another Depending On Information Filled In One Field

May 13, 2013

I have a couple of fields in Access. To explain I will show here the fields I have and their datatype

ID: Autonummer

Amendment: Text
Basis info: Yes/No
Sex: Yes/No
Period: Yes/No

Now, in the amendment field, I've inserted a combo box, with 3 options in it. Let's say option A,B and C...The thing I want access to do, is, when option C is selected, I want fields Period, Salary and Shift to be automatically "Yes".But if option A or B is selected, the the user must choose what the other fields are going to be either Yes or No

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Link One Field To 3

Apr 12, 2008

I have a database which works as an information system for the upcomming olympics.

In tblAthletes is...

AthleteID (Primary Key)
And Various other fields not needed in this problem

In tblResults is...

Also other field in this table

What I am aiming for is to have Gold AND Silver AND Bronze all as foreign keys of the AthleteID field.

Is there a way to do this or can another way be suggested. I am working on the 2000 version of access.

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Field On Subform Link With Form

Nov 28, 2005


i have a form just like customer orders in Northwind
with 2 subforms
Subform1 is showing orders number and i want to add something on that

subform 2 is products that ordered !

i want to add something on subform1 that if i Dbl Click on orderID field
it will sho for example another Form "orders"
i'm trying this code but i can't do it

Private Sub OrderID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "orders"

stLinkCriteria = "[OrderID]=" & "'" & Me![OrderID] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub
End Sub

would u please help me

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Link Two Forms Together On One Field In Add Mode

Jan 17, 2006


I Have a
project form
test form
sample form
for 1 project there are n tests and for 1 test there are n samples.

The project form is alone and has a button to open the related tests in the test form. The test form incorporates the sample form as a subform.

What works:
For entries already in the database when I click the related tests button on the project form it opens the test form filtered in the correct manner.

For the test form the sample form displays and increments correctly.

What doesn't work:
When I open the project form in add mode I fill in the data and when it is done I click the related tests button and the linked/child field isn't there! No data, I can't get it to work...

Can you suggest something?

PS I cannot find anywhere in the Data properties the Linked field properties... neither child nor parent?

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General :: How To Link Yes / No Box With Date Field

Aug 5, 2012

I have a form in which I have four yes/no boxes to indicate in which part of the process is the product.

What I want is that when the last box is checked, automatically the field that I have for Closing Date set the date.

Is this possible? and if it is, how and where can I do it?

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Link Two Records In The Same Field Using Another Table?

May 1, 2013

I'm creating a database for guests at a snowmobile lodge. I would like to create a new Guest in tbGuests but then have the option to create a second new GuestID linked to the first GuestID by a SpouseID. I can't seem to think out how they should be linked. So far I've created a separate table holding the SpouseID as primary key, GuestID and SpouseGuestID. Both the original guest and spouse need their own GuestID's so that I can post charges to each Guest separately if necessary. Then the SpouseID needs to be stored in the tbGuests to reference which guests are linked.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Subform Data - Only Show Records Where Field A Is Higher Value Than Field B

Oct 24, 2013

I want to filter my subform data, to only show records where field A is a higher value than field B.

Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > B"
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True

This way it doesn't find field B.

Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > " & MySubform.Form!B
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True

This way it seems to filter all record to the field B value of the first record.

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Unable To Link Subform With Memo Field?

May 31, 2006

I have a form/subform that I want to link together using a memo column, yet when I try Access tells me that the column datatypes are incompatible. I've even tried making both the form's and subform's recordsource be the same table. Any idea how I can do this?

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Forms :: What A Command Button To Link To A Field

May 10, 2013

Ok so the Data I have holds a hyperlink to a file this field is "basepath".In Form view I want to have a command button that reads the basepath (for that record) then opens said hyper link.

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Tables :: How To Link Two Table On Part Of Field

Apr 6, 2015

I have two tables (A) and (B).

Table (A) contains key-field name "position1".
table (B) contains key-filed name "position2".

How to make a link between key-field "position1" and part of key-field "position2".

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How To Link A Subform Field From The Main Form

Jan 5, 2012

Seems like nothing I have so many questions today.

I have a main form and a sub form. The main form have a command button where when I clicked, the Sub form text fields should be empty or cleared.

How do I refer to that of subform from the main form?

This is what I have now and its not working.

Me.Forms![frmAuditAddNewMain]![frmAuditAM].Form!Text123 = ""

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Link Two Tables - Changing Field Types

Jun 11, 2012

I am needing to link two tables but one field is in a "May 2012" format while the other table is in a "053112" format.. Is there a way beyond creating a formula to change "053112" into "May 2012"??

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