Linked Forms Problem

Apr 4, 2005

Hi all, hope someone can be of help with this one. Doing a database for a pet minder and have chosen to use linked forms for a more user friendly interface. The problem I have is that when I enter data on the Animal Details subform relative to an owner it is not updating such that when I examine that owners record again the animal details have not been saved. i have enclosed the database please could someone have alook and point out the noob error I am making :o

Thanks Lol :D

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Forms :: Refreshing Non-Linked Forms On Close

Jan 23, 2015

Form1 contains the sub forms Form2 Form3

I open Form4 in dialogue: Amend records and close the form

What do I write in the code to do the following:

on close

Refresh or requery all of the forms.

I've tried


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Forms :: Linked Tables - New Records And Sub Forms

Dec 12, 2013

I'm developing a system which uses linked tables (to an Oracle database) and subforms. I'm trying to add functionality to create new child records, but am running into errors when saving these records.

Parent table is PATIENT, child is DIAG. I have my DIAG Form_Current event set up to detect whether a record is new. When this happens I populate the DIAG foreign key with the relevant PATIENT primary key, and run a query to the underlying database to find out the next DIAG primary key. I then populate all the necessary fields.

On attempting to leave this record however, I get an ODBC call failed error, telling me that the the primary key constraint in the database has been violated. The reason is that Access isn't saving the record to the underlying database. I've tried to prompt this using Me.Dirty and RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord, but both of these just generate type mismatch errors.

What am I missing? Is there some particular set up for linked tables and creating new sub-records that I need to put in place?

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Linked Forms

Jun 6, 2006

I have a database containing two tables which are related through the Staff
ID number.

The first table Staff information is related with a 1:* relationship to the
bookings table.

I.e. one member of staff can book many courses.

I have created the forms based on these tables using the wizard provided in
Access 2003. Mid-way through the Wizard I used the option to LINK the forms.

When you open the Staff Information form you have a button which says
"Bookings". When you access the bookings form you are provided with a
listing of the courses the staff have booked onto.

My problem is that if I add any records to this bookings table they are
added; but to an incorrect staff record i.e. not the filtered record from the
staff Information table. How do I get added bookings to 1) Be retained 2) Be
retained within the filtered record already selected?

Please HELP!

Thanks for reading and sorry if this all seems a bit vague - not great with
terminology x

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Linked Images For Forms

Jun 15, 2006

Hi all...

Does it make a big differance in the size of your database if you have all the images in the forms and reports linked instead of embedded? I have about 15 reports all with graphics and and about 7 forms with graphics also... Just wondering if it would make a big difference if after I split the database and create a folder with the current graphics and just link them all.. Or would that be a waste of time...?


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User Friendly Linked Forms

Jun 2, 2006

ok can someone please explain this to me..

i linked the booking to the driver using the ids through the bookingdrivertable.

the italic fields are the ones i have included in my Query called "bookingdriverquery"

booking id (autonumber)
date (date/time)
time (date/time)

driver id (autonumber)
name (text)

booking id (number)
driver id (number)

after doing this i created a form using the wizard, choosing all the fields from the "bookingdriverquery"

when i opened my form, i hid the booking id and driver id (as they are autonumbers anyway)

i then added a date.. a time.. and a driver name.. pressed save..

the booking table had 1 record, the driver table had one record.. and the bookingdrivertable had 1 record (both the ids)

this is the outcome i wanted..

i would however like to use the booking id and link it to another table in the same way.. a customer table for example (using booking id and customer id)

i had trouble however doing this.. because to duplicate this above method means that my user will have to re-enter the same booking details on another form.. and then the customer details..

how can i link all this together.. if someone wishes ask me a question and i will try to explain.. someone help me please.

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Updating Linked Fields On Forms

Mar 2, 2005

I have two forms linked by a field "JUVIS". My problem is that I can't get the second form to show data newly entered on the first form without moving to another record on the first form. I have a command button on the first form that
opens the second form. All works well, meaning the forms are synchronized,based on the JUVIS field, except in the case of entering new data. In this case the second form opens to a blank screen instead of showing the JUVIS field. The forms are both linked to tables not to queries. Any help would be appreciated

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Linked Forms- Foreign Key Update

Apr 30, 2006


i need help regarding linked forms..

i have a combo box in a form, where one has to select a country for example UK is chosen, then there is a button that when clicked it opens in a pop-up form and displays all the information related to UK.

so there are two tables : Country (CountryNo : primary key) linked to CountryInfo (CountryNo: foreign key) linked with a one- to -many relationship.

my problem is when you have to add new records to the form CountryInfo, how can i make the foreign key update automatically? thus when adding data to CountryInfo, the CountryNo must be the same to the CountryNo in the CountryTable..

any help will be appreciated thanks a lot.

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Linked Table Problem With Forms

Sep 21, 2006

I was recently asked to use access to create a data entry system for coders when they are coding videos. I was asked to create forms that only used fileds from one table of a set of linked tables. I need the tables linked with referential integrity so that I can combine all this information in a useful way later, however whenever I try run my forms, except for the first form that connects to my "master table", all of the rest that need to link to it give me an error message about an inability to maintain referential integrity.

Is there any way that I can have access treat my forms to all be a sequence. What I mean is that if I had a single form with all of the fileds from every linked table, there wouldn't be a problem with integrity since all the changes are simultaneous. Is there a way I can have access treat all of my individual forms as one whole so it deals with the data in a similar way? Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me!

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Linked Forms And Parameter Transfer

Dec 4, 2006


I have a form "article" with a button "place an order". Click on the button opens another form ("order") where I should fill the order for the current article.

The problem : how can I tell to "order" form that I want to order the article I was on in my "article" form, and not another one ?


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Problem: Reports Linked To Forms

May 23, 2006

I have an input form where all the data entered gets transferred to a single table. I also have a report created so I can print it off and view whatever information has been entered onto the form

At the moment when I go to view the report it is showing every record that I have previously entered using that form but I want it to only show the record I am currently entering.

The record source for the report is the table where the data is being stored.

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Forms :: 3 Linked Drop Down Boxes

Aug 13, 2013

Is there a way in which i can link three drop down boxes together?

I'll create an example of what I mean...

I'll attach a Excel file which contains two identical filters, one of them where the filter is turned on.

If I select the "Serviced" filter, I am left with three options for "Make" and two options for "color".
If I select the "color" as "White" I am left with just one "Make" - "MG".

I understand that some sort of "hierarchy" needs to be in place so I will Make it so that "Serviced" Must be entered first, then "Color" then "Make" so that if you select a different "Service", the "Color" and "Make" will repopulate with the appropriate values.

This is certainly possible with a REDICULOUS amount of coding that would map each value to its corresponding values however is this possible some other (easier) way?

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Relinking Multiple Linked Tables That Are Linked To Different Databases

Feb 2, 2012

I have a database with a number of linked tables that are linked to tables in different databases (not a back-end).for example, I have table1 that is linked to table1 in K:databasedb1.mdb.table2 linked to table2 in S:datadata.mdb.and so on...

However, recently we have moved all our databases to a new location.

K:databasedb1.mdb is now residing in O:masterdatabase
and S:datadata.mdb is now residing in O:masterdata
and so on...

I'm now in charge of relinking all those tables to point to the new location.I would do this in linked table manager one by one but we have 100s of tables linked to multiple different databases in different there a way to create a VBA code that will automatically do this re-linking process?

1. find unlinkable tables
2. search its new location under O:master
3. re-link it to the new location

Database names and tables names have not been changed. Just the location of databases.

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Multiple Forms Data Linked To 1 Record:

Feb 6, 2006

What I have is a form with a combo box that lets a user select the Letter Type. For 1 letter in particular I want it to open up a subform(s) that holds "options" that users can click on. My question is how would I get these options / multiple options to link to 1 record that correlates with the Letter Type?

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Forms :: Query Linked Form Won't Allow To Add Text Box

Sep 29, 2014

I am using Office 2007 and have a form that is linked to a query, also I have a sub form linked to the same query. I cant understand why both forms say in their properties that they are linked to a query but when I try and add a text box to show customer ID it tries to show data from a table

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Forms :: Linked Field From Other Table To Form?

Feb 24, 2014

I'm creating a form for orders. In this form I use a combo box to select a product from a table called "Products". In this table there is also a second column with the "PricePerUnit" How can I insert the PricePerUnit from the table Products into the table Orders when I select a product with the combo box?

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Forms :: Get Data From A Linked Excel Sheet?

Mar 6, 2013

I have a excel table (lets say the format is as follows)

col1 col2
dataset1 value1
dataset2 value2

(where col1 and col2 are the column names and dataset x and value x are the respective data values of each column) I have a access form and it has a combo box and a text box From Combo box I need to retrieve data available in col1 o excel once a particular dataset in col1 has been selected by Combo box the respective value in col2 should be displayed in text box in access form.

I was trying to create a linked table in excel to access ( I don't want to export data from excell to access since my excell sheet is getting changing time to time. so i don't need to change the access table every time)

for combo box a simple query like below works to select the col1 values from sheet 1

select col1 from Sheet1 (where Sheet1 is the linked table name in access)

I wrote a code similar to below using DLookup to get respective values from col2 however it gives a error '#Name?

=DLookup(col2,Sheet1,col1=[Forms]![FormName]![ComboBox Name])

(here sheet 1 is the linked table name in access, I didnt give the absolute path of the excell file)

this returns the above #Name?

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Forms :: Subform To Be Filtered On Just One Of Linked Fields

Jun 10, 2015

I have a form [Art_DepartmentFilter] that has a subform [Art_ByRoomSubform]. The linked master/child fields are DeptID and RoomID.

There is a list box on the form that allows you to select the department, and this also updates a list box that shows the rooms in that department that have art in them.

I would like the user to be able to filter the form to show either all of the art in that department, or just the art in the specific room. I have two separate buttons, one for each filter (cmdDeptFilter, and cmdRoomFilter).

I realized I had to add the link for the RoomID in order to get the filter for the room to work (which it does nowoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[qry_artbyroom]![DeptID]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textdeptid] and [qry_artbyroom]![roomid]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textroomid]").

However, DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[qry_artbyroom]![DeptID]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textdeptid] and [qry_artbyroom]![roomid] like '*'" returns just the first room listed for the department, not all of the rooms.

How can I show all of the rooms for the department selected?

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Forms :: Linked Table - IIF Statements In SubForms

May 15, 2013

I have some linked tables I'm using as subforms. I'd like to make the data a little more readable rather than numbers that my linked table spits out (can't do anything about it).

In my main form I can use the control source and enter something like this:

I can put as many statements as I want, just add a bracket at the ned for each one. Works great.

This however does not work in the subform. I get a circular logic error. If I then add a table reference like:

The error goes away, but it still displays as #Name?

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Forms :: Clear Fields In Linked Objects

Jul 16, 2015

I am currently working on a main form in Access 2010 which includes quiet a lot of fields, therefore i choose to create parts of it (which are as well optional, as they do not apply to all records) as different forms which i linked to the "mother" form afterwards through a checkbox by using the following code:

Private Sub chkMajor2_Click()
Dim strformname As String
If Me.chkMajor2 = True Then
strformname = "Major 2"
DoCmd.OpenForm strformname, acNormal
End If


to make the next form visible for selection after filling in the current one...something like an "add more.." field actually, which i choose to represent as checkbox.The issue that i encounter is that when i click the "Add New" button in the main form, it doesn't clear also the fields in the linked forms. Is it possible to do that with a VBA code? Or how should i proceed?

The current code that i have for the button is:

Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

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Forms :: Adding New Records To A Linked Table

Sep 24, 2014

Is it possible to add new records to a linked table ? i tried it out but new records is not possible, is there a workaround for this.

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Forms :: Populating A List Box From A Linked Table

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to build a build calender to display customer orders on given days. I have the calender in place with intentions of having a list box on each day to display the orders.We have a daily report that is an excel file that lists these orders. I have linked this file to an access table in my db.

I am able to use this linked table to run a query and generate a report without any problems.When I try to use the information in this table to populate a list or combo box the only fields that will display are all numbers. If I use a field like "Customer Name" I get no information displayed. The data in excel and access are both set as text.

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Forms :: How To Update Linked Excel Graph

May 14, 2014

I have a linked Excel graph in my form. The process I go though to update them is:

User clicks on button
Excel opens up
Procedure in Excel runs that updates the data and the graphs
Excel Closes

The user does not see any of that. This process works fine. But the linked graph does not actually update in the Access Form. To do that I run the following code:

Set ctl = Me!OLEUnbound_pream
With ctl
' Enable control.
.Enabled = True
' Set Locked property to False.
.Locked = False
' Set Verb property to activate for editing, but not visible
.Verb = acOLEVerbShow
.Action = acOLEActivate
End With

The problem I get is that once .Action = acOLEActivate is ran, Excel opens. I don't understand why it does that and how do I close it.

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Forms :: New Record On Linked For CustomerID Field Blank?

Feb 27, 2014

Ok i have a customer form with a button that opens a job form the customer and job tables are linked with a customerid field.

When the job form opens the records are filtered to show the ones matching the customerid displayed on the customer form.

Problem is when i then go to add a new record on the job form it leaves the customer id field blank instead of knowing to pass on the customer id ?

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Forms :: Display Pie Chart Which Is Not Linked To Table / Query?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a status form which I use to show users the progress of various routines as they are performed. It's pretty basic; just a textbox and a couple of coloured labels; one for the outline ('things to be done') and one for the progress so far ('things done').

I have a function which I call periodically during the runtime of the routine which passes as arguments the text to display in the textbox (i.e. a description of which 'thing' is being worked on at that time) and two long integers representing what is 'done' and what is 'to be done' (i.e. 3 'things' done out of a total of 7)

So if I can divide a function into 7 distinguishable 'parts', I would call that function 7 times during the life of the overall process to show the updated status each time.

The function redraws the labels (i.e. sets the width of the 'done' label as a proportion of the width of the 'to be done' label, based on the ratio of the two arguments) and repaints the form. So you get a nice animated progress bar which can be easily controlled by calling the same function and just incrementing the 'done' argument each time.

Now - and admittedly this is purely aesthetic and for my own curiosity rather than anything fundamental - I was wondering if it were possible to represent this progress as a 3D pie chart rather than a horizontal bar (label)?

For no other reason than I think it would look really tidy.

I know it's possible to add a chart object to a form but the chart wizard insists I link the chart to a table or query. In this instance, I don't want to do that; I merely want to draw a very basic pie chart based on the two values passed as arguments to the status function.

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Forms :: Pulling A Field From A Table Not Linked To A Form?

Sep 21, 2014

I have a contributor tracking table that is linked to a form of the same name. I created a make table from a query that calculates the total to date for each contributor (based on their contributor ID in the tracking table). I want to place this sum to date, in read only mode, on each contribution record for each contributor in the tracking table and on each master record in another table with the contact information for each contributor.

The contact table is in the one and the contributor tracking table is the many. If this isn't clear, I can upload the database. I essentially want to link a field from one table to a form with a different table source. The sum to date should only show for the record with a matching contributor ID.

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