Keyword Query In Access For Knowledge Tree

Jul 31, 2006


Does anyone know how to do a keyword search in MS access so in a knowledge tree with 100 of records with a few keywords in one of the main fields i.e. symptoms i can reduce the amount of records to go throught

Many thanks in advance

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Capabilities Of Access (Tree Diagrams?!)

Feb 7, 2006


I am part of a team working on part of an ongoing project that requires a flexible and easy to update database from which to compile our data. The general format that we have, is that of a "Tree Diagram" (see sample attached). As you can see, this is where one branch has in turn several branches and this cascades downwards to some base values.

On the diagram you can see that I have used the example of "Costs In Football". Firstly the tree is branched into countries where football leagues exist (England, France etc...), each of these countries then has a number of leagues - I have only shown this for the English leagues. These leagues are all made up of teams, only following the Premiership league, you can see some of the teams in it (Arsenal, Chelsea...). Using the Liverpool team, the team is then made up of players such as Gerrard, Reina etc...
These players have a specific postion where they play (i.e. Goalkeeper, defence, midfield, attack) - this has been illustrated with only "Gerrard". The next set of branches examines the costs associated with each player (current value, weekly wage...)
The weekly wage is then examined in more detail by what components make it up and their respective costs. I have stopped the tree here and I am using this last line as the base values.

Now, what we wish to do, is to be able to calculate easily (and automatically) what costs are associated at each level of the tree diagram. i.e. "How much money is spent on wages in all the clubs in the Premiership league", or "Which country spends the most on Sponsorship Deals?"

The flexibility of the database must also be high. Each year the teams that make up each league are changed - we need to be able to make these changes to the database - and the automatically calculated values must change along with the changes.
Also, if a club buys a player - i.e. Liverpool (England) buy Beckham (Real Madrid, Spain) then the details for both Liverpool and consequently the Premiership league will have to change, along with the details for Real Madrid and the Spanish data.

In short, additions of data, changes of data and deletions of data must result in the database automatically changing the values involved in each step of the tree. i.e the change made in the Players branch must cascade up and down the branch so that the calculations at every level are recalculated.

Any help and feedback on this would be much appreciated,

Thanking you,


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Using 2000 Can I Do This Without VB Knowledge?

Dec 9, 2007

:confused:I have created a small DB to keep track of meetings.
Main Form customer
Sub form meetings with customer
At the end of each meeting I make notes on the sub form and enter an agreed date for next meeting.
Q 1.
I would like the sub form to open at new record, or last record and with the agreed meeting date CARRIED OVER to the new record form. Have unsuccessfully tried (among many) DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Q 2
I love the idea of having a sub form, but am unsure when creating reports how to ask for information from “last record”.

thanks have spent hours looking thru messages and closest I found was Dmax but not sure how or where to find/use this.

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Keyword Search Query

Apr 21, 2006


I hope someone can help me. I am using Access 2003 to create a database to keep a track of projects in my craft magazines.

I have a table that gives the magazine name, issue no, project name, page no and keywords. When I enter my data I will use various keywords to describe the project. For example, for a football card for a teenage boy I would use keywords such as football, boy and teenager.

What I need to be able to do is have a query based on this table that if I search for "football" it will pull up all records where I have used football as one of the keywords.

In my current query I can do this providing "football" is the only keyword I have used, but if I have used more than 1 keyword in my table then my query will not show any results.

Is there any way I can do this?

Hope you can understand what I am asking, and if someone can help, I would appreciate simple instructions as I am not very experienced with access



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Query To Do A Keyword Search

Jul 6, 2006

How do I get a Query to do a keyword search in a Table? So far I get it to do a search but it has to match a specific Field in it's entirety.

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Keyword Search Query

Nov 13, 2007

I would like to have a search box in which someone can type anything and it will search through a few tables to see if this word appears, and then return information from that record so I know who it belongs to. I have a query written that has all of the fields from all of the tables that I want the search to cover, but now I am having trouble connecting a button to the query so that it runs the query and puts the word as the "Like" criteria. I can make the button run the query, but I didn't know if I have to put Like * &[TextBoxName] & * in the criteria of each of the possible fields? I would appreciate your help with this. Thanks:)

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Keyword Seach In A Parameter Query

Jun 22, 2006

I am a relatively novice access user with a question about a query I have built. The query is a parameter query that takes its query values from a form.

I have the query constructed at the moment so the user can search and any combination of fields using a date range, and three drop downs.

One of the fields in the table that I am querying is a text "Subject" field. I would like to add a keyword search upon this field into my existing query, as such I added a text box into my form, in which the user can type a keyword to search upon.

However, when I added the following criteria to the field in my query:
Like "*" & [Forms]![frm_find_log_entry]![Subject] & "*"
And then tried typing anything into my keyword search box on my form and run my query, I am returned with all results, rather than just results with the search words.

I have read a few strings on this subject. One from 2002 seemed to be on the right track but I was unable to understand it well enough to implement the suggested solution.

Any insight that could be provided on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


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Keyword Search Query (example Attached)

Mar 18, 2008

Hi All,

As shown in the attached database, I have a multiple criteria query with a front end (see frmIssue). I am trying to add a keyword search on the field 'Issue' by having an unbound textbox in frmIssue and linking it with a 'Issue' field in the query 'MyQuery'.

An example search would be looking for an issue with the keyword 'misfiring' in project 'A'.

However, having tried the Like expression on the field 'Issue' a few times, I'm still having trouble making it work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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Get A Multiple Keyword Search Query Working

Mar 4, 2013

I am trying to get a multiple keyword search query working.... the single search is working however when i use the Multiple Keyword search the data sheet does pop up but no matter what i put in i just get a blank table and under ID it says "NEW"

The Keywords Column has a bunch of keywords separated by commas on each row. Sometimes there will be the same keywords on different rows under the keyword column... and i want it to return any rows that have 1 or more of the keywords in it or if it is null just to return them all....... this is the statement I am trying...

SELECT Sea.ID, Sea.Category, Sea.Title, Sea.Author, Sea.Organisation, Sea.Date, Sea.Keywords, Sea.Reference
WHERE (((InStr([Keywords separated by commas,Blank=All],[Keywords]))>0 Or (InStr([Keywords separated by commas,Blank=All],[Keywords])) Is Null));

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Technology Tree

Nov 11, 2006

I want to create a technology tree that is database driven. Something like this:

Tech1 -> Tech2 -> Tech3
xxxxxxxxxx||=>Tech4 -> Tech5

All of the techs follow a specific hierarchy. So if you want to get tech3 in the above example, you need to research techs 1 and 2 first. If you want to get tech5, you need to research techs 1, 2 and 4 first.

Once the layout of the database is there, I want to be able to run queries on specific techs to see what techs are needed to open that tech up. Each of the techs have numbers associated with them also, and I would like to also be able to query a tech, and find out all of the added totals for every tech that is needed to get to that tech. For example:

Tech1 (has values 1a, 2b) -> Tech2 (has values 3a, 5b) -> Tech3 (has values 4a, 7b)

I run a query on tech3, and it shows me that the totals for that tech path are: 8a, 14b. (1a+3a+4a=8a, and 2b+5b+7b=14b).

I know this is possible, but it is very complex. I have some ideas on how to start this, but I would appreciate some feedback/samples on where to get started. If someone spends the time and gives me some really helpful samples, please include your paypal in your post.

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Need File Tree In A Form.

Jul 14, 2005

I have a form in which I want to place a box that has a specific file directory displayed at all times for the user to open files from.

Please help!! Really new at this.


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How To Update Tree View?

Sep 5, 2005

This problem is driving me crazy.... :mad:
I have main form which contains treeview control. TreeView contains list of all users that have been added. I add users in pop up form. But when I hit Update button in pop up form the treeview dosen`t want to update.
I can make it work only if I close main form and open it again when I hit Update button on pop up form.

If IsLoaded("frmOsnovnoOkno") Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmOsnovnoOkno"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmOsnovnoOkno"
DoCmd.Hourglass False
End If

I dont want to close main form ("frmOsnovnoOkno") and open it again I just want to update treeview without closing and opening main form. Please help me.. :)

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Tree-like Menu Style

Nov 3, 2005


I need a help.
I would like to (if possible) to place into Form an object that could create a Tree-like menu structure. The source from this object should be table/query.
Is this possible?

Many thanks.

Krava :)

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Tree View Question

Dec 30, 2005

Good morning from the UK,

I hope one of you can help me out.

I am looking at setting up a treeview for users, with the idea that it will be easier for people to use.

The data i need to pull of is as follows:-

The table i have is called tbl User Accounts, the true values could be set to false as well as true.

Top Node = User Names
Alastair Lane
SalesInput True
ManagementTools True

Nevil Appleton
SalesInput True
ApprovalOfAccount True
ManagementTools True

I am not sure how to even start this process so any examples would be good.


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Left Side Tree Menu

Sep 24, 2006


I would like to create an application with a left side tree menu.
Each leaf of the tree should open a form or launch a procedure.
The branches could expand or collapse.
Nodes could have pics.

There must be a couple of VAB examples. Would you recommend me some of the best ones ?


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Modules & VBA :: Expand Only One Selected Row In The Tree

Jul 30, 2014

OFC without "+" Now I have something like this in double click event in one of my field

If Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = False Then
Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = True
Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = False
End If

But this code expand all of my items:/

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Tree View Structure For Indented BOM

Oct 2, 2013

I need a tree view structure for indented BOM (Bill Of Material) as shown below



Assembly 2.1

Assembly 2.2 and it continues

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Tree View Library Reference Table

Nov 7, 2005

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this question but I am trying to create a tree view library reference database for several pdf documents I need to index, and would be happy if there is a sample available to download.


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Tree View Library Reference Table

Nov 7, 2005

Tree view library reference table

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this question but I am trying to create a tree view library reference database for several pdf documents I need to index, and would be happy if there is a sample available to download.


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Can Draw Binary Tree In Forms Or Excel

May 30, 2013

I have requirement to draw a binary tree in forms, how to implement this?

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Modules & VBA :: Optimizing Tree View Of Large Database

Oct 24, 2014

I have a form with a Treeview in. I have it populated from a self-referencing database using the following code.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Const strTableQueryName = "SELECT * FROM tblHierarchy ORDER BY tblHierarchy.Function_Parent;"
Dim db As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strTableQueryName, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)

[Code] ....

The database this is referencing is about 30000 lines and it takes ~4 minutes to populate this way. I know Treeview isn't really supposed to be used in this way however it's what is required.

Now I have come up with the theory that I will populate each node with children as its clicked to be expanded.

Uploaded my current treeview example ....

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TOP Keyword

Feb 18, 2008

I have not found an easy way to do this yet.

Assuming I have my TOP 10 and ORDER BY parts correct, how can I absolutely restrict my results to exactly 10?


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Modules & VBA :: Recursive Search And Populate Results In Tree View Control

May 28, 2015

I need some VBA coding to do the following tasks

Table 1: two columns - Child Tag and Parent Tag. Parent Tags can also be in Child Tag column. In other words, a parent can have multiple levels of children.

Table 2: one column - Backup Tag.

I'd like to have a form with a combo box, pick a Parent Tag, the search all its child tags and compare each Child Tag found with records in Table 2 to see if there is a match. Then populate all results in a tree view control.

A visual example :

Parent Tag
...Child Tag 1 - Back up tag found
......Child Tag 11
......Child Tag 12 - Back up tag found
...Child Tag 2
......Child Tag 21
...Child Tag 3
......Child Tag 31
.........Child Tag 311 - Back up tag found

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Case Keyword

Jun 29, 2005


I'd like to know if the keyword CASE, or IF... is recognized in Access (sql) queries.

If not, wat should I do to implement a condition, in a query or in the source of a textbox in a report ?

The problem : I have a report that use this query in a calculated field, and I want to avoid results that are equal to zero (i.e.divising by zero).

Thanks :)


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Keyword Search

Jul 13, 2005

Hi all.

I want to set up a 'keyword search' facility on my dbase. I would like the user to enter a keyword in a dialog box and for this to then open my main FRMContractInfo form with a recordset that shows all the records where this word appears in any or each of four fields (Summary, Methodology, Lessons, Successes). I am a bit confused about how I should approach this, can someone offer me some advice?

Do I:

a) set up a Query that references the text box on the dialog box and code it as the open form's recordset
b) write the SQL for the form in the code?

Or are neither of these approaches correct? I've tried both and neither seem to work - but I think I've got my syntax all wrong because of trying to use Like and the wildcard (*) character...

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Keyword Relationship

Dec 29, 2005

:confused: I am trying to establish a relationship between two tables in a query. One table includes a keyword field which I would like link to a field the second table that contains the keyword as part of a longer string of text. For example the keyword is "rose" and a field in the second table may contain "my hobby is to grow roses" I can filter using *rose* with no problem and can use SQL to build a query but I get a "Query to complex" error and both the filter and SQL are tideous.

I'm stumped and would appreciate suggestions for any other way to approach this seemingly simple problem.

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