Label Linked To A Field

May 19, 2005

I was wondering if it's possible to link a label on a form so that it automatically displays the contents of a field in a corresponding record?

eg I have a form for the rental of DVDs. On the form is a Text box labeled "RentalID", one for the "MemberID", both from my table "tbl_Rental". Below is the contents of a table displaying the dvds rented out for that rentalID. Is it possible to have a label or a piece of text that automatically displays the calculated field from a query that has that member's fullname in it?

I'd be most grateful


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Preview Data In Label Linked To Table

Apr 9, 2014

I have a table that have about 5000 records. Also I have a report that include a label which is linked to this table.

The problem i have is that when i have heavy data in the table like 5000 record and above, the label is not taking data from first to last record from the table, it is taking from record 1200 reaching record 5000 then it takes record 1 to 1199.

Therefore when label is previewed, we are viewing data on label from 1200 to 5000 then from 1 to 11900 and not from 1 to 5000

On the other hand, when i don't have heavy data in the table, everything is working good and the label is getting its data from first to last record successfully.

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Label Visible Iif Other Field Value=

Feb 15, 2008

I am trying to get a text label to only be visible if the values of 2 other form objects are of a specific value.

This is what I've been trying to do after VAT is changed:

=IIf([Forms]![Jobs]![JobCategoryList]=2 AND [Forms]![The Sale]![VAT]=0.175, [VATWarning].Visible=-1,[VATWarning].Visible=0)

But, it just isn't working.

If anyone can spot the problem in the mess of code I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Martin

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How To Change The Label Caption Of A Variable Label Name?

Aug 4, 2006

I have n horizontal labels named Label_1 to Label_n. I'd like to assign values to the label captions by using a loop.
Something like:

For i = 1 To n
Set Label_i.Caption = i

However, this doesn't work. Message "Object required".

Any suggestions?

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Making Label With More Than One Field Per Line

Dec 16, 2012

I previously used an older Access version under XP, but I switched to Windows 7 (64-bit) and Access V10. In general, most everything appears to work as expected, but I can't be sure because I have not gotten past the "previously simple" task of making a simple label !!!!

When I construct a LABEL layout, if I use ONLY one field per line, everything appears to work OK.When I put MORE than one field per line, the additional lines are "accepted", but when I click "finished" to preview the finished labels, I get an #error on every line that has more than one field, but the lines with only one field print out as expected.If I then go into the DESIGN mode, each line with more than one field displays:

=Trim([field-x] & " " & [field-z]), where the " " is related to the space I place between field-x and field-z.

During this process I also get a box with the message "Enter Parameter Value", and below that is the text, "Trim", with a box in which to insert some kind of "parameter". I have absolutely no clew what to put into the "box", and no where in the 812 page, "The Missing Manual" is the question answered.I have wasted approximately five hours trying to solve this issue, including google searches for potential answers, some of which seem reasonable, but do not work when implemented. At this point I am ready to trash ACCESS and move on to some other process.

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Change Size Of Label And Field

Oct 17, 2012

How to change size of Label and field with out both at once, default. Access 7

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Forms :: Label And Field Being Displayed On Another Form

Jun 6, 2013

I've added a label and field to a page on an existing form. However these are now also displayed on other pages on the same form.

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Reports :: 1 Field Value Print Several Text Box Or Label

Dec 9, 2013

I have one field in my table "Id". Here I have inputed 16 digit number always. Can I print out every digit with different text box or label in my report?

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How To Show Field Content In A Label - ID Of Dataset

May 24, 2012

I want to display the ID of a dataset in a form but I don't want the user to be able to edit it. Therefore I want to display the id in a label and not a textbox or combo etc.

I can't see a way of how to do this though. Is this possible, or am I going about it the wrong way?

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How To Make Associated Label Not Automatically Show With The Field

Aug 21, 2013

I'd sure like to drag fields from the field list onto a report without a label automatically showing with it. I have so many fields to deal with the time just to click it gone adds up.

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Queries :: Putting A Label In Front Of Real Field Name

Apr 4, 2014

I have a query in which some of the field names were assigned a while back and don't make a lot of sense to the person who gets the report so I give them new labels in the query...for example:

I pull in the field AE_resp_req and in front of that I type in RM Response: AE_resp_req and when I run the query, the name for the field is RM Response and it works great. I have another field called Category_Rating that I pull into this query and I did the same thing: Exam Rating: Category_Rating (field name) but when I run the query it still says Category_Rating and I get no errors or messages..

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Forms :: Label Font Change On Disabling A Field?

Jan 23, 2015

I am creating a form and I have some fields I don't want people being able to change so I selected to disable them in the datasheet but now the labels have a strange double text, it looks different than all the other labels and is driving me nuts. when I enable it the font on the label goes back to what the others are but once I change it to disabled it goes funky again. how do I fix this?

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General :: How To Create Printed Label With Concatenated Field

Feb 25, 2013

I am attempting to create a printed label with a concatenated field. I want the field to abbreviate several shapes and colors but i will just start with the shape.


This is what my basic statement says. I am attempting to nest other options inside of this.

=IIf([Shape]="round","RD",IIF([Shape]="oval", "OV", IIF([Shape]="triangle", "TR", "TH")))

Is this the correct syntax? I can not seem to get it to work.

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Change Label Caption In A Report Depending On Value Of Numeric Field?

Nov 25, 2011

I'm trying to change a label caption in a report depending the value of a numeric field.

=IIf([55]=8,[Label176].[Caption]="Spring Term",[Label176].[Caption]="Summer Term")

[55] is the numeric field.

I get a type mismatch error.

Access 2010

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Auto Populate Linked Field With Key Field

Mar 22, 2005

I have a form with a main form and two subforms. The first subform automatically populates it's linked field with the data in the key field of the main form, but the second subform does not auto populate it's linked field with the data from the key field of the first subform. I have created main forms and subforms before and this was not a problem.
Is there a way to cause the second subform to automatically populate it's linked field with data from the key field of the first subform?

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Form - Selecting Label OnClick Does Not Recognize Changed Form Field?

Feb 5, 2015

Access 2007
Unbound Form

I have a onclick tied to a label (for decoration purposes) that when clicked it launches VBA that essentially updates a form. All that part works except it will not recognize any changed value of the field I was last in?

Just to try to explain best as I can what happens.

- Form gets opened
- I change field (quantity field)
- I click the Label
- It reverts to pre-existing value.

if I click off of the text field first then do the onclick - it recognizes just fine.

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Populating A Field With Linked Value

Apr 25, 2013

I have a member table. In that table, I have a member's subscription level. For easy, I'll just do this:

member_id (PK)memeber_type [Looks up which type of membership a player has]

Now, here is the issue I'm having. In another table I have transactions.

TRANSACTION_ID(pk)MEMBER_ID [Look up from the member's table]trans_amountmember_type

I would think that this would populate when I enter the member's ID but it doesn't.

I joined the tables and it still doesn't populate. What could I be doing wrong?

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Linked Field Names/Columns

Aug 16, 2007


I am trying to make a new form with the same info as another but in a different view for easily updatable forms/reports. The current table i have looks like this:

Company Product Market Available?

etc... with the numbers linked to tables with the actual name.

what i want to do is make a table with field names that correspond the different products so that it looks like this:

Company Market Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
1.............2............yes..........yes....... ........yes ........yes

Ive played around with crosstab queries but I'm not getting the results i want. Is there any way to have this new table linked to my first table so that if theres a new product # entered it will automatically make a new column on the new table and fill it in? Let me know if this is too confusing, Thanks for your help.

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Adding A Field To A Linked Table

Mar 27, 2008

Hi folks,

I am really struggling w/ the following & would greatly appreciate advice!

I want to add several Fields to a Linked Table in Access. The Access wouldn't let me do it because it is a Linked Table. What should I do?

There is also a nicely designed Form that goes w/ that Linked Table. So I figured that once I add the Fields in the Table then I can add them to the Form too. - But can't even add the fields yet....

HUGE THANKS in advance!

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Linked Field And Null Values

Feb 1, 2006


Introduction (I case I'm doing this all wrong)

I have 1 huge table of data:

Year (this is 1 or 2)

I'm taking each component Person, Address, Telephone info and making a compacted table of each (i.e. lots of Jane Does etc, appear in both years)
Each table with have a URN

I then need to update the big table with the URN so move onto another part of getting this data into a usable format.

Basically what follows is my question on how to get the URN's back into the table:


Is there a quicker way (or a way I'm not seeing) of doing the following.

I have a set of data 'tblDatabaseTable, say:


In the database.

I have an imported file which will be tblImportTable, same deal without the ID:


I need to compare the data on each table:

SELECT * FROM tblDatabaseTable
INNER JOIN tblDatabaseTable
ON tblDatabaseTable.Field1 = tblImportTable.Field1
AND tblDatabaseTable.Field2 = tblImportTable.Field2
AND tblDatabaseTable.Field3 = tblImportTable.Field3;

Works great as long as all the fields have values in.

Is there a way to compare the tables and get results as:

Ian MacConnell null

Ian Macconnell null


without doing something like:

SELECT IIf(IsNull([Field1]),' ',[Field1]),
IIf(IsNull([Field2]),' ',[Field2]),
IIf(IsNull([Field3]),' ',[Field3])
FROM DatabaseTable

SELECT IIf(IsNull([Field1]),' ',[Field1]),
IIf(IsNull([Field2]),' ',[Field2]),
IIf(IsNull([Field3]),' ',[Field3])
FROM ImportTable

before comparing them???

Phew, hope that all makes sense, very long day and I'm........


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Text Boxes Linked To The Same Field

Jan 30, 2006

Is it possible to link multiple text boxes to the same field in a table

For example allowing three boxes for the entry of an address however it is all copied into the one field in the database?

Thanks for the help

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Display A Field From A Linked Table

Oct 5, 2006

I'm working on a MS Access database, there's one table linked from a ODBC database.

In the ACESS table, I defined 2 fields,A and B, each of them maps the field in the ODBC table. A field C in the ODBC database can return a unique value with both the info. A and B.

We want the C value can be automatically show up after we input the A. B value in a MS ACCESS form.

It sounds very easy. and if we use asp it should be easy. However, I just get stucked here. Whether I can do it in MS ACCESS.

Can anyone help?

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Hyperlink Linked To A Field In A Table..

Dec 18, 2006

Hey guys!
I have a basic knowledge of MS Access and for some of you it might seem like a stupid question, but here's my issue:

I'm trying to create an hyperlink in a form (or a data access page) to a web page, but part of that hyperlink url will be contained in a field in a table.
For example, the link would look like that: www.[site].com where [site] is a field inside let's say Table1. So depending on the value of [site] the link will return: (URL address blocked: See forum rules) or (URL address blocked: See forum rules), etc..
I assume it might require some coding to achive the desired result which I don't know anything about
I tried to set the control source of my link to: = "www." & [Table1]![site] & ".com" but of course it doesn't work.

Thanks a lot in advance for all the help you can give me.

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Tables :: Add Field To Linked CSV Directly

Mar 19, 2015

I currently have a CSV Table consisting of 30 fields linked to my access database, now and again I need to add additional fields. but each time I do this I'm having to relink the csv and rename all the field names etc..

Is it possible for me to add a new field directly in the CSV files and quickly refresh the linked table in access to pick up the new field? I've tried the Table Linked Manager. but it doesnt pick up the new field

Using Access 2010

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Field Names With Spaces And Linked Tables

Apr 16, 2007

Hi all,

I have an Access DB with hundres of queries and reports, now I have to use an external DB (Oracle) and export data keeping the rest, no problem with that, I have added linked tables through odbc and works fine.

My problem is that some of the tables have field names with spaces, and Oracle doesn't admit them. Does anybody knows how to solve it without having to modify all the queries, etc?, I've been thinking about aliases or views over the linked table but I haven't found a way to create these.

Any help?


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Adding Security To A Field In Linked Table

Jun 4, 2007

Can someone tell me how to go about adding security to a field in a linked table so that only certain people can access and modify the information? I am using Access 2002. I also wonder if someone can tell me how to modify a field in a linked table? I have tried altering and saving the changes, but it won't save them because it's a linked table. Thank you in advance to anybody who can help me out here!

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