Hey guy im kinda new to this program so excuse me if my question is simplistic:
I built a form for making Purchase orders. In the main form...a user enters a bunch of text/num info (name, address, ect)into the table. After that i have it tab to a subform..where a user can add items by line (as many as they like). All good till here: Once i go to click out of the subform...i get message
"You cannot add or change a record b/c a related record is required in table 'UCT_Req'"
My relationship has a 'one-to-many' link (the req number to the many line items). I have auto-numbers counting up in each table.
My main problem seems to be attaching the entered line items to a specific record in the main Purchase order form...and then opening a fresh form afterwards.
I have a form for rentals where I have fields for car details and for client details. I have a list box for clients so that when I enter the Client Id I automatically get all the records filled out on the form, from the clients table...
This works but the problem is that sometimes I have a new client who rents a car that is not on the database so I insert the client details manually on the rentals form without filling in the client ID as this client does not exist on the database.
The problem comes when I want to save the form it wont allow me to leave the client ID field blank... I imagine this is because of the relationship...
I have a main form (stud_details) also I have a subform called (pay_det_sub).The subform is displayed on the main form. I want to create a relationship between the stud_details and pay_det_sub, with the aid of a field on the stud_details called numhus (which is the primary key).
So that when a student with a specific numhus value is displayed it brings about the payers details on the subform.
What's the best way of doing it??? Is it necessary to have numhus value stored also in the subform table to create a relationship....
Hi. can anyone help me. I've spent the last two hours getting no where.
I have a tbl_Enquiry,tbl_EnquiryType and tbl_Questions On the main form (frm_Enquiry), depending on which enquiry type is chosen, will depend on which questions are displayed. this is a many to many relationship so I have a junction table, called tbl_TypeQuestionJunction.
The questions are displayed in a sub from when the enquiry type is selected, and this all works fine.
However, I then need to add a field where the user can write thier answers to the questions. for this I have a table tbl_QAJunction with the fields EnquiryID QuestionID and Answer
How can I get my subform to display the correct questions when the enquiry type is selected, with an answer box next to it and then pick up the EnquiryID, QuestionID and the answer and add them to the tbl_QAJunction. I just can't get a query to work.
I hope this makes sense
This has really bugged me and is stopping me completing my database. Am i going abotu this all wrong? If anyone can help, I'd be grateful I've attached a cut down version of the DB so you can see what i'm on about
I'm in datasheet design view and I'm trying to change the data type of a cell and add a lookup. When I try to change the datatype I get an error which says I need to remove a relationship first - except I did. I deleted all the relationships, saved and closed the relationship view and closed and reopened the table.
I am assuming Access cannot handle Many to Many relationships very well.
I have an Account form ("MainForm") with an embedded SubForm that displays only the Account Address with suite number, street number, street name, street type. Account to Address is a Many to Many relationship. My Account form's source is tblAccount, and the SubForm is built off of a query of 3 tables -- Querying Account, LinkTable, and Address table. The link between the SubForm and the "MainForm" is done via AccountID.
My problem is, when I query for an Address (say entering a street number of 25), I want to get back all the addresses with street number of 25 AND the corresponding Accounts that have street number 25 only
What it does is return the addresses with Street Number 25 and ALL the accounts regardless of what their addresses are!
Is there a way to do this?? Can I design a form without using a SubForm in this case, ie, display the account and its many addresses? Or does Access Forms not support Many to Many Relationships? I'm thinking the link table is causing the problems here.
Please advise -- this "simple" project is becoming quite the headache! :eek:
"edit" -- I also notice this problem with a 1 to Many relationship (the "many" portion being the subform)
I have a Workorder Form that holds all the fields that apply to the entire project (payment, customer, etc).
Then I have a subform for Stock. This allows there to be several different stock items (and production information relevant to that stock) assigned to a Workorder.
I have successfully linked the two so that when a Workorder is opened, it shows any related Stock in the subform that has already been created.
The problem is new stock entries. I need it to only allow Stock additions to the current open related Workorder.
I currently have it where you can type in the WorkorderID (autonumber) on the Stock subform new entry and it will work. But I do not trust employees to type in the correct number every time they need to add stock to a Workorder. I can't release it this way.
I mean, the whole point is for the database to promote as little error as possible, right?
I am having trouble establishing a subform connection (relationship) to a main form. I am using Access 2003.
I am creating a medical record database where I already have one form / subform relationship established that works. However, I created another form where I want to indicate the Physician(s) information within the main form and his specialties within a subform. I need to use the subform because one physician can have more than one specialty.
My fields within two tables are: Doctor (Table) ID Doctor First Name (Key) Doctor Last Name (Key) Doctor Address Doctor City Doctor State Specialty (Related Field)
Doctor Specialty (Table) ID (Key) Doctor First Name Doctor Last Name Specialty (Related Field)
The problem I can’t establish the relationship.:confused: Also, when I look at my relation diagram – does each table have to relate to another? Can I have two separate relationships indicated?
I have a "Main" form called frmProjects that sports multiple tabs. One of those tabs is labelled "Milestones", into which I inserted a datasheet subform called frmSubMilestones. The table that feeds the subform is tblMilestones. I established the parent / child relationship between frmProject and frmSubMilestones, and everything is working just fine...
To summarize: frmProject as main form -> Milestones Tab on main form -> frmSubMilestones as datasheet subform on the Milestones Tab (there are other tabs that are not subforms).
I have been asked, for each milestone in the frmSubMilestones subform's datasheet, to capture the number of days spent by employees on a monthly basis. The Milestones table and the PersonDays table have a primary key and a foreign key that are similar.
To summarize: frmSubMilestones as subform -> txtAggregatePersonDays as calculated Textbox fetching data from tblPersonDays -> OnClick event -> FormLoad of frmPersonDays as datasheet PopUp form.
DoCmd.FormLoad is supplied with the usual parameters to make the PopUp form appear, filtered on the currently highlighted milestone. Everything works fine so far... well almost.
Problem 1: When I introduce new rows in the frmPersonsDays datasheet, everything seems fine at the surface, BUT the primary key of the calling form (i.e. frmSubMilestones) does not appear in the tblPersonDays table; this is normal because there is no form-based parent / child relationship between the two forms. As one might expect, I am trying, from frmPersonDays, to get the primary key value from the "parent" frmSubMilestones using the Forms collection. No dice. I surfed and surfed, tried the bang and the dot operators, drank scotch, but nothing worked. I had to add foreing keys manually in tblPersonDays to further my tests. I can't figure out how to reach any control on the calling form, which is a subform.
Problem 2: The calculated txtAggregatePersonDays on the frmSubMilestones works wonders for existing data in tblPersonDays. However, when I introduce new rows in the PopUp form, I also realized that the calculated Textbox in frmSubMilestones is not updated when I close the frmPersonDays PopUp. I have to close the PopUp form and move the cursor in the Main form (frmProjects) to refresh its associated milestones.
I do a query to remove "." from a list of my servers. This works great, but for every name on the list without a "." I get an error in the output. Is there any way to remove these errors from the output, so I only see the data that has been properly pruned down?
I have a form, frmProjects, with a continuous subform, sfrPeopleOnThisProject. They have a master-child relationship. The form shows one Project record at a time, while the subform shows all the People records for that project. This works as expected - the correct records show up in the subform as you move through the form records.
To make it easier to glance through the list of subform records (as they can sometimes be quite long), I've added a navigation combobox to the header of the subform. If I understand correctly, as the combobox is within the subform, it should obey the master-child relationship: it should only show the subform records associated with the main form's current record. It does not. Instead, the combo box collects *all* of the records from the table that the subform is based on. So, choose the record for Project 1 in the main form. Up pops the 2 people on Project 1, but the combo box lists both the 2 people on Project 1 and the 3 people on Project 2.
The row source for the subform combo box is:
SELECT tblPersonOnProject.PersonOnProjectID, tblPerson.Fullname FROM tblPersonOnProject INNER JOIN tblPerson ON tblPersonOnProject.PersonFK=tblPerson.PersonID ORDER BY Fullname;
I can make the combo box perform as required by adding "WHERE Project=Forms!frmProject!ProjectID" to the row source and placing a hidden textbox on the main form for ProjectID (the autogenerated primary key) to sit. Have I misunderstood the point of the master-child relationship in the subform? This hidden textbox thing can't be correct.
This is, I think a very easy question: What would be the apropriate form event to use when leaving a record on a single form (When you press next record for example)
I made a Table with one record per person which is entered initially and contains a sub-table which is a list of the drugs they are taking. As people are notoriously bad at spelling drugs they select them from an alphabetacised drop down list held in another table. The idea being that they check the spelling before entering them on the main table for any new drugs. The subjects each come back and have a number of measurements taken on a number of visits. So the main table and the drugs table have a one to many relationship and the main table and the visits. In both cases the tables are linked by the same unique identifier which is compulsory and unique in the master table. The data is input using a master form and sub-forms. I havent done any of the input but when I looked at the two sub-tables they each have a number of records which are blank in the identifier feild. How has this happened? How do I stop it happening and is there any way of finding out which record these visit data and drugs should belong to?
I am trying set up some criteria for a create table query. I am using multiple fields from different tables, I am trying to delete certain feilds if they meet the criteria. I am using iif([letter c_last]=[letter a_last],null,[letter c_last]) in the criteria for letter c last, but when I run it a box appears to enter criteria for the last name field? I want it to look at the field not for data to be entered manually. I hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm pretty new to Access, so please overlook any stupid questions :) I have a data entry form that has one field that cannot be a duplicate. So, in the table I have it Indexed with No duplicates. The problem is that the form doesn't notify the user that they have entered duplicate information until they close the form. So the 10 minutes they spent filling it out is wasted. So, after consulting various posts, I did a BeforeUpdate event with the following code: (the field that must be unique is called "LS Number", in the form "Q and D" based on the table "Q and D Database")
Private Sub LS_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo LS_Number_BeforeUpdate_Err
If (DLookup("[LS Number]", "Q and D Database", "[LS Number]=Forms![Q and D]![LS Number]")) Then MsgBox "The LS Number you entered already exists. Enter a unique LS Number", vbInformation, "Duplicate LS Number"
When I test this by entering a duplicate LS Number, it gives me the error "Type Mismatch." Unfortunately, I have no idea what this means, nor do I know how to fix it.
I have a database where I have a number from a client. We copy/paste it from a pdf file. The number has dots in it ( I would like to create a solution that when I paste the number in the field and go to the next field, it will take out the dots from the number.
I have a form that allows users to search the database for records based on there criteria. The form allows the user to search, through combo boxes, by variables. The first is MAT, the second is Relocation Area. The search works fine when the user selects options form the combo boxes. However sometimes it is neccesary to leave the location field blank and only search by MAT. When the location combo box is left blank no records are found. Is there anyway around this. The SQL code for the query is below:
SELECT [Extract Data].[ID], [Extract Data].AREA, [Extract Data].[MAT], [Extract Data].[Relocation Area 1], [Extract Data].[Relocation Area 2], [Extract Data].[Relocation Area 3], [Extract Data].[Grade Score] FROM [Extract Data] WHERE ((([Extract Data].[MAT])>forms![Data Search]!SearchMAT) And (([Extract Data].[Relocation Area 1])=Forms![Data Search]!SearchArea)) Or ((([Extract Data].[MAT])>Forms![Data Search]!SearchMAT) And (([Extract Data].[Relocation Area 2])=Forms![Data Search]!SearchArea)) Or ((([Extract Data].[MAT])>>Forms![Data Search]!SearchMAT) And (([Extract Data].[Relocation Area 3])=Forms![Data Search]!SearchArea));
I have some code that opens and populates an Excel spreadsheets then does a save as to a specific directory and also outputs a PDF. This code is working with one small problem, I am leaving the first instance of Excel open and can't figure out where I should put the code for it to quit. Here is my code:
Code: ' This code creates a recordset based on the current reservation in order to gather data on ' a specific reservation, to output to a payment schedule excel spreadsheet which calculates ' Payment dates and amounts for specific reservations ' Declare variables for recordset Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database
[Code] ....
The instance that I need to close is shown in red.
Bit of an Access beginner and am trying to sort something out for work - not sure why they've asked me!
I've created a query to search on a couple of items using drop down boxes on a search form I created. This bit of it works fine, I used this site http://www.fontstuff.com/access/acctut08.htm and copied what he had done. This is fine.
I now want to add a date search to the same query. I know I can use Between [..] AND [..] but if I leave the boxes blank it finds no records. I'd like it to search and include all. Ideally I want to include 2 extra text boxes on my form that I can put a to and from date in (or not put a date in and it find everything).
Hope that makes sense, please can someone do me an idiots guide?
hi guys i was wondering if you can help me this is my code: i have a main form with this code, this form contains a subform linked by the All_PricingID
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblAll_Pricing") 'main table ' adding data to the table rst.AddNew ' Main table rst!All_PricingID = Me.txtPricingID 'Main table pk rst!MainContract_ID = Me.cmbMainContract 'combo box in parent form rst!ItemNumber = Me.txtItem 'Main form text rst.Update
'sub Table Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPricing") 'sub table For varItem = 0 To Me.lstsubContracts.ListCount - 1 'this is a list in the main form '--- loop through all the items in the list box and create a new row in the subform for each subcontract in the listbox lstSubcontracts. rst2.AddNew rst2!ID = Me.All_PricingID 'sub table foreign key rst2!SubContractID = Me.lstsubContracts.Column(0, varItem) 'sub table rst2.Update Next varItem '--- close the tables rst.Close rst2.Close Set rst = Nothing Set rst2 = Nothing
the subform appears correctly with the rows i wanted added but i need the user to be able to edit a column in the subform for the rows just created (my form is on datasheet view). but everytime i move to cursor into the subform, i can't even scroll up and down.
i keep getting an error that says :
The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. (Error 3022)
but when i check my tables tblAll_Pricing and tblPricing , everything is inserted correctly according to my recorset above, do you know why this is happening? and why i am not able to edit my subform. my subform allowsedits and additions.
We have a form in our application(developed in Access 2003) with numerous tabs in it. On click of each tab a subform is displayed with relevant details.
Each of the subform is mapped to a table in turn. When the subform is opened it shows the all the values of the table. But when the form is opened (in Access 2007), it shows only one record in the subform.
The application works fine in MS Access 2003 showing all the records in the subform.
I have an application that enters candidates in, who apply for a job.
I found that I can enter a candidate in, and if I dont enter at least an address type or phone type ( giving that candidate an address record, albiet a blank one (just a type of address) and a phone record) then the candidate wont have a sub record for addres or phone at all.
This is hurting my reports. They are set to pull the primary address and phone only, as we dont need to have 2-3 contact information for a candidate on a report This is how I found out that I had blank address and phone for some test records. I need to be able to check when a person does a number of things, that at least the combos for phone type and address type have been chosen as something. This will ensure that they have a primary address and phone, as I have code that takes care of all that. I tried putting the following code in the form's before update, but since it is calling to a subform, the minute I tab TO the address combo, I get the message. The form is updating before I get the chance to skip the field.
Here is the lay out. A user can enter in candidate, their address, phone, application and activities. Address, phone, applications and activities are all sub reports on a tab control. The user should be able to move freely within any record, and only be bothered when they try to leave, if important information is still empty. I dont want to control how they enter ('you must enter this first!' lol) just that they do enter it in the end.
What I want to do is check when the user is leaving a record.(closing form, going to another record, clicking the search button that opens another form etc) if either combo is empty (no primary contact info) then it gives the message and goes back to the combo that is empty.
Here is the code I have. If anyone can help me find the right place to put it, I would really appreciate it. Thank you,
If IsNull(Me.[subAddressEntry].Form![cmbAddressTypeID]) Then msgbox "You must enter an Address" Me.[subAddressEntry].Form![cmbAddressTypeID].SetFocus Cancel = True ElseIf IsNull(Me.[subPhoneEntry].Form![cmbPhoneTypeID]) Then msgbox "You must enter a Phone" Me.[subPhoneEntry].Form![cmbPhoneTypeID].SetFocus Cancel = True Else: Cancel = False End If
If I can't figure this out, I am thinking of making a new address type and phone type. Call it "none chosen" and then make that a default selection. Then one would always be chosen...I think. I would like to avoid that though.
i have a form which has a sub-form on it. each one is bound to a different table. the main form has a one to many relationship with the subform, but every time i try to add a new record to the subform i get an error say that you cant insert a duplicate foreign key.
not sure how to solve that as sql enterprise manager and access do seem to have the option to allow duplicates on the foreign key coloum.
I have a subform which opens good with Access 2003 but now that I updated to Access 2007, it won't open. It gives me a "type mismatch in expression" error. Why does this happen??