Link Tables And Auto Append Fields

May 27, 2007

I have created 4 tables which have 3 field common in all these tables and carry the same data value. Is it possible to enter data in the first tables and it copies to other tables automatically. After all its the same 4 data fields in these tables.
Liver database
Table 1. Auto ID; Surname, First name, Patient ID;-----other not common fields.
Table 2. Auto ID; Surname, First name, Patients ID;----other not common fields.


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Link All Tables By Special Number Will Info Auto-populate?

Aug 20, 2013

I have a few questions about tables and forms joining, and auto-population of data.

If I join all 8 of my tables one to one to one to one to one, is that possible? That is my first question.

Secondly: If I have my RSN number that I'm using to track each record, is it possible that if I type in the number on a different form, and two of the fields are similar on every form that they will auto populate since the tables are joined?
And if they're filled out in one form, they should know that these were the fields we said were attached to this number it'll just appear? Is that a real thing?

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Auto Generate PDF When User Click A Link Based On Available Tables Within Database

Aug 9, 2012

I would like a way to auto-generate a pdf when a user clicks a link based on available tables within my database.

Basically i have developed a pricelist database and our reps need a printable pdf version of that available items and there attributes.

I have done some research and it appears that visual studio and crystal reports may be what I am looking for. This is an access web database that is accessed housed in sharepoint.

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How To Link 2 2 Fields On Different Tables

May 29, 2006

Anyone can help me how to link fields in different tables. Im creating a databse that has an ID. and that ID will be same with the ID on the other table.

Table 1
ID = 123

Table 2
ID = link to (Table 1 ID) and when i input characters on the Table 1 ID field it will appear or inputed also at Table 2 ID field.

Hope some ideas. Thanks


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I Need To Link Fields In Different Tables

Nov 7, 2005


Can you tell me if the following is possible and if so how to do it.

I have several different tables which require a date to be entered.
99% of the time this date is the same ie
(Table 1) Visit Date = (Table 2) Scan date 1
(Table 1) Visit Date = (Table 3) Scan date 2 etc.....

However in some cases Scan date 1 and/or Scan date 2 may not be the same as Visit date so the input does need to be editable.

Is there anyway I can link the information in Table 1 to automatically be displayed and stored in Table 2/3 and to be able to edit Tables 2/3 if the scan date is different to the visit date which it could be for a small number of records.

Is this possible or is it simply impossible to do this.

Thanks for any advice.

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Possible To Link Fields Through Multiple Tables?

Dec 6, 2012

What I have is a table ('tblJobLog') with our main listing in it where we add customer job information as it comes in. The 'Customer Name' is a dropdown list that links to our table 'tblCustomers' so that we can ONLY select a customer name that we deal with. The alternative is to add a customer or list them as COD.

Now this is where I would like to target, the COD's. We still like to keep a record of who the COD is and we have some common customers that are listed as COD only.... So when we go to enter the customer name we have to put COD and in the description we are suppose to input the customer name (We will says RandyShop <--- me, for now).

What I would like to have done, if possible, is to see when we select 'RandysShop' from the dropdown, it checks to see if the COD Status (in the 'tblCustomers' table) is set to YES (its a check box, or YES/NO field). If it is set to YES (or selected) then the change the name shown in my main 'tblJobLog' to look something like COD: RandysShop.

The reason I would like, if possible, to do it this way, is because some customer go on and off COD regularly as the mess around with payment. So instead of creating a new customer that is listed as COD: RandysShop to have access do the leg work based on a simple YES/NO field (COD Status).

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Tables :: Auto Populating Fields Within Tables

Nov 23, 2012

I have 2 tables tblworkdone and tbltests, both have a date field and are both subforms in a tabbed form on the main form. When I enter a date into the tbltests subform I would like the date to automatically be entered into the tblworkdone date field and create a new record so that when I move to the tblworkdone subform with the date already there.

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Tables :: Auto Generating Fields

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to create a database to manage some project related functions. the main thing I want it to do is manage the resource allocation and costs related to fixed price projects and ultimately be able to produce reports that show the Bid vs Forecast vs Actual in relation to someones time and hence building the first table which I want to store the initial Bid data. I have a need to have fields automatically generate based on the value of two other fields. this is used to identify how long the project will run for.

for example:
prject start date of 1/1/2014
project end date of 31/12/2014

Auto Generate 12 fields in which to put the monthly resource usage for each resource.

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Auto Lookup Of Fields From Seprate Tables

Apr 24, 2007

I'm new to access and trying to figure out how to use a field to look up and return results from multiple tables. I've tried several books and also the northwind traders example. What i'm trying to do is just like the oder form in the orthwind traders example on the order form. I would like to insert the customer name via a combo box then have the address, phone etc. automatically update as well as automatically update the shipping address etc with the current billing address. I know this is pretty basic but I must me missing a step.

Thanks in advance


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Tables :: Auto Populate Fields In A Database

Dec 6, 2014

I have a table called Jobslog which contains records for my permanent jobs I have to do for customers in one week.Structure is like:


Each job is assigned to a team, but is following same schedule every week.Can I create like a module or query to autopopulate the table with next week jobs, but putting the date as well, not only day name.For example, each Monday job should have a date field which should be 8/12/2014, Tuesday jobs should have 9/12/2014 and so on until Sunday.Usualy they are more jobs for each day (not day and job).

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Forms :: Auto Fill Fields From Associated Tables

Sep 24, 2013

I have a data entry form feeding a table named [Group Members] using Access 2010.

It has 4 fields; [Group ID] & [Group Name] derived from tbl.[Groups] and [Member ID] & [Member Name] derived from tbl.[Mail List]. The 'ID' fields are foreign keys from the respective tables.

The 2 'Name' fields have drop down lists for input selection, but my requirement is to cause auto fill of the 'ID' fields when the respective 'Names' are selected.

I had assumed that this simple requirement could be achieved with a suitable control on the form property sheet. It is so simple to do in Excel!!

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Tables :: How To Have 2 Auto Number Fields In One Table

Jun 4, 2013

I am having a table for invoicing and vouchers, and I need to have two fields that will have auto incremental numbers. How I can have two fields in the same table with autonumbers and how can I get one of them to start from a different value.

Eg. Record 1 - [inv No] 1 [Vno] 0005
Record 2 - [Inv No] 2 [Vno] 0006

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Tables :: Auto Fill Fields With Drop Down List

Nov 9, 2012

I have a Table named TBLBookings...on one of the fields I have a Lookup wizard thats linked to a Table named TBLVehicles which includes

Car Reg
Car Type

When I run the TBLBooking and click the drop down list it shows up

Car Reg
Car Type

but once the field is clicked all it shows in the records is the REG where in a form id like to see what vehicle it is location it possible to have extra fields in the form named Car Type and Location and once the registration is chosen it automatically fills in the correct details for them?

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General :: Auto Fill Multiple Fields In A Form From 2 Tables

Apr 3, 2015

I have two tables, "Summary" and 'POC Information". In the "POC Information Table I have all my Contacts Information (Name, Title, Phone, Email, etc...) and I am trying to assign 2 POCs to each of my multiple projects located in the "Summary" Table. I am using a Form called "JCIDS Tracker Input Form" as the link. So far I am able to assign one POC by a combo box that lists "Full Name", then it autofills the other information...Phone Number, Email, etc... The problem come into being when I want to assign a second POC to the same Project...I can assign a name, but it won't correctly autofill the rest of the just autofills in the information from the first POC that was selected.

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Access Form Auto Populated Fields With Linked Tables

Nov 29, 2013

I am really new to Access 2010 as I normally use SQL so im sure this is a very basic question. I have a form where I have linked some sql tables to a table in access so the data gets stored in SQL. The form consists of many fields the basic fields are Policy ID, Name, Office, Month, Dept etc. At the moment users have to fill this in using comboboxes and text boxes but I want to change this so when the user puts in the Policy ID all the other fields are populated ie in the office field it would have a sql query of or something that looksup the office from the policy id that is entered:

WHERE [Policy_ID]='what is entered into the Policy ID field' and so on.

Also not sure if this works but as I have now linked the tables to SQL does this mean that when a user fills in the information into the form it will then update the SQL table or is this another issue?

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Tables :: Auto Calculation In Sum Field After User Input (numbers) In Fields

Dec 28, 2012

I have a table, at the table I'v got these fields:

ID | num1 | num2 | sum

I want that the user put numbers at 'num1' and 'num2' fields and then the 'sum' field will calculate automatically the operator (sum=num1+num2).

I've tried to put any combination at 'Default value' of the sum field (all the fields are numbers , also tried to change the sum field to text...nothing works).

I'm getting a message that 'num1' field is not recognize at the table

(I tried =[num1]+[num2], without the '=', num1.table+num2.table , ...nothing works)

I also tried to do it with SQL command but it dosn't work.

There is any way to do it, is it possible? Or other way to do it at least at Form or at Report ?

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Auto-populate Junction Table Based On Equal Fields In Different Tables?

Jun 24, 2014

Is there an easy way to auto-populate a Junction table [in access 2010] given the following two tables with a many-to-many relationship for Tasks? The two tables are

Table 1) tblTasks (TaskID (PK), Description), and

Table 2) tblMeasures (MeasureID (PK), Description, Tasks)

If JCTN table is JCTN_Tasks_Measures (TaskID, MeasureID), is there a way to populate when tblTasks(TaskID) == tblMeasures (Tasks)?

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Tables :: Auto-Fill Fields Based On Linked Table (Access 2007)

Jan 6, 2015

I understand right off the bat if you're reaction is "don't duplicate data!!" -- mine would be too (don't fret, I know my normalization).

I've linked a table in my db to my Global Address Book in Outlook 2007 and, upon entering an employee number as a new record, would like to verify that the number entered is listed in the GAL and then pull in the associated name and location info.

The key is that I don't want this info to rely on the GAL going forward. For example, if an employee leaves or is no longer listed in the GAL, I don't want to lose the employee info (past data is needed for audit purposes). Note: I will be creating a report later to show if there are discrepancies between the GAL and my table, but that's another story...

So, what would be the best auto-fill options in Access 2007?

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Run An Append Query Using Link Criteria?

Mar 21, 2007


I have an append query which runs from a command button. It transfers all the fields I want it to but when I run the query when in one particular record it not only appends the field for the current record but appends the fields for every other record in my table. I know I should be running the query using stLinkCriteria but I'm not sure on the syntax for the code, see below:

stDocName = "qryAppendOtherAdults"

stLinkCriteria = "[ApplicationNum]=" & "'" & Me![ApplicationNumber] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

Can someone help me with this one please?

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Tables :: Two Fields In A Table / Link To Same Lookup Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a table "Product" and in this table I have two fields "StoragePlaceID1" and "StoragePlaceID2". Both these fields link to the look-up table "StoragePlace"

*Attached Image "Product_StoragePlace" from the Access Relationship Window"*

When I want to add a new Product from my inter face i get the error you can see in the Attached Image "Save_Error".I think the problem is that the Relationship is defined as One-to-Many,there a way to define the relationship as Zero-to-Many.

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Append A Record Using Vba Where There Is An Auto Number Field

Jan 5, 2006

Hi, basically what i want to do is append a record to a table using vba. I would like to take two values from my form (productID, supplierID) and insert them into a table (supplierProductsTBL) under the same headings. I've constructed an sql statement but am getting the following error:

runtime error '3346'

number of query values and destination fields are not the same'

I think this happens because the table also contains an autonumber field (supplierProductID) and i'm not referencing this in my sql statement (below):

mySQL = "INSERT INTO SupplierProductsTBL ( SupplierID, ProductID ) VALUES ('" & SupplierID & "'), ('" & ProductID & "')"

i wuld just get rid of the autonumber field but i need this.

Any help on this would be appreciated, cheers mark.

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Append Query And Auto Populate Field

Dec 24, 2013

I have a tbl that gets populated from an append query and a form that is crated from this table. there is one field that gets populated from the append query called departments, the department names are long and we have abbreviated versions of the department names that I would like to use.

In the table I have two columns “department” (for long name) and “updated department” (for abbreviated department name) When I use the append query to update the department (long name) I want the abbreviated department column to populate.

For example if department column reads "Drilling and Workover" from the append query, I want updated department column to slefpopulate to read "D&WO"

I want the updated department field to automatically fill with the abbreviated name. How do I do this?

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Queries :: Auto Number In Append Query Every Time

Oct 19, 2013

I have a sample database created by self. It has a table name"List_Member"

I am using delete query to delete all data in that table and append query for append new data from master table name"Allmember

When i append data to "List_member", it should start with S.No.1,every time

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Tables :: Splitting Database - Front End Does Not Link To All Tables In Back End

May 28, 2013

I am splitting a database and have created the Back end already. When I create the front end and link to the tables on the back end... The front end does not link to all the tables in the back end. The list that comes up when creating the linkings does not show all the tables in the back end. What would cause this?

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Beginners Question - Auto Update Fields Based On Fields In Another Table

Nov 26, 2007

I don't have any database experience whatsoever so please go easy.
I'm guessing this kind of this is extremely simple for all of you.

I'm constructing a database of network resources and devices and I'd like to automatically update the values in one field based on the values of a field in another table.

The first table is called "IP" and the fields are called "Address", "IP Type" and "Device".
The second table is called "Devices" and contains the fields "Name", "Description", "Asset Number" and "IP".

Here's an example of the tables: (ignore the "code" tag. i've only used it to align my columns properly)

XserveFile Server107203.30.144.75

AddressIP TypeDevice

What I want is for the Device field in the IP table to automatically update it's values based on the values found in the Devices table. In this case, the values that should appear in the Device field in the IP table are "Xserve" and "ProliantX".

I've searched through but haven't found a complete solution, just little pieces which I'm too inexperienced to put together myself.

thank you

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Auto Rearrange Fields Or Hide Fields In DataSheet Based On Criteria

May 17, 2007

I have main form and that has one sub-form , this Main form governs/determines the data in the sub form.

This Sub form ( DataSheet Mode) has approximately 130 columns and based on the Main form criteria only ~ 20 columns has to be filled.

What I want to do is based on the main forms criteria I want to show only the columns that are applicable to main form criteria.

If I use Columnar or Tabular single form for the Sub Form I am able to hide the fields that are not required BUT IT LEAVES A SPACE/GAP on form ( for the hidden fields that are not required)

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Forms!frmShowPIforActiveAndCanAddNewPI!FrmSubFrmFi lterProductInformationPerFMT!CASETIF = True Then

Me.CASETIF.Visible = True
Me.CASETIF.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

And If I use DataSheet and hide ( visible = no) a particular filed it still shows up in Sub Form

Is there a way to Auto-Re Arrange all the fields in the sub form so that the hidden ( visible = no) fields no not leave gap

Or is there a way by VBA program to select fields ( Columns) from a table to be displayed on a sub form based on a criteria


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