Line Breaks In Data Imported From Excel

Jan 12, 2006

I have imported an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database. In Excel, a line break in a cell is entered by ALT+Enter. After importing my spreadsheet, all my line breaks appear as "□" and the text all runs together (no line breaks) in the table. The "□"s are also printed in reports. I need a way to either (1) make the "□"s appear as line breaks (e.g., by changing some Access property) or to convert the "□"s to something that shows as a line break in an the Access table memo field (e.g., CNTRL+Enter). Can anyone tell me how to make this happen?

I've tried to copy/paste the "□" into the Find/Replace dialog, but nothing appears when I paste. I understand the memo field is unicode, but I have not been able to determine what the "□" character actually is. It is not the same as the only similar squared shaped character I find in the Arial character map (U+25A1: White Square). I can copy and paste the "□", if surrounded by some other text, e.g., "xxx□yyy", into a Notepad document and it shows up as "xxx□yyy". Pasting the same into a Word doc and I get
yyy" with the line break properly displayed. I can copy and paste just the □ itself in Notepad.

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Removing CR, Line Breaks, And Tabs From Data

Oct 31, 2005

I'd like to run a search and replace on a query result to remove carriage returns, linek breaks and tabs from the data. I know that MSWord has character aliases that will allow you to do a search and replace - does Access have an equivalent for these?



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Line Breaks

May 16, 2007

I'm not sure if this is the right section for this question, but not sure where else to ask it.

We have a database and a query that is run that creates a table for a webpage.

The webpage (created in FrontPage) displays the info we need, but what we have 1 field that we would like to have display in a certain way. What we would like is, instead of having this 1 field string all the words out in a row.
For example:
word 1 word 2 word 3

Is there something we could either do in the query or within the webpage, that will force each word to a new line within it's table cell on the webpage

So would look something like this.

it makes it easier to read on the webpage.

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Update Memo Field With Line Breaks

Jan 6, 2006

I have a memo field that contains several text strings separated by line breaks. I would like to write a query to add another text string to the end of the field. How do I embed a line feed in the SQL?

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Reports :: Line Breaks In A Memo Field In Report

Mar 21, 2015

I created a form with a memo field. Data is entered. How do I get the data to print on the report on separate lines rather than one continuous paragraph? For example: Entered in form:

2/1/15 visit to house. 2/2/15 ordered new locks for doors. 2/5/15 Locks installed.

Print view on Report:

2/1/15 visit to house.
2/2/15 ordered new locks
2/5/15 locks in stalled.

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General :: Code To Remove Line Breaks In Table

Jun 20, 2014

I programming a eBay upholder, and having an issue with the description, as there cant be any line breaks in the column. I have little knowledge of Vba programming. I think I can use the replace command to change the line breaks to spaces.

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General :: Excel Numeric Data To Be Imported As Text In MS Access

Aug 1, 2015

Attached in the ZIPPED file is an Excel spreadsheet.

Columns A is all numeric, and needs to be represented in access as a text field.
Column B is a mixed format of dates entered and in some instances only plain numeric. I need to import this column as is into a text field in access.

I tried importing the excel sheet, but the data gets changed.I tried to linked the Excel sheet but it also had an influence on the data.In both cases the influence of change is NOT throughout. Hence my need to get this spreadsheet into access as is.

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Tables :: Import Excel Into Table / Overwrite Data Of Fields Imported

Mar 17, 2015

I have a table, which contains many fields, around 90. Out of these 90 Fields, around 40 will be imported from an Excel sheet, which has same headers as the 40 field names in my table, in which they have to get copied.

So when I import data, it copies them as new records, instead what I am looking at is, the records in Excel and in Access table has a Unique Key, so when I import data, matching with this unique key, the fields should be overwritten into those records from Excel, instead of adding new records.


Say I have 2 records in my access:

ID(auto generated) Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks Data_1 Data_2 Data_3
1 Fab1 193 NY Bug OC DC MC
2 Fab2 641 DRS Error AC KC FC

Now when I am importing data from Excel with the following records:

Fab_name Issue_ID Location Remarks
Fab1 193 NY - GRM Solved
Fab2 641 DRS - SGP Forwarded

So when I import the above data into my Access from Excel, based on Issue ID, it should update the values of different fields that are imported from Excel, leaving other fields (data_1, Data_2, Data_3) as it is.

And I need this to be written as a macro, so that user just has to choose the file, which he has to import.

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Help With MP3 List Imported From Excel

Apr 17, 2006

I have impotred a table of my MP3 music collection from Excel in to Access.

The Fields it contains are: "Artist" - "Album" - "Track Name" - "Track No." - & "Duration"

I would like an option to be able to list only the Artist & Albums - However, when I try I end up with a list of duplicate values for the Album field (as these relate to track 1, track 2, track , etc...)

I'm sure there's a simple solution..

Can anyone please help....


Alun Kane

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Excel Imported To Access

Nov 9, 2006


I have a table in Excel, and when I import the table in Access, some records from a specific field shows #Num! after importing, even before I imported the table, I selected the entire field in Excel and I Formated all cells to text.

The specific field hosts records in digit format[34222256], and sometime in mixed letter-digit format[M22228778], but are supposed to be as TEXT! After importing I see the first as #Num!, and the second as M22228778.

How can I get around this issue in Excel or Access.

Thank you!

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Imported Excel File

Apr 25, 2008

I have imported a worksheet from excel.

I am trying to use query criteria to seach.
the feild I am trying to search was a custom 000-000-000 cell.

I have been trying to use like "001*" but am getting nothing back.

what should I do. Do I need to change the info in excel and start over?


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Tracking Changes From Imported Excel Document

Jun 14, 2013

I am Extracting that data into an excel document from the fillable PDF and importing into Access.... NOW. Here is what I am trying to figure out. I have to alert the field of major changes, SO I am wanting Access to compare the document I imported last with the one I imported just now. Example. I change my contact information, I need a query to find that the information I submitted last time, is not the same as what I just submitted. My issue is, I cannot get a vision for this database. I can import these documents to a table BUT I cannot compare these line items with line items of the same table...

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Dropping Last Field On Excel Imported Worksheet

Mar 1, 2013

I am having an issue with an Access import. It worked correctly bringing in a sharepoint spreadsheet until a date field was added to the spreadsheet and the structure to the database. Now it drops any additional fields that are added. At first I thought if I added a filler field after the field I needed that it would still drop the last field but it dropped them both. If I insert the field in the middle of the spreadsheet....(where I really want it). It drops the last field of the email address. Which I need to send out notifications. I have tried designing a complete new table and importing it, but it continues to do the same thing.

Not sure if my problem is with the spreadsheet or Access. Somehow it is still looking at the old structure when I import even if I create a new table. Not sure what is happening.

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Excel File Imported Into Access Shows Up With More Rows Than Source

Mar 7, 2014

The access file has a lot of rows which do not show on the excel file. The added files in access either have a space before their names, an * before their names, or no name at all. I would attach the new access file but it does not show up on my windows 7 list of files on my computer. It only shows up as a new file on my access program.

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Updating Multiple Access Records From Imported Excel Spreadsheet?

Mar 1, 2012

Access Database 2010 is used to capture progress on accounts. We are able to perform remedies on multiple accounts in the field and would like to update the records in Access all at once (by batch) rather than one-by-one.

I would like to export specific records from Access into Excel, make the updates to the records in Excel, then import the changes back into Access. I am looking for the updated Excel spreadsheet to overwrite the existing data in Access for that particular record.

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Automatic Name Of Field When A Range Or Column Is Imported From Excel Into A Table In Access

Oct 9, 2014

When I import a column from Excel into a new table in Access using the Docmd.transferspreadsheet function, Access automatically assigns a field name of "F1"; and if I try to import a range of columns (Eg A1:B10), then Access saves them into a table with 2 columns with field names "F1" and "F2". The table is created as part of the Docmd function, and so I don't have control over the field names.

Is this going to always be the case? Can I depend on Access to always use this naming convention? Because I am about to start writing more code that will depend on these field names.

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Imported Data/ Input Mask

Aug 22, 2006

Hello there,

In Table A I have a field called Pin Number.
I set an input mask for this field, Pin Number.

Now I have imported a huge number of records into Table B from Excel which also contains Pin Numbers.

I need to link all fields with Pin Numbers, so my question is:

How can I change newly imported data fields to conform to a previous input mask?

many huge thanks, :)

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Imported Data Gets Deleted Automatically?

Oct 1, 2015

Am trying to import data into a blank database (MS access 2013). The import operation is successful. But the data in the tables gets deleted after a while. And all I can see are blank tables in Access 2013.

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Date & Time Stamp On Imported Data

Nov 22, 2006

I am trying to find a way to have a date and time stamp applied to records that I am importing from excel. I have not had much luck, and woudl appreciate any help.

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Tables :: User Input Once Imported Data

Jul 9, 2013

I am using Access 2002.I am going to be producing a macro that imports a txt file. Once the text file is imported there will be a empty field for a date value. Nothing in the file that is being imported will have a date in it.

I would like to (if possible) to, once the file is in the table, open an input box asking the user for a date (formated as YYYY-MM-DD) and once the date has been entered and the ok button pressed it inputs that date in to all records in the date field.

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Reports :: Creating Reports From Imported Excel Sheet

Jul 9, 2013

i have an excel data for assets and i have imported it into access 2010 but i want to be able to do the ffg;

1. want to be able to generate reports like how many computers does a particular branch have.
2. i want to be able to sum the no of each field heading per branch

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Can Access Remove Nonprinting Characters From Imported Data?

Jul 27, 2014

I copy some information from a website and then paste/values into Excel. I noticed that some non-printing characters are copied to. Suppose I were to import this Excel spreadsheet into an Access table. Now I need to clean up/remove those non-printing characters. What is the best way to do this in Access?

I suppose I could set up a calculated column with =SUBSTITUTE([InvHours],char(160),"") as the formula, where InvHours is the field name containing the non-printing characters. But if I did this, then I would still retain the original field with the non-printing characters which would increase the size of the database. I don't think I could delete it because then the calculated column wouldn't work. So I would rather not pursue this option if possible.

Would it be possible to somehow run a macro that could automatically be triggered as soon as data is imported, and that macro would clip out the non-printing characters without having to copy anything to blank columns?

Or does Access have some built-in feature that could do this?

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Creating Archive Table For 30 Days To Contain All Data Imported From Multiple Text Files?

Oct 30, 2014

i'm in the process of creating an Access database to import data in text files and then export the data as fixed width text files, this is now working fine

My next step is to be able to setup an "Archive" Table which will hold all the data i have imported across multiple import proceudres for the last 30 days, i then want to be able to "De-Dupe" any files i import against this to ensure i never load duplicate data.

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General :: Access Data Export Into Excel As Data Linked To Excel

Oct 21, 2012

how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"

Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.

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Queries :: Remove GROUP BY Line And Stick Semicolon At End Of Previous Line

Jun 25, 2013

Here's the statement


sqlfinal = "SELECT Employees.ID, Employees.Name "
sqlfinal = sqlfinal & "FROM ((qryDeptVBA INNER JOIN qrySkillVBA ON qryDeptVBA.ID = qrySkillVBA.ID) "
sqlfinal = sqlfinal & "INNER JOIN Employees ON qryDeptVBA.ID = Employees.ID) "
sqlfinal = sqlfinal & "INNER JOIN qryAreaVBA ON Employees.ID = qryAreaVBA.EmpID "
sqlfinal = sqlfinal & "GROUP BY Employees.ID, Employees.Name;"

If i simply remove the GROUP BY line and stick the semicolon at the end of the previous line (.EmpID; ) it works just fine. How is adding a group by line causing an error?I tried adding another parenthes at the beginning ((( and ending the joins as EmpID); and that failed with the exact same error.

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Forms :: How To Get Values From Line Items Form Inserted Into QUOTE LINE

Jun 5, 2014

I have a main form with 3 sub forms. The main form is tied to a table called QUOTES_MASTER. The first sub form is tied to a table called QUOTE_ LINE_ ITEMS_DIRTGLUE. It calculates the subtotal when selecting items. The relationship is one-to-many linked on QUOTE_ID.

The second sub form adds up total of all line items and is not tied to a table.The third sub form adds ESTIMATED FREIGHT to the PRODUCT TOTAL and is not tied to a table. how to get the values from the line items form inserted into the QUOTE_LINE_ITEMS_DIRTGLUE table as they are added.

I also want to insert the total value from ESTIMATED DELIVERED into the LINE_TOTALS field in the table QUOTES_MASTER.I tried this code on the product total sub form but it doesn't do anything and there are no errors:

Private Sub PROD_SUB_AfterUpdate()

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