Keeping ADO References Selected In Access 2007

Oct 5, 2007

I have a database with forms that use ADO to access data files. In the design stage, I went into Tools/References and checked "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library", which made the ADO work.

For each "case" that is run, the application creates a separate database and copies all forms, reports, etc into it. In Access 2003, the forms in the new database still have "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library" checked, but when I run the application in Access 2007, the forms do not have "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library" checked, and the ADO will not work until I go in and manually check it myself.

Is there a way to select the ADO objects programatically or to keep ADO set as a default property in Access 2007?
Thanks so much.

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Access Can't Remember Where It Put It's References

Nov 22, 2007

Hi All,

I have an Access DB, which keeps having a problem with resources.
When I go in and refresh the resource, it works fine.. For a while then same problem comes up again.

I've had to refresh the references several times this week. Is this down to a bigger problem?

- Elfman

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Setting MS Access 2002 References

Sep 9, 2004

I am using vba code to create a new MS Access 2002 database and copy the current database tables, forms,etc into it.
The problem I have is there are several references that I need that are not set in the new database I created. One of them is the DAO reference. My question is, is there a way that when I copy the DB the references from one will be copied to the other? or is there a way to set the preference and priority using VBA?, DAO needs to be higher up on the list inorder to work.

I use the following code to create a new db
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
cat.Create ("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & sName & ";")

I then use the transferdatabase command to copy the tables, forms, etc to the new database

is there a different way to copy the current db into a new db that will include the references

I also can add a reference using the following code
Set ref = References.AddFromFile(spath)
AddReference = true

But this doesn't set the priority

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General :: ACCESS Object References

Mar 3, 2014

I am cleaning up a database that has been around for some time and I wish to be able to check for references within REPORTS/VBA Module code/ Form Designs etc. anywhere there is likely to be a reference to either an Access TABLE or QUERY.... I know there is the 'Object Dependencies' function within Access that will go some way to telling you what relies on what, but this is simply not comprehensive enough in that it doesn't go down to Form design level where further references can hide...

Countless times I have checked and subsequently deleted tables that I considered redundant... only to find later on there was some SQL Source reference to a table or query buried in the design of a form that I had overlooked....

Any way to definitively check and to ensure that all traces of a specific table or query are accounted for...?

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Importing Excel To Access Keeping Relationships In Access Tables

Sep 13, 2007

I have a stock control database which i have nearly completed. This has Manufacturer, which is linked to products, which is linked to Sub Product(which also has field partCode). i.e. Manufacturer1 can have 3 products, and each of these products could have 5 subsystems and partcodes. Each partcode is unique to that subsystem/product/manufacturer.

I then have a pricing spreadsheet in excel, which has many tabs. A new column has been added for each item for Manufacturer,Product,Subsystem and Partcode.

I need to import these manufacturers,products,subsystems and partcodes, but into the tables with the correct relationships, i.e. product1 and product2 are products of manufacturer1 and so cannot come under manufacturer2, and so on.

I hope this makes sense, Thanks in advance for any help you can give!


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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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Access 2007 Runtime Not Visible In Access 2007

Nov 26, 2007

I installed Office Enterprise 2007. Then I installed DEveloper Exrtensions, then Access Runtime 2007. All appear to have installed OK - they appear in Program and Features.
Instructions on runtime packaging tell me that a Developer option should appear in the resulting drop-down when I click the Office button (top-left round thing) when I have a d/b open in Access. It's not there! I have un-installed and re-installed the extensions and the runtime - still nothing!
I do have Runtime 2002 (XP) on the same PC, is that relevant?

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Tables :: Access Integer Field To Text Keeping Relationships

Mar 12, 2013

I have a database that was built 5 years ago that has an auto field with an integer. There are relationships attached to this. I an rewriting it to simplify the database and I need to keep the relationships somehow. I want to make the auto field a text fields. How to work this out...

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Can Office Access 2003 Runtime-Based Solutions Applies To Access 2007?

Jan 29, 2007


I have installed Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Access 2003 Developer Extensions. I can create Access application by using the Package Wizard.
But after I upgrade from Microsoft Access 2003 to Microsoft Access 2007.
I can't use the Package Wizard.

How can I do to solve this?


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Table Problems Moving From Access 2003 -> Access 2007

Jun 19, 2007

Attached is a screenshot of the relationships in a database I built a couple of years ago. It's worked absolutely fine in Access 2003 and currently has over 18,000 customers with associated information in it.

However, when I open the database in Access 2007 the performance is awful. All the forms are very slow to respond when tabbing between form elements. I've experimented by reducing the number of form elements calling on related data on a given page and whilst this improves performance it reduces usability - something I don't want to compromise on especially since Access 2007 should be able to cope with this.

My next question is therefore whether I've got the most efficient underlying table design and I can't see any other way of doing it than my current method so I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice anyone has.

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Access 2003 To Access 2007 Split Database

Mar 8, 2007

Hi All,

Background Info: I developed our main department's Access 2003 split database which is on a server for 15+ Users. I've now been given Access 2007 for development -- Users still have 2003. There are also 2 other smaller databases that are not split (.mdb).

Problem: In the split database, I've saved the Application .mdb as 2003, relinked and made a new .mde. But the Users still cannot open the database. (I did this in a copy until I figure out the nuances with 2007.) The 2 other unsplit databases can be saved as 2003 version and Users can open OK.

I'm grateful for any suggestions on working with Access 2007. I've been trying to tackle the ribbon which is a whole other question.

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Problem Running Access 2007 And Access 2002

Mar 27, 2007

Having a problem here after installing 2007. All my previously created databases work fine in 2007 (after clicking the enable, which is a pain,but don't know any other way) When I return to 2002 and try to open the databases I get different errors all something like this on....... "The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events. Whats up here?????I have found a site here... this problem,but refers to Vista..... Does the same apply to XP? And which is the best fix?

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Access 2003 Database Not Functioning In Access 2007

Mar 30, 2007


I have an Access 2000/2003 database which opens up and displays correctly in Access 2007, but when I go to use the File>Print command, or for that matter any of the other pull down menu's nothing happens?

Has anyone else experienced thisproblem, or does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Any help greatly appreciated.



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Feb 8, 2006


I have designed a couple of DB's using Access 2002 in Access 2000 format. While these all work perfectly in Access 2002 there a few users still using Access 2000 and are experiencing errors (specifically with Graph.exe which is 10.0 in 2002 and 9.0 in 2000 and also with the Calendar Control which is 10.0 in 2002 and 9.0 in 2000).

Is there a way to use the 2002 versions of these controls in 2000 or do I have to create the DB using the Access 2000 versions (in which case would I need to design the DB in Access 2000 instead of 2002).

Can anyone suggest anything or point me in the right direction.


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Jan 19, 2008

Anyone seen this before? The scenario is -
A distributed application on ten machines - all running the MDE in runtime.
All machines are running perfectly.
Minor changes made to the application and new MDE built.
After roll-out, six machines work perfectly with the new version. The remaining four run the application but experience the dreaded "#Name" in various places. Revert back to the previous version - and all run perfectly again.
Cannot be missing files - have not called for any and previous version works.
Cannot be broken references - six are running OK.
Cannot investigate on any of the machines because they are running MDEs.

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Access 2007 And Access Developer Extension

Nov 29, 2006

Hello friends.

Do you know anything about a new Developer Extension for Access 2007 ?

Thank :) :)

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Access 2007 To Access 2000 Problem

Dec 17, 2007

I have created a database in Access 2007 that now works well, and one that I'm quite proud off. However, I can easily convert it to an Access 2000 format as can anyone else here, but when I load it up there is a major problem.

I have used the tab control in my main form and that has three tabs on it. However, it's positioned correctly in Access 2007 it's not positioned correctly in Access 2000 as I have to move the tab control down a bit, but that would seem fine. So I lowered the tab control form and changed my form layout slightly, but even then the tab control over all over the Access 2000 form whenever I interact with the tabs - most bizzare.

Any help? Thanks.

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Setting References

Jun 22, 2005

Is it possible to set which VBA reference boxes are ticked each time a database is loaded?

A problem is created when a person amending the database to the person using it has different setups and so some of the references show as "missing" and so compile errors show on loading.

We are using Microsoft Access 97.

Any help most appreciated.


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Circular References

Jul 12, 2005

circular references caused by alias 'filed name' inquiry definition select list? What should i do


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References Problem?

Oct 18, 2005


Iīm trying to run a db in a97 on an XP machine.

Iīm having problems with the datevalue function. Now I know the date function sometimes malfunctions due to a references problem, so I'm thinking maybe this is the same thing. However, there are no missing references.

I tried searching the forum, but couldnīt find the answer.


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Adding References Necessary?

May 9, 2007

Hi guys, ive been developing a database for someone. As some coding has been involved, I have added some references etc as I went along.

I'll be soon handing it over to them to use - will they have to add the references for the database to run on their comp? If so, is there more user friendly way of doing it than going into the VB bit etc?


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VBA References Missing

Feb 17, 2005

I have a database with a form. The form has quite a bit of code. This database is on a network. On some of the computers the Form will not open. When I go into Microsoft Visual Basic Tools References I am finding the following.

MISSING: Microsoft CDO 1.21 Library
MISSING: Microsfot ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library

Can anyone give me some advice on this issue?

Thanks for your help.

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List Box References

Dec 26, 2005

I have created a list box that acts as search criteria. It has 4 columns, SerialNo, Company, System, Processor. I need to reference these columns in VB with a sql statement that basically says:

Select * from SystemInfo
Where SerialNo = listboxSerialNo
and Company = listboxCompany
and System = listboxSystem
and Processor = listboxProcessor

My question is how do I refer to each of the columns in the listbox in my where statement? The listbox has the name, 'lstcriteria'. I can use just that in the reference and it will use the serialno only. How do I parse out each of the columns?



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Access 2007

Mar 18, 2006

I recently heard that Access 2007 ( part of MS Office 2007) can be purchased as a stand alone program. This sort of confirms that : look at pricing breakdown on :

Anyone done this already ?

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Access 2007

Sep 5, 2006

Interesting article. Especially the Macro / Security thing. I saw some pretty extensive demo's last week and the UI was real different...

Link (

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Access 2007

Dec 25, 2006


I have downloaded Access 2007 trial, but I don't know how to use some of its features. When I try to open any of my databases saved as A2000, it displays a security message. "Security Warning: Certain content in the database has been disabled"

Is there any way to disable this message?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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