Limit Rows Of Linked Excel Table

Jun 15, 2012

I have a report which runs from a linked excel worksheet. Is there any way I can limit the number of rows in the access reports to only show those rows which are populated in the excel worksheet.

Presently, if the excel worksheet has information in say 20 rows, when I come to print the access report it is telling me there are 1067 records and the only way I can print is by selecting pages 1 & 2 of the report to print.

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Linked Excel Files - Blank Leading Rows In Query Datasheet View And Reports

Dec 12, 2013

I decided to link Excel files and all is running fine except when I run a query on the file I get about 1,041 blank rows before my data is displayed in the query's datasheet view or any report based upon this query... the data seems good but why the leading blank rows? The data in the linked Excel sheet does not look like this and another Excel file's query looks fine and they seem set up identically!

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Modules & VBA :: Format Spreadsheet To Import Into Table - Deleting Rows In Excel

Jun 25, 2014

I am trying to format a spreadsheet to import into a Table. To do this I need to delete the top 8 rows and then the 4 rows below the data I need, both areas contain header data. The 4 rows below the data I need are blank but formatted oddly and it is causing issues during import.

Sub ExcelFormat()
Dim excelApp As Object
Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelApp.worbooks.Open ("Z:DataTest.xlsx")
End Sub

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Problem With Linked Excel Table

Mar 29, 2007

Does anyone know why when i have a link excel spreadsheet in my access database i am not able to edit the data?
I have a copy of the database on my laptop and it works fine, i can edit and add data but the office copy which is on the network it will not let me edit the linked spreadsheet in access. I have an update query that updates a field in the linked excel table but it no longer works. I dont think there is any special permissions on the files. It is sooo frustrating... dont know what to do.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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Excel Spreadsheet Linked As Access Table

Aug 23, 2005

I'm trying to link a spreadsheet as a table in Access 2002. The link wizard is importing my number columns as numbers, even though I defined them as text. I need for them to be text in Access. How do I force this?


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Linked Table To Excel. One Field Is Not Valid

Sep 28, 2007

I have a Table in my Db that is a link to an Excel spreadsheet.
Of around 200 records just one is giving me a problem, in one field.

The Excel SS itself is the result of links to about 8 other SSs

The problematic field is a part number and is formatted as text, in the linked table and the underlying SSs. But this one bl**dy field which should be '1707' is shown as "#Num!" Which suggests to me Access thinks it is an number.

Other linked cells like "12345" are fine ???

I have tried putting a letter infront and it then works correctly. Remove the letter, back to "#Num!" again!

Can anyone suggest a way of forcing the formatting to text please?


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Forms :: Limit Number Of Rows In A Subform

Jun 20, 2013

I am looking for a way to limit the number of rows that are added to the subform of a main form. Is there anyway that the allowable number of rows be defined using a field on the main form.

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Access Query Using Criteria In Linked Excel Table

May 4, 2006

I use an Excel interface to retrieve data from an Access file that has approximately 1 million records. I use an MS Query from Excel to run an Access Query to retrieve the data.

I have 16 "Criteria" fields (columns) in Excel that I change with drop-downs. Each criteria column has 2 to 9 values set; a total of 75 values. I pass these criteria fields to Access via a table link in Access.

The criteria of the fields in the query that is run in Access to pull the data based on the table link is updated by using the Values In A List (IN) option.

When I refresh this query in Excel, it pulls the data fine, but may take 10 minutes to run. (I am using MS Office 2003, 1Gig memory). I have limited VBA knowledge. Is there a better/faster way to pull this data?

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Modules & VBA :: Determine If A Table Def Is Linked To Excel File?

Aug 8, 2013

I am writing code to Refresh table links. I only want to refresh the Access table links and ignore the Excel Table links. Is there a way to determine in VBA if the table link is pointing to an Excel file?

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Creating Access Table Linked To Excel File

May 22, 2013

I am trying to create an access table linked to an excel file.

The excel file has 256,000 kb, 15 columns, 6,400 rows.

When I go to CREATE, DESIGN VIEW in access and try to create the new linked access table i get this message -


I click on OK and then save the back up file. The file disappears. I start over again and the same process starts again and again...

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Linking Tables Within Access To A Linked Excel Table

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to use a template to track assets-specifically this template:URL....Is there a way I can link an excel doc to my database that provides all of my data, that is thereby linked to other tables within Access?I want my data to be updated as it is manipulated within the independent excel doc when I open access.

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Input Form For Excel Linked Access Table?

Feb 28, 2014

One of the tables in my access file is a linked excel file. I however now want to create a form with which I want people can enter information in the table. However when I try to do this, it doesn't work. Whether it's possible to create an input form for an excel linked access table?

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General :: How To Break Up A Table In Access Into Several Linked Excel Files

May 3, 2013

What is the strategy for doing this rather than the code (if it's possible)? I can code a fair bit of VBA in excel but I'm not too sure about what I'm doing in Access.

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Linked Excel Table In MS Access Date Data Type Problem

Aug 29, 2005

I'm using MS access and Excel 2000. I have an Excel spreadsheet that contained 8 columns, the first column has all cell format as Number, the rest of the column is set as custom date format of 'dd/mm/yyyy'. When I create a linked table in MS Access, the data types does not matched my excel spreadsheet columns, the 'Number' data type is a double and I want a Long Integer in Access, and the custom date format become text datatype but I wanted a DateTime datatype. Is there any work around this? Seems like it is a common problem.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Linked Excel File - Excel Date Field Translated To Text?

Mar 23, 2006

I have an excel file linked to a table in Access. Several fields are date data types in excel but are showing up as text fields in Access.

My real goal is to do a comparison between two tables, but only if the date of the one piece of data is newer than the other. I had planned on comparing the two date fields but even though I have formatted the date fields in my excel file to be "Date", when I look at the design view of my table it is showing up as "Text" and therefore I am unable to do this comparison.

I'm not sure if it's just something that I'm missing but maybe someone else knows an easy fix to this. I know this is probably a simple question, but I did search the forum and didn't find a thread that specifically dealt with this issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Combo Box Based On Linked Table Needs To Pull Info For Sub-Form From Non Linked Table

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to build a Form that will show an estimate (then eventually will be moved to a project if customer and employee aggree to price and project) in a Form F_Estimates is a M_Customers(Customer_ID) (Based on a Table) and thier info in a Subform. Also is the "projected costs" from parts out of the Parts(Part_ID) (Based on another Table) in a second Subform as a list that I need to calculate $$$ in
(Dang that still sounds evil and definately NOT understandable even after edit... so)

Here's some basic info


EstimatesandParts - Table
EstimatesandParts_ID : Autonumber
Estimate_ID : Number
Part_ID : Number

Parts - Table
Part_ID : Autonumber
PartNumber : Text (not a number due to some part#s have letters in them)
PartName : Text
Unit Price : Currency
Description : Text

Estimates - Table
Estimate_ID : Autonumber
InvoiceNumber : Text (again can have letters in it)
EstimateDate : Date/Time
EstimateTime : Date/Time
Employee_ID : Number
Customer_ID : Number
ProblemDescription : Memo

Customers - Table
Customer_ID : Autonumber
FirstName : Text
LastName : Text
CompanyName : Text
Address : Text
City : Text
Province_State : Text
Postal_ZIPCode : Text (CDN Postal codes are letter num letter...)

you can see the link table in the EstimatesandParts Table

Now I want to use that link to populate a subform in the F_Estimates form


SF_Customers - SubForm

(all boxes atm are text boxes on this form till I figure out the Parts section then will use same base for this so I can pick any customer in the database to be the customer for this estimate. Also will have ctrl button for making new customer with customer form and a refresh on Focus Gain bit of code)


SF_Parts - SubForm
Default View -Continuous Forms

(want it to be a list of parts that I can grab prices and descriptions from then in a bit of code to calculate a cost of parts)

Part_ID : Combo Box
Control Source - Part_ID
Row Source Type - Table/Query
Row Source - SELECT Parts.Part_ID, Parts.PartNumber, Parts.PartName, Parts.UnitPrice, Parts.Description FROM Parts ORDER BY Parts.Description;

(Pulls info from the table Parts for input into a list of parts to be used on that project)

PartName : Text Box
UnitPrice : Text Box

(here's where I run into problems due to the fact that the form is not based on the parts table but rather the link table EstimatesandParts so I can't propogate the info to the 2 other text boxes, ps I dont care if they cant be text boxes and have to be linked or some other type I'm not "set" just need to find out how to make it work )

(have tried a couple things to complete this task)

Me.txtPartName = Me.Part_ID.Column(2)
Me.txtUnitPrice = Me.Part_ID.Column(3)

(works AWSOME ... for ONE ROW then propogates the second selection to the first and second and third selection to first second and third and so on ...)

(tried to make control source for the txtPartName to)


(Doesnt exist .. akkk, cant use ActiveForm either as it doesn't focus on the SubForm but the MainForm ... cry)

F_Estimates - Form


(all basic Text Boxes)


(Combo Boxes Select Customer and Employee from list of present ones of each)


(Both SubForms on the main form)

Now this is an Exerp from my entire Database I like to work on one small problem at a time and I have made this its own little database till I figure out the problem then I will bring the info I learn back into the rest of the database and go from there ...

Hope you can help I have a feeling I will need to make a recordset and go from there but I'm just not able to wrap my head around that for some reason

Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL help that I get from here

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Importing Blank Rows From Excel

May 28, 2006

Hi Folks.
As a newbie in Access, but not in Excel, I tried to 'get external data' from an Excel spreadsheet into an existing Access table.
However, it brought in blank rows because those rows had a formula in them but nothing else.
Any way to avoid the blanks being imported??

Many thanks

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Convert Rows To Columns In EXCEL. Thanks A Lot.

Nov 18, 2004

I don't know if it is the right place to post this question, but I know many people here are good at both Access and Excel. The question is:

In an excel sheet,
A1: Smith, John
A2: 111 Pine St.
A3: San Diego, CA
A4: (555) 128-549
A5: Jones, Sue
A6: 222 Oak Ln.
A7: New York, NY
A8: (555) 238-1845
A9: Anderson, Tom
A10: 333 Cherry Ave.
A11: Chicago, IL
A12: (555) 581-4914

2. Type the following formula in cell C1:


3. Fill this formula across to column F, and then down to row 3.

4.Note that the data is now displayed in cells C1 through F3 as follows:
Smith, John 111 Pine St. San Diego, CA (555) 128-549
Jones, Sue 222 Oak Ln. New York, NY (555) 238-1845
Anderson, Tom 333 Cherry Ave. Chicago, IL (555) 581-4914

This is exactly what I want. And I can do step 3 manually to copy that formula to each cell. But,
My question is in step 3. If I have thousands of lines, how can I fill that formula to thousands cells? from C1-C1000, F1-F1000.

I really appreciate it. Thanks.

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General :: Access Data Export Into Excel As Data Linked To Excel

Oct 21, 2012

how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"

Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.

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CopyFromRecordset Not Exporting All Rows From Access To Excel

Jul 14, 2014

I'm using the below code to attempt to export data from Access to an Excel template (Access & Excel 2010). The export works fine with one exception: Only the first ~150-200 records export when I'm expecting to export over 1,000.


Dim db1 As DAO.Database
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim mySQL1 As String
Dim strSheet1 As String
Dim strFolder1 As String

[Code] .....

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How To Determine # Of Rows In Excel Worksheet Before Pulling Data In To App?

Dec 19, 2005

Hey folks.

I have an Access db needing populated via a worksheet with unknown # rows and known # of columns. Before pulling this data in I must do a row count to determine how many records will be added to the db. Otherwise, it would be a very simple thing to just copy the contents of the worksheet over.

- Only using DAO.
- The access table is already created matching the column count in the worksheet.
- The spreadsheet will have an unknown row count.
- Some rows in the spreadsheet will have various cells empty.
- A completely empty row will mean EOF.

- I need to determine how many rows are in the spreadsheet before copying into db.

Problem that occurs from attempt:
- Overflow issue. I seem to be counting every single row on the worksheet, even though only 2 contain data.

Any ideas out there? Pasting below my latest attempt.

Dim strStorage as integer
strStorage = CLng(xlsWST.Rows.Count)

Thanks folks.

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Tables :: Excel Sheet - Removing Rows In Import?

Sep 19, 2013

I have an excel sheet that I want to import, it has 3 rows at the top which are titles that I don't want. Can I miss these rows out using the standard import function or do I need to write a custom VBscript ?

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Tables :: Importing Excel Spreadsheet With Empty Rows

Oct 31, 2012

I am using Access 2007 and we are importing an Excel spreadsheet that is received from our customer on a regular basis.When I open the Access table I see over 9,900 empty rows at the start. Following this is the actual data from the spreadsheet.Is there an import setting somewhere that would eliminate all these blank rows?

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Export Multiple Rows Into A Single Cell In Excel?

Sep 18, 2012

I need to export a list of data into a single cell in Excel.

As an example the list looks like this in Access:





and exports into individual cells. I need it to export into one cell and look like this:

450a, 650b, 320c, 4100d

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General :: Importing Excel File With VBA Without Headers And Skipping First 3 Rows

Aug 5, 2015

Basically I want to import an excel file that doesn't have any column headings and the data starts on row 4. I already have a table with all of the column headings set in Access.

My research led me to create an import specification and then edit that in the 'mSysIMEXSpecs' Table to Start on Row 4 and then use that spec in VBA to transfer the file to my table. That all seems good, but it seems like an Import Spec only gets saved to the 'mSysIMEXSpecs' Table if you are importing a text file. Nothing gets saved there for Excel.

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Excel File Imported Into Access Shows Up With More Rows Than Source

Mar 7, 2014

The access file has a lot of rows which do not show on the excel file. The added files in access either have a space before their names, an * before their names, or no name at all. I would attach the new access file but it does not show up on my windows 7 list of files on my computer. It only shows up as a new file on my access program.

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