LIMIT Query Problems

Jul 20, 2005

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE expire_date>#" & dteDate & "# ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 3;"

If I take the LIMIT part off, it works, but add it on and it causes:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in ORDER BY clause.

/mghdevelopment/index1.asp, line 463

Any ideas?

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Limit Records In Top N Query

May 13, 2005

I have a Top 10 query (it is based on $ amount) and everything works fine except...say I have 1,000 records and 5 are >$0 it shows those fine but since the other 995 records are $0 it shows "all" of them.
I would like to limit the record count in the query to only 10. Within that 10 records if there are $0 records then I would like to show them up to the 10 record limit.

I see both sides I think but you would think that if you say "Top 10" it would be "10".

Thank you :confused:

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Limit On Query Criteria

Oct 29, 2005

I have an access 2003 db. I have a csv file that regularly downloads from a propietary system. This file contains about 18,000 records. Some customers have more than one record so there are about 7000 customers. I have linked this table to access to benefit from the regular download changes.
About 150 of these customers are accounts I want to filter out of my db. I tried a query criteria Cust# Not "(Cust#) or (Cust#) and so on. Access will not let me have this many in my query. Is there another way?

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Help With Query-limit On Days

Dec 26, 2005

I am working on my DB for work and am almost finished with my DB. I have a query that gives me totals for days. This is the code that I have been using.

TotalTMD: IIf([SumOfTMD Total]>=180,IIf(IsNull([SumOfLOA Total]),180,"180"),[SumOfTMD Total])

TotalLOA: IIf([SumOfLOA Total]>=180,IIf(IsNull([SumOfTMD Total]),180,"180"),[SumOfLOA Total])

The "TotalTMD" and "TotalLOA" days are limited to 180 days for each table. However what I need to do now is limit the combination of both fields to 180 days. Is this possible?

Since "TotalLOA" is more serious, I would like to use what ever days are in this field and then include what ever days are left over to total 180 days from "TotalTMD" days.

Maybe I could use this as an example:

Name TMDDays LOADays Total days
John 190 20 210
Jim 80 90 170
Tony 250 190 440

Should display:
Name TMDDays LOADays Total days
John 160 20 180
Jim 80 90 170
Tony 0 180 180

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Limit Query Using A Value On The Form

Oct 8, 2007

Hey Y'all.

I have built a query (Loading_query) that brings in the prefix, number and date_loaded (=null) for each rail car.

I now want to display the rail cars numbers in a drop-down but be limited by the prefix selected in another drop-down on the form.

For example:

If the prefix that was selected = GATX then
the next drop-down should use "Loading_query" to only show the rail cars that are empty (according to date_loaded) and have a prefix that = GATX.....
Still new at this and do not know how to use a value from the form to limit the query.

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Limit Query By Part Of A Field

Sep 1, 2005

I have a table that I need to identify the records in that have specific text in one of the fields, the field also contains other data. i.e. the field (accessdescription) can contain any combination of the following text (Bridge, Report, Email). and I want to list only the records that have email in this field, noting that the field usually contains at least two of the possible entries.

Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.



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Limit Query Based Form

Jan 30, 2008


I've attached a zip version of my database (which is still in the early stages of development) as I think it will be tricky to explain what I need. I've studied lots of other threads but can't find the answer I'm looking for.

Basically I have a form "Goods-in" which has a subform in continuous view that lets you pick from a product list. I'm trying to limit this combo to products that relate to this supplier only, but (it seems) because the subform is based on a query I can't update it.

I have tried several approaches but got nowehere. At this stage I don't know whether the problem is with
- how I'm linking the parent and child forms
- the SQL of the combo recordsource
- my relationships
- my overall design
- the weather!
- etc.

I would be eternally grateful if someone could take a look and advise me. The items shaded grey on the forms are just my shorthand for what will be invisible in the final version.

I'm going home now and even though I may read replies tonight, I wont be back in the office until 9am.

Thanks in advance!

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Limit Query Results By Running Sum

Apr 5, 2005

I have an unbound form with a subform which is bound to a query. The subform prioritizes and individually lists all projects my company has on its agenda and the project’s corresponding cost. Is it possible to enter a dollar figure (which would represent our budget) on the main form and have the subform list only the top prioritized projects whose running total costs would fit within the budget figure stated? Any help would be appreciated as I don’t even know if this is possible. Thanks.

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Limit Query Results To Last 30 Days

Dec 12, 2013

I am querying a linked ODBC table with a date column called "db_created_tms" that has dates in formatted like "2/25/2004 8:54:02 PM" , because it is a linked table I can't edit the data type. How can I limit my query results to the last 30 days.

My query without the date limit currently looks like this:

SELECT QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_po_line.doc_num_h AS po, QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_po_line.quantity_qnty AS qty, AS REFERENCE, QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_po_line.unit_price_amt AS cost, AS vendor, "" AS LOCATION
FROM (QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_po_line INNER JOIN QBReportAdminGroup_v_lst_item ON QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_po_line.item_id = INNER JOIN QBReportAdminGroup_v_lst_vendorODBC ON QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_po_line.vendor_id =;

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Query Criteria If On Form Field Limit, Otherwise Do Nothing?

Apr 26, 2006

I tried to word the title as accurately as possible.
What I'm trying to build is a Form where they can select data in different fields to limit (filter) the list. In my query criteria I want to read the form, if there's a value use THAT in the criteria (for that field) otherwise ignore it.

I've tried isnulls etc. If I put a value (like City) it properly returns all the records with that city, however if I put nothing the "ISNULL" returns a value that the criteria doesn't match i.e. I get nothing.

There must be a way to tell a query to NOT use any criteria if an object (form!field) is blank...?

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Queries :: Limit On Embedded IF Statement In Query

May 23, 2014

I have the following code

Gap: IIf([Q1]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q2]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q3]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q4]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q5]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q6]=2,"GAP",

I need to add Q15 and Q16 but there appears to be a limit on how many IIf statements I can embed and I get an error that my formula is too complex.

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Queries :: Limit Date Outputs In Query

Jul 30, 2013

I have a query that is pulling information from 2 tables: airport codes and orders. I was able to select the 7 states I wanted without any problem. I am trying to limit the "order date" by using the criteria ">=#1/1/2011#". I want the query to only choose those orders that were dated 1/1/2011 to the present.

No matter what I place in the criteria for the date, the data never changes. I even tried "=date()" just to see if it would change. I tried "Between #1/1/2011# And #12/31/2013#" and the results were the same. This should be a simple task (as were the states) but I don't know why it is not yielding the desired results.

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Queries :: Limit Query To Selected Items In A List Box

Nov 27, 2013

I want to limit the results in a query to the selected items on a list box - how do I do this?

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Forms :: Using Form To Limit Results Shown In Query?

Aug 14, 2013

Essentially I have a table for rooms around my school and what the rooms contain. Most of the details for the rooms are Boolean (e.g. If the room has a projector, Yes/No). So what im trying to do is have a form where i can select a checkbox(s) and if i tick one, a query that holds all the room details will only show rooms with projectors in them, which i can then display those results in another form.

My question is how do I get the check boxes in the form to narrow down the room results to only show the ones with the criteria i have selected in the form?

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Run A Query In Access That Will Limit Number Of Records For Each Criteria?

Nov 25, 2013

I am looking to run a query in Access that will limit the number of records for each criteria.


>10 years count 300
1-3 years count 100
4-6 years count 200
6-10 years count 250

can limit the amount in one query or have to do the criteria separate?

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Queries :: Limit Query Results To Numeric Value Of Text Field?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a table that has several fields including CallID (autonumber) and SKU (text)

SKU can be anything up to 9 characters, sometimes numeric sometimes alphanumeric. For example: 24300, AA23145, G58d444, 24999, 89332,...

Based on the Count of CallID I can easily get the top20 calls on each SKU. This is the query I use for that:

SELECT TOP 20 Count(Calls.CallID) AS CountOfCallID, Calls.SKU
FROM Calls
HAVING ((Not (Calls.SKU) Is Null))
ORDER BY Count(Calls.CallID) DESC;

The problem is that now I have been asked to create two different lists. One that has the top 20 SKU that range from 24520 and 24599 and another one that does the res tof the SKUs.

Obviously my problem is that the SKU field is text, not numbers so I can't just limit the results in the query by using "Between 24520 and 24500" in the query criteria.

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Queries :: Limit The Type Of Data That Can Be Entered In A Query That Has A Like Criteria?

Jan 18, 2014

Is it possible to limit the type of data that can be entered in a query that has a LIKE criteria?

( Like [Enter Data] & "*")

limit to two digits or any number of digits, or limit to numbers only or letters only. .

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Is There A Limit To The Amount Of Queries Used To Create A "Super" Query?

Apr 14, 2005

I have a number of smaller queries that I want to join together to create a super query to display on a report. It works fine when I have a dozen queries joined, but as soon as I add any more, the query takes at least 10 minutes to run (although it eventually works). Is there a limit to the number of queries I can include in a query or is there some other underlying problem?
NOTE : the smaller queries only contain half a dozen records with totals.

Any ideas?

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Jun 30, 2005

Can you use the LIMIT function in access?

It limits the number of records out putted by a query.


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Input Box And Limit

Jun 29, 2005

I am trying to uses a inputbox. I need it to end the script if cancel is hit, but the value from the input box can be zero? So cant filter it that way.


Does the SQL command LIMIT work in access and is it possible to number row in order?

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Access 97 & 1 Gig Limit

May 17, 2006

Hello All:

We use a custom built Access “97 version” database at work that keeps track of our internal manufacturing processes. The database stores jpg’s and dwg files that use up a lot of precious DB space and if we had it to do over we would use hyperlinks to these files to save space. But this database we built long ago and we have reached the 1 gig limit of Access 97.

1) If we upgrade to a newer version of access will this increase the database limit to 2 gig’s
2) Is this kind of upgrade easy to do or should this be done by a Access professional

Thanks for the help


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LIMIT - TOP Question

Oct 11, 2006

I am use to SQL commands... I am currently working on a MS ACCESS DB for a web site.... I have a program that uses LIMIT, but ACCESS does not use LIMIT... I know MS ACCESS uses top, but here is the dilemma.

I have over 200 rows in a table. I want to have a query of 1-50 rows... then another with 51-100 and so on...till I reach the end of my table.... The problem is ... TOP does not let me choose where to start in the DB and stop... can anyone help with this issue??

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Limit Records

Sep 1, 2005

i want to run a querie to criate new tables every 200 records, how can this be done?

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Limit Search

Feb 9, 2007

Hello,I have a form that I use for searching. It takes all the records in the database and then people can type things they are searching for - numbers, dates, names, descriptions etc. - into a text box, and as they type, the selection window shows fewer and fewer matches.What I would like to do now is give the user the option to limit where the underlying query searches, but only if he wants to do this. In other words, I want to be able to search the entire database [default], or only within a certain year, or amongst the products of one manufacturer, or a certain model etc. and I want to be able to combine parameters so that more than one can be applied at the same time. I have 5 or 6 parameters and I was thinking of using drop-down boxes for the user to select a value for these parameters. My problem is that when I specify parameters to limit the search, I have to have a value in all of them. What do I need to do to make those optional?Thank you.

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Limit And Queries

Feb 13, 2008

i just wanted to find out how many tables can one get data from to make a query. is there a limit? im in the process of making a query which will get data from 5 tables but im having problems.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

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I Don't Want To Limit To List!

Jan 24, 2005


I am trying to display data from a table. One of the fields is entered via a combo box. When displaying that data on a form I need to be able to allow items not on the list(created by a select query) to be displayed for this field. The data was created some time ago and it seems that records have been deleted in certain places which has resulted in inconsistent data.

I am happy resticting data entry for new records, but need to allow items not on the list to be displayed for historical data. Data entre and displaying of historical data take place on seperate forms so this is no problem.

My problem is that I am only able to disable limit to list if I make the bounded column anything other than 1 and doing this displays the wrong data!

Am I attempting the imposible or if not, can anyone help?

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