Is There Any Method To Synchronize Two Access File Which In Desktop And Network Drive

Aug 14, 2007

Here are some background . My company got a access file in a network drive.The data entry simply open the file in the network drive.But once the data has increased (~400mb) sudddendly,all process slow down. Like search , using report etc.Is there any method to imporive the situation?Some guys suggest me to copy the data file to the desktop and sync them.Can it it work?IF works,how to do that?

thanks gratefully for any ans

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Access 2003 Backend On Shared Network Drive.

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all...

I have an ACCESS 2003 application with front end in the local machine and backend on the shared network drive. I mapped this drive to E: in my computer and all my linked tables show the E:folernameDatabasename.mdb as the source.

When I install this application in an other computer where they have mapped the same drive to F: , I am getting error that says "E:foldernameDatabasename.mdb" not found. How can use absolute network drive(like \cscrd eamfoldernamedatabasename.mdb) name to link the tables?

Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Temporarily Map A Drive / Copy A File Then Remove Mapped Drive

Aug 29, 2014

My workaround was to temporarily map the URL to a vacant drive letter on the local machine, then copy the file over, then drop the mapped drive again. A bit clunky but doesn't incorporate much of a delay and this download only has to happen once per day.

The good news is, the file download / copy now works every time. The bad news is that removing the temporarily mapped drive after the copy has taken place, doesn't and I can't figure out why.

Here are the functions I use to map / unmap the drive :


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0&
Private Const RESOURCE_CONNECTED As Long = &H1&

[Code] .....

I have separate functions to check existing drive mappings on the local machine and thus determine an appropriate vacant letter to use for the temporary mapping - they work fine.

Unfortunately the UnMapDrive function returns False (even though I switch the active drive to C: and force the connection to be cancelled with the fForce flag) So the mapping always remains on the users profile.

I don't want to permanently map drives on the users' profiles, just briefly for the purposes of this daily file download.

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Zipping File Of Desktop With MS Access 2007?

Feb 24, 2014

I want to zip my file of my Desktop with MS Access 2007.

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General :: Convert Web Access File To A Desktop Application?

Oct 21, 2013

How can I convert a web Access file to desktop aplication? I've created it from a model from, but I need create code in vba and it don't permit.

The use of file is only in desktop.

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DB On Network Drive?

Jan 3, 2008

I have a db on a network drive and the performance is terrible, it runs fine on my local machine. How can I make it run better? The db is only 2 megs so I figured it would be ok, but since my forms have numerous queries within them, performance stinks.

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Max Users On A Network Drive

Oct 23, 2014

I was just wondering how many users Access would be able to handle on a split frontend and backend database? The backend will be on a network drive and the frontend will be installed on each workstation. My database is pretty simple with no relationships if that matters. Also using Win7 and some users will have Office 2010 and others will have 2013.

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Database On Network Drive Won't Open

Oct 24, 2006

I was using the database when there was a network error and I had to close it. When I tried to reopen it I got the error message: Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysAccessObjects'. I logged off the PC and logged back on various others, but keep getting the same message. Can anyone tell me if this is terminal or is there a way around it. I do have a backup, but it's a few days old and a lot of work will need re-entering' so any help would be appreciated!!

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Wireless Network Hard-drive Back-End

Mar 18, 2006

Does anyone have any experience with placing a multi-user back-end access database on one of these inexpensive "external network hard drives"?

I have a situation where I'd like to share my database with multiple users, but the corporate IM rats have pretty much eliminated all means of allowing us lowly employees of doing that with their network. We have no file server. We do have sharepoint services, but we only have Access 2000, which as far as I know is not capable of exploiting the sharepoint/xml back-end database features. Also, no one in the office here can share a directory on their workstation because they won't grant us administrator priveledges.

So thats how I came upon the idea of buying or creating cheap (<$250 USD) wireless network hard-drive on which to put the back-end. I'm mainly interested in knowing if it will work, and that the performance isn't going to be absolutely pathetic. I'm only looking at having 3 or 4 users at any one time, and the entire database will only house a couple thousand records.

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DB On Network Drive -- How Difficult To Set For Multiple Users?

Mar 31, 2008

Alright, so my pride and joy and departmental savior database has been fully implemented and people are so pleased with it that they *all* want to use it at the same time. Initially, I made it custom for three peoples' UI preferences, but since it's such an intuitive design, other staff now feel comfortable using it instead of passing the work down the line to the one person who knows how to use that "newfangled thing".

A couple years ago, I used FMPro and allowing for multiple users at once was an annoyingly complicated process dealing with permissions and rights and accounts and passwords and yadda yadda. Is it any easier to set up in Access? Does anything special even need to be done to allow for multiple simultaneous users?

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Linking A Table Using Server Name Instead Of Mapped Network Drive

May 20, 2013

I am attempting to link a table in one database to another database using the server name designation (ie.//2sxfprinff01Group) instead of the mapped network name (ie. G:). I tried relinking using the Access Link Manager. Right click on the linked table. But it does not let you edit the link.

Access 2007 does not allow this and reverts links to the G: drive. There are situations where the the IT department have set the mappings to this shared location as an H: for some of the employees. In those cases, the employee gets an error message telling them that Access cannot locate the G: drive.

An obvious solution is to get the employees remapped to the G: drive. However, one would think that MS would have allowed for mapping to the designated location and not an alias.

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Access Network File Sharing Problem

Apr 30, 2007

I am running a small access database over a wireless network which all worked fine (still does on 1 wired/3 wireless) with not too many problems total of 6 machines (5 wireless/1 wired). I have just replaced two machine as they were getting a bit old 3years. But these two new machines do not seem to have full rights to the access database, in that I can open the database and view records but when you add data you get a Disk Error message. I can open and share word documents etc but not the database – if I reverse this set-up I get the same problem the wired computer can open and save word documents but again not the database - what am I missing!!!

SET-UP = All machines have Windows XP Pro and Office 2003 with all windows/office updates done, all connected to the same workgroup etc. Two new machines are Dell with Dell Wireless adapter. No server just workgroup and database in a shared folder on one computer which is hard wired to the Netgear wireless router. I have not run any network wizards and I don’t think I need to, just sharing the folder should be enough? Windows is managing the dell wireless adapters, file and print sharing is enabled, other computers can print to this computer, but I just can’t get the database to share correctly – I have also checked “References” and all looks fine.

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Sharing Of Single Access File On The Network

Jan 22, 2008

I have created the time booking application in access. (Application will alow autherised user to enter daily work done) My Idea was to put this file on the server and ask each employee to log in and enter information. But whenever I try to run application from other than my pc(On which file is created) it flashes error and can't run some of the form. It works absolutely fine when run from my pc. Why this hapens? What is the solution for this? Can access application is sharebale over network?

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Time Out Issue While Sharing Access File On Network

Feb 11, 2008

I have created multi user access application. I have kept it on server and all users access that application from there desktop pc. Can I set time out for application? Means, Session of each user must be note more than 10 minutes. I want to add this functionality for avoiding the application blocking.

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Link To A PDF File In Another Drive

Feb 8, 2006

What I have is a bunch of files located in another Drive (PDF). I would like to link to them by id number from access.

Is this possible?

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Forms :: Open A Form For Saving Results Of Query To A Text File On Desktop

May 6, 2015

I have a BE database, that when opened, opens a form for saving the results of a query to a text file on the desktop. It works fine, if the full path is entered.

The problem is, I want this saved on any users' desktop. I did some digging and found the %userprofile% variable, which when used, gives me the error.

I understand this should work in both Windows XP and Windows 7, which are the environments the full DB will operate in. So far the "EXPORT" button on the form has the following for the code:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", "C:UsersMark N. McAllisterDesktopPubComExp.txt"
End Sub

When I tried this:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
Dim strPath As String
strPath ="%userprofile%desktopPubComExp.txt"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", strPath
End Sub

the error occurs.

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Question On How To Grab An Excel File On The Local Hard Drive

Jun 15, 2006

Hello, I was needing some help coming up with the code to search the local hard drive and grab a file and then import it into an Access table. I'm trying to do this on a form if possible. If you know of another way, that would work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Browse For A File On Shared Drive And Link It To Record

Feb 24, 2015

I have a form displaying records. I would like the user to be able to select a button, browse for a file on a shared drive and link it to that record.

I have been exploring hyperlinking, which works for the most part, although I need it to display the share name rather than the drive assignment for that user. Such as drive1folder rather than C:folder.

Hyperlinking also unfortunatly requires the user to right click on a field select edit hyperlink then browse.

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General :: Access 2010 And Access 2003 On Same Desktop?

Mar 5, 2013

is there a way to have both Access 2010 and 2003 exist peacefully on the same desktop. My company uses Office 2010, but my department has an Access 2003 application. As a result, I have to have A2003 on my desktop and use it quite frequently for this one application.

I have some small databases that I really want to move onto A2010 so we can take advantage of SharePoint functions, etc. Is there anytning I can do to be sure that the .mdb and .mde open in A2003 and the new .accdb opens in A2010, without getting errors and the Windows installer going through the Office installation process for the respective version? I've gone to the file locations and set the "Open with" setting to the respective version.

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting File From Network

Dec 2, 2014

I have a button that adds pictures/files to a network location. So people from all over the company can do this and all pictures/files are stored in one location.

I also have a delete button, but a waning pops up and the file remains on the network.

PHP Code:

Run-time error '424': object required 

My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile (Path)

where Path is a string, files location on network.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Access A Folder On Desktop

Feb 7, 2014

I used to have a code that we used to copy data from a folder that was on the desktop using the code below.

DoCmd.CopyObject "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktopWetcleans

This does not work with windows7. I have tried the C:USERSPUBLICDESSKTOPWetcleans but that does not seem to work either. How to access a folder on the desktop ?

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How To Update Network Link To The Correct File.

Dec 6, 2006

I have 2 files with linking tables. Both are posted on the same network drive for the office to access. However some users have their drive link to drive E: and some to G:, etc. How do I get the file to automatically find what drive the user has and update the correct link in Linked Table Manager?

Thanks for your helps,


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Changing A Desktop Database To A Access Project

Dec 17, 2007

I built a database application, and I need for more than just myself to use it at the same time. I have just learned that I should have built a project instead. Can I change my application "Maintenance.mdb" to a project or do I have to start over?

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Error Accessing File. Network Connection May Have Been Lost

May 20, 2005

I think the damage to my database is not recoverable, but i'm still hoping.
My computer crashed when I was working on my dtabase and after restart the db is not working anymore :( If I try to do something, anything (!!!) all I got is an error message: "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost." But the db is on my computer, I don't use it over the network.
What can I do to make it working again?


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Modules & VBA :: Verify A Network Connection / Bad File Name Or Number

Mar 22, 2014

I have a picture stored on a network file share that populates each time a particular form is opened. Every so often we lose our connection (which is a different issue altogether). Right now the error I get after much grinding away, is "Bad file name or number"

Is there a quicker way to check for the connection before it spends 45 seconds trying to find the whole path?

Dim vFolderPath As String, dirFile As String, strFile As String
vFolderPath = Nz(DLookup("FolderName", "tblCodes-FolderControl", "FolderKey = '" & "Profile" & "'"))
dirFile = vFolderPath & Dir(vFolderPath & ctrl_people_id & " *", vbDirectory)
strFile = dirFile & "profile_pic.*"
'Debug.Print dirFile
On Error Resume Next
If Dir(strFile) <> vbNullString Then
Me.[ctrl_ImageFrame].Picture = dirFile & "" & Dir(strFile)
Me!ctrl_ImageFrame.Picture = "X:~stuffprofile_icon.png"
End If

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Queries :: Converted Desktop Access Database To SQL Server

Dec 5, 2014

I have converted desktop Access database to SQL server. A medium sized app with 24 tables, 60 or so forms/subforms and about 120 queries. I created 2 split files, one containing the tables, and the other containing forms, queries, vba modules. I migrated the tables to SQL server using SSMA, and built an odbc connection for my front end. It works, except it is painfully slow. Its cos most of the recordsets that drive my front end are query based. And in many instances the queries are comprised of queries, not just tables.

Should i be creating my queries on the SQL server? Is that what people do when using Access front end with SQL server back end? Do away with Access queries? Or does the problem lie elsewhere? How do i network optimise my Access FE / SQL server BE?

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