Limitation To The Number Of Nested IIf Statements Within A Calculated Field.

Jan 22, 2008

Hello all
I was wondering if there is limitation to the number of IIf statements that can be nested in a calculated field.
Basically I need to assign a particular ‘label code’ to a record that will be derived from data with in several fields within the query. The data from the table (that the query is derived from) will be completely deleted and recreated on occasions, meaning I can not write data back to the table as it would be lost when the re-creation happens.
There is a possibility of many derivations for the ‘label code’ (maybe up to 100) so the nested IIf code will be substantial.
If there is a better way to do what I want I am all ears however I am not a VB programmer so would rather stick to doing within the query design grid, or SQL at a stretch.
Anyway the main focus to the question is there a limitation to the number of nested IIF statements.

Example preliminary test code:

Thanks in advance for any help provided regards.


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Queries :: Multiple Nested IIF Statements - Output In One Field

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to get the output of several nested IIF expressions to show in only one filed in the table created. The output needs to be captured in a table. I am staring with create table to get it to work before I go ahead and use the sql to update the original table (the table the data is from)

I can get each to run fine independently and the whole thing runs too, the issue is it wants to put each expression in a new column, thus it is forcing me to label the expression.

Can I change this to only output in one column or add some more sql to do so?

Here is the SQL (table and filed names have been changed to protect the innocent)

BTW, I cannot change the Table the data comes from, I am stuck with the single table structure (BOO).

************************************************** *************
IIf([TABLE1]![PROJ_ACTUAL_D_DATE] Is Not Null,"Tier 1",
IIf([TABLE1]![APPROVAL_D]="Y","Tier 2",

[Code] .....

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Queries :: IIF Statements - Rounding Value In Calculated Field

Mar 24, 2014

I am using access 2010. I have a query with an iif statement on a calculated field im trying to round up. ex.

TotalDiscount: Round(iif([field1]="Piece",[int]-[decr],[field2]*[field3]/[field4],3))

I get an error something like "wrong number of arguments or expression on comma.

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Nested Select Statements

Oct 4, 2007

SELECT tblNewTrans.Buyer, Count(tblNewTrans.Buyer) AS ["Total New Leads"], (select count(tblnewtrans.buyer) from tblnewtrans where AS Expr1, (select count(tblnewtrans.buyer) from tblnewtrans where tblnewtrans.refund=true) AS Expr2
FROM tblNewTrans
GROUP BY tblNewTrans.Buyer;

can anyone tell me why statement is working correctley. i have a table with a company field, paid field, refund field.

i need to run a query that gives me an amount to records for each company(that bit works), but also tell me how many payments have been recieve(new field) and how many payments have been refunded. all grouped under the correct company name. please help!!!!

the new and refund fields are checkboxes.

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Nested Select Statements

Oct 30, 2007

I am trying to combine the below queries into one using nested Select statements, but I am not having any luck. Any examples on how to do this would be appreciated. Thanks

qry1000_006_01-Base4 syntax:

HAVING (((Count([IVMSGRP])<>Max([IVMRMKSN]))=-1));

SELECT [qry1000_006_01-Base4].IVMSGRP, [qry1000_006_01-Base4].IVMTESTSN, RIVMTRM0
FROM [qry1000_006_01-Base4] INNER JOIN RIVMTRM0_STDY_GRP_TST_REMARK ON ([qry1000_006_01-Base4].IVMSGRP =

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Reports :: Nested IIF Statements With 2 Criteria To Meet

Dec 2, 2014

I have a report based on a query and in that report I added a text box to be yes or no depending on 1) the number of days to complete and 2) the type of urgency. There's 3 different urgency levels so I was trying to create iif statements based on each one with the corresponding days using the OR operator between them like below:

=IIf([t_Days]<=2 And [Urgency Level]="Expedite (1-2 days)","Yes","No")_
Or IIf([t_Days]<=7 And [Urgency Level]="Normal (5-7 days)","Yes","No")_
Or IIf([t_Days]<=30 And [Urgency Level]="Low (14-30 days)","Yes","No")

Any 1 of those by themselves works fine but I need it based on all of that. So with that said, is there a way to do this? I tried using VBA code, but I think with the type of report I'm running that that wont work. It has a repetitive one line detail section with the data I'm trying to view.

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Modules & VBA :: Easy Way To Write Nested IF THEN ELSE IF Statements

Apr 12, 2015

How do you write complex nested IF THEN ELSE END IF statements..How do you know what IF statement to put first?Then how would you know where to put ELSE, or END IF?Before you start with the VBA, what are the foundations for making it work successfully, know where you are, know where to put END IF etc?

I've seen many times when using VBA people set up an initial foundation for writing code. For example when needing to put something in quotes, they do "" then enter the text in between, so they don't get errors on running (A very simple, crude example I know, but is there a similar basis for nested IFs).

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Any Limitation On Number Of Rows/records

Apr 2, 2008

Today a guy who has done some Access programming told me that an Access table has a limit on the number of records.

Whereas I was thinking the only limit is the 2 gig size.

Which one of us is correct here?

(Access 2003).

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General :: Access 2003 Tool Box - Number Of Records Limitation

Jun 25, 2012

How many records does MS Access 2003 hold, i.e. is there a limitation & what is it?The toolbox greys out after being selected on the Menu options even though Tools/Startup/allow built-in toolbars is selected - how to activate the toolbox in 2003 version?

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Queries :: Nested IIF - Returning Calculated Results In A Query

Oct 30, 2013

What is the best approach to returning calculated results in a query. I have been using nested IIf statements that include DateAdd but I think that I am at a point where there must be a better way.

I want my query to calculate a date based on:
1) A Type field from my table
2) A calculated date based on other query fields.

My query has the following fields:
[Type] [Action 1] [Projected Action 1] [Projected Action 1 Revised] [Action 2]

I want to create a calculated field for [Projected Action 2] that says:

If [Type] is "A" then
if [Action 2] Is NotNull, Null
if [Action 1] is NotNull, [Action 1] + 10 workdays
if [Projected Action 1 Revised] is NotNull, [Projected Action 1 Revised] + 10 workdays
if [Projected Action 1] is NotNull, [Projected Action 1] + 10 workdays

[Code] ....

I would like to keep using nested IIf but I keep running into problems and I thought that there is probably a better way.

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Number Duplicates With Calculated Field In Query

Nov 20, 2011

I'm trying to make a calculated field in query that will number duplicates, not count them.

For example, I have a table with the following:


I want the query to display:

Joe #1
Joe #2
Joe #3
Mary #1
Mary #2
Henry #1

Dave #1
Dave #2
Dave #3
Dave #4

I'm fairly new to to Access and I've been trying to get that to work for awhile now.

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Reports :: Changing Format In Calculated Field (whole Number)

Apr 22, 2015

I have a calculated field in a report, which is as follows:


The calculation works fine; however, I only want to show the whole number (not rounded up; not rounded down). In other words, if the result is 0.9967, then I want 0 to appear.

I cannot figure out how to make this happen. In the properties section I ensured the format was "general number" with 0 decimal places but this didn't change the result. I tried changing the format in the calculated field, again, I wasn't successful.

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Tables :: Calculated Field In Table - Display Week Number

Jan 13, 2014

I am trying to create a calculated field in my table, I am trying to use the following code:

DatePart("ww",[Gas]![Date Opened])

I receive the following error message: "The expression DatePart("ww",[Gas]![Date Opened]) cannot be used in a calculated column."

Access 2007 - I really need to be able to display the week number in the table, based on the Date Opened field.

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Forms :: Calculated Field In A Form - Populate Series Of Number

Apr 24, 2013

I have created a form that is based on a table.

The fields in the form are currently pull downs or manual enrty fields (all based on the columns of the table... "Bound" I think you call it).

I also have fields that I manually brought into my form as text boxes that I am using to populate a series of numbers. I have named them P1, P2, P3 etc. They are unbound fields.

I have a field that I am totalling the unbound fields. It is a column in my table. At one point the control source name was the table coulmn name.

I have changed the control source to read =[p1]+[p2]+[p3]+ etc.

The total does show up in the field on my form

HOWEVER.... When I save the data the total number does not get brought into the table. All of the other fields do.

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Field Limitation

Jun 17, 2005

A newbie to Access
I created a table to store data of my clients.
One of the fields in the table was set aside for the A/c Nos (Primary Key) for my clients.
An example of the A/c no looks like this : 57051-01
After setting the A/c no as the primary key, I cant key in the "01"
The field only allows me to key in 57051.
Is there any way to overcome this? Pls enlighten me!

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General :: Limit Number Of Entries Into Nested Subform?

Nov 28, 2014

I am currently trying to figure out how to limit the entries into a nested sub form to just one.

for example im making wine collection database, I have a PURCHASE table, a WINE table containing the FK of the PURCHASE PK, and an INVENTORY contain the FK of the WINE PK.

a purchase can contain many wines, but one wine can only be in one inventory location.

I am trying to add all this information with one form. I fill out the purchase details, enter the info of X bottles of wine were in the purchase, and then with one of those wines selected in their subform, i enter the inventory details for that wine. I go select the next wine in the first subform and the inventory nested subform doesnt allow another entry.

I have this code loaded into the On Current event for the main form:

Private Sub Form_Current()
With Me![INVENTORY Subform].Form
If .Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
.AllowAdditions = True

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Way To Limit Records Visible In A Form Using Field On That Same Form As A Limitation

Oct 25, 2013

We have a database with one main data entry which stores records in a seperate table. There are several thousand records keyed in using this form. Therefore, alongside the entry we have a search form which allow the user to search for a specific record and display it in the main if he/she needs to edit one.

We have received a request from users for a functionality which allows users to browse all records, using the main form layout, that they have keyed in. I guess what I am asking is: Is there a way to limit the records visible in a form using field on that same form as a limitation (ie. the users name - which is a required key-in)?

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Queries :: Make A Nested If Then Statement In A Query Field

Apr 27, 2014

I'm trying to make a nested if then statement in a query field, and I can't figure out why I can't get my formula to work:

Volume: IIf([MethodCode]="K",[total]*12.54*0.026873,IIf([MethodCode]="S",([length]*[width]*[depth])/2,IIf([MethodCode]="M" And [Location]="SH",[total]*5.08*0.026873,IIf([MethodCode]="M" And [Location]="C",[total]*18.58*0.026873," "))))

I keep getting the "data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. If I separate out all the individual if then statements individually, they work. But if I connect them all as a nested if then it doesn't work.

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Limit To Number Of Calculated Fields

Dec 19, 2006

I only seem to be able to add some 30 calculated fields to a form or report. Anything over this returns a #Name? error. I've seen this before but have searched this and other forums but cannot find an answer. I suspect a memory issue but I have 2 gb on Pc. Any Ideas?

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Basing A Calculated Field On Another Calculated Field

Apr 12, 2006

My query contains two calculated fields [TaxSavings1] and [TaxSavings2], which are based on some currency and number-type fields in one of my underlying tables.

I just created another field in my query which looks like: [TaxSavings1]+[TaxSavings2]. Instead of adding the two fields, it actually lumps the two numbers together. For example, if [TaxSavings1] =135 and [TaxSavings2]=30.25, it will give me: 13530.25. I need it just to simply add, i.e. answer of 165.25.

Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks in advance.


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Tables :: Updated Total In Number Value In Single Calculated Row

Jul 10, 2014

I want to create a table having. These fields

(1) amount paid
(2) total fund(calculated field that is =total fund-amount paid)

Up to here every thing is ok but U want to update the total fund field updated in the next row as remaining fund

amount paid--------total fund

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Calculation In A Report - Subtract Calculated Number From A Constant

Aug 25, 2011

I have a column with a sum total in the footer. I would like to subtract this calculated number from a constant (i.e., 20,000.00). Is this possible?

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Queries :: Extract Number Out Of Field And Update Extracted Number To Another Field

Feb 6, 2015

791335.12pack. This is the object that is in one of my access fields. I need to extract the 12 and place that in another column called qty.

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Limitation Of Access

May 12, 2005

I'm actually concepting a new site about travelling, in this web site people will be able to post the stories about there travelling (in french its called 'carnet de voyage') So lets say i will let limite texte to around 2 pages and will let upload 15 picture (but have a mini picture and a big picture, so in fact its 30) and i will limite weight for big at 100ko, but pictures is not uploaded in database.. only the link to the uploading file..

The language i want to use is asp and want to use an access database.
My question is considering that if my web site would become 'popular' and let say i have 200 hundred members who have post there stories. it would do about 3000 entries on pictures, and let say that 100 peoples looking at stories at the same time, is this gonna slow down my database or even crash it?

ps: im canadian (french) so sry if my english is a little bad, i have do my best to explain clearly.

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Primary Key Limitation

Aug 1, 2006

I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a table in my database which currently uses 9 fields to make up the primary key. I wanted to add a further 2 fields to this to make 11, however Access will only accept 10. Does anyone know any way around this please?

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Combo Box Limitation?

Jun 2, 2005

Hi all,

I'm getting an error "The setting for this property is too big" for my combo box when trying to load 2 columns (fields) of about 2,000 records using a stored proc (SQL SERVER 2000) to access 2003 as my front end. If i only load the customer number.. one field it does it.. but as soon as i try adding the customer name next to each number I get this error, is there a limitation to the combo box that I'm not aware of?

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