Line Break In Rich Text Box

Aug 12, 2011

how to make a line break in a rich textbox in access 2007? Chr(13) & Chr(10) worked until I changed the textbox to rich, which is necessary because certain words in the textbox need to be bold.

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Line Break In Text Box

Jul 27, 2011

how to populate a textbox with a line break?

=[Forms]![Violations]![cboSection4] & i want the line break here & [Forms]![Violations]![cboSection5]

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General :: Put Line Break In Text Box From Keyboard?

Oct 17, 2014

Is there an equivalent to Alt-Enter in excel to put a line break in a text box from the keyboard?

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Line Break

Oct 17, 2005

How Can I remove line breaks in a string.

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Inserting A Line Break On A Report

Sep 7, 2006

I have text in a number of fields that I want to insert into a text box on a report. The size of the text box is large enough to accommodate, but I want each line to have a linefeed (or carriage return) before it.

The report is based on a query. I created a field in the query that consists of something like:...txtText1 & CHR (10) & txtText2 & CHR (10) txtText3 AS MYTEXT.

What I did was to set the control source on the text box to MYTEXT, hoping that there would be nice linefeeds in between the fields. Unfortunately, all I got were some funny-looking boxes.

What's interesting is that you CAN insert a linefeed into a memo field and that linefeed will display properly. I just don't know how to force one in there to separate lines of text.

Any ideas?


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Find Records With A Line Break Using A Query

Apr 1, 2008

Hello all,

I want to create a query that looks for a manual line break in a memo field. Is there a code or some way that I can do this? (i.e in a Memo field the user has entered some data, hit Ctrl-enter to get to a new line, entered more data on the new line. I want to find the records where this has occured)

Also, on a similar note, is there a way I can deny my users the option of doing a manual break (Ctrl-Enter) in a Control in a Form? (to prevent me needing to run this query in the future)

Please advise.


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Reports :: Export From Access To RTF Format Adds Line Break

Mar 7, 2014

I have set up an access application with a report being exported to rtf format. Would prefer word format if it is possible.

In the export document created there are line breaks on every row. This creates headache when the exported text is re-used in a word document.

is there any way how to have the export where the text is kept together without line breaks on every row?

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Modules & VBA :: Moving Rich Text From Access Memo Field To A Word Text Box

Jul 24, 2015

We need to move rich text from an Access memo field to a Word text box. So far the best Ive been able to come up with is in the code below. In this code pprs!What is a record set field of a table memo field that is bound to a text box enabled for rich text. The rich text seems to be stored as html as so I can get word to convert it by enclosing it in html tags.

Dim What As Word.Shape
Set What = doc.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal , doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin, 225, 534, 0)
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "G:Temp.html"
Open sPath For Output As 1
Print #1, "<HTML>" & pprs!What & " </HTML>"
Close #1
What.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertFile (sPath)

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Disappearing "line Break" In A Query Expression

Oct 25, 2005

I have created an expression in a query to create an address label. My intention is to create one that looks like:
City, State Zipcode

To get the proper line breaks, I used the Alt + enter method. Though it is not visible when I look at it in SQL, the fields appear on separate lines.
Here is the actual expression used:
MailLabel: Nz([Title] & ' ') & [FName] & ' ' & [LName] & ' ' & [Extension] & '
' & [ADDRESS] & '
' & [CITY] & ', ' & [STATE] & ' ' & [Zipcode]

Problem: Sporadically, the database drops my line breaks and the expression becomes:
MailLabel: Nz([Title] & ' ') & [FName] & ' ' & [LName] & ' ' & [Extension] & ' ' & [ADDRESS] & ' ' & [CITY] & ', ' & [STATE] & ' ' & [Zipcode]

The resultant entry then just wraps around, depending on the size of the column.
I am trying to use this query to create labels in a Report. Any idea why the line break disappears? Any suggestion on how to better build the expression to maintain the proper line up?

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General :: Search For Highlighted Text In Rich Text Box

Oct 1, 2012

Is there a way of searching a rich text box for any text which is highlighted and then deleting that text? I cannot find an answer to this anywhere..

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Modules & VBA :: How To Import Text File Line By Line

Nov 18, 2014

I am having a little difficulty with my importing in Access. Every time I import my text file, the lines will be jumbled. I have been reading up and I found this recordset code that seems to be what I need:

Dim strLine As String
Dim intLineNum As Integer
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Open "C:TestTest.txt" For Input As #1
Set MyDB = CurrentDb
Set rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset("tblResults", dbOpenDynaset)
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblResults", dbFailOnError 'Clear tblResults


Basically, this code will extract data from the text file as long as it fulfills the Mid$ criteria. Here's where my problem comes. Each line in my text file is of different lengths and I have to capture the entire line.

I think using the Left$ function would work, but I don't know how to determine the character count such that the entire line of text would be inserted into the table.

Another difference between what I need and the code above is that, I am required to store each line into each row of my table, meaning

Line 1 is placed in Row 1 Column 1
Line 2 is placed in Row 2 Column 1
Line 3 is placed in Row 3 Column 1
Line X is placed in Row X Column 1.

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Importing Rich Text

May 23, 2005

I have a .csv (MS Excel) file I need to import, but one of the fields contains rich text format text.

Is there anyway to clean this up before or after it is imported?



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Break Apart A Text Field

Apr 28, 2008

I am getting data passed to me in one field that needs to be broken apart. The data is first name, middle name, last name and birthdate but its in one field that looks like this:


Is it possible to break apart this field into 4 separate fields?

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Rich Text Plugin For MS Access

Oct 4, 2006


I have created forms in MS Access.. Now i want to attach Rich Text Format with each of the Text Box or Text Area... How can i do that...
I was trying to search for a plugin which would get attached with MS Access and then while creating the forms it would get attached with the Text Box and Text Areas..

Kindly please help me in getting a solution to this problem..

Thanking you,

with regards,
Kapil Sharma

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Using Rich Text Instead Of Normal Text In A Text Box?

May 24, 2012

In my form's text box I have noticed that I can;t write paragraphs ie use the TAB key to start a new line. If I use rich text I assume this will be possible. But are there any disadvantages to using rich text?

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Rich Text Area To Word Doument.

Oct 16, 2006


I am using RTF2 ActiveX Control which enables me to include the Rict Text Controls in my Access Form.

I want to generate a doc document out of the information which i type in the RTF2 Area on the Access Form. And whatever Rich Text Format information i have written there (for eg in Bold, Italics, Indentation, Tables created, Bullets n Numbering etc), is retained as it is on the Doc document which i am generating with the help of bookmarks.

Please help in how do i do that 'coz i am not able to do it using the Rich Text Format...

Thanking you,

with regards,
Kapil Sharma

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Exporting Reports In Rich Text Format

Feb 25, 2005

Can anyone help?!
We are trying to export some reports into a Rich Text format using Access on Office 2003 on a Win XP op system. When doing this on Win 98 the Rich text document was slightly out of line but not too bad. Now we are doing it on XP it is completely out of line and unusable. Does anyone have any suggestions please?

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Forms :: Memo Field In Rich Text Box

May 6, 2014

When I changed the memo field from plain text to Rich Text, I got the below divs and slashes. Is there any way to get rid of them?

<div>GC in process - EB1.</div>
<div> </div>

I had only "GC in process - EB1" in plain text.

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Modules & VBA :: HTML In Rich Text Field

Oct 21, 2014

I'm trying to output some logging to a form with a Rich text textbox

This is what the form is displaying:
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'>
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'>
14:16:32: check failed:too short 500<1000231231 >
14:16:32: Ready ...

There is some coloring in the text but I'm not display that here (copy/paste of the textbox)

This is the HTML behind it (? txtbox in imm.window):
14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=red><strong>check failed:too short 500<1000231231 </strong></font><br />14:16:32: <font color=green><strong>Ready ... </strong></font><br />

The problem is in the red > that are added to each line. I have no clue where they are coming from, in fact: they are NOT in the HTML.When I display this piece of HTML in IE I don't get the red > behind each line.I have tried to use <p> of <div> instead of <br/> but that makes no difference

Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg = Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg & "<div>" & _
Format(Now(), "hh:nn:ss") & ": " & _
IIf(strColor <> "", "<font color=" & strColor & ">", "") & IIf(booBold, "<strong>", "") & strMessage & _
IIf(booBold, "</strong>", "") & IIf(strColor <> "", "</font></div>", "")

I can assure you that the > is NOT in the strMessage ... f.e. this is the ouput of strMessage on the first line: 500 <10000 and 'S235' ='s460'

strColor is a string in which I can set a color ("red", "blue")
booBold is a boolean with which I can set text to bold

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Tables :: Memo Field Rich Text

Nov 21, 2013

I have a Memo field in my table. I have changed the Text Format property to Rich Text. I can now change the formats etc of the values in the field.

However, I now want to see the Markup HTML tags in the table fields i.e. <b>test</b> in order for me to make changes manually as well.

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Problem With Stephen Lebans Rich Text Control

Feb 13, 2008


I've just installed Stephen Lebans Rich Text Control as I have a a couple of memo fields on a form on a 2003 database where the user needs to be able to bold parts of the memo. I've installed it fine, and put the text control onto a form and it doesn't seem to do what i need (i.e. the Bold button isn't even enabled on the toolbar). I've downloaded the sample database that he has on the site and this works fine suggesting ive installed it correctly and i am going through the properties of the control with a fine tooth comb but havent found anything different yet to what i am doing on my trial form.

Any ideas what I've missed?

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Tables :: Table Rich Text Column Color

Sep 27, 2014

how I can set a color on table column formatted as rich text and memo. For instance this table has 4 different columns of remarks, one from each engineering operating center. Remarks_1, Remarks_2, Remarks_3 and Remarks_4. Each one of the 4 operating centers enters the remarks in one of these fields. On the Dashboard report, what I do is I get all these 4 fields and merge in 1 because the report is already narrow due to several other columns as well. So there is a report combining all data : =Remarks_1& " -"&Remarks_2&" - "&Remarks_3&" - "&Remarks_4 under Remarks.

The point is that the Dashboard has colorcode, Orange for Remarks_1, Red for Remarks_2, Blue for Remarks_3 and Green for Remarks_4. All these fields are memo on rich text format. On the form I have set the color of each field, however the color doesn't get set on the table as well, but only on the form fields. How can I set a defined color to each field on the table? And also when I get all data in one column, I would see all different colors.

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General :: 3075 Error When Using Rich Text Highlighting

Jul 29, 2013

My error: Syntax error (Missing operator) in query expression

Followed by <div> and other HTML code. Ending with a "3075".

I get this error after adding highlighted text to my memo fields. No other rich text formatting seems to trigger it. Specifically, the error is triggered when moving from my subform to another subform or the main form.

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Reports :: Hyperlink In Rich Text Field On Report

Dec 3, 2014

I am generating a report that needs to have a hyperlink in part of one of the fields. Prior to saving the field to the database I do a bit of VBA coding on it and add some HTML. The result is this in the field:

"There are two ways to book with your preferred rate: <br>

1. <b><a href="">Click Here</a></b>! <br>

2. Call us directly or at 1-800-Hampton and use your Corporate ID 12345."

It works beautifully if you paste it into a web page but in the Access report, Access applies the Bold but just ignores the hyperlink.

This is Access 2013 with MS SQL Server 2008 backend. Everything I have read suggests that this should work and is supported. Is there some trick I'm missing?

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Tables :: Cannot Create A Rich Text Memo Field

Jan 1, 2013

In Access 2010, I'm creating a table with a rich text memo field.

I name the field (BugDescription), select "Memo" as the Data Type, and from the Text Format dropdown I select "Rich Text."

However, as soon as I do that, it switches back to plain text.

I can't find any documentation anywhere that would indicate why I can't set this property...

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General :: Rich Text In Outlook Email From Access Form

Sep 4, 2013

I am close to getting code to send an email from access with the body of the email populated with a Rich Text textbox from my access form. The problem I am having is that the body of the email is converted to plain text in Outlook which is creating problems for me. How to identify what I can do to convert to rich text or HTML in Outlook? I also want to attach a table that is populated by a query in my application, but i haven't got that far yet.

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