Link Two Tables - Changing Field Types

Jun 11, 2012

I am needing to link two tables but one field is in a "May 2012" format while the other table is in a "053112" format.. Is there a way beyond creating a formula to change "053112" into "May 2012"??

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How To Display Field Types Of Access Tables In Vba?

Apr 5, 2005

How to display field types of access tables in vba?
can any one show me how i can display display field types(like : phone integer ....) of
access tables in a text box using vba? I have no idea how i
can obtain that information using vba. Looking forward to your

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Changing Data Types

Oct 19, 2005

Is there a way to change the data type for multiple fields at once? Such as 20 text fields to numeric in one step.


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Tables :: How To Link Two Table On Part Of Field

Apr 6, 2015

I have two tables (A) and (B).

Table (A) contains key-field name "position1".
table (B) contains key-filed name "position2".

How to make a link between key-field "position1" and part of key-field "position2".

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Tables :: Two Types Of Date Format

May 13, 2015

I have a table that has a date format DD/MM/YYYY this is good for some records that the date is known, however some records are more generic and the format is MM/YYYY, is it possible to be able to type both formats in the table (and consequently in the form)?

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Converting Data Types With Linked Tables

Aug 3, 2007


I have 2 linked tables, I would like to join these tables in access, however the first table's field is a memo and the second table is a number. I have tried to cint() the field in a query but I get an error message "Explicit conversion from datatype text to smallint is not allowed"

Any ideas how to get around this problem?



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Field Types

Sep 10, 2006

I am building a table where one of the fields is a yes/no field type. When the yes box is selected, I need to "jump" to a different set of field names than field names for selecting no. I have researched on internet and have done some reading but have found no information. Is it possible to do what I want to do in Access? My skill level is that I can build tables, create forms, create reports and run simple queries. Any help offered is appreciated.

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Tables :: How To Open Form Using Hyperlink Data Types

Jun 8, 2014

I create a table that have one hyperlink data type and i want to open a existing form that i created using this hyperlink.

Can this hyperlink data type open a form in the same access database? or open form in different access database?

Using hyperlink button have the function to open form in same database but the problem is this function is not available in hyperlink data type.

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General :: Attachment Field Types

Apr 12, 2013

I have a database for recording jobs and invoices for our transport company. I was thinking of adding an "Attachment" type field to my invoice table to store pdf's of scanned copies of the delivery notes relating to the invoice. How this will affect the performance of the database? Will adding this field greatly increase the size of the database and slow the whole database down?

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Attaching Files Of Different Types To Table Field Thru VBA

Apr 23, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have a PO table. Each PO has 3 documents of multiple types (one may be Word, other may be Excel, Acrobat). When I display the PO, the attachments should be shown as Icons, which when double-clicked, will open in its own Application.

I have a pop-up screen where I enter new PO details. In this screen, I have Attach/Detach buttons for each of the Documents.

My Requirement:
When I press 'ATTACH' of Doc1, the File Selection screen should be displayed from where the user will select the file to be attached. This file should be updated into the table field "doc1".

When I press 'DETACH' of Doc1, the file in table field "doc1" must be cleared.

How can I achieve this???:mad:

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get ForeignTable Field And Relationship Types Using It

Jul 25, 2014

For reasons I need not get into as it generally proves to be a distraction, I need to document the relationships in databases.

I've been playing around with .Relations with some success.

I can easily get the relationship's name, Table Name, Table Field, and ForeignTable.

For i = 0 To objDestDB.Relations.Count - 1
With rsMigrateRels
!RelNumber = i
!RelAttributes = objDestDB.Relations(i).Attributes
!RelFields = objDestDB.Relations(i).Fields.Count
!RelFieldsName = objDestDB.Relations(i).Fields(0).Name
!RelForeignTable = objDestDB.Relations(i).ForeignTable
!RelName = objDestDB.Relations(i).Name
!RelPartialReplica = objDestDB.Relations(i).PartialReplica
!RelProperties = objDestDB.Relations(i).Properties.Count
!RelTable = objDestDB.Relations(i).Table
End With
Next i

However, despite lots of digging into the other properties and attributes associated here, I cannot yet figure out how or where to get the:

ForeignTable field
The type of relationship (1:1,1:many,many:many)

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Summarization In Report Footer With Two Types Of Output From Same Field

Mar 22, 2007

Hello everyone

I am in need of assistance with Microsoft Access. In the reporting function of Access I am trying to have a summarization total of indirect time and direct time based off a Auditor Timesheet form developed. On the report I am able to see both the direct time and the indirect time hours seperate per auditor based on the query that is run to seperate direct and indirect hours and each individual auditor stats.

but the problem I am having is trying to summarize on the report the total direct and indirect hours as a whole.

Please let me know if this a simple solution by building an expression in the field for the report or some type of VBA code input which would suffice?

Thank you

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Tables :: Changing Field Data Type But Keeping Data

Oct 23, 2013

I have a field in a table that is comprised of mostly numerical data but some records are text.

I want to convert this field to numerical only and make a new field to put the textual data in.

However converting the field will delete the textual data. What is the easiest way to convert the field but save the textual data AND append the textual data to the SAME record that they were in originally in the new field?

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General :: Create A Spec File Or Set Field Data Types

Jan 26, 2014

Looking for a way to use transfertext to make a table and create a spec file from csv files I am importing. I want all fields in the table to be shorttext.

Otherwise I need another way to bring the files into a table.

I have a generic spec to use that brings in any data as text.

Created the spec from a delimited file with 255 text fields... Field001, Field002, etc.

However the field names need to be changed. My field names are in the first row of a table. I will need to read each fields data in the first row and rename the field.

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Access Field Types Change When Relinking Data From Sql Server?

Jan 25, 2014

We have been using an Access (Access 2013) program where we link the program to dataviews created in sql server.

Recently we had to re-link the data views because a change had been made to them. When we relinked the data we noticed that the field type for the field used as the primary key changed from "Short Text" to "Long Text". The programmer who created the dataview from sql server said that nothing was done at that end that would have caused the change

I know how to prevent the problem from recurring. We are changing the sql server spec from VARCHAR(8000) to CHAR(20).

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Tables :: Splitting Database - Front End Does Not Link To All Tables In Back End

May 28, 2013

I am splitting a database and have created the Back end already. When I create the front end and link to the tables on the back end... The front end does not link to all the tables in the back end. The list that comes up when creating the linkings does not show all the tables in the back end. What would cause this?

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Modules & VBA :: Changing DSN Linked Tables To DSNLESS Tables?

Jul 16, 2013

I have linked tables in my db at the moment that rely on user dsn connections to an SQL server. I've been reading about DSNLess connections and want to try convert what i have to have permanent DSNless connections, but the code I've found doesn't appear to be working.

I've removed server specific details where i felt necessary, but when running the code i have it in place.


Public Sub RefreshODBCLinks()
Dim connString As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tb As DAO.TableDef
connString = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=<database ip address>;DATABASE=<

[Code] .....

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Changing Linked Tables Into Regular Tables

Dec 20, 2007

Hello All,
I currently have a bunch of tables that I have linked to a SQL database. For development purposes (easy of use), I'd like to turn all those tables into regular tables rather than linked so if I take the db offsite, all the data is with me. I realize there will be no updates, etc. but that really doesn't matter for my needs in this case.

Is there a script or an easy way to do this? (besides doing a manual import for a LOT of tables)

I've tried searching but I might not be searching for the correct terminology.

Thanks in advance!


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Cannot Link Tables

Dec 24, 2005

Hi There

i am trying to link some more tables to my access front end from the sql server back end

when i select 'ODBC Databases' from the link pop up box, the pop up box just closes

any ideas why, or work arounds would be appreciated

Happy Christmas

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Link Tables

Jun 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to link tables automatically/VBA?

I'm trying to import files from our DB2 database in which one file is created monthly and instead of manually importing / linking the files manually, I'm looking to have access link to the new file automatically.

The file names are structured as so..

ITM01 (Jan)
ITM02 (Feb)
ITM03 (March)


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Link Between Tables

Mar 3, 2007

Hi All

I enter data in a form "WIP" that is based on a table named "WIP" in the form I have a command button. When I activate the command button it takes me into another form "Materials" which is based on a table named "Materials".

The data that I enter into "Materials" is not linked to the data ie Customer details which I have entered into "WIP".

My aim is to be able to report the materials used.

I have tried variations of relationships but am obviously missing something.

Thanks in Advance


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How Do I Link These Tables

Oct 12, 2005

I have a database with software

ID: autonumber
Name: text
Version: text (some say Beta etc)

Possibly 200 pieces of software

I have a database of computers

ID: autonumber
RoomName: text
ComputerName: text
Description: text

I want to link them so a computer can have up to 200 pieces of software in it or just one piece.
I dont want a table with 200 boolean fields although thats how i will end up doing it if i cant any other way.

Chances are each computer will have about 20 - 30 bits of software installed and therefore the table shouldnt need to be huge.
Anyone have any ideas how i can link these and keep the second table small. Surely i can say Computer [2] has software installed [2, 4, 5, 28, 224] but i dont know how to.

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Cannot Link Tables

Mar 21, 2006

I have a spilt database and both ends sit on a server. The front end has a short cut on the desktop from five machines.

On one machine I can access the backend but it i try and relink the tables, the linked table manager is empty and i cannot and the "always prompt for new location" option is not available so i cannot even do it individually that way.

Any suggestions of why this would be? Is it a security user issue (though i haven't specifically set up any user or workgroup securities)

I have even tried holding down the Shift key and that doesn't work!!


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How To Link A Field To Another Depending On Information Filled In One Field

May 13, 2013

I have a couple of fields in Access. To explain I will show here the fields I have and their datatype

ID: Autonummer

Amendment: Text
Basis info: Yes/No
Sex: Yes/No
Period: Yes/No

Now, in the amendment field, I've inserted a combo box, with 3 options in it. Let's say option A,B and C...The thing I want access to do, is, when option C is selected, I want fields Period, Salary and Shift to be automatically "Yes".But if option A or B is selected, the the user must choose what the other fields are going to be either Yes or No

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Link Tables Programatically

Apr 21, 2006

Is it possible to unlink and link to tables in a back end using VBA in the front end?

I need to do this or something similar because when I send updates of the front end out I may have added an extra table and thus want to be able to get the user to run an update module to link any new tables.

Not sure if this is at all possible???

Any ideas???

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How To Link 2 2 Fields On Different Tables

May 29, 2006

Anyone can help me how to link fields in different tables. Im creating a databse that has an ID. and that ID will be same with the ID on the other table.

Table 1
ID = 123

Table 2
ID = link to (Table 1 ID) and when i input characters on the Table 1 ID field it will appear or inputed also at Table 2 ID field.

Hope some ideas. Thanks


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