Keystroke For Checkbox And Update Calculation

May 25, 2005

I'm attempting to create a form that has a checkbox in addition to some numeric entry fields. The checkbox is True/False and it is a tab stop on the form.

1. Is there a keystroke that can change from True to False (check/uncheck), or is a mouse click required? This form will be used extensively to update some records and a keystroke would be handy instead of having to move from the keyboard to click a mouse button.

2. After update, if the checkbox is True, then a numeric adjustment must be made to a calculated value. If False, then do nothing. Does a checkbox have a numeric value that can be used in an equation? Name of the checkbox is "Option".

These seem fundamental needs, but not obvious to me from using Access Help.

Later on in the same evening . . .

Oh, never mind. Of course "Space Bar" toggles checkboxes. And I discovered by just writing the equation that True = -1 and False = 0. So the name "Option" can be used in an equation just like any other number. Too obvious.

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Using Checkbox To Proform Calculation

Jan 3, 2006

I have built an invoice database; I am trying to set up a check box so that if checked it fills the freight value for me. Not all orders are charged freight so if I check the box I would like it to calculate: ([subtotal]* .03). If it is not check the value equals $0.

Is there a way to do this?


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Getting Checkbox To Update Visually

Jun 28, 2006

i have a checkbox that i change the value of in my code by saying checkbox.value = true. the value changes but doesn't update visually until the mouse passes over the box. i have 5 boxes and 3 of them are fine, but two of them act this way. all the code is the same. i tried moving the checkbox. value = true statement to different line, tried adding a function that would be called to perform this action, and i tried DoEvents before changing the checkbox value. why is this happening and what can i do to fix it?

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Disable A Checkbox After Update

Feb 10, 2005

Hi I have a simple check box that if ticked puts a big red Cancellation text across the record, how do I stop anybody unchecking it on the particular record...probably dead simple, tried loads of combinations but I can't get the right code,thanking you in advance
Dave Williams
Sunny Lanzarote in The Canary Islands

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Checkbox Update Query

May 24, 2005

I have a Mainform with a subform linked to a table.
Within the subform i have a number of individual checkboxes and a field [Year].
One checkbox, [checkboxIssue] i have wanted to link two update queries in order
to update the field[Year] with the contents of a [textboxValue] on the Mainform,
depending on the state of [checkboxIssue].
I have run both queries manually, one after the other and the table was updated perfectly.

The problem is that when i link it to the click_Event of [checkboxIssue]
in the subform i get zero updates.

Linked to the Dirty_Event of the subform i get good results for all except the last ammended
record and zero results if ammending only one record.

I am a relative Newbie and have learned a great deal from this forums expertise.
Can anyone enlighten me to what i think will be my very basic error.

Basic or not i have driven myself mad trying to solve it..:-(

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Update Records Via Checkbox

Feb 12, 2007

Dear all:

I have an access database with about 200 records. Names, ID's, addresses, a checkbox called "apply_to_all" and a date field which is selected via a combobox.This combo box is called "date_started", and a textbox called "prefix". This textbox has a default value of "Given on".

What I am trying to accomplish is: A date is selected from the combobox, then a checkbox("apply_date_to_all") is checked and this date is applied to ALL records in the database along with the default value that is in the prefix textbox. (Concantenattion?)

I assume this can be accomplished by some soft of sql statement?

An help is greatly appreciated.

thanking in advance,


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Checkbox After Update Event

May 24, 2007

I have a main form with 2 subforms. I have a checkbox on subform1 "frmExpediteS" that when checked i would like the Value in Feild "PO" of this subform to appear in "PO" in a second subform2 "frmExpediteDetails". I think I need an after Update event but not sure of the code to use.
Can someone please steer me in the right direction.


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Update Checkbox Value With IF Statement

Aug 5, 2014

What is the correct way to update the checkbox value in a table with an IF statement?

Desired Result:

Check if UserID is not 'ME'
If it is not 'ME' then uncheck the box in the table.

My current faulty code below:

NoUser = DLookup("[UserID]", "[TABLE]") If NoUser <> "ME" Then
[AllowLogin] = 0
End If

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Forms :: Update Table With Unbound Checkbox

Oct 17, 2014

How do you update table with unbound checkbox? I'd like to add basic yes/no, true/false on update. Currently I'm using a workaround like this

If Me.chkInkt = True Then
status = "true"
status = "false"
End If

Which is ok if there's one of these, but sometimes I have more...

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Forms :: After Update Checkbox With Text Appear If Criteria Met

Jan 31, 2014

Is it possible in Access 2010 to have an after update that if a criteria text is met, then a checkbox with the text "completed" appears next to it?

Private Sub Text45 ()
If Me.Text45 = "Test" THEN ...

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Modules & VBA :: Current Checkbox Label Update

May 25, 2014

I have the following module which displays the backcolor of a checkbox label if it is true or false

Private Sub FormatLabel(chk As Control)
With chk.Controls(0)
If chk Then
.BackColor = vbYellow
.BackStyle = 1
.ForeColor = vbRed

[Code] .....

Which works great! But I cannot figure out how to make it work in the control AfterUpdate Event. I tried using it in the current control's (checkbox) after update event

Dim itm As Control
If itm.ControlType = 106 Then FormatLabel itm

but nothing happens (no change, no error message).

I have tried creating a new module:

Public Sub CheckBoxFormat(chk As Control)
If chk = -1 Then
chk.BackColor = vbYellow
chk.BackStyle = 1
chk.ForeColor = vbRed
chk.BackColor = vbWhite
chk.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

But when I try to call it in the AfterUpdate event for the particular checkbox

Private Sub CheckBoxA_AfterUpdate()
Dim itm As Control
If itm.ControlType = 106 Then
CheckBoxFormat itm
End Sub

I get the error message "Expected Variable or Procedure not module"

So, (1) is my module all wrong or (2) am I calling it incorrectly or (3) wrong on both items?

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Sync CheckBox To Update/Write To Text Field

Jul 14, 2006

Hey Guys,

I'm looking to create a "Same As Billing Address" check box that would automatically udpate the address in an order to reflect the customer's billing address.

I understand how to sync a combo box to an option group ( -- great article by the way)

I Guess what I'm looking to do is:

1. Sync a "Same As" Checkbox to multiple text boxes in the form (Unit, StreetAddress, City, Province, Postal) such that these fields are UPDATED (writen to) with the same information as the billing address

2. [U]IF the "Same As" Option is selected, I need the updated fields to lock, allowing no further update... but must by unlocked if the "Same As" option is NOT selected.

Please help me out with this one guys.. I really need it.

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Checkbox Used As Condition To Update Records

Aug 26, 2013

My subform consists of a list of tasks that are waiting to be verified. in order to verify tasks, the user scrolls through the list of tasks and checks a checkbox (discrepancyverified) on each record they wish to verify. After the user has finished checking all the records they wish to verify, they click a verify button on the main form which should then go back through each record and update the verifieddate value of any that are checked to today.

This is what I have so far:


Private Sub Command19_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant


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General :: Group By Query And Adding Checkbox Fields To Update A Table

Oct 24, 2014

I have a invoice system I have created in Access and it did used to work perfectly and then maybe an update Who knows stopped the system working.

I have an customer order screen that has customer details and then a subform within the same form this takes a total of items & costs for this order and then it entered it into the customers table from the order_Details table using me.Order_total = Order_Total.

I know this is bad design but I store it because once the order is places I need the total to be static because the invoice has been sent and so if someone changes the order then the total owed doesn't change.

I then have a reconcile form which is on a datasheet form straight from the tab;e so it is editable which has a checkbox that then once ticked copies the total from the Order_Total in the table to the reconciled field in the same table and then I use a report to show who owes me still.

So I have made a Select query from the Orders table & Order_Details table and used a Group by Order number (Which is the link between the 2 tables) this shows correctly but now not editable because of the rules So I am trying to add an editable checkbox on the same form.

I tried to use a dlookup makes all of the boxes either ticked or not. I've been looking at Recordsets but I'm unsure if this is what I need or not really

So really I just need to see if I should be putting the Total from the Subform into the mainform and then entering it into the table (Like previously) using a calculated unbound field and then using the Afterupdate event to insert the data into the table. but for some reason it just wont work.

I can get the OnClick to work but then as soon as i go to the next record for some reason it then resorts to 0.00 but then the table shows correctly which ever record the form is working on.

Or should I be using the new query based idea to create the reconcile form and if this is the best way I just don't now where to start on how to get a multiple table query that I can then add a reconciled checkbox which then copies the Order_Total from the table to the Paymet_Recieved field.

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Major Challenge - Update A Table Based On Calculation

Nov 14, 2004

I am so interested to see a solution to this little problem…i think ithis is one of my more complicated questions!!!!


Where I work we have a series of machines… named “ C1, H7, H8 etc”

Each line has 3 counters on it,

Impressions – records the number of cartons used on the line
Standard Pack – records the number of filled cartons with product
Output – records the number of cartons that complete the whole line process and are ready to be shipped to the customer.

Sounds straight forward enough….but the process gets a little more complicated.

Some lines are referred to as joint lines… this indicates that the product from each line the output figure is joined together and totalled. So it is not possible to calculate how many each line completed for the output figure. Note… it is only the Output figure that is joint, each line still has it’s own impressions and standard park counters

Grouped lines are given a group code – P8 in this case.


C1 not joined

H7 and H8 joined.

C1 –
Impressions –1000 Cartons
Standard Pack – 900 Cartons
Output – 800 Cartons

H7 - P8
Impressions –1600 Cartons
Standard Pack – 1500 Cartons

H8 – P8
Impressions –400 Cartons
Standard Pack – 300 Cartons

Output – 1600 Cartons

The output counter is brought in to the database automatically via a linked spreadsheet and a macro, this data is then stored in a table called “DaycodeMachineShiftImpressions” you will see in this table that the grouping is referred to as Machine.

As previously stated we have no real way of working out the amount each line has output individually.. the way it is calculated at the moment, is to take the figure for P8 and split it into 2 equal figures and assign that to each line.

So in this case the figure assigned to each line would be 800, although you will see that this is not possible for H8 line as it only put 400 cartons on the line in the first place.

I now want to implement the following calculation to my DB,

(see Attached Spreadsheet)

the calculations a re stored in cells b12 & b13 in the spreadsheet.

so that the output figure is separated

in proportion to impressions made.

I then need the figure per line to be fed back to the “tblProduction” output field..

in the tblproduction the data for P8 is stored to line level so in this case as H7 and H8, hence why i want to use the calculation to work out the output figure per line...

Can this be done automatically, if so please help me…


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Major Challenge - Update A Table Based On Calculation

Nov 14, 2004

I am so interested to see a solution to this little problem…i think ithis is one of my more complicated questions!!!!


Where I work we have a series of machines… named “ C1, H7, H8 etc”

Each line has 3 counters on it,

Impressions – records the number of cartons used on the line
Standard Pack – records the number of filled cartons with product
Output – records the number of cartons that complete the whole line process and are ready to be shipped to the customer.

Sounds straight forward enough….but the process gets a little more complicated.

Some lines are referred to as joint lines… this indicates that the product from each line the output figure is joined together and totalled. So it is not possible to calculate how many each line completed for the output figure. Note… it is only the Output figure that is joint, each line still has it’s own impressions and standard park counters

Grouped lines are given a group code – P8 in this case.


C1 not joined

H7 and H8 joined.

C1 –
Impressions –1000 Cartons
Standard Pack – 900 Cartons
Output – 800 Cartons

H7 - P8
Impressions –1600 Cartons
Standard Pack – 1500 Cartons

H8 – P8
Impressions –400 Cartons
Standard Pack – 300 Cartons

Output – 1600 Cartons

The output counter is brought in to the database automatically via a linked spreadsheet and a macro, this data is then stored in a table called “DaycodeMachineShiftImpressions” you will see in this table that the grouping is referred to as Machine.

As previously stated we have no real way of working out the amount each line has output individually.. the way it is calculated at the moment, is to take the figure for P8 and split it into 2 equal figures and assign that to each line.

So in this case the figure assigned to each line would be 800, although you will see that this is not possible for H8 line as it only put 400 cartons on the line in the first place.

I now want to implement the following calculation to my DB,

(see Attached Spreadsheet)

the calculations a re stored in cells b12 & b13 in the spreadsheet.

so that the output figure is separated

in proportion to impressions made.

I then need the figure per line to be fed back to the “tblProduction” output field..

in the tblproduction the data for P8 is stored to line level so in this case as H7 and H8, hence why i want to use the calculation to work out the output figure per line...

Can this be done automatically, if so please help me…


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Checkbox Help!

Feb 28, 2005

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hi to all

I got 2 checkbox.

checkbox A
checkbox B

When I check on checkbox A, checkBox B is also checked.
can this be done?

Please help and thanks a lot.

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Help With QBF And Checkbox

Mar 31, 2006

Hello all,

How do I write a QBF query such that when a check box on the form is clicked, the name of query runs based on the name of that checkbox.
I have a form called, QBF_Form, which has a series of checkboxes. Each checkbox has a name. I have a table, "Type", and I would like to run a query based on the information on the form, ie. when I click a check box, the query gets the name of the check box and runs the information based on that.I know the basic qbf is:

[Type] Like [Forms]![QBF_Form]![Type] & "*" Or [Forms]![QBF_Form]![Type] Is Null

But I don't know how this would work if I have a check box for values in field "Type" in my table.

Thanks for your help!

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May 9, 2006

Iwant to suppress the message "The macro or function set to the Beforeupdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing Microsoft Access from saving the data in the field".
The message is correct-Iwant to prevent updating the checkbox if certain conditions aren't met.
Any ideas?

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Aug 29, 2006


I do NOT want to create one field for check mark in the table. I just want to make temporary checkbox to select the record in the continuous form.

But, When I put a check mark on one record, the check marks are shown on all records in the continuous form.

How can I fix it?

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Checkbox Help...

Oct 27, 2006

I have a form that has a business address, business name and business number. I have a checkbox in the form, if they click the checkbox i'd like to have it copy the fields above to anther a field. What do i have to do in order for that to work? I've never did anything like this...Can someone please help

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Yes/no Checkbox Problem

Jul 12, 2005

I have successfully created a mailmerge in word 2000 using an access table for data.

There is an access field which is a Yes/No Checkbox and it does not display the way i need it to in the merged document. Instead of seeing a ticked or unticked box i see o 0r -1. Can anyone please help me?!

I am no great computer wizard and would appreciate fool proof help!!! :(

Many thanks in hopeful anticipation......


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Checkbox Not Working

Nov 28, 2005

I installed Microsoft Office 2003 on my computer. It asks me to register the product otherwise not all functions will work properly. I was curious so I didn't register it and started an Ms Access Application. Interestingly, when I clicked on a checkbox in a form , nothing happened.
After registering the product and going back in to the mdb the checkbox worked just fine.
Any one ever seen this before or know what causes that?


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Checkbox Selection

Jan 30, 2006

I want to make sure that only one check box can be checked and also to make sure that on is selected, i.e. to display a warning that one is not check if someone is going to save the record. Any ideas guys?


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Help! With A Checkbox Problem

May 31, 2007

hey all, i have a supplier table (Supplier), that has a yes/no check box column field depending if they are active or not. About 200 suppliers in all, many of which not active.

I want to be able to automatically set the active field to True within the supplier table depending on the condition that records exist in my delivery schedule table (Schedule)

SO for instance if a supplier name "Power" exist in my delivery schedule, then i want supplier "Power" in the supplier table to be checked i.e True. I guess some form of dlookup is needed here, but not im not sure where to start. Any help appreciated!

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Checkbox Issue

Feb 3, 2008

Hi Guys,

I am having an issue with my programing an access database for my business. I use access a lot and i am profecient in the area.

I want to be able to select services from a sub from using check boxes. The selected check boxes are then assign to the customer using a unique id that is generated from customer_table.

I have created a the sub form and the check boxes and have attempted to do to the above by building queries. For information on the queries i used please let me know.

Anyway, I am now looking for a solution in the sub form that i click on a button it then assigns the unique ID to the services so that i am able to see customers details the services that have been selected and the total sum.

Any help would be appreciated on this as i been working solind on this now for more than 72 hours and i am drawing blanks.

Thanks in advance


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